Chained By The Alpha Jessica Hall

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

"Is there an issue, Joseph?" Alpha Zayn demands. Only then do I glance at my father, who 1s shooting a look of daggers in his direction. I kick him under the table, and my father sits back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest while shooting me a glare

"Behave!" I mouth to my father. Gee, now I need to tell him how to act!

"Not at all, Alpha Zayn," Dad denies quickly

Looking back at the Alpha, I quickly avert my gaze when I realize that me kicking my father under the table didn't go unnoticed. Yet when I dare to look up, Alpha Zayn is still staring at me as if lam some puzzle he 1s trying to solve. He

shakes his head and moves toward his seat. My eyes follow him to take his seat. When he does, his gaze finds mine for a heated moment before he turns his attention away, clenching his jaw. I feel my cheeks flush and quickly turn my attention to the huge board Alpha Samuel spent a good ten minutes writing on earlier

I swallow, not liking the way he is staring so intensely, and I can once again feel his gaze on me. A shiver runs up my spine. Thankfully, Alpha Samuel clears his throat, drawing his attention away, and I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding

My eyes wander around the room, taking in the tense expressions of the Alphas as they discuss alliance strategies and resource management

All this talk about pack politics and territory borders is exhausting. I can't wait to escape back to my life outside these walls

"Alpha Joseph, your input on the new trade agreement would be appreciated," Alpha Samuel says, his voice cutting through my thoughts

Was I close to dozing off again? My dad straightens up in his chair, preparing to speak, but I can't bring myself to care about whatever he's going to say. Instead, I find my gaze drifting towards Alpha Zayn, who sits across the table, every bit as disinterested as I am

"Very well," my father begins, launching into a lengthy explanation about supply chains and tariffs. I try to focus on his words, but it's hard not to get lost in my own fantasies, especially when they involve the enticingly dangerous Alpha Zayn. His dark hair and the Alpha's steely gray eyes make it difficult to concentrate on anything else when my phone vibrates on the table. I snatch my phone off to glance at the message lighting up my screen

Leaning down, I look at it under the table to see it's from Deacon, making me grin mischievouslyAll content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

'Meet me outside in ten minutes'

I quickly type a reply. "You decided to go?' I reply back to my boyfriend. His reply is just as quick

'Jailbreak, meet me downstairs.' I can't help the goofy smile that splits onto my face

I quickly reply, telling him I will find an excuse when my phone is suddenly snatched from my hand. I grit my teeth, expecting it to be my father, but Iam shocked to find it 1s Alpha Zayn. He raises an eyebrow at me

"Is there something you'd like to share with the rest of us?" Alpha Zayn asks suddenly, his gaze

piercing through me. My cheeks flush with embarrassment, but I can't deny how my heart races at his attention. I shake my head, staring at the man wide-eyed

"Um, no," I stammer, trying to regain my

composure. "Sorry for the interruption."

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"TI hang onto this until after the meeting," he tells me, and his eyes flicker to his wolf as he peers down at my phone, reading my text messages. I reach for my phone, but he pulls it away, and I glare at him

"You can't take my daughter's phone," my father quickly growls. Alpha Zayn merely glances at him before pocketing it

"L already did," he states, giving me a pointed look. I turn back in my chair, and my father looks like he is about to leap out of his chair,

when Samuel speaks up

"Joseph!" Samuel shakes his head, warning my father to back off, and reluctantly, he does while Alpha Zayn retakes his seat across from me

The meeting continues, and I notice some other future Alphas sneaking off. They're using the bathroom as an excuse to leave. It is that boring

And no one seems to have noticed they haven't returned, so I decide to chance it. Glancing around, I lean closer to my father

"L need to use the bathroom," I whisper. He nods for me to go, and I quietly push my chair out, making a quick exit for the door. Once in the hall, I go to retrieve my phone before remembering Alpha Zayn took it from me

Great, I'll find Deacon either way; I will just have to mindlink Dad to grab my phone from

him on his way out. Moving toward the top landing and the stairs, I run into one of the Alpha's sons from the meeting. I'm pretty sure his name 1s Boyd. He 1s the same one who seemed to have no issue staring most of the night

"Cleo!" he calls out, and I stop, fisting my hands and turning back to face him

"You escaped?" he laughs

"Trying to, but you're intent on getting me caught if we are going to be lingering outside the door," I tell him. He glances back at the conference room door

"Tm not taking over. My brother is. No purpose for me in those meetings," he says, draping his arm across my shoulders. "IT heard your father is handing down the pack to you. I'm surprised it's

not going to Lydia, since Samuel's pack is bigger. It would make sense if they joined packs," he tells me

However, this time, I try to step away. I may not like having to attend these meetings, but there is no way I would let that bitch take over my mother's pack. I couldn't dishonor her like that

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. Come on, let's get a drink. My father wants to discuss alliances with your father anyway. It seems we'll be getting to know each other better soon anyway," he says, and I stop in my tracks at his words

"Excuse me?" "Your father hasn't told you?" he asks me

I step away from him, wondering what he

means. For some reason, I remember what Lydia had said earlier and wonder if this is what she meant. Suddenly, Boyd stiffens as I bump into somebody. A warm hand falls to my hip, and tingles rush over my skin, sending a shiver up my spine Glancing over my shoulder, I find Alpha Zayn behind me

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