Betrothed To The Mafia Lord

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Luca’s POV

“Do not panic. It is going to be successful.” The doctor said as he stood up and placed his white coat

back on his shoulder before stretching his hand out to me once again.

“I am not panicking.” I said to him with a scowl before throwing a glare at his outstretched hand until he

dropped it.

“Do whatever you can to ensure it ends up successful.” I said to him and he nodded his head as he

moved away from me towards the far end of the room where a couple of files sat on a shelf. I watched

as he counted the files slowly before pulling out a certain one and picking out a paper out of it and

returning the file back to its proper place.

He got back to his seat and sat on it before writing out the form and filling it out until it got to the end of

the form.

“Sign here, please.” He said as he pushed the form towards me and stretched out a pen to me. I

accepted it and stared down at the form, my eyes quickint skimming over the wordings and slightly

widening the moment I realized what the form was all about.

“Is this completely necessary?” I asked him, glancing up from the form to stare warily at him, feeling my

chest pull tightly together for a slow second.

“Yes, it is. It has to be signed before we can be able to carry out a surgery like hers.”

“Fuck.” I swear quietly as I glanced down at the form once again and ran my eyes over the whole

words on the form before coming to rest on the area where I was supposed to put in my signature.

The form was about the fact that I was a hundred percent aware that the surgery about to be performed

on the patient is a really risky one and there’s a risk of it not coming out successful because of all the

following risks, which the doctor had written down.

I stared at him for a few seconds more before finally lifting the pen and writing down my signature,

hoping to God that the surgery wouldn’t end up going the wrong way.

I pushed the form and the pen back towards the doctor and he accepted it midway, staring it at and

ensuring I had written in my signature down there before finally lifting his head up and saying.

“Thank you.”

I pushed out of the seat I was in and the doctor did as well, shuffling the papers which we had worked

on, into an empty file and stamping it with a stamp before placing it on the small pile of files on one part

of his table.

“Would you wait around until the surgery gets complete?” He asked and I nodded my head once as I

turned around and started to make my way out of the his office.

“We’ll be back with good results.” The doctor said to me as we both stood outside the hospital room

where Aria was currently being dressed up in preparation for the surgery.

After a little while, I watched as she got wheeled out of the hospital room on a bed, an oxygen mask

over her nose and mouth. Her face looked ashy white, way whiter than her normal complexion.

I leaned over the bed and studied her quietly, sending a quiet word of prayer towards God before Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

stepping away from the bed and watched as she got wheeled into another corner in the hallway,

completely out of my sight.

I walked towards the seats in the hallway which was obviously for people to wait in. With a small sigh

escaping my lips, I sank into one of the chairs and leaned my head into my palms as I placed my

elbows on my knees, supporting my head up.

I was stressed.

Completely, thoroughly and totally stressed out.

I was stressed the fuck out.

The whole rest I had indulged in, in which I had woken up really late today — had all gone up in flames

as the day slowly went by.

Now, my shoulders were fully stiff and my head was pounding hard against my forehead that I could

feel the pulse against my forehead beating really fast, way faster than normal.

I also almost felt dizzy, due to the fact that I still haven’t eaten a thing throughout the whole of today. A

quick glance at the screen of my phone showed that the time was some minutes after six p.m in the


Not wanting to think about the fact that Aria was currently undergoing a very risky surgery, I picked up

my phone and started to look through my contacts, knowing that at this point, someone directly from

her family was supposed to be aware of her current situation.

Not wanting to speak to her father because the very tense air still floating around us which was

probably due to his hatred for my father — like I had a thing to do with all what it was that had gone

down between them in the past, I decided to speak to her elder brother — a cousin of mine whom I was

extremely distant from as well.

I was distant from all of them, including Aria. But Aria and I had a past when she was little, which was

why she had been able to reach out to me after I had lost my father, and why we had been able to

regain our friendship.

The rest of her siblings and I were very distant from each other and I had a deep feeling that they hated

me the way their father did for me, it wasn’t like I cared about who hated me and who didn’t. That was

completely their problem.

And I’d never have been the first to reach out to them, if it wasn’t for the current situation their baby

sister was in.

I dialed the number of her eldest and first brother, Williams, a man who was almost the same age as I

was, only that he was a few months older than I was.

He picked up on the second ring and a voice that sounded completely familiar drifted into my ear a

second later.


I knew he had my phone number the same way I had his, even though we’ve never exchanged a single

word on the phone before.

“Williams, yeah. It’s Luca.” I replied to him, my voice low and gravely. I shifted into the seat I was sitting

in and parted my legs open, feeling the edge of my guns dig into the smooth sides of my hips.

“This is really surprising and unexpected.” Williams started to say after a few seconds of silence and I

moved the phone a little away from my ear on feeling his loud voice fly into my ear to pound against my

forehead, increasing the pounding in my head a little.

“I never saw this coming. What can I help you with?” He asked without waiting for me to reply and I

rolled my eyes in irritation, in no mood for any exchanging of pleasantries or whatsoever.

“Aria got tangled in a risky mess, which got sorted out. But now she’s undergoing a brain surgery which

the doctor said was a risky one and could go wrong any moment.” I paused and allowed the words I

had spew out at a fast pace to slowly sink into his head before continuing after some moments.

“She got injected with a ton of hard drugs and it had affected her brain, and it might have affected her

heart and kidney as well, but none of that has been confirmed yet.” I continued, feeling my finger

tighten on my thigh as the words kept flowing out of my mouth, directly into Williams’ ear.

“Aria?” He managed to echo after about a minute and I signed out loudly, trying to calm the anger that

was starting to rise in my chest once again.

“Aria.” I echoed after him, confirming it for him and he was swearing in Spanish the next moment.

“Fuck! How are you aware about it while the rest of her family was completely left in the dark?” He

demanded a few moments later and I pulled the phone away from my ear and glared at the screen like

it was a FaceTime and not a mobile call.

“Because she reached out to me, obviously.” I replied after a few seconds and heard him curse quietly

beneath his breath and a few other sounds in the background like he was moving around at that very


“Why did she reach out to you first?” He continued and I felt the side of my lips pull into a thin, tight line.

“Why didn’t she reach out to you at all?” I decided to ask instead, since we were all going to act crazy

and stupid for now.

“So she’s in surgery now? Who signed the papers and everything?” He continued and I felt my

patience thin into a very tiny line.

“Are you nuts? Of course I signed it. I am family, the fuck?”

I heard him sign out deeply and waited a few seconds before starting to say again. “Fine. How did it all


“I cannot give out details yet, it’s in the privacy of your little sister and I. Perhaps when she gets better,

she would be able to brief you about how it all happened herself.” I replied to him, feeling my feet

moving against the neat tiles of the hospital floor.

A silent feeling echoing those few words in my head which managed to make my chest tighten up once


If she gets better, that is.

“Why can’t you give out details? Is it that bad?” He demanded almost immediately and I felt my eyes

unconsciously roll to the back of my head.

“Yes, it is.”

“But she’s my little sister, God damnit!” He exploded in my ear, through the phone and I shifted the

phone a little bit away from my ear.

“Well, she’s my little cousin and she chose to tell me instead…” I paused for a few seconds before

continuing, “Probably because she trusts me more.” I couldn’t help but add the last part, feeling prideful

of the obvious fact that Aria still trusted me a lot the way she had done when she was still young.

“Damn you,” He breathed out and I moved my fingers lightly against the material of my suit pants.

“Alright. Relay the message to your father and brothers.” I said to him and was about to end the call

when he started to say once again, “Wait… wait!”

“What?” I demanded, a scowl forming on my face once again. I noticed from the side of my eyes as a

tall looking woman came towards where I was sitting and took the seat a few spaces away from the

spot I was sitting in.

“What hospital is she currently in? I’ll get there as soon as I can.” He said and I snorted quietly.

“Why should I bother telling you? Not like she bothered letting you know about what was happening

when it started to happen.” I spat out almost immediately, my voice still on the same tone it was since

when I had started the conversation with him.

“Please.” He grunted out after another few minutes of silence and I rolled my eyes and hesitated a few

more minutes before starting to relay the hospital’s address to him.

“Thank you. I’ll be there as fast as I can.” He started to say after successfully writing the address down

and murmured a few more words to him before finally ending the call and slumping into the seat even

more, feeling my head start to pound even more, now that I was off the phone.

I glanced sideways and caught the tall looking woman staring at me.

She dragged her gaze away immediately the moment she noticed I was staring at her and focused her

face back on her phone.

I glanced down at my feet once again, the woman who had obviously been checking me out, the least

of my problems at this very moment.

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