Echoes Of a Forsaken Heart

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

In a fleeting moment. Natalia lelt as if the world had crumbled beneath her feet. She couldn't bear to think what she would do if something truly dreadful happened.

“Ugh!” With all her might, she bit the lip of the man on top of her, then started to wriggle and writhe with all her strength. D

“It's me!

It wasn’t until Hamilton’s voice reached her ears that she felt a flicker of life surge back into her. It took a few seconds before she suddenly got a bit frantic.

“Hamilton, what’s wrong with you?” Hamilton chuckled, a sound that, to Natalla’s ears, seemed tinged with a touch of delight. “Something wrong with me? Or should you explain yourself for not recognizing me?”

Natalia choked on her words. She really hadn't recognized him. At that moment, all she could feel was fear. It never crossed her mind that It could be Hamilton. After all, when he left, he made it crystal clear he wouldn’t be back tonight.

“Sorry, | truly didn’t recognize you.” “That calls for a punishment.” As soon as Hamilton finished his sentence, he leaned in and captured her lips again.

Natalia’s body tensed up. She wasn't in the right state, physically or emotionally, for anything with Hamilton right now. And part of her was still smarting over what Hamilton had said earlier.

Even though she knew it was Victor stirring up trouble, Hamilton had indeed said those words. “Hamilton, my body...”

Before she could finish her sentence, Hamilton’s lips were on hers once again, kissing her event deeper. Natalia couldn’t fathom what had gotten into Hamilton. But in the end, she stopped struggling.

If this man wanted her, her protests wouldn’t matter; he wouldn't stop.

Hamilton had quite the appetite in that regard, and Natalla often found it hard to keep up. Unless it was her time of the month, there were few breaks from his desires.

Sometimes, it was three or four times a day.

Her recent miscarriage had left her body fragile, and Hamilton must have been holding back all this while. And now, it was clear he was aroused. Her body remained rigid.

Seizing a moment when Hamilton’s lips parted from hers, she asked, “Can we not?”

Hamilton didn’t respond, continuing his trail of kisses down her neck.

“How about... just with hands?” she ventured once more.

Hamilton paused at that. He chuckled softly. “I hadn’t planned on going all the way, but if you are offering a ‘hand’, | won't say

no. With that, he guided her hand down to the cool metal of his belt buckle. “Natalia, help me out here.”

For a moment, Natalia regretted her suggestion. But since it was out there, Hamilton wasn’t likely to let her take it back. Taking a deep breath, she reached for the buckle, fumbling in the dim light, unable to get it undone.

Hamilton watched her with a raised eyebrow.

After leaving the old family estate, he hadn’t planned on returning to the hospital. But somehow, he found himself driving there unconsciously. By the time he realized, he was already in the hospital parking lot. His mood soured instantly.

Lately, he felt Natalia had too much sway over him, her presence tugging at his emotions with ease. Tonight was no different, inexplicably ending up here, of all places.

That was not a good sign. He had wanted to leave, but since he was here, he thought he might as well check on her.

Entering the room, he saw Natalia’s trembling form in the bed, not sleeping peacefully. Her brows were furrowed, her eyelashes wet with tears.

Hamilton watched her for a long time before deciding to wake her. He hadn't even said her name when he heard her whisper, “Hamilton.” It was faint, almost indiscernible. Yet, his mood inexplicably lifted.

The room was still dark, and as Hamilton leaned over to help her with the buckle, he watched her closely. She seemed anxious, biting her lip in concentration.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Hamilton gently guided her hands, finally undoing the belt himself.

Since being with Natalia, he rarely settled for using his hands, and he didn’t much enjoy it when she used her hands on him either. He preferred the closeness of their bodies intertwined.

But tonight, this one time, he found a measure of satisfaction.

Hamilton leaned back against the headboard, pulling Natalia to rest against his chest. “Ms. Jenkins, you did quite well tonight.” His voice was laced with satiation.



Chapter 64

Natalia closed her eyes briefly, hiding the emotions swirling within them. She wriggled free from his embrace, got out of bed, and disappeared into the bathroom.

When she returned, hands freshly washed, she found Hamilton standing by the window, a silhouette backlit by the flicker of a cigarette.

She glanced at him, then looked away.

Inside, she was still knotted up over that comment from Hamilton. For a moment, she entertained the thought of what would happen if she ever gave in to Victor’s propositions.

Would Hamilton let her be? But deep down, she didn’t want to be a plaything passed between men. The mere thought of Victor made her skin crawl.

If she ever left Hamilton, she wanted to find a man who would truly love her to live a simple life. Not like this, with her heart hung on aman who gave nothing in return.

“Why are you back? | thought you said you weren't coming tonight?”

The ember at the window brightened briefly as Hamilton’s voice carried across the room. “What’s wrong? You aren’t happy to see me?”

Natalia didn’t move toward him but leaned against the opposite window. “I just don’t see why you needed to make the trip.” Hamilton nodded. “Indeed, it wasn’t necessary, but tonight’s visit turned out to be quite.... worthwhile.”

Natalia knew what he meant: he had enjoyed her ‘service.*

She let out a bitter laugh. “If it’s just physical relief you're after, I’m sure you have more than one woman at your disposal, Mr. Fowler.”

Hamilton was probably watching her, and she could sense a hint of displeasure from him. because of her comment.

But all she did was speak the truth. Before Eveleen came back into the picture, Hamilton never had a shortage of arm candy. Today, it would be a rising starlet; tomorrow, a top model.

His taste in women was always impeccable, and there never was a shortage of women around him, not to mention the current presence of Eveleen.

If Hamilton wanted to satisfy his physical needs, it would take but a single word to summon a legion of admirers. “Am | wrong?” Natalia ventured once more.

Hamilton let out a low, derisive chuckle. “No, you're right.”

Even with just his silhouette against the dim light, there was an undeniable rogue charm to him. cigarette dangling from his lips. 3/4

Chapter 64

Natalia didn’t allow herself to linger on the sight, quickly diverting her gaze. “Then why do you bother coming here?” “Tonight, | just want to be with you. Does that answer satisfy you, Ms. Jenkins?”

Natalia let out a wry laugh. What’s there to be satisfied or dissatisfied about?

To this man, she was nothing but a physical craving devoid of any emotional attachment.

After all, Eveleen was the one he truly cherished. And she? She was merely a means to an end.

“Don't you ever get tired of sleeping with me?” she blurted out.

The man extinguished his cigarette and walked towards her. Reaching Natalla, he effortlessly scooped her into his arms. “Not really. | wouldn’t mind sleeping with you for two more years.”

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