Deadly Affairs



After knocking and pleading for a long time, I decided to save my strength because it didn’t seem like he was going to let me out soon. I decided to continue packing instead.

I picked out my clothes, underwears and hand bags. Well, only the and I bought with my money. We were getting divorced so I didn’t think it would make sense if I took the things he bought for me.

I went into the closet and opened a drawer at the farthest corner. I picked out a have envelope that contains all the money I hod save through out the years. Jason doesn’t open this drawer so he doesn’t know about the money.

Whenever Jason gives me money for foodstuffs or for me to spend on myself, I usually save about thirty percent of the money. I did it because there might be an emergency in the house one day and Jason might not be financially buoyant at the time.

Over the years, I had no reason to use it so the money is very much. It an last me for about two years if I spend it wisely. Like mainly on my essential needs. It could have lasted longer but I now have a baby on the way.

I never thought I would use it this soon or for this purpose. Never knew my life would change drastically in a span of two days. Sigh … You can never tell what happens tomorrow.

I went back into room and hid the money inside my bag. I was zipping up my suitcase when I heard the door unlock. Finally.

“Darling.” He called.

“I brought you food. ” Jason said with a smile on his face as he walked in holding a tray filled food.

He froowned when he saw my already packed suitcase but he quickly changed it back to a smile. He placed the tray on the bed and opened it. It was filled with all kind of delicacies.

On a normal day, I wouldn’t have hesitated to eat the food but today is different. I couldn’t let some good looking food distract me from what I had planned already.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I heard pregnant women were always hungry so I made you this.” He said. He seemed so calm and nice, not like how he was hours ago with Sarah earlier. Or is he bipolar?

He was so gentle towards me that I started to feel guilty when I recalled how I spent the last night with a stranger. A very bad decision that I made. Since we weree getting separated, I figured that I should let him know so we could feel less guilty since we both ruined our marriage.

“Jason. I can’t eat this.” I said.

“Why not? You don’t like the food? Do you want me to make you another one?” He asked.

“That’s not the reason. I need to tell you something.” I said.

“If it is about you leaving me, I don’t wanna hear it.” He said and was about to leave the room when I held him back.

“We can’t continue with this marriage and you know that.” I argued.

“But I already apologised to you. What else do you want me to do. Is it because of the baby? I’ll compensate her so she won’t bother us again. I’m sure all she wants is money. Just clear out all thoughts of leaving me.” He pleaded.

“I want to but I can’t.”

“Why not? Why can’t you forget about my mistake for the sake of our love and our child??” He asked as he placed his right hand on my belly.

“Because it’s my mistake I am talking about.” I said shakily. I really need to get it off my chest.

“What do you mean by your mistake. You haven’t done anything to hurt me like I did so you don’t need to feel guilty.”

“I wish that was the case.” I muttered.

“What you claim you did, is it worse than mine?” He asked.

“That is up to you to decide.” I answered.

“Okay. I am all ears.” He said. I took in a deep breath. Alright, here goes nothing.

“Yesterday, after I left your office…”

His facial expression turned into a huge frown when I finished explaining what had happened.

“You cheated on me??” He asked.

“I am sorry. I only did that because I found out you had been cheating on me So I wanted to pay you back for hurting me. My pain and anger got the best of me and I made that decision which I acknowledge wasn’t okay.”

“Did you use protection?” He asked. I stared at him in silence. Why is he suddenly asking me that?

“I asked you a question Tasha.” He said, rather impatiently when I didn’t answer.

“No. But he didn’t release in me. I made sure of it.” I answered.

“What the hell is wrong with you? You are pregnant for crying out loud. How could you have sex with someone you met at a club. What if he transferred some disease to you?” He asked.

I didn’t even think that far. What if he had? But he doesn’t look like someone with STD. What am I even saying?? It’s not like it is written on their forehead. What if he really has? Wouldn’t my baby be affected?

I urapped my hands protectively around my belly. I hope not. I really hope he doesn’t have.

“I am so disappointed in you.” He said. Well, I deserve that but he is being a hypocrite. He has been sleeping with his secretary for two years without protection sometimes.

What if he got some disease from her and transferred them to one when we were having sex?? I wanted to say it out but I held myself back. It could lead to some kind of argument which could soil my plan of leaving here today.

“I know you would be. I am disappointed in you too. That is why I want to end this marriage now.” I said.

“You are still hell bent on leaving me. We can just sit down and try to talk things out.” He said trying to reason with me but I had already made my mind.

“There is nothing left for us anymore.” I answered.

“Fine, you can leave. But I want you to eat first. You obviously haven’t eaten since yesterday so I figured you would be very hungry.” He said motioning towards the food.

“I am not hungry.” I said but at the same time, my stomach growled, countering my words. I smiled in embarrassment and rubbed my belly.

I might as well just eat the food because this might be last time I’d be eating what Jadon cooked.

“Well you don’t mind me talking a bite.” I said.

“Go ahead.” Jason replied. I sat down on the bed and started munching hungrily on the food.

“Slow down. You wouldn’t want to choke on the food.” Jason said. I listened to him and started eating slowly.

He left the rom and came back minutes later with a glass of warm milk in his hand.

“Drink this.” He said as he handed the drink over to me.

I collected it and muttered a small thank you before talking huge gulps from it. I finish the milk in no time and was about to pick another spoonful of food when my eyes started to get blurry.

What the hell is happening?? I shook my head to clear my eyes but it just got worse. I stared at the milk’s glass and realization hit me.

I looked up to Jason with a smirk playing on his lips. No, this can’t be happening. I tried to stand up but my legs felt numb. Then, I lost consciousness.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I woke up with a pounding headache. When the headache died down, I looked around only to find my self in our basement. I was lying on a bed that I never knew was there. Probably because I rarely come own here.

I recalled what had happened and wrapped my hands protectively around my belly.

“Don’t worry, what I fed you with won’t affect our baby.” I gasped when I heard Jason’s voice. I never knew he had been in the room all along.

“What the hell has gotten into you? Why would you drug me even after knowing I am pregnant?” I asked angrily.

“And why would you sleep with a stranger at a club even after knowing you are pregnant?” He asked back.

“I thought we are over this. You said that I could leave.” I said.

“And you really believe that. You really think I would let you go free after finding out you cheated on me?” He asked back taking slow predatory steps towards me.

My mind was screaming at me to make a run for it but I stood my ground. I didnt want seem fazed by him even though I was really scared inside.

“Don’t forget you cheated find.” I reminded.

“And you just had to pay me back by being a whore.” He answered as stood right in front of me.

Did he just call me a whore?? My anger took the best of me so I raised my hand and slapped him really hard on his face. He chuckled as he rubbed his cheek.

“Don’t you dare call me that.” I said.

“Try hitting me again and you will regret it.” He warned but I didn’t listen. I raised my hand to slap him again but he caught it easily. He picked me up and threw me on the bed.

“I warned you.” He muttered as walked towards the drawer close to the bed. My eyes widened when I saw him bringing out a cuff. I was about to make a run for it when he caught me.

I tried to struggle out of his hold but he was too strong. He held my hands above my head and cuffed it to the bed.

“Don’t bother struggling or you will hurt yourself.” He said.

“Why are you doing this?” I asked.

“Isn’t it obvious?” He asked back.

“Don’t worry. By the time I am done with you, you will never have any thoughts of some guy nor will you try leaving me again.” He muttered as he took off his clothes, leaving himself stark naked before walking towards the bed.

My eyes widened when I realized what he was about to do. I became scared and tried my best to remove the cuffs but it was all useless and I was just hurting myself.

He got closer and touched my bare legs. I shivered and moved away which made him frown. He held my legs and dragged me towards him before towering over me. I yelped in pain when I felt a cut on my wrist from the cuffs.

“Please. You don’t want to do this.” I pleaded.

“But I do. You see, I have been holding back myself from doing this to you. That was the reason I went to Sarah. I didn’t want you to see this side of me, the beastly side because I didn’t want you to get scared and leave me. But it doesn’t matter now. You betrayed me and still had thoughts of leaving me so I might as well do what want with you.” He said.

I tried to scream out for help but he used a piece of cloth to cover my mouth so I could only muffle out my screams. He tore off my clothes and forcefully dip a finger in my womanhood which made me groan in pain.

“You aren’t wet for me like you used to be. But it doesn’t matter. I can manage a dry p**sy.” He muttered before ramming into me forcefully despite my struggles.

I shut my eyes tightly when I felt the pain but couldn’t scream out because of the clothe around my mouth. Tears were rushing down my eyes. He noticed them but didn’t stop. He didn’t look like the Jason I knew and grew to love. It was like some demon had taken over him.

He kept moving in and out of me despite my struggles and when he had his fill, he released in me. I breathed out thinking it was all over until he turned me around and made me lay on my stomach.

No!! Not again!! Fear overtook me and I tried struggling with him but he was just too strong for me.

He lifted me and rammed into me from behind. My muscles tensed up aa I felt him moving forcefully. I prayed silently for it to be over but it seemed like God wasn’t listening to me because he continued for a very long time.

When my body couldn’t take it any more, I collapsed.


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