Billionaire’s Lost Angel

Business meeting

Lotus’ P. O. V

One week later,

I hated to admit that my relationship with Peter had not improved, not even the least. In fact, it made it all worse when he kept acting cold and distant. My kids kept on questioning me about Daddy and why we were not talking to each other anymore, and the only explanation I could give them was to send them back to Australia with their Nana.

I sighed, going down to make my early morning coffee.

It was a routine I had followed every morning for the past few weeks, ever since Peter had changed towards me. But today was different. The sound of a car driving into the porche made my ear perk and alert me that he was back.

As I stood by the stove, flipping pancakes, the sound of Peter’s hurried footsteps grew louder. Before I could even turn around to acknowledge his presence, he barged into the kitchen, anger radiating from his every pore.

“Where are the children?” he demanded, his voice laced with frustration.

I turned my gaze towards him, my eyes meeting his piercing blue ones. Without flinching, I replied firmly, “That’s none of your business, Peter.”

Peter’s face contorted in rage, his voice rising with every word. “How dare you keep our children away from me? They’re my children, Lotus!”

“They are our children,” I corrected him, my tone icy. “But what I’ve done was for their own good. They shouldn’t have to experience the toxicity that’s been consuming us. They can’t stay here and witness what has been going on between us.”

The room fell silent as Peter processed my words. His anger wavered for a moment before surging back with greater intensity. “What are you talking about? Toxic? Do you think leaving me with no explanation and taking our children away is the solution? You’re being selfish, Lotus!”

“I’m being selfish?!” I snapped back, my voice dripping with sarcasm. “Peter, I had a life before you came into it. Just because we’re married doesn’t mean I stop living my life. You’ve become cold, distant. I can’t allow our children to grow up in that environment. They deserve better. They do, Peter. Ever since I saw you in the restroom with Sheila at the party, you have been acting really indifferent, and it is in no way cool. It is heartbreaking to see you act this way. I have tried and done my best to talk things out with you, but every time, every fucking time, you pushed me backward like I didn’t mean anything to you. Have you ever loved me? I care for you, Peter. I would do anything to make this work, but you are not doing anything. You are not. You are just standing there and staring at me like you don’t understand what I am saying.”

For a moment, in the fleet of a second, something flashed through his face. “I don’t understand what you mean by that, Lotus.”

“Oh, now you feign ignorance,” I scoffed. “You are a cheater, Peter; you have no dignity for women.”

Peter lunged towards me immediately, his hand reaching out to grab my arm. I quickly sidestepped him, brushing past him.

“Now you want to hit me, right?” I yelled in his face, and he stood there, unmoved by my rants. Tears pricked my eyes.

“Lotus, you are making no sense at all.” He said steely. “Our marriage was based on a contract, and you know it. You yourself suggested that we shouldn’t get any string involved, and now you are bringing this all up like you don’t know what I am saying?”

“Peter, what happened to your promise to love and protect me? What happened to that? What happened to the love that you professed for me? Have you ever loved me? Have you ever been sincere to me?”

“Now listen and listen well.” He drawled angrily. “I don’t love you and never would. You, of all people, should know how this would tarnish your image if it gets out.”

“Then so be it, Peter. Do you want me to act like all is good between us? Fine, I would! I would keep pretending and hurting myself!” I said and brushed past him, trashing the bacon in the trashcan.

As I made my way toward my home office, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of liberation washing over me. Finally, I was taking a stand for myself and my children. It felt a little bit saddening because of my feelings for him.

The familiar sound of my phone ringing echoed through the room, breaking my train of thought. It was a call from my secretary, informing me about an important meeting with a new contractor who wanted to sign a deal with our company. With a sigh, I ended the call and gathered my work materials.

Arriving at the office, I walked with purpose towards the boardroom. As I pushed open the door, I found myself struck by the sight of a strikingly handsome man, his sharp facial features accentuating his perfectly tailored suit. His aura screamed confidence and success.

The man turned towards me, a warm smile gracing his lips. “Good morning; I’m Mr. Davis, the new company contractor. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Lotus.”

I returned his smile, feeling a spark of excitement ignite within me. “The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Davis. I’m Lotus, the CEO of this company.”

As we shook hands, a spontaneous conversation ensued. We talked about our shared interests, our passion for business, and the challenges we had overcome in our respective careers. The dialogue flowed effortlessly, and each word was exchanged, holding meaning beyond the surface level.

At that moment, I felt a renewed sense of purpose and empowerment. The encounter with Mr. Davis reminded me that life held endless possibilities and that it was important to surround myself with people who uplifted me rather than dragged me down.

With a smile slowly forming on my face, I couldn’t shake the feeling that this encounter could mark the beginning of a new chapter in my life. And, for the first time in a long time, I decided to act against all odds and focus on what we have now.

“From now on, Mr. Davis is a major partner of this company. Make him feel welcome.” I said with a smile dangling on my lips. For once, I wanted to forget Peter and embrace whatever this partnership with Davis would bring.

Few weeks later,

Lotus glanced at Davis, a subtle smile gracing her lips as they walked side by side through the bustling office. Their relationship had blossomed over the course of the week, their conversations deepening and their connection growing stronger. They shared a whole lot of things in common.

But not all was well within the confines of their workplace. Peter hadn’t changed a bit. In fact, he got more infuriated when he heard of her sudden partnership with Mr Davis.


As Peter settled into his desk, his mind still occupied with thoughts of Lotus, his secretary walked in, holding a stack of papers. With a soft knock on the door, Tom entered his office. “Mr. Robinson,” he began, his voice laced with professionalism, “I wanted to remind you about the company gathering this evening. It’s essential that you attend, along with your wife.”

Peter barely looked up from his work, and his eyes focused on the computer screen. “Yes, yes, I’m aware. I’ll be there,” he muttered, sounding disinterested.

The secretary bit her lip, her gaze lingering on Peter for a moment longer before she finally turned to leave. As she exited, Peter’s mind started working, searching for a way to rid himself of the pain he felt when seeing Lotus with someone else. A calculated plan began to take shape within his mind. He hadn’t lost Lotus for life, she was his, and he was willing to get her back.

He knew Lotus would never agree to go with him willingly, so he decided to resort to deception. Peter forged a fake company rule, a rule that stated each company head must attend the gathering with their spouses. It was a cruel move, but one that would force Lotus to be by his side, even if it was against her will.

That evening, the grand ballroom of the hotel was adorned with shimmering lights and elegant decorations. The ambiance was lively, filled with the chatter and laughter of the employees from different departments. But Lotus couldn’t help but feel a knot of anxiety twist in her stomach as she scanned the room, searching for Davis.

However, her search was interrupted as Peter appeared in front of her, a smug grin on his face. He blocked her path, his demeanor commanding and possessive. Lotus’s heart pounded in her chest, her anger reaching its boiling point.

“What do you want, Peter?” she spat out, her voice laced with frustration.

Peter looked at her coolly, his eyes scanning her face. “Lotus, we are here together. As a couple, and there is no change in that fact. It is also mandatory by the heads of this meeting.”

Lotus’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Mandatory? Since when? I’ve never heard of such a ridiculous rule!”This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Before Peter could respond, a new voice cut through the tension. “Excuse me, but which rule states that each company head must come with their spouse?”

Both Lotus and Peter turned to face Davis, who had approached with a calm yet determined expression. His voice was steady, his gaze direct as he challenged Peter’s claim.

Peter stumbled over his words, his face reddening with anger and embarrassment. “I… Well, it’s, uh, a new policy. It’s just been implemented.”

Davis shook his head, his voice firm. “I’ve been with this company for years, Peter, and I’ve never seen such a policy. Perhaps you could enlighten us all with the details?”

Peter’s gaze shifted nervously, his earlier confidence waning. “Well, it’s a recent decision made by higher management. We all have to adhere to it.”

Lotus, her frustration giving way to a newfound surge of determination, stepped forward, her voice steady and resolute. “That’s funny, Peter, because just this morning, your secretary mentioned the gathering, made no mention of any such rule.”

A silence fell over the trio, tension thick in the air. Lotus stared intently at Peter, challenging him to come up with another excuse, but he remained silent, his mask of authority crumbling before her eyes. His deception had been exposed.

As Lotus and Davis exchanged an acknowledging glance, Davis turned back to face Peter; his voice filled with quiet conviction. “It seems you’ve been caught in a lie, Peter. I need to be with your wife for a second.”

With that, Davis took Lotus’s hand in his, leading her away from the stunned Peter and towards the dance floor. The room, once filled with life and conversation, had fallen into a hushed and bewildered silence.

Lotus looked up at Davis, a mixture of gratitude and admiration in her eyes. “Thank you, Davis. I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

Davis squeezed her hand gently, a warm smile spreading across his face. “I’m glad I could help, Lotus. Let’s enjoy the evening and leave all this drama behind us.”

And so, they danced amidst the watchful eyes of their colleagues, their bond growing stronger with each step. As they twirled around the dance floor, the echoes of Peter’s deceit lingered in her mind. Why was she doing that? Why was he acting like he wanted her when he didn’t? Pushing the thoughts from her mind, Lotus leaned into Davis’s arms as they danced.

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