Betrayed Heiress: My Second Chance Mate is A Lycan King

Chapter 41: Kingston’s Daughter

Aira’s POV

Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I make sure my attire is perfect. Today is my first day resuming work at Kingston’s company, and I have to make a good first impression. Camille had explained everything to me last night, and even though the information was quite bulky, I think I got most of it.

She showed me around the estate and even the room I slept in when I was just a few months old. Everything looked so strange; I couldn’t remember a single room or object in this place. But at the same time, being inside that home just made me feel… at peace.

I felt at home.

When Camille asked me if I wanted to go into my parents’ room, I instantly rejected the idea. I don’t think I am ready for that yet, and I highly doubt I ever will be. Camille nodded in understanding and took me to the room I could actually call my own. It was by far one of the biggest rooms I had ever seen.

Everything screamed luxury and power. From the queen-sized bed to the flat-screen TV to the white couches, black curtains, and sheets, it all just gave off this royal vibe. If I didn’t know any better, I would consider the room dangerously similar to Alex’s room.


My heart ached at the thought of his name. Whenever his name pops up in my mind, I am immediately reminded of the second he kissed Ana. I knew that would be an image that would hunt me for a while. But I will get through it.

Ever since last night, Alex has been blasting my phone and demanding to know where I am. At first, his tone started off a bit harsh and authoritative. But soon his texts became more apologetic and a lot softer. It almost made me want to run back into his arms and forget everything.


Alex, where are you? My men can’t find you anywhere.

Alex: Aira, answer me; in fact, just come home right now.

Alex: I know you can see my messages; stop ignoring me.

Alex: Look I know you are mad at me and possibly hate me, but doing this is pure torture. I am worried about you; please just come home. You can stay in the room furthest away from me. I just want to make sure you are safe.

Alex, at least just reply to me so I know you are alive.

Alex: I’m sorry.

A tear slipped past my eyes at that last message, and I decided it would be better to just block him. I can’t deal with this right now. I have a legacy I just learned I had to uphold a few hours ago. I cannot afford to crumble so soon.

Although I have to admit that it was hard trying to fall asleep last night, Something in my heart kept tugging at me, and I instantly knew it was Akex. He was trying to use our bond to get to me. He has never done that before.

So yeah, it was safe to say that I did not get much sleep last night.

A tired sigh leaves my lips as I stare at my makeup-covered face. I had to conceal my eyebags with layers of cosmetics. Everything has to be perfect.

My eyes trail up my red two-piece suit. My hair has been curled into a bulb, and my make-up was slightly heavy but not too attention-seeking. My Louboutin heels increased my heart by two whole inches, and I wish I felt as powerful as I looked.

All will fall into place with time, Aira.

That is what I tell myself. Grabbing my purse and keys, I make my way out of my room and join Camille downstairs. I have to say, she looks so cute in her little red suit and tight bun.

She smiles warmly at me and asks, “Are you ready?”

I shrug my shoulders and say, “I doubt I will ever be.”

She pats my back reassuringly. “Don’t worry, you will do great; you have Kingston blood running through your veins. Come on, let’s go.” She says so, and I follow her out to the waiting car.

We hop in, and before I know it, we are heading down to the company I inherited from a father I never knew my entire life. All this is a bit much to grasp in a span of a few hours, but I suppose I have to get a grip and do what I have to.

When we arrive at the company, I have to crane my neck far back to get a good look at the top. This has to be at least a twenty-floor skyscraper. I am surprised to find members of the paparazzi at the gates. Their questions and flashing cameras were a bit overwhelming, so I keep my head down at all times.

Once we get past the gates, the car comes to a stop before the company’s entrance. A guard opens my door, and as I step down, I thank him. My eyes fall on a line of people in suits standing before the entrance.

“Those are the heads of departments. You will have to do a formal introduction, and in turn they will introduce themselves to you.” Camille says, coming to stand beside me.

“Okay,” I say, taking in a deep breath and marching up the stairs. Once I arrive at the top, I offer them all a bright smile. “Good morning,” I greet politely, and I am pleased when they all smile warmly at me.

“Good morning, Miss Kingston,” they say in unison, and I would be lying if I said that wasn’t a bit creepy.

“Please call me Aira. I don’t know how things usually work around here, but I would like to consider all of you my friends. Now that I am here, Kingston’s will become far greater than it already is, but that can only happen if we all work together. So, can I count on you guys?” I clap my hands, staring each and every one of them in the eyes.

“Of course you can,” one of the men says.

“Wonderful, so please do tell me your names and the department you head,” I say, and they do just that. There are a total of many departments, and I would be lying if I said it wouldn’t take me a while to get to actually know all of them, but baby steps, I guess.

But there were two that stood out among the ten. A man and a woman.’

The woman had the brightest shade of blonde hair I have ever seen; her eyes are even more vibrant, a shade of blue that reminds me of the sea. Her smile could brighten up a whole room, and her aura was just naturally soft and delicate.

“I am Aurora,” she says, and I nod.

The man on the hand was tall. His eyes were a sharp silver color, and his hair was darker than night. His lips are slim, but when they stretch into a smile, they pop out a very cute set of dimples.

“My name is Travis; it’s so good to have a boss as hot as you,” he says, shooting me a charming smile that made my cheeks heat up a bit.

Aurora slaps him in the back. “Travis, control yourself!” she scolds before pulling him away. I shake my head in wonder and a bit of amusement as I make my way into the company. I have to keep myself from gaping at the magnificent infrastructure.

The second one stepped foot inside a wave of cool, conditioned air and slapped the skin. The walls are made of pure glass, and everything screamed luxury. I joined Camille in the elevator, and we headed up to the floor where my office was.

Which just so happened to be on the twentieth floor. The elevator doors part, and my gaze falls on two guards standing before a posh wooden door. They open it for me, and I don’t make any effort to shut my mouth when it drops.

The office walls are made of glass, giving a spectacular view of the city below. The table is made of glass as well, and the seat behind it is black leather. The book shelf in the left corner stretched on The flat-screen TV and couch by the side were definitely a personal addition.

I suppose my father really loved watching the news.

“He was a football fan,” Camille said, as though she could read my mind. “So, what do you think of your new office?”

“I love it,” I reply.

“I am glad you do, because now there is a lot of work to be done. You see, I did my best to keep up with the company’s records and keep it on its feet, but due to old age and fatigue, I couldn’t keep up, so there are still a lot of things to be done,” she explains, and I nod in understanding.

“It’s fine; I will handle it,” I tell her, and she smiles up at me before making her way out of the office.

“And Camille?” I say, making her freeze in her tracks. “Thank you.”

She chuckles lightly. “No, thank you, dear.”

I do not get to ask what she could possibly be thanking me for before she walks out of the office. A sigh leaves my lips as I take my seta behind the desk and start on my paperwork. True to Camille’s words, there really is a lot of stuff to be done. After a few hours, I decide to take a quick break and scroll through my social media, and I am shocked by what I find.Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

My face is on the cover of every local news channel. Again.


Pictures of me entering the company and addressing my staff are all over the place, and I can’t help but wonder how they get these things to go viral so fast.

I drop my phone and refocus on the pile of work set out in front of me. I have absolutely no idea how long I spend engulfed in the piles of paperwork before a knock comes in through the door.

“Yes, come in,” I say, not once lifting my gaze.

“Miss King-I mean, Aira, you have a visitor,” Aurora says, and I finally meet her eyes.

“And who might that be?” I ask, and she shrugs.

“He says his name is Alexander.”

Shit. He found me.

Sighing to myself, I wave my hand in the air and say, “Very well, let him in.”

She leaves, and shortly after, my door is opened once again. The hair on my skin stands, and every fiber of my being comes to life. Alexander walks in looking as devilishly handsome as ever in his dark suit and cool eyes.

I match his demeanor, looking up at him without a hint of emotion.

“Alex, it’s a it’s a pleasure to see you here this evening,” I say coldly, and he hums.

“Believe me, the pleasure is all mine. Who would have thought the little girl I inquired about all those months ago was actually the daughter of a billionaire?” he says, and I offer him a tight smile.

“The world is a crazy place.”

“Indeed, it is,” he says, and there is a moment of silence. “Come home, Aira.”

“I am home,” I defend, my eyes narrowing into slits.

“No, your home is with me, your mate,” he says, and a scoff leaves my lips.

“Go tell that story to Ana, not me.”

Alex sucks in a rush of air and pushes his hair back; his frustration is evident. “It was a mistake; you have to believe me. She took me off guard for only a second. Why the hell would I want Ana when I am clearly in love with you?”


My heart stopped beating after he uttered those last words. What was he doing to me? Why was he evoking so many emotions within me and making me crumble from the inside?

“I love you, Aira; believe me, I would never do anything to hurt you,” he says, and I tear my gaze away from him.

“Well, you have certainly done more than enough damage already,” I seethe. “Just leave, Alex. It’s over. Like you said, I am not that scared little maid your men found in the woods all those months ago. I have grown. And you should, too. So please leave my office before I ask security to escort you out.”

For a moment, he says nothing. I can feel his eyes boring holes into my skull, and suddenly it becomes almost impossible to breathe.

“I am not giving up on you. I am not giving up on us,” he says, and I feel a pang in my chest from his words. He begins to walk towards the door, but before he leaves, he says, “Congratulations, Miss Kingston.”

Then he was gone.

The dam I have tried so hard to build crumbles once again, and I let the tears flow like a running river.

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