Betrothed To The Mafia Lord

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

Sofia’s POV

I stared at the images playing on the television in the sitting room and felt my cheeks start to heat up as

the girl showing in the huge screen on the wall danced in really provocative way against a man who

was standing behind her. The song playing on the television sounded like a pop genre but I couldn’t be

so sure because I haven’t been able to listen to a lot of music throughout my life.

The girl still showing on the screen– who was a redhead, bent downwards and placed her hands which

were in a black, transparent gloves, against her bare knees before she started moving vigorously

against the man who had a strong grip on her waist.

My cheeks were on fire and my stomach was tightening up as I watched the girl move against the man

standing behind her, pressing her crotch against his in such a tight way, I started to wonder if she

wasn’t hurting him with how hard her butt was moving against him.

I glanced down at my fingers on my tights and wiggled the fingers around a little, my cheeks still feeling

like they were on fire. We don’t have this back at home, what could show on the television was

supervised by father and set to a particular age. These kinds of songs and music videos could never

appear on our television back at home due to the settings already on it.

But here I was, free to watch whatever I wanted to watch, whenever I felt like. It made me start to

slowly question myself– if I really liked this life revolving around me doing all what I wanted to do,

whenever I wanted to have it done, without having someone to tell me what to do and not to do, without

someone taking the reins and stopping me from over thinking a particular thing…

I cut off my trail of thoughts and shook my head from side to side, my heart pounding really hard

against my chest as I started to ask myself why in the world was I thinking about that, which I just

thought about, moments ago.

I curled my legs beneath myself on one part of the couch I was currently sitting in as I tried to focus on

the television and what was currently showing on the screen once again. The music video that was

showing before ended and a new one started to play. It was a man sitting beside a piano in a garden,

singing slowly and playing his instrument along.

I picked up the remote control from the spot on the couch and increased the volume of the television

and heard his voice increase and fill the sitting room which was currently empty, except for my

presence in it.

The song he was singing sounded so much like a song you’d find in a fairytale and the fact that a few

birds came out of nowhere and started flying around the man who was playing his piano in an open

garden, giving it such a magical aura. I signed softly and massaged my eyes with my fingers for a few

seconds, only to blink my eyes open and see a girl in a huge white dress, sitting on the edge of the

man’s piano and singing along with him.

The dress wasn’t shaped like a wedding dress, but it was sparking white and coupled with the fact that

the man was dressed in a black suit, it made my heart - which was completely soft for fairytales and the

happily ever after a that only novels could produce— melt almost immediately and I couldn’t hold in the

smile that bloomed on my face as I watched the man and woman stare into each other’s eyes as they

both sang a particular line of the song, their voices blending beautifully – hers a feathery light voice and

his, a deep one filled with a thick base.

I wasn’t a music genius and have in my been able to listen to a few music, but I knew what sounded

nice to the ears, and what doesn’t — and this? Sounded really nice, without the fact that the music

video was so perfectly portrayed and acted out.

The song ended and I moved in my seat, absentmindedly brushing my hair out of my lips and I

watched as another one came on. This one was a lot of guys jumping around themselves and throwing

up different signs with their fingers in a room while the one standing in the middle rapped in the music

video. It looked like a genre I was sure I wasn’t going to be into, which made me change the channel of

the television, promising myself that I was going to come back to it after a few minutes. I landed on

another channel that was showing a competition that was centered on voices.

Settling more comfortably in my seat, I lowered the volume of the television and prepared myself to

watch the competition unfold.

The time on the wall above the television on the wall showed that the time was a little bit after seven

p.m in the evening and I rested my good arm on the arm rest on the couch as I started to get

engrossed in the competition, my mind still loosely hanging on the fact that I was planning on going

back to the channel showing music videos.

After staying behind for a few minutes more and realizing the fact that the competition had already

gone a long way before I had gotten to it, which made it really hard to grasp and understand, I changed

the channel and headed back to the channel showing music videos.

A video was showing a bunch of boys singing in a language that wasn’t English. I didn’t mind the fact

that it wasn’t in English because the song was still sounding so good. The name ‘BTS’ showed up at

the end of the video as the boy band’s name and I promised myself I was going to look them up tonight

before going to bed.

I yawned slowly and squinted my eyes when it started to feel a bit clammy for a few seconds. Another

music video came up that looked and sounded so much like that genre which I was sure I wasn’t going

to be into, but feeling little to no strength to start to change the music channel, I lowered the volume of

the sound coming out of the television and stretched out my feet on the soft couch. It felt really smooth

and soothing against each foot and I wiggled my toes into the soft airy feeling of the hairs on the couch.

I allowed my eyes to slide close as a small sigh escaped my parted lips as I moved a little on the

couch, getting completely on my back and wiggling my toes into the couch even more.

My heart felt heavy but I was determined to not dwell on that fact tonight, which was why I had decided

to come down into the sitting room and watch the television in order to distract myself a little, hopefully.

And distracted me, it did. Which I was thankful for.

I didn’t need to check the clock on the wall above the television, or the time on my phone to know that

the time was almost eight p.m, if it wasn’t already eight p.m yet, that is. I also didn’t need to walk

towards one of the windows in the sitting room to look out the wonder to be able to tell that everywhere

was completely dark at the point.

I blinked my eyes open when a cool and airy voice started to sing from the television and quickly picked

up the remote control to increase the volume of the sound and nodded once when the sound filled the

whole living room. The voice was that of a man, who had a ginger colored beard and hair, a cute smile

and eyes that resembled that of a cat’s or that of a tiger’s.

I leaned into the couch and slid my eyes close and allowed the man’s voice to wash me, the echoes of

his voice sent a small graze of goosebumps to wash over my skin, and it made me remember a certain

person’s voice even though I really shouldn’t be thinking about the person at the moment.

I shouldn’t even be thinking about the person at all.

I mean, when did thinking about Luca start getting allowed in my head? I asked myself quietly as I sat

up on the couch and folded my legs against my body on the couch as my mind slowly started to

wander against my own will.

This man singing on the television has got nothing on Luca, whether I’d like to admit it or not. Was it the

eyes? The man singing had yellowish eyes that looked so much like a cat’s — compared to that of

Luca which was a dark grey color. The fact that I had never seen that color of eyes on any other person

made it really more unique to me, and coupled with the fact that it suited him so well, fitting so perfectly

well with his eyes, and making his gaze appear more intense, more sharper and more hypnotizing than

any other eyes I’ve ever seen or come across.

We could move from there, towards the nose. While the man singing had a nose which looked a little

too big for his face, Luca’s own just looked perfect in the middle of his face — it was the right amount of

pointed and curved, giving him the most perfect side view of a man that I’ve ever seen.

I puffed out a small breath, wondering why I was suddenly thinking about all these tiny facts about

Luca’s appearance and why I was comparing it with the man still singing on the television, with so

many details involved.

Heck, I shouldn’t even be thinking about Luca, and most importantly, I shouldn’t be thinking about how Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

good looking he was and how every feature of his whole appearance appeared absurdly perfect.

But I couldn’t stop the thoughts from flowing in, once they had started.

Was it his lips? Compared to the man singing in the television, who had a lips that looked too tiny,

whereas Luca’s own was the perfect amount of lower fullness and upper thinness.

Or we could move towards the whole face shape in general, the way Luca had a symmetrical face and

could look really good from any direction, and the way a dark shade of light dusting of beards clung to

his jaw.

Luca looked too good, ridiculously good, and the fact that he had been the complete opposite of what I

had been thinking he was going to be to me, before I had gotten married to him— in and out of the

bedroom, made all those thoughts about him flow into my head more unhinged, and stifling up my mind

a lot.

The sound of the door leading into the house getting pushed open made up jolt up on the couch a little

and I quickly lowered the volume of the television which was currently showing a different person, as a

small feeling of fear flowed through my mind for a few seconds before it started to ebb away when it

crossed my mind that it was most definitely one of the guards who were don’t their usual night check

around the whole house.

Still feeling skeptical despite the fact that my mind was nudging me to let go the tiny amount of fear I

was still unconsciously clinging unto, I stared at the doorway leading in and out of the living room,

hoping one of the guards would pop their heads in through the doorway and apologize for disturbing

me like they’d have done, if they had been the one who had opened the door so loudly, some moments


I wasn’t expecting the head that would pop in through the doorway to be Luca’s, and our eyes locked

and held immediately. There was a deep heat brewing in the depths of his eyes and he looked pissed–

and almost enraged even.

He broke eye contact and left the doorway, a few seconds later, disappearing in a flash, the same way

he had shown up.

I allowed the breath I had held trapped in the depths of my throat to slide out ever so slowly, my chest

expanding with the slight movement.

Why was I suddenly nervous? It wasn’t like I had been the one to cause the anger that was brewing in

his eyes.

But then, why was I nervous?

Oh right, it was because it was Luca… and Luca was just Luca.

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