Betrothed To The Mafia Lord

Chapter 159

Chapter 159

Sofia’s POV

I felt the moving limousine slowly pulled to a stop and after it completely stopped, I knew we were going

to be alighting the car any moment from now.

Was I nervous? Yes, a whole lot.

I was nervous about a lot of things at the moment and the main reason for my nervousness was the

man sitting beside me at the moment.

I shifted my eyes a little and grazed the side of his face, drinking in his side profile, and it seemed like

every part of him, relating to his body, was just so freaking perfect.

I averted my gaze after a few seconds, before he could catch me staring and I quickly used the

opportunity to down the rest of my drink, and then I reached forward and placed the empty cup on the

top of where the champagne was sitting. My hands were starting to feel clammy and if I didn’t start

calming myself down at this point, I was going to start finding it hard to take in breaths into my lungs.

I puffed out a breath and reached up to Pat my hair, and the side of my shoulder, Just because I was

nervous and needed to do something with my fingers to take my focus off what I was going to meet as

soon as we alight the car, which for some reasons, was still closed, even though it had stopped moving

for about a minute now.

I puffed out a deep breath and dragged in another deep breath, allowing myself to try to calm down.

Panic attacks were the worst and I wish I didn’t have to be faced with it a lot… Come to think of it, I go

through it a lot of times in my life, and something manages to hit home completely, while sometimes, I

always manage to calm myself down and send it back before it completely attacks.

The most embarrassing moment of my life ‘yet’, was hnd time whereby I had come to, to Luca’s heavy

body above mine, pushing me into the bed and blanketing me completely into the bed. I shook my

head a little, not wanting to think about that particular moment at this point because it was only going to

make my incoming panic attack more intense than it currently was, and so I decided to focus on

counting the numbers in Roman figure in my head, in order to completely distract myself from reality at

this very moment.


“Sofia?” Luca’s voice blended into my head instantly, cutting into what o was silently reciting in my head

and I quickly turned my head around to stare at him, to see him watching me intently.

And once again, with his full gaze on me, watching me in this particular way that always felt like he was

staring into my soul, only makes me want to hide away from him and cover the flaws around my whole

being, away from his piercing eyes.

His eyes roamed over my face and I lowered my gaze immediately, afraid he was going to figure out

the fact that I was currently trying to fight off a panic attack, which had been thankfully receding right

before he had called my name, moments ago.

He reached his hand out and placed his index finger beneath my jaw like I suspected he was going to,

and then he tipped my face upwards until I had no choice but to stare into his face.

Despite how much I’ve locked eyes with him, it skews us still felt like a lot of hard work for me to be

able to successfully hold his piercing gaze, coupled with the fact that I had a really jumpy urge around

me, it makes it even harder for me to try to effortlessly hold his gaze.

I swallowed emptily, suddenly feeling thirsty, even though I had taken a glass of champagne some

minutes ago.

“What’s wrong?” I heard his voice bleed into my head and I blinked up at him right before I lowered my

gaze. After about a fleeting moment, I lifted my gaze up to his face once again to lock eyes with him,

before starting to reply.

“Uh, water? Can I get some water?” I whispered and I watched as he kept staring at me, without

making any move to get me any thing to drink, or to move his finger from beneath my face.

“Is that the only thing wrong with you right now, just water?” He asked after a moment and I felt my

heart start to slow down, of course he had figured out that something was wrong, of course, he just had


I meant he was luca, wasn’t he? And it was obvious thay I wasn’t wrong with my whole feeling whereby

it had always felt like he was staring into my soul.

I nodded my head a couple of times, and I watched as he shook his head at me after a few moments.

“You don’t seem fine. What’s wrong?” He continued, pressing on.

“I, uh, nothing’s wrong.” I replied, shaking my head as I spoke.

“Tell me what’s wrong, bunny.”

I lowered my gaze after that, as the word ‘bunny’ sank into my head slowly. It wasn’t the first time he

was referring to me with the word ‘bunny’, but it was like the third or fourth time he was referring to me Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

as that.

And each time he had called me that word, it had always left a weird feeling in the middle of my chest,

the feeling was a really nice and relaxing feeling, and I didn’t know if it was right for me to wish he’d

keep on referring to me as that.

I mean, it was an animal’s name and he was referring to me as that, but that didn’t stop me from feeling

light headed each time he had referred to me as that.

I didn’t know what I was even supposed to say to him in the first place, about what it was that was

wrong with me. Do I start speaking to him about the fact that the thought of being beside him and

remembering how much he had kissed me back at home, was making my head feel all light each time I

thought about it, or do I start to speak to him about how the thought of going outside the car was

making me really nervous, and how I was currently trying to stop myself from having a panic attack.

I start to move my fingers against each other on my thighs, tangling my fingers against one another, not

knowing what I was supposed to start to speak.


I raised my gaze upwards to stare up at him and I bit on my lower lip as I stared up at him, and after

still feeling like he was currently stripping me off my clothes, skin until all that’s left behind for him to

feast his eyes on, was my raw and confusing emotions.

“Are you nervous?” He asked after a moment, and I felt his other finger start to graze the underside of

my jaw. I hesitated for a moment before giving a nod of my head, feeling every drag of his fingers

against my jaw.

“Don’t be, alright?” He continued and I stared at him after that, wondering what he meant by that,

because if it was that easy for me to not be nervous, I'd most definitely stop being nervous even before

he tells me not to.

And so, I nodded my head once at him after a couple of moments.

“I’ll be beside you throughout the night, ok?” He continued to speak and I felt my heart start to tighten at

those words, he was just always surprising me more and more, every time.

“Okay,” I whispered, feeling really grateful for those words, because it felt like I count believe what he

had just said, and because it was the first time someone apart from my brother would figure out the fact

that I was nervous and that something was wrong, just from staring at my face.

It left a really warm feeling in my chest, that was sliding down into my stomach oh so slowly.

I felt his other hand come up from nowhere to start to move through my hair lightly and I felt my eyelids

start to flutter a little at that. There was just this way his fingers slid through my curls that was always

sending shivers sliding down my spine and making goosebumps appear over the top of my skin.

I didn’t know that I had unconsciously started to lean my head into his touch until he pulled his hand

away, and then he started to speak, just as I realized what I had been doing, moments ago.

“Do you still want that water?” He asked and I nodded my head instantly. Waters helps with my panic

attack a lot and at this point, I couldn’t feel the panic attack anymore the way I had been feeling it,

some time ago, thanks to the distraction in person, who was still currently staring into my gaze.

He retrieved his hand from beneath my chin and reached beside him for a bottle of water, before

turning back towards me with the top of the water currently unscrewed.

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