Florence was going mad with worry and worse, she couldn’t hide it from IK anymore. She paced the

length of IK’s hospital room, feeling like the weight of the world was on her shoulders. What on earth

was happening?

“Daddy would be back soon, mummy” IK said, looking at his mother with worry clearly visible on his


Florence swallowed and walked back to the bed. “He’d better, because if not…” I just might go

completely insane, she finished to herself. She sighed and sat on the bed. “I’m sorry, IK. How do you

feel now?”

IK smiled. “I am fine, mum, I am only worried about you and daddy”

Florence looked straight into his eyes “I don’t want you to worry about anything, okay? Your father is

fine” she said fiercely. “… he… he probably had to spend the night somewhere.” That didn’t explain

why his number wasn’t going through though, but she didn’t have to say that.

IK smiled. “I’m sure he is fine.” he mouthed. He definitely knew his mum’s fears and didn’t want to add

to her worry. Definitely didn’t want to mention that his joints when hurting so badly and that he had this

terrible pain in his head that won’t go away.

Florence sighed. “Are you sure you are okay, IK?” IK nodded. “I’ll be back in a second, okay? Don’t go

anywhere” Florence kissed IK’s head and headed out of the room. She had to dial bimbo’s number

again, though it was probably the fiftieth time already but she would call even a thousand times till she

could hear his voice.

Florence bumped into Nurse Tessa is the hallway and straightened herself awkwardly. She was

standing with a Nurse Gbemi. “I’m so sorry”

Nurse Tessa frowned, looking worried. “Is everything okay, Florence? Is IK alright?” Nurse Tessa had

been Florence’s saving grace though she wasn’t always available. It had been easy to get on first

name basis with her.

“No. IK is fine… it’s… my husband. I haven’t seen him since yesterday and it is so unlike him. His

phone has been off.

“Oh my God”

Nurse Gbemi shook her head. “I just pray he hasn’t ran away”

“Gbemi” Nurse Tessa warned subtly”

“What? It happens all the time. What have we not seen in this hospital? A man once abandoned his

wife because she gave birth to triplets and he didn’t have money. Parents abandoned their only child in

the hospital when she fell sick and they had no money. It is not a new thing. Especially with the nature

of your child’s sickness…”

Florence shook her pale face. “No! bimbo would never do that”

“Of course he wont” Nurse Tessa eyed Nurse Gbemi before looking back at Florence. “I’m sure

something is holding him back”

“Holding him back since yesterday. It’s almost dark, Tessa, I think it is better Florence is prepared for

anything” Nurse Gbemi said.

Florence swallowed. “Please excuse me.” She didn’t think she could stomach any more of what the

nurse was saying. bimbo would never leave her alone at a time like this. He wouldn’t!

“No wait” Nurse Tessa muttered as she made to leave. “Why don’t you try him on my phone?” she

brought out her phone and stretched it forward.

Florence nodded gratefully and collected the phone.


Florence’s head snapped up and she nearly fainted with relief. “bimbo” she shrieked as she rushed

towards bimbo, collapsing into his open arms. bimbo held her so close but Florence couldn’t get close

enough. “Oh bimbo… I’ve been worried sick” she muttered as tears of relief flooded her eyes.

“I can imagine” bimbo whispered into her hair.

“No, you can’t.” She pulled her head back. “Where were you, bimbo? What happened? I’ve called your

number almost a million times” she lamented as she stared into his eyes. She saw pain in his eyes

masked with the small smile he put on his face.

“I’m sorry I caused you so much worry” he muttered. He seemed to be struggling with himself as his

stroked her cheek slightly with his thumb.

“But something’s wrong, isn’t it?” Florence pulled back slightly with a frown on her face. “You look like

you so exhausted, bimbo, what’s going on? Are my children okay? ”

“Yes! It’s not them” bimbo hesitated. “Florence, I don’t want you worrying about this”

Now, Florence looked angry. “What are you saying? I don’t want you giving me that because that’ll only

get me worked up. You are telling me what’s going on whether you like it or not.” from the tone of her

voice, bimbo knew he had no other option, and frankly, he couldn’t hide something so big from her.

bimbo pulled Florence to a corner, affording them a bit of privacy and she trained her eyes on him,

waiting for him to drop the bombshell.

bimbo took a deep breath, holding Florence’s hand. “Remember I told you of Mr Ishola, the client I

expected to pay for an apartment?”

Florence nodded. “Of course, I remember”

“Well… he paid for the apartment”

Florence stared at him for a prolonged moment, then blinked. “But…?”

bimbo swallowed. “Jamal disappeared with the money”

“What?” Florence busted out.

“Mr Ishola is all bent on getting back his three hundred thousand Naira, I was held down at the police

station till this morning. Since I got out, I have practically trekked the whole of Lagos but Jamal is

nowhere to be found. His wife said he hasn’t been home for four days now.”

Florence felt her legs go weak beneath her. “Oh God”


“How can be do this to us? Where are we supposed to get that sort of money?” Florence yelled at she

paced in front of bimbo.

“Calm down, Florence”

“I can’t calm down, bimbo. If we had even a tenth of that money, IK wouldn’t even be in this hospital to

start with”

bimbo took a deep breath. “I’ll ask my family for help.”

“Your family? bimbo, we have been in this hospital for three weeks, none of them even has the

decency to check up on us, do you think they’ll be of any help?”

bimbo sighed, taking Florence by the shoulder. “We’ve got to try. I have searched all over for Jamal and

I’ll keep searching. I don’t want you getting all worked up over this. I’ll find a way”

“But how?” Florence looked up at bimbo with panic. “You don’t have any money I don’t know about, do

you?” she asked rhetorically. “We don’t even have money for IK’s treatment here in a government

hospital. We have borrowed so much already. We can’t deal with this now.” Water ran down her eyes. “I

don’t have the strength for this anymore”

bimbo pulled Florence into his arms. “Shhhhh… It’ll be fine. We’ll get through this. I promise” he

whispered as he held her close.

“I’m losing faith, bimbo. I don’t think I can keep up with this” Florence’s perched voice rasped.

bimbo’s heart beat fast in his chest. Her immense faith had been keeping him up all this while, she

couldn’t afford to lose faith now. “Don’t say that. Everything would be fine, dear, we’ll get through this”

Florence nodded with her head on his chest. “You should see IK”

Running feet separated them before bimbo could answer. They looked up just as Nurse Gbemi drew

closer. “It’s your son” she muttered breathlessly.

“IK” Florence gasped, running towards the hospital room with bimbo. Oh God, not another crisis, this

was just too much for her to handle. bimbo held on to Florence’s hand as they ran. Just as they got to

the door, Nurse Tessa came out and stopped them from entering.

“What? I want to see my son now” Florence yelled at her, pushing around to get past her.

“No, you can’t go in, I took two nurses to stabilize him.”

“Oh God”

“Where is the doctor?” bimbo asked anxiously.

“That’s the thing” Nurse Tessa muttered. “He has refused to attend to him”

“What?” Florence yelled just as bimbo stormed down the hall.

“He is in his office” Nurse Tessa yelled.

“Please, my son” Florence pleaded just as she turned to follow bimbo. The doctor would have to do

what she says or be ready to kill her.

“I’ll do all I can” Nurse Tessa promised, going back inside as Florence ran towards the doctor’s office.

bimbo arrived at the doctor’s office and pushed the door open without the thought of even knocking.

The door bounced against the wall and the doctor’s head snapped to him. There was a really elegant

woman seated just opposite him but bimbo didn’t even spare her a glance.

“Doctor Johnson. Please, I beg you in God’s name, please attend to my son. He is between like and

death. Please” bimbo laid down his pride.

Doctor Johnson glared at him just as Florence stormed in. “I told you before, didn’t I? I said I won’t

attend to him if there’s another crisis.”

“What’s he talking about?” Florence asked bimbo, then shook her head. “I don’t even care. Doctor, it is

either you treat my son or be prepared to kill me here because I wouldn’t watch my son die, you hear

me? I won’t watch him die” Florence yelled at tears ran down her cheeks.

“I’m sorry madam, but I can’t do anything for you people again. Your son’s case is a hopeless one”

“Good God, doctor, how can you say something so cruel” the elegant woman snapped, looking furious.

“It is the truth, Mrs Dongmo, their son is a cancer patient”

bimbo scratched his head furiously as he paced. He looked like he could fly into a million pieces.

Florence knelt down as she wept. “Please doctor… Please… I can’t lose my son… I just can’t”

Doctor Johnson ignored her.

Mrs Dongmo stared at the doctor for some seconds, looking bewildered. It was like she couldn’t believe

he was so inhuman. She stood abruptly. “Where’s your son”

“He is in his room, some nurses are with him” bimbo muttered, glaring at the doctor with fisted hands.

His helplessness was the most frustrating part. Florence blinked, noticing the elegant woman for the

first time.

“Come with me, we are taking him to Akors Hospital.” She said, moving towards the door instantly.

Florence blinked. She had heard so much about that hospital. “That… That’s a very expensive hospital”

she gasped out.

“Don’t worry about it. Come on, we don’t have time to waste”

“Thank you, ma” bimbo muttered wholeheartedly as they rushed back to IK’s room. He knew from the

looks that the woman was older in age, but at the moment, he would even call a child anything if it

would help his son.

They got to the room and they busted the door open. Nurse Tessa looked up with a pained look as

Florence and bimbo crowded the bed, finding IK unconscious. “He is in coma. He needs urgent

attention now, if not, I fear for the worst” she explained then looked up. Her face registered surprise as

she saw Mrs Dongmo. “Mrs Dongmo, it’s been so long since we saw you” Mrs Dongmo often came to

the hospital to help some of the patients, but she hadn’t visited in a while.

Mrs Dongmo didn’t have time to explain anything as she stared at the form on the bed with worry and

compassion engulfing her face. “I am taking him to Akors. Can you help move him to my car?”

Nurse Tessa nodded instantly, calling the other nurses instantly. Within minutes, they were wheeling IK

out of the General hospital towards the waiting Jeep. A dark guy which bimbo knew must be a driver

opened the door instantly as they approached. Together, they put IK inside the car and got in as the

driver got behind the wheels. Nurse Tessa insisted on going with them to keep IK stable if need be.

The doors slammed shut and the the jeep sped out away. Florence looked back at the fading building

of the hospital. So much had happened there. Never again did she want to step her feet in that

hospital. Never again!This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

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