Betrothed To The Mafia Lord

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Luca’s POV

“Thirty thousand dollars for the ocean drop necklace.” Jake announced into the mic with the said

necklace raised high in the air by his index finger. “Going to the Darta mafia… going…”

“Thirty one thousand dollars!” An average height man called out immediately he got to his feet and the

leader of the said Darta mafia scowled at him before adding an extra thousand dollars to it, topping the

average height man’s bargaining price.

It ended up getting sold to the Darta mafia and he sat back down with so much pride oozing off his

body, I didn’t miss the way he threw a scowl at the man that had attempted to get the necklace at a

higher price.

It went on and on and with time, I started to imagine Sofia in all the displayed diamond accessories and

how it would look like on her. It was hard to concentrate and pay attention to whatever the Jake dude

was saying because an image of Sofia wearing one of the ocean drop necklaces that just got sold out

was messing with my head.

The image was of her in her silk, sexy underwear with this necklace dropping all the way to rest on

those small and firm boobs of hers that I wanted to fondle and thumb despite how much I’ve been

trying to convince myself to not want that… because it was Sofia, and I shouldn’t be thinking about her

that way.

“And now, we’re going to be moving to the second level now that we’re done with the third level.”

Harley announced into the mic before throwing her hand in air and waving it around. “Who’s excited??”

The crowd cheered loudly and the music got turned on at the same time, making the get even louder. I

glanced at James just as he was starting to turn his head towards my direction.

“We’ve still got time on us, right?” I asked him as I quickly glanced at my wrist watch on my left wrist

and he whipped out his phone and quickly started scrolling through it.

“Yes, we do. I shifted our second appointment for today a hour forward than scheduled at first, because

I knew this was going to take so much time.” James explained without glancing up from his phone

which he was scrolling through, he leaned towards me and shoved his phone in my face. I blinked and

squinted at it as I tried to read what he was showing me.

“They want to see us?! You managed to get an appointment with them?” I paused and glanced at

James who had a wide, knowing grin on his face. Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“The fuck man? How did you do it? This is so insane?” I continued, leaning into him to stare at the

phone from over his shoulder to see him replying to the email he showed me moments ago.

“I have my ways.” He said and I groaned lowly and try to stop the smile from spreading out on my face,

can James get any more amazing?

I’ve been trying to schedule an appointment with the owner of one of the biggest shares companies in

America, to no avail… but once James got involved, it happened in a week.

Now, wasn’t that insane?

A loud noise erupted in the crowd, resulting in James glancing away from his phone, to the front of the

crowd where it seemed was the cause of the noise.

The Jake dude had taken his shirt off and had worn one of the diamonds they were auctioning, making

the crowd go wild.

“Now, this piece of cake, worn by this piece of candy, is going for a hundred thousand dollars. Let’s see

those hands if you’re interested.”

A lot of hands went up almost immediately and I narrowed my eyes at the crowd, and there I was,

moments ago, thinking that the majority of crowds didn’t come with enough money.

A man spoke up first and everyone turned around to stare at him. “I’ll have him for one hundred and

fifty thousand dollars.” The man said and the crowd erupted in screams, while Jake doubled over in

laughter on the stage.

“That was really smooth, man.” Jake hooted into the mic and everyone went crazy, squealing again


“Thank you. My throat is way smoother than that, by the way.” The man replied calmly and Jake stared

at him this time without laughing, he was biting on his lips and toying with the necklace on his neck

while still staring at the man who was boldly hitting on the Jake dude without any care for what anybody

was going to think.

And the crowd was such a vibe, eager for more sexual innuendos from the man.

“You can have me then, I mean, you can have the necklace.” Jake started to say, shamelessly flirting

back and the crowd went crazy immediately, banging on their tables and hooting loudly.

“Man, these people don’t even give a damn about what people who aren’t a fan of the lgbtq community

would think of this.” James leaned into me and murmured quietly, and I couldn’t agree more.

“I know, right? It’s a good thing the majority of the crowd are enthusiasts for that kind of thing. It’s also a

good thing that they don’t need to live in complete silence anymore, now that the world and its beliefs

are getting more advanced and their knowledge, getting more broadened.

“Anyone else wants to bargain for the necklace?” Hayley asked and waited a few beats before lowering

her mic and Jake took over immediately. “Alright then, Mr sexy with a smooth tongue and throat gets

the… necklace.” Jake said and the crowd went loud, taking all at once and disagreeing all at once.

“Alright, alright!” Jake called out loudly with a dramatic sigh before starting to speak into his mic, while

thumbing the necklace on his neck once again and looking everywhere but in the still standing man’s


“The fine man gets the necklace… and me.” Jake finally announced and the crowd literally cheered

loudly like they all won the lottery or something really important.

“Thank you, sexy.” The men called out loudly and slowly sank into his seat, everyone openly staring at

him once he got seated.

And the auction continued until the second finally got over.

“And now, for the first and final level, the best, the extras, the most exquisite of them all… has all been

added into this set.” Hayley paused dramatically for a few seconds before continuing, excitement

obvious in the way her voice kept changing tune after each word. “You know how they say the best

gets saved for the last, that is what exactly happened here today.”

“But don’t worry, it’s not limited to only a particular person, any one of you can love one of the items

that’s going to be displayed in a few minutes time and decide to buy it immediately, that’s how it works

here. All you have to do is to bargain until nobody decides to top your price, that’s all.” Jake said

smoothly, the diamond he had worn on his neck, nowhere to be found. He hadn’t bothered to wear his

shirt back, probably because he wanted to drive the man who had flirted with him, some time ago.

“With that said, let’s watch a preview of the items thst are going to be displayed, shall we?” Hayley said

just as the whole lights in the large hall dimmed slowly before finally going out without a sound.

A few people in the crowd started murmuring but their voices got silenced by themselves when the wall

of the front of the wall lit up brightly, and the next second, different pictures started popping on the wall.

Diamonds rings, diamond waistbeads, diamond anklet and bracelets, diamond wrist watches, earrings,

a thin diamond necklace, and finally a diamond pyramid shaped gem.

Everyone cheered as the screen went dark for a few seconds only to come back on seconds later to

some people modeling the wristwatches and rings. The screen went dark and turned back on after a

few seconds to reveal Jake modeling the thin necklace, anklets and bracelets. The crowd went crazy

on seeing who it was, almost everyone of them was smitten with Jake and it was almost hilarious to


A new screen came on to reveal a girl in bikini modeling more necklace and earrings, as well as the

waistbeads clinging to her waist and I sat up almost immediately, wondering why I suddenly loved the

way the waistbeads was hanging loosely against her small waist. The screen went dark and the lights

finally got restored back into the room and an applause went through the crowd.

“What do you think of waist beads?” I leaned into James' seat and quietly asked him. He glanced

around towards me and lifted a brow up lazily.

“Why are you asking? You’re suddenly interested in them?” He asked and I felt the side of my lips

twitch once, pondering over what he said just now.

I was never interested in them, I knew waistbeads beautify people the way normal accessories would

do… I’ve just never looked at it through this light, through the fact that I might it quite intriguing and

perhaps a little bit hot and sexy.

“I was never interested in them, because I never knew it could look so hot.” I finally admitted quietly to

James who remained quiet for a long minute before reply, “Honestly, you’re not the only one. A lot of

men would definitely want to get that waistbeads.” James paused and glanced around slowly. “It was

never my thing, I don’t have a problem with it though. But after the small preview that just got shown to

us, moments ago, I am really starting to rethink that thought.

Me too bro, me too.

The cart got wheeled in and everyone started cheering even before the wheel got to the middle of the


“The wristwatch is going to open the ground for this round, and it’s going for…” Jake started to say and

trailed off at the last moment, making everyone groan around the crowd.

He raised the wristwatch up and the camera focused on it, zooming in on it and bringing it closer to our

gazes, which made me remember at that moment that I had this exact kind of wrist watch at home. I

have a whole lot of wristwatches in different colors and designs, so it was understandable that I didn’t

remember it on the spot, before.

“The wristwatch is going for nine hundred dollars. Let me see those people who love wearing ice. Let

me see those hands in the air if you know you want to get this watch.” Hayley gushed into the

microphone and james leaned into my side and snorted quietly.

“Don’t you want the wristwatch? You’ve been real quiet ever since we got here and started seeing

different kinds of diamond accessories. I know how much you love wristwatches, you love wearing ice,

don’t you?” I said to James who only rolled his eyes before flipping me the bird.

“You have something like this, don’t you? I think I’ve seen it on you a few times.” James started to say

and I nodded my head immediately.

“Yeah, I do. You’re right.”

“I have one of those.” James continued and I stared at the side of his face pointedly, not because it was

unusual for him to have a wristwatch as cost as that.

Because it wasn’t.

James was loaded, he was loaded really well, financially.

It was how he said it that spiked my attention.

“It was given to me by my ex-girlfriend, months ago.” He replied and I nodded my head instantly.

“That’s a good thing, or a bad thing?”

“Man, I don’t even know. I haven’t worn it yet, it’s still at the house.”

“Is there anything I should know?” I asked and he shook his head immediately, not meeting my eyes

like he had been doing before.

“Not really. There isn't'.”

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