Daughter-in-law Strikes Harder

Unending problems

Things had been so quiet and down at the Millers, with everyone’s head buried in their own sadness and forlorn. Emma had taken a break from the house because of her mother and lodged at a private suite, while Ellen traveled to Chicago for a random meeting she informed her mother about, on her way to the airport.

Dalton and Aria were back on their non-talking terms because she said she wanted that, and he told her he would only let her go after the four months that was left for their marriage to end.

That sure was more infuriating for her to hear from him, because he was playing her and she knew that it was for his own selfish gains.

Right in her bedroom, was Aria sitting on the bed with a laptop that had a USB drive inserted to the side of it. She found some pictures and edited videos on the drive that the private investigator dropped, and they were the few ones from a party the family held a year before and some few ones from two years before.

The one where someone had deliberately pushed her into the pool at the family anniversary, and also one where something got dropped in her drink in which another person had drunk it in place of her.

The guy who had taken the drink that was meant for her spent almost two months in the hospital, before the doctors could discharge him from being threat free after the incident.

They were all incidents that might have all looked like a normal happening to people who didn’t care about her, but it was too coincidental for someone who had been in the dangerous position.

None of the family took it seriously and made investigations about it, which was definitely another thing they had to suffer for.

But the downside was that the videos in edits, were all footage from blindspots which were not discovered by the person who cleared the real footage.

Though it wasn’t easy for the private investigator to get the videos and pictures, the price worth of the investigator was able to give her a clue that something was really wrong. And that someone had been trying to endanger her life over the years.

It was going to be a very long, tough and hard investigation for her alone, but she wanted something progressive and worth the stress she was putting into it. It would just take a little more time.

Checking the time on her phone, Aria realized it would soon be time for Anna’s last checkup before the surgery, and immediately dashed into her dressing room to wear a coat. She drove out of the mansion afterwards.

As she drove on the lonely road, Aria flipped through the pages of a huge journal that she brought out from beneath the car seat. She read the vivid words of thousand letters in the journal over and over again, which played and flashed before her eyes as she pressed hard on the brakes.

‘Her life was too much of a mess. Too pathetic and painful.’

~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~

“Can we get the tests done again?” Aria asked the doctor, immediately the nurse left with Anna for her own medical checkup.

“I don’t know who they were, but the last time you came here they were all over the place. Searched every necessary file and thoroughly inspected it. Crazy that the hospital director allowed that,” Dr Xavier sighed endlessly, as he readjusted his glasses and held a file in his hands, “Had to put the results in here, under another person’s name.”

“So?”Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

“The truth is you really need to start getting prepared to receive……..”

“Can we not, just talk about this over again. Just give me the drugs. And also for insomnia and others too. The ones from before are not working effectively. I want no paperwork too.”

“Please. You really need to stop all this right now and …..”

“I’ve come too far to stop here. Just make sure that Anna is okay, and that she is getting a perfect surgery to restore her health perfectly. I’d ask for nothing more.”

~`•`~ ~`•` ~ ~`•`~ ~`•`~

Aria stood in front of the car she had packed in front of the orphanage, as she watched Anna follow one of the nuns back into the huge building.

They had to wait an hour extra after visiting the hospital for tests, so that Anna could attend her therapy sessions at a therapist’s office.

The young girl had been suffering from depression and anxiety disorder, because of the physical abuse she had suffered from her parents since she was a toddler.

Her father was always high on drugs and drank a lot, while her mother was always a social worker who got entangled with an addict, and had a child they both didn’t want.

The poor girl’s life would have become a mess, if it wasn’t for the help of people who noticed what was going on and called the cops on her behalf. Ever since, she had been trying to get over her traumatic self and past.

The head nun came out through the side of the building to meet Aria who was still standing by car, and smiled at her as they both watched the young girl and the lady disappear into the building.

“You really like her. One would think she is your long lost child,” the nun joked, with a modest grin across her lip.

“I think we are very much alike. I feel like I can see my younger version,” Aria uttered, her fingers wrestling against her palms as her face remained so stoic. There seemed to be so many things going on in her mind, that the old lady’s eyes did not miss.

“There is still so much happiness waiting in the world for you, my child. Just let go of everything,” the nun encouraged her, as her both hands of wrinkled skin held that of Aria’s so warmly, and cupped them softly in some sought of protection.

She could see a great look of weariness and pain behind the beautiful young lady’s smile, and she really wanted to do so much to help her in any way she could. But she would never open up herself. It was some kind of trust insecurity or mental self consciousness to words and the world that she had.

Aria was hoping to end the day with her own personal space and peace, as she made her way into the mansion at exactly 6pm on the dot.

And just as she made her way into the living room just to take the direction towards the grand stairs, she came face to face with her worst nightmare standing there his old grumpy way.

More than the people she had expected to see for the state of tranquility the mansion had experienced for a few days, they were surprisingly more than the number that had been staying in before.

There was Eva, Emma, Ellen, Eleanor and Alex standing at the door and in the large dining space, like they had all been waiting for her to arrive right at that time.

‘It was not by any chance possible that Dalton was ready to divorce her, and had invited her father right?’

“And there you are,” Mr. Hamilton said without any form of patience, immediately he set his eyes on her after so many months. He was however so shocked and displeased at the same time, to see the new aura that his daughter exuded in the large room.

Even her manner of dressing, appearance and poise seemed to surpass the three sisters, who seemed to be there for reasons that were not yet plausible to Aria herself.

Yet, the intense feeling to compress her father into an airbag and toss him outside the house, overwhelmed her immediately as she watched the look he had for her.

‘It seemed like he had not realized whom he was messing with.

“We should all go and take a seat. Mr. Miller will be here in the next few minutes too,” Alex informed everyone, as Eleanor seemed to be evidently spiteful of the fact that the father of the lady she loathed, was standing so comfortably in the mansion.

Even on the solid grounds that he was the father of his son’s wife, she would have preferred to make him wait outside the gate for her to see him. His outward look was even so annoying for her to see, as he was not as classy as the fathers of the ladies she would have wanted.

‘Even his shoe seemed to be a knockoff.’

“There is no need for that, Alex. I do not have any business with anyone here,” Aria announced, and there was shock everywhere from the sisters who had not expected that.

It had been so obvious to them right from time that the father really disregarded his daughter, and treated her however he pleased like a marionette that he could control.

She had always been so scared and mindfully conscious of him. Never had she had the nerves to talk back at him. In spite of that, the look she was even giving him was really disgusting.

“Are you seriously talking to me in that manner and dismissing me out of your house, because you are now married to a billionaire. I now have no say over you?” Hamilton yelled at his daughter, not minding his manners in the fit of his anger. That Dalton was not even there, gave him more leverage.

“First of all, it is not my house. It belongs to Dalton. And secondly, I do not think we have too close of a business, to be in the same space talking like a normal family. You have never wanted to talk on the phone, so I see no reason why you should come and throw tantrums here. You certainly do not want my husband to come meeting you this way,” she told him so grimly, and taunted mockingly on the word ‘husband’ as she climbed further up the stairs.

“Is that the right way to speak to your father?!” They all heard a voice demand so imperiously, as they turned to see even if they knew who owned such a familiar voice of authority.

Mr. Hamilton was already beginning to show some kind of sentiment and recovering from his shock, at the sudden support that the husband of the daughter he didn’t really like was showing to him. Everyone was now confused about what was going on.

Dalton was doing that because he preferred to talk to her in any sought of way, even if it was going to be in that manner of speech. She really was not having it softly.

“I think my dear husband Dalton, should probably inform my father that we would be getting a divorce very soon,” Aria said in all manner and form of politeness and humility, as she gave her husband a coy smile that put everyone in total confusion and made them gasp in a mixture of sighs. She turned to leave immediately.

‘What exactly was happening between the two couples? And why was Dalton looking at her in such a soft manner even if she was walking out on him?’

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