Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas

Chapter 81

Friday 25th September, 2020


I sat up and pressed my l!ps eagerly against Zaya’s. Zaya moved his soft full l!ps skilfully against mine, coaxing my mouth open so he could slip his tongue inside. I gr0aned as he n!pped playfully at my bottom nip, causing heat to flare up in my belly. I felt a little strange that I was completely na.ked now and the guys were still mostly clothed. I gripped the hem of Zaya’s shirt and pulled it over his head, revealing washboard abs and tight rippling muscles.

Eli was behind me planting k!sses along my shoulders. I turned around to rid him of his shirt as well. He cupped my face and k!ssed me hungrily pressing his hard torso against mine.

I could feel Noah’s l!ps trailing k!sses down my spine until it dipped just above my behind. He put his fingers there at my tail-bone and ran them lightly upwards following the grooves of my spine. I shivered, parting from Eli and reaching for Noah. His k!sses were sweeter and slower yet they left me more breathless than the others. He pulled me down onto his chest while he k!ssed me deeply as we tangled our fingers in each other’s hair. I found the hem of his shirt and slid my hands underneath, feeling every taut muscle. I slipped his shirt off his head breaking our k!ss to do so.

Before I could resume our embrace, Jonah spun me around and k!ssed me ravenously. He pinned me underneath him as we both pulled his shirt over his head. He rocked me against him, spreading warmth throughout my body. When we finally broke apart, I was giddy and panting. I m0aned as Jonah trailed k!sses down my neck and his teeth grazed my marking spot.

I looked up to see all four of my alphas staring down at me black-eyed with flushed faces and messy hair. They looked so glorious and powerful with their perfectly carved features and their strong builds. My eyes trailed lower to the four large identical bulges in their pants.

“Baby, do you want to go further?” Asked Zaya.

I nodded mutely.

“Princess, we would have to go one at a time of course. We can’t be too zealous,” pointed out Eli with a little laugh.This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“So you have to pick the person…” began Noah.

“…who will be the one to take your v!rg!nity,” finished Jonah.

I really didn’t want to make any of them feel less important to me. I loved them all and I had risked everything to be with all of them. I had an answer but I was afraid to say it.

“We won’t be mad, Princess,” cooed Eli brushing sweat-soaked strands of hair from my forehead.

“It’s yours to give, Luna,” added Noah, tracing his thumb across my lower l!p.

“To whomever you see fit,” continued Jonah, taking my hands and k!ssing my knuckles and fingertips.

“Regardless of what we think,” said Zaya running his index finger down the bridge of my nose to the tip. He nuzzled me.

“I…I love all of you,” I whispered.

I had never said that out loud explicitly and I had only heard it in blatant terms from Noah.

“I love you, Baby,” replied Zaya, his voice husky and his nose still brushing against mine.

“Same here. I love you, Princess,” murmured Eli, pressing his l!ps to my forehead.

“You already know I love you. I love you, Luna,” said Noah softly c@ressing my cheek.

Jonah was staring at me. He reached out and ran his fingers through my hair.

“I love you, Star, mon ciel étoilé,” whispered Jonah, locking eyes with me. “I know I put you through hell. I mishandled so many things and I don’t deserve your forgiveness but I promise to show you how much I love you everyday for the rest of our lives,” said Jonah.

I cupped his face in my hands, drawing him to me. Our l!ps found each other eagerly and our breath intermingled. We broke apart.

“Maybe I’m a fool but I forgive you already, Jonah,” I said weakly. I couldn’t pretend anymore that I didn’t care deeply for all of my mates.

“I’m so sorry too, Star! You’re my Luna and I just meant to protect you. I’m sorry for all the push and pull. That was my doing and it was wrong. I hope you can forgive me too, Luna,” whispered Noah.

“I forgive you, Noah.

“I am sorry too, Princess. I still feel guilty for being mean to you at that party. I’m sorry you had such a rough transition with us, Princess,” said Eli k!ssing my hands.

“I forgive you, Eli,” I said, smiling.

He k!ssed me slowly and gently.

“I’m sorry for telling you to f**k off at that party,” blurted out Zaya.

“It’s ok. I forgive you, Zaya. That feels like a lifetime ago,” I murmured.

“You all promise not to be upset?” I whispered.

“Of course,” said Noah.

Jonah nodded and so did Eli.

“I promise,” said Zaya.

“I want all of you but…Zaya will be my first,” I said so softly I was worried they hadn’t heard.

Zaya had definitely heard. He lit up like a Christmas tree. He was grinning from ear to ear. The others nodded. They did not seem angry. I was relieved.

“Come here, Princess,” murmured Eli, sitting up and making me lie back and rest my head in his lap.

I looked up at him and he bent down to k!ss me. Jonah and Noah were on either side of me, each holding one of my hands and k!ssing the fingertips. My heart was racing.

“Relax, Baby,” purred Zaya, settling himself between my legs.

“Ok?” He said, pressing his forehead to mine.

“Ok,” I said.

He k!ssed me deeply. I was already so down there but Zaya parted my folds gently and explored me to make sure. I whimpered a little. His fingers became soothing. He parted my legs further. He inserted one finger deep inside of me. I cried out at the intrusion. He swiftly added another finger. He used his thumb to c@ress my cl!t while his fingers pumped me. I m0aned, my thighs quivering. Eli was stroking my hair and massaging my scalp. Jonah and Noah continued k!ssing my hands.

When he was satisfied, Zaya lowered his weight not me.

“This might hurt at first, Baby,” whispered Zaya, brushing his nose against mine and locking gazes with me.

The other three continued their ministrations with Eli massaging my scalp and Noah and Jonah massaging my wrists.

Zaya pressed his huge think member against my entrance. I gr0aned as he slid it in slowly, inch by inch, stretching me. He paused.

“You sure?” He double-checked.

I nodded eagerly, already feeling the urge in my h!ps to move. Zaya broke past my barrier. I cried out as the sharp sting of it hit me. I bit down into his shoulder reflexively and he gr0aned. He pushed himself in to the hilt. I could feel him brushing against my ce*rvix. I whimpered.

Eli was massaging my shoulders now and Jonah and Noah had both taken to massaging my sides while they held my hands. I gripped their hands tightly as I adjusted to the feeling. The elder Quads k!ssed my cheeks while Eli k!ssed my forehead and Zaya brushed his l!ps against mine.

You ok? Asked Zaya privately.

Yes, I said.

Is this ok? He asked, rocking his h!ps very slowly against mine so that his member slid out and back in rhythmically. I bit my l!p. It was uncomfortable for a few moments and then a thrill of pleasure coarse through me. I m0aned. I nodded. He was grinding against me. He grasped the undersides of my knees and wrapped my legs around his wa!st as he quickened the pace, thrusting into me faster and deeper. I m0aned louder. He was stroking a spot within me that was radiating pleasure throughout my trembling body.

There? He asked, stroking the tender spot within slowly and deliberately, making me shiver. I nodded eagerly. He smirked as he pulled almost all the way out before filling me again. I arched my back in response to that and he pushed my legs further apart, burying himself deeper into me while the others continued soothing me.

Mmm, move, Baby, encouraged Zaya.

I moved my h!ps to match his movements, meeting every thrust of his, so that the feeling intensified. I cried out as the pressure in me built deliciously. I could feel it in my tummy. Zaya snaked his t0ngue into my mouth. I relished his taste as he started to pound me. I swore, breaking our k!ss. He grinned, driving into me, hitting that spot over and over again, taking me higher and higher. The pressure inside me reached a crescendo.

Zaya’s green eyes gave way to black.

Baby, can I mark you? He said.

I nodded eagerly.

May I, Princess? Asked Eli.

I nodded, not able to form words right now.

Luna? Will you be mine too? Questioned Noah.

I nodded, becoming impatient, moving my h!ps to encourage Zaya.

Mon ciel étoilé? Moi aussi? Asked Jonah.

I knew what he meant instinctively. I nodded and gripped Zaya’s shoulders to make a point. He grinned, baring his canines. I watched the teeth elongate into to perfect sharp points. He sped up and just as the pressure broke, spilling over, he sank his teeth into me along with Eli. Noah and Jonah followed. Four bites, two on either side of my neck. Their essence coursed through me, intensifying my org@sm tenfold. I threw my head back, arching my back. My whole body trembled as waves of pleasure crashed over me. I screamed as I let go, surrendering to the moment. Zaya broke away from my neck, sealed his mark quickly and pressed his mouth to mine. The others were sealing theirs, running their tongues over it. Sleep was already weighing heavily on me.

Thank you, Baby, murmured Zaya, pressing his forehead and nose to mine.

Sleep now, Princess, encouraged Eli.

We love you, Luna, cooed Noah.

Bonne nuit, mon ciel étoilé, whispered Jonah.

It was a good night indeed. My eyelids were heavy. Zaya slipped out of me. I was aware of someone wiping me off with a warm damp towel. Other hands massaged my aching muscles. Someone tucked me in under blankets. Someone pulled me onto their chest to sleep there. Sleep pulled me under and I welcomed its embrace.

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