CEO Leo’s Baby Mama Is Back

Her revenge

Chapter 68 Her revenge


Leo cleared his throat behind his mother trying to remind her of his presence since he has been standing there for a few minute. “Mom, I was actually having a nice time with Aaron when you called. I don’t like spending my free time standing clueless in the study.”

Grace sighed turning to look at him. “Why are suddenly acting this way, baby?”

He had a confused look on his face. “What are you talking about?”

“I’m sure you are well aware of what I am taking about, Leo.”

“Is this about Chloe? What did she tell you?”

“She didn’t need to tell me anything. I can read through her, Leo. When I called to check up on you both, she told me you weren’t around and her voice sounded distant. It’s not even a month into your marriage, baby and you have changed this much. Is there something Chloe is doing that you do not like? How about you tell her, so she can make amends. You can’t continue this way, this kind of marriage won’t even last a month.”

He rolled his eyes pulling a chair to sit in. “If I might add, Chloe is making unreasonable demands from me. Everything has to be about her. She doesn’t think whatever decision she makes would inconvenience the others just as much.”

“You need to understand that she is the only child and has been used to getting whatever it is she wants. You don’t expect her to be able to read your mind. You should come to reason with her.” Grace said.

“Where exactly is this conversation going, mom? I am not finding it pleasant for real.” Leo said with a stern look on his face.

Grace exhaled looking up at him, “I’m sorry, baby. I know I shouldn’t try to advice you, considering the fact that you went into this on my insistence. But really, Leo, you still went ahead with it either ways. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to shift the blame to you. I’m just thinking you might be able to love your wife right if you open your eyes to the good side of Chloe. Please, honey.”

“I don’t hate Chloe, mom.”

“And you don’t love her either. What you feel for her is in-between and it’s dangerous because as hopeful as one might be that it would flip to love it can also flip to hate which is most probable.”

He inhaled deeply, “I don’t know what you want from me, mom. What do you expect I do now?”

“Take her on a vacation. Something you should have done for your honeymoon that you refused to go on to.”

“My son isn’t feeling too well, I can’t make any travel as it is.”

“Stop using Sinclair as an excuse. He would be fine for the next few days that you wouldn’t be around. His mother is clearly capable of looking after him.”

“I do know she can. I am just not keen on traveling with Chloe at this moment.”

“Why are you so scared to be alone with her?”

Leo blinked rapidly, he didn’t think his intentions were that open. “What are you talking about?”

“You know exactly what I mean, Leo. Stop playing dumb, you are my son after all. And just like your father you can hardly keep your intentions to yourself for long.”

“I don’t know what you are driving at, mom. Chloe is my wife after all, which means I am not going to be free from her clutch. We would eventually have as many time as we want to be together.”

Grace stood up to sit in front of him, “I want you to put Chloe in your shoes, would you be fine with being treated like you are not wanted? She is a beautiful woman and her only offense right now is loving you. All she asks for is just little affection from you, that’s how content she is.”

Leo kissed his teeth looking away, “Why should affection be shortened? Why should little be given when plenty can be given? Why should I have to doubt my affections from her?” He held his head in his hands feeling tears rush to his eyes. “I should never have listened to any of you. Now I feel so indebted to Chloe that I walk on eggshells around her. It never should have happened this way. It’s all my fault.” He groaned.

Guilt burdened Grace as she watched her son, it dawned on her on the day of the wedding that the union would only end in extreme tears no doubt and nobody seem to care, especially Chloe’s parents. They are more concerned about what they stand to gain in the union. Ana shamelessly told everyone at the reception who cared to listen the shares they hold with Robin Motors. It made Grace realize how much mess she caused her son over her need for revenge.

It feels too late to turn back the hands of time now. Leo being the considerate kind of person would try his best not to hurt Chloe. They are both still young and should be having the best time of their lives. However, there is Chloe who won’t leave Leo for anything. The only person who isn’t too pleased with the union is no other than Leo.


Leo stood up abruptly. “I need to leave now, mom. My entire mood is ruined. I promise to make it up to Chloe like you want. I just need to go.”

“Leo, listen…”

“Please, ma. Don’t pull me back on this discussion. I have literally had enough of it. It’s making me feel stressed out and I just want to leave. Please.”

“I’m sorry for dragging you down here.” She apologized, smiling tightly.

Leo walked out of the study and went straight to Chloe who was on her phone. Bending low in front of her he placed his hands on her thigh. “Pardon me for talking so harshly to you last night. I was just stressed, please.”

Chloe blinked slowly cupping his face in her hands. “You do know how much I care about you, Leo. I don’t know how to not act possessive towards you. I’m sorry too. And I didn’t tell your mom anything, I promise.”

He thinned his lips. “Yes, I do know that. I don’t want us going off on each other every time, Chloe. I care dearly about you and I don’t want to hurt you either. But I will like if we respect each other’s space without necessarily imposing on one another. You do know how much I cherish my personal space. I don’t want us to start having regrets over something we have already done. Please. Let’s try to make this work. I’m tired of the consistent nagging.”

She nodded, “It’s okay.”

Leaning into her, he kissed her forehead. “I’m sorry. Will you be fine going home on your own? I will like to still hang out with Aaron.”

“Sure, don’t worry about me. Will you be home for dinner?”

“Will you be cooking?” He grinned.

Chloe smiled shyly. “You want me to?”

Leo bobbed his head, “I will love to eat whatever it is you cook.”

“Alright, baby. I will do that.” She mused kissing him. “I love you.”This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

“Love you too. Bye.”

“Took you long enough!” Aaron said spitefully when Leo got to the car.

Kissing his teeth, Leo ignored his friend’s whine and got into the car. “You can give as much attitude as you want when we get to a bar over shots of tequila. Until then, just keep mute.”

Doing as told Aaron ensured to not spit out a word until they got to their intended destination.

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