Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste Chapter 92

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste Chapter 92

Ashley‘s pov

Blake looked confused, she smiles and her eyes dance with happiness. “It‘s me, Christal. We went to school together before I moved when we were in sixth grade. I just moved back actually,” she laughs.

Blake brows furrowed and his blue eyes scan her form. She dressed pleasant unlike me who still had sweats and Blake‘s huge shirt on.

Then his eyes stopped on her features and his eyes widened in realization. My stomach does uncomfortable somersaults and my heart clenches. “Christal White?” He questions with a smile on his face.

1 swallowed the bitter tang of jealousy. Christal had been in our class until she moved away in the last term in sixth grade. She was what you‘d call the perfect girl, polite, beautiful and knew how to get what she wants. Far from how I am.

And it didn‘t come to anyone‘s surprise when Blake started to have a crush on her. He‘d blush when she was around and would stutter when she spoke to him.

He‘d try his best to make her like him back. He would pick his mother‘s flowers, beg his parents for chocolate to give to her. He thought she was his princess. Until she moved and I had to put the pieces back together. She left him shattered when she moved without saying goodbye. And I was there for him both Ryan and I. So you can imagine how jealous and angry I felt when he literally said her full name, smiled at her the way he used to in sixth grade.

He remembered her but not me. I blinked back the familiar sting of incoming tears.

She nods, her eyes portraying how happy she felt that Blake remembered her. “Yes that‘s me, how‘s Ryan? The last time I saw him he had braces on.” She laughed.

“Did you manage to get his parents to name him Austin instead?” She giggled and then her warm brown eyes fell on me and she smiled. Her perfect white teeth on display.

“And is this Ashley? Your messy hair gave it away.” She giggles. 5

I furrowed my brow, reaching up and raked my fingers through my loose curly untamed hair. Was this meant as an insult?


I cut in, my tone blunt and emotionless. “Blake has amnesia so he won‘t be able to answer all your questions. I‘m surprised he remembers you since you left him without saying goodbye.” 1 Was I acting like a bitch? Yes. Did I care? Not one bit. Her brown eyes widen and she snaps them to Blake who looks uncomfortable. “Oh I’m so sorry, how did this happen?”


Mlake darts his eyes away from her and scratches the back of his head “Rot shot at the back of my head trying to save attend “lle animits dropping his hands and wraps hin fingers around the coolmetal of the cant

Her brown eyes sadilen “oh I‘m so sorry this happened to you. I‘m happy you‘re recovering” She asked, scanning her eyes over his tall muscular form He nods and turns to me and smiles.” Yes I am, Ashley has been taking good care of me Don‘t know how I would‘ve done it without her.”

Of course my heart melts at his charming smile but vexation still runs in my veins for he remembered her and not me,

So I send him a barely there smile, one without emotion. His forehead creased in a frown but he doesn‘t question my now sudden cold mood.

I lace Christal and I watch with satisfaction when her brown eyes drop down to stare at Blake‘s hand more specifically the ring wrapped around his finger: Her eyes widen in shock. “You‘re married!” She gasps.

Now my lips split into a smile, one so cocky that I was ashamed I was acting this way. I was about to answer but Blake answered before I could He reaches over to grasp my hand that showed off my wedding ring and lifts it to show it to Christal who looked even more surprised. “Yes I am, apparently I put a ring on her. You know, claiming her before anyone else could.” He joked but there‘s seriousness hidden in the depths of his voice. 1

I smiled in satisfaction and nearly awed at the way he almost sounded possessive, More and more he‘s beginning to act like the same Blake,

Christal smiles but there‘s no fakeness, nothing portraying that she did not like the news. She was always perfect, I guess she stayed that way. “I‘m happy for you both, you guys were literally joined by the hip. I actually shouldn‘t be surprised at all.” She finally says with a twinkle of mirth in her eyes,

“So how long have you been here? Are you staying for long?” It was Blake who asked the question. I nearly grit my teeth. Were they still going to have a conversation while I had food nearly squashing me?

She lifts her hand to tuck some hair behind her ear and looked at Blake shyly, “About a few hours ago. Actually I‘m now living on my own and I seem to forget a lot of things around here including stuffing my fridge.” She laughs and Blake joins her. “Join the club, unfortunately I also forgot a lot of things.” He points at his head and chuckles, squeezing my hand subconsciously. From NôvelDrama.Org.

I honestly had forgotten he was still holding my hand, I was too busy glaring a hole in Christal‘s head.

Christal laughs. “You remembered me, so I should consider myself special.” She joked. My eyes sting and I pull my hands out of Blake‘s warm larger one. Jealousy coursed through

my veins

She didn‘t know he doesn‘t remember me but I felt like she was pushing my buttons on purpose. But that was probably me being insecure. I cleared my throat. “Well it was nice talking to you Christal but we should probably get going. I need to cook dinner and I‘m starving.” If you listened well you could detect the sour tone in my voice.

If she sensed it or not she didn‘t show. Instead she turns to me and sends me a soft smile. “It was nice chatting with you two. Hope we could someday catch up since I’m now back in town. You two could probably show me around again? I kind of forgot the place.” She giggles.

“Sure we‘ll definitely catch up. See you around.” From my tone you could tell I wanted out of there and Blake definitely got the hint. He smiled at Christal, said bye and rolled the cart away.

“Is that jealousy I sense?” His voice is full of amusement, his breath hitting the back of my neck

I shivered. “Jealousy? Ha now that‘s funny. Why would I be jealous? I‘m not jealous.” I lied through my teeth.

I hear his laughter and my insides turn to goo.“Yeah sure.

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