Betrothed To The Mafia Lord

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

Luca’s POV

A part of me wanted to ignore the call because I was honestly in such a shitty mood and felt too tired to

even try to hold a steady conversation with someone at this very moment, but James had been trying

to reach me since morning and I hadn’t replied to any of his texts.

I was a hundred percent sure he was already starting to get worried at this point and would most

definitely end up coming here tonight if he still won’t be able to speak with me or hear anything from me


With that, I blindly clicked on the accept button and placed the phone against my ear.

“Hey, fucker.” I croaked into the phone and heard James cursing loudly in the background before

starting to reply.

“The fuck man?” He said into the phone, his familiar voice echoing loudly out from the phone, directly

into my ear which still had the phone pressed against it.

“What’s happening? Why are you suddenly ignoring me?” He continued before I could even bother

starting to think of an answer and I breathed out a small sigh which sounded really tired to my own


“Hey, what’s wrong?” James finally asked after a few minutes of silence floating between us, a lot

slower and calmer this time. I could just imagine him asking me this question in person with worry

dripping off his voice— with his face in an almost blank expression, a couple of thin lines appearing at

the top of his face.

“Everything is just so fucked up, bro.” I said quietly into the phone before squeezing my eyes tightly

shut and moaning quietly when my head started pounding hard once again before the intense pain

started to slowly ebb away.

“Why? What happened to you?” James pressed on, panic tingling the edge of his question this time.

“I can’t stay on the phone for too long right now.” I informed him, feeling my eyes slide close and a

small gush of air blowing around me which made me shiver slightly while sweat still dripped off my face

and chest, into the bedsheets I was currently lying on.

“Why?” James demanded almost immediately, his voice sounding perplexed like. “Did you get shot?

You sound really weak.” He continued a second later, worry, concern and curiosity very obvious in his

voice now.

“I didn’t get shot.” I started to say, speaking really slowly because it was getting really strenuous to

speak, the whole weakness I was feeling was starting to get into my voice as well.

“Then what’s the matter? Why do you sound like this??” He demanded again in a panicked tone, his

calm voice shifting higher a little bit.

“I think I am coming down with something really bad, like a flu or something.” I replied after about a

minute before the sound of James’ relieved sigh drifted into my ear almost immediately.

“Ohhh.” James finally started to say again, relief dripping off his voice and I nodded my head along with

him— even though I was fully aware that he wouldn’t be able to see me visually at the moment since

we were obviously not facetiming— because I felt too tired to try speaking again.

“You know, I told you something like this weeks ago when you told me you were always having a lot of

body pains. I knew it was unusual because it was unlike you, and it wasn’t like you’ve obviously started

doing something different that you don’t obviously do.” James continued and I sighed out slowly, vividly

remembering the particular conversation which James was referring to.

We had both finished working out in the gym located in a room in james’ house. I had complained

about always waking up with body pains to him and about how spending a few hours at the gym a day

helps with the pain a little before it starts to throb again. James had said something about me about

catching the flu but I had ignored him and continued punching the punching bag I was at that moment

having a huge grudge against, dismissing his words about being about to catch the flu in the very next


“So you’ve been to the hospital to get yourself treated today, right?” James started to say once again,

disrupting my train of thoughts pulling me out of my head with his question.

“No, I haven’t.” I supplied an answer about a minute later, not bothering to point out the fact that I had

been to the hospital today, but for a different reason entirely — because I was really feeling too weak to

start explaining all that had gone down today, all because of Aria.

“Why man? So you were in bed throughout the whole of today?” He demanded in a tone that sounded

almost outraged.

“I went to take care of some things and just got back home some time ago.” I replied to him before

continuing a few seconds later, “I really can’t stay on the phone for long.”

“Where did you go to take care of today that made you ignore your own health problems?” He started

to say again, in an accusing tone this time, completely ignoring the part where I said something about

me being unable to stay on the phone for long.

“Stop questioning me.” I said to him in a flat voice, my mood turning into a spinning ‘zero’ once again.

“Great. I can just come over then. I’ll be there in about thirty minutes time.” James informed me, totally

unfazed by the flat voice I had used in replying to his question, a moment ago.

“Don’t you dare come over tonight, there’s no need for you to come, James.” I started to say to him but

he only snorted into the phone before replying to me.

“You’re hiding something from me, Luca.” He said in a blank voice and I rolled my eyes behind my

lowered eyelids, James can be so dramatic sometimes.

“I will tell you about it tomorrow, I am just too weak to bother trying to explain anything to you right

now.” I said to him and heard him mutter a quiet ‘oh’.

“Is it that bad?” He finally asked in a low voice and I croaked out a small laugh that sounded scratchy to

my own ears.

“You have no idea.” I answered him and heard him release a harsh sigh before starting to speak again,

and undoubtedly running a hand across his face in frustration.

“Alright, fine. Just take something tonight like a couple of drugs and something after having something

to eat and try to get some sleep, I am sure a good sleep would make the whole tiredness disappear.”

He offered in a resigned and worried tone.

“I feel like shit. I don’t feel like eating a thing, man.” I informed him, repeating the same thing I had said

to Sarah when she had suggested I get some food into my stomach before I can be able to make use

of some drugs.

“I’m so sorry man, but you have to get some food into your stomach to avoid causing harm to your

body system.” James said again and I remained quietly, breathing quietly and dragging in air into my

lung and parted lips when my nose started to feel clogged and a little bit numb.

“Or you can just make use of the drugs like that if it hasn’t been really long since you last had

something to eat.” He suggested again and I let out a flat laugh before wincing immediately in pain

when my head started throbbing once again.

“I haven’t had something to eat throughout today,” I informed him and waited for him to start cursing,

which he did after a slow second. NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

“Why? The fuck? Are you crazy, man? You’re being sick and feeling like shit and like you’re about to

die–” James started to say but I cut into what he was saying, interrupting him with a quiet, “I honestly

do feel like I am about to die.”

“Well that’s because you’re sick and also have no food in your stomach at the same time. That’s really

harmful bro, what were you thinking? The fuck?”

“There was no time for me to remember about putting food into my stomach.” I said to him in a small

sigh, a small shiver once again making its way over my body, another wave of cold finding its way into

my body through my skin.

“Why? What were you doing that demanded that much of your time?” James started to ask again and I

ignored him, choosing to remain silent.

“Luca, I swear — I’ve told you countless times to stop overworking yourself but you never listen. I

thought today was supposed to be your day off? For you to get some much needed rest end shit?”

“Something came up, disrupted all the plans I already made.

“Well just get something to eat tonight and make use of the necessary drugs and try to get some sleep.

You really need it.” James admonished before continuing immediately.

“You sound really dead, and awful. Really awful.”

“I feel dead and awful, believe me.” I replied to him and ended the call a few minutes later after

exchanging more words with him and promising to take in some food before I make use of the drugs…

not like Sarah would even give me some drugs without me putting some food into my stomach.

I dropped my phone into the spot beside my head on the bed before rolling around a little on the bed

until I wa lying on my stomach, my legs now touching the floor in an awkward way since I was lying on

the bed in the wrong way.

I could really use a cold shower right now, but I felt too weak to even seriously think about it, because

my legs felt too shaky and I might end up falling on my face in the bathroom if I dare try to take a

shower. I was also starting to feel a little bit cold and had no idea that having a cold shower wouldn’t

worsen the cold I was starting to feel or not.

The air conditioner chose that moment to blow directly into my back, making cold melt into my bones

through my skin, a small shiver going down my back and arms. I burned my face into the cold sheets

as another wave of cold overcame me.

I was so fucked.

The air conditioner here in this room was always turned on to full force and it has almost never made

me shiver in the slightest bit due to cold, except each time I was about to fall sick, or if it was a cold

season like winter and all the snow that comes with it.

I was starting to full on shiver at this point and really needed to get off the bed and turn the air

conditioners off before walking into the closet to find a hoodie to wear or something but I felt too tired to

try to get any of those done.

So instead, I borrowed more into the sheets that was just as cold as the air blowing around in the room,

with my head pounding hard again and again and my body burning up.

Until a knock sounded against the door.

It took two trials before the words I had been imagining up in my head could be able to leave my lips in

a voice loud enough for the person behind the door to be able to make out what it was that I had said.

“Come in.”

I allowed my eyes to slide open when the door started to creak open and watched as Sarah, holding a

tray in both hands, made her way into the room— without Sofia, thankfully, before closing the door

quietly with a small push from her left foot and turning back around until she was facing me.

Her eyes widened the moment her eyes landed on my splayed body on the bed and I watched as she

hurried more into the room and placed the tray on the bed, far away from the spot where I was

currently laying in, before coming to stand beside me.

“Would you like to go to the hospital, sir? It seems like your condition has worsened.” Sarah started to

say and I slowly and carefully pushed myself to a sitting posture, a small groan leaving my lips as my

tired muscles protested loudly and painfully.

I haven’t even had the damn drugs yet, of course I was only going to be getting worse. I rolled my eyes

a little as those words echoed around in my ear before gesturing towards the part where the switch of

the air conditioner was located.

“Turn off the air conditioners.” I say to her, feeling another ghost of cold air lick against my naked skin,

another wave of cold making its way into my bones through my skin, once again.

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