Emery: A Prince's Adventure

Chapter 11

Chapter 11


''Indeed,'' Emery says sarcastically.

''Evelyn, none of us were expecting you.'' I turn to see the queen closing her distance between Emery's

sister—Evelyn. She smiles at her mother before being pulled by Genevieve for a hug; showing how

much she has missed her. They both end up laughing while I glance at Emery and see him rolling his


''You must be Emma, Emery's fiancée.'' Evelyn says, causing me to immediately blink a few times as I

return back into reality. To my surprise, she looks amazingly beautiful from up close—which lowers my

self-esteem to the lowest level, ''It's nice to finally meet you, I'm Evelyn.'' She adds.

''Emma,'' I reply.

''Well, we'll talk later, for sure.'' She says before disappearing inside the castle with the queen as they

continue to talk—mostly about her trip back in Malaysia. That's one of the reasons why she hasn't been

around here. She's been busy travelling the world, mostly.

I turn to face Emery who's currently busy scrolling down his phone, ''I thought you're the first and only

son born.'' I say which leads him to look at me.

''Correction, I'm the first and only son born because Evelyn's adopted.'' He replies with a smirk on his

face, ''She's not really royalty—she's been brought in by royalties. My mother and my father wanted

another child but unfortunately, it wasn't going to happen so they decided to adopt. Evelyn has been an

orphan ever since she was a baby; that's one of the reasons why they brought her in and cared for her.

Her mother died while giving birth while her father died of cancer,''

''She's really pretty.'' I say, quite low but Emery manage to hear the words.

A frown appears as he looks at me, ''Eh, you're prettier.'' He assures, causing me to turn and feel my

cheeks heat up in embarrassment at his compliment but I can't help feeling slightly happy or proud—a

prince just complimented me; that's not happening everyday.

My heart starts to beat fast when I realise that Emery is still smiling at me in a way that most girls would

fall head over heels but I still manage to stand without falling. Then, I push his face slightly, ''Don't smile

like that,'' I say, earning myself a confused look from him.

''Like what?'' He asks.

''Like that.'' I answer.

''Like what?'' He asks once more, slowly closing the distance between us with a small smile on his face

while I groan in frustration without realising that he is slowly placing both of his hands on my waist.

''Like that! Like that!'' I answer, twice which causes him to laugh, loud enough to catch other people's

attention but that doesn't seem to bother him nor I. He starts to slow down due to my stare but he ends

up chuckling—finding it exciting for me to roll my eyes.

''Like this?''

Then, he starts to pull me close so that our body would collide

Then, he starts to pull me close so that our body would collide. My eyes widen at the sight—surprised

to see him being such a beauty; the kind of beauty that could weaken my whole body system and shut

down. I blink a few times but he doesn't seem to realise that I'm deadly, attracted.

''Or should I do this?'' He asks.

Surprisingly, I am only left focusing on Emery

Surprisingly, I am only left focusing on Emery. Every sound on the back has disappeared into the thin

air while I see him laugh and smile; slowly dragging myself towards him. The way he does everything,

attracts in every way possible—which surprises me even more.

For some reason, I only manage to hear my heart beating as my lips curve up into a small smile;

feeling myself being pulled by some sort of power just by the way he's acting childish around me. As he

continues to laugh, I immediately cup onto his face before meeting his lips for a short couple of


I pull back, realising what I just done.

I am left to look at a surprised Emery who has both of his hands up in the same position but instead of

laughing, his face is deadly serious and his eyes wide—instantly terrifying me if I actually made a

mistake. Seconds before I can utter a single word, he starts to lean in before meeting my lips once

more; this time longer.

Both of his hands are placed on my waist while I continue to cup onto his face, deepening the kiss. We

end up kissing passionately slow—continuing what I just started. It doesn't bother us that there are

people out here probably looking at us as if we've lost our minds because right now, right here, we're

attached to each other. Only.

Emery pulls me closer towards him even though our bodies are already collided against one another. I

can feel everything from the waist below as our lips share something passionate; something that we

rarely share with each other.

Eventually, we slow down the kiss so that we wouldn't actually start undressing each other. I can't help

but soothingly running my fingers on his face while I eye down his lips as he rests his forehead against

mine. Our eyes meet in an instant—making us realise that we've managed to take another step further.


I slowly let go of his face before taking a few steps back and he does the same. Things between us are

slightly awkward but I manage to do a poker face before quickly making my way inside the castle as I

smile to myself—loving the way he laughed and smiled and loving it more when he kissed me that way.

This sounds crazy but I may have feelings attached.

''Emma, there you are!'' I am surprised to find Dian shouting my name from afar before making her way

towards me, ''The queen and Evelyn are waiting for you. Come, come.'' She says as she pulls me by

the wrist until we finally reach one of the rooms; I'm still trying to remember some but I can tell, it

seems impossible.

We enter the room and Dian let out a deep sigh, ''It took me forever to find her.'' She says and Evelyn

chuckles as she takes a sip of her tea while Genevieve opens a catalogue for wedding dresses.

''Evelyn's here to help with the wedding too. Like I said, we don't have much time left. We shall make

the wedding happen as soon as possible with no disruptions—the sooner, the better and since Evelyn

and Dian is here, they'll be very useful. You can choose whatsoever, Emma, they'll be here to give you

advices and help you out. How does that sound?'' Genevieve smiles, looking straight at me.

Actually the three of them are.

''What about Margaret?'' I ask.

She was supposed to help me plan the wedding but she did quite a job by arranging it more than

helping. I never did get the chance to choose what I wanted to wear because she obviously chose

everything for me—not accepting my choices.

''Mother fired her. I heard that she's no use,'' Evelyn replies, earning herself a nod from the queen.

My lips curve up into a smile, realising that I'll actually have a chance to choose for my own wedding.

Even though this wedding may not be filled and based on love but it's my one and only wedding—it

shall be something worthy and my own taste. Everything will be perfect, simple and flawless.

''I don't know what to say, I really want to thank you.'' I say towards Genevieve and she smiles,

agreeing and also knowing that Margaret didn't do a great job—so, letting her daughter and her niece

helping me plan would actually work out, since their fashion sense is ten times better.

''Let's get started!'' Evelyn chuckles.

It was a week filled with chaos and confusions. Then again, it was also a week filled with fun and

arguments—from the wedding dress to the wedding cake, everything was arranged perfectly well.

Genevieve wanted me to wear their traditional wedding dress that has been worn for generations but

Evelyn resisted because she said that I need to choose on my own; she was right. Besides, I want

Evelyn to wear it; not me.

Speaking of the wedding, I haven't managed to speak with Emery but we would bump into each other

in the hallways or positively catch glimpses of each other. Never really gotten the chance to speak or

communicate—we just end up walking away because both of us are busy. Mostly because the wedding

has finally come. Today!

I may sound more excited; it's because well, shouldn't I be?

Yes, I should be feeling sad.

I turn around to find my mother entering the room and as soon as she sees me, her eyes wide with

tears almost falling down her cheeks—before pulling me close for a hug. I wrap my arms around her

body as we both hug each other; while I try to comfort her.

''Don't cry,'' I utter.

''You're getting married, how can I not cry? You're my only daughter and I'm already letting you go.

You'll be living here with Emery. I'll only have less time with you. Whenever I want to come and visit, I

have to come here but it wouldn't be everyday because it's too far away.'' She wipes away her tears

while I chuckle and pull her close once more.

''I'll come and visit you, instead.'' I reply. NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

''You're becoming a princess, soon a queen. You will not leave your duties—you shall always be by the

side of your prince, not by my side.'' She adds and I just smile at her, realising that I'm actually going to

get married and this will last till the end of my breath. This isn't something playful. This is deadly


I turn to look at myself in the mirror, satisfied by the makeup that has been done. Overall, I look

naturally beautiful with the light makeup that has been put on—only to highlight my features and

enhances my beauty even more. For some reason, I actually see myself as a princess today.

''Is she ready?'' I turn to see Evelyn entering the room with a smile on her face, ''Oh my god, you look

amazing! Do you even know how amazing you look?'' She nods her head as she smiles in satisfaction,

Dian and her helped me plan my wedding dres...

''Is she ready?'' I turn to see Evelyn entering the room with a smile on her face, ''Oh my god, you look

amazing! Do you even know how amazing you look?'' She nods her head as she smiles in satisfaction,

Dian and her helped me plan my wedding dress and I'm more than satisfied.

Once everything is settled, they all walk with me towards the car—a transportation for me to the

church. Deep inside, I am utterly nervous; even though, we're getting married with no feelings attached

but what makes me more than nervous is because of Emery.

What if he's not there?

''Breathe,'' Dian whispers beside me.

I smile at her before entering the car. From inside, I manage to see that they are all in a hurry to get

into a different car, leaving me on my own with the chauffeur. The ride is filled with nothing but silence

and I can't help but continuously play with the tips of my fingers—trying to cause some distraction to


Without me realising, I have already arrived at the church, causing me to breathe properly and take in a

deep breath—relaxing. Everything will be okay, I keep on chanting. Then, the chauffeur starts to open

the door for me; leaving me to step out from the car.

A lot of people are here, screaming and shouting as they loudly shout my name which confuses me

slightly, I've been inside the castle for too long that I haven't gotten the chance to get out and realise

that the people here in England has already know me.

My father stands at church door with a wide smile, assuring me that everything will be fine. I smile back

at him before receiving his hand as I hold tightly onto the flower near my abdomen. My heart couldn't

help but beat really fast; I can't seem to find anything that would calm me down at the moment.

''I love you, princess.'' Dad whispers.

The doors are opened, causing everyone to stand up at my arrival. I look down onto the ground, slowly

getting myself together because I'm scared if I might trip and fall—causing embarrassment to myself

and everyone involved. Within seconds, I look up, only to see Emery standing there with a smile on his


My heart stops immediately, causing me to forget all of the noises and the sounds. The only thing I

manage to focus on is Emery—the way he smiles and the way he kissed me a few days ago, the way

we might probably end up working each other's way together. I smile back and it takes me awhile to

realise that Emery has been eyeing me from my face to the bottom of my dress.

All of a sudden, I am already standing beside Emery after receiving a kiss from dad on the cheek.

The archbishop begins, ''Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God, and in the face of

this congregation, to join together this man and this woman in Holy Matrimony; which is an honourable

estate, instituted of God himself, signifying unto us the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and his

Church; which holy estate Christ adorned and beautified with his presence, and first miracle that he

wrought, in Cana of Galilee, and is commended in Holy Writ to be honourable among all men; and

therefore is not by any to be enterprised, nor taken in hand, unadvisedly, lightly, or wantonly; but

reverently, discreetly, soberly, and in the fear of God, duly considering the causes for which Matrimony

was ordained.'' I manage to furrow my eyebrows slightly but I keep calm.

He continues, ''First, It was ordained for the increase of mankind according to the will of God, and that

children might be brought up in the fear and nurture of the Lord, and to the praise of his holy name.

Secondly, It was ordained in order that the natural instincts and affections, implanted by God, should be

hallowed and directed aright; that those who are called of God to this holy estate, should continue

therein in pureness of living.'' Then, he looks up at both of us.

Emery and I keep quiet as we continue to listen but it takes forever for the vows which causes me to

sigh. Luckily, neither Emery or anyone hears a thing due to the fact that a microphone is attached to

Emery and I, including the archbishop.

''Thirdly, It was ordained for the mutual society, help, and comfort, that the one ought to have of the

other, both in prosperity and adversity. Into which holy estate these two persons present come now to

be joined.'' He stays silent for a few seconds, ''Therefore if any man can shew any just cause why they

may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter forever hold his peace.''

Everyone stays quiet as a sign for the archbishop to continue and he does after looking at both Emery

and I, ''I require and charge you both, as ye will answer at the dreadful day of judgement when the

secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed, that if either of you know any impediment, why ye may not be

lawfully joined together in Matrimony, ye do now confess it. For be ye well assured, that so many as are

coupled together otherwise than God's word doth allow are not joined together by God; neither is their

Matrimony lawful.'' He says but the both of us keep quiet, only agreeing.

The archbishop turns to look at Emery, ''Emery France Arthur, wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded

wife, to live together according to God's law in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort

her, honour and keep her, in sickness and in health? And, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto her,

so long as ye both shall live?'' He asks and I look up at the archbishop, waiting to hear an answer from


His name is Emery France Arthur?

''I will,'' He answers.

The answer is loud and clear which causes me to try and breathe properly. What makes me more than

nervous is the fact that our wedding is being held live worldwide—due to the fact that Emery's royalty

and any royalty would have their wedding known to everyone. One of the other facts are, Emery's hot.

The archbishop turns towards me, ''Emma Faye, wilt thou have this man to thy wedded husband, to live

together according to God's law in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou love him, comfort him,

honour and keep him, in sickness and in health? and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so

long as ye both shall live?'' He asks.

''I will,'' I reply.

The archbishop continues, ''Who giveth this woman to be married to this man?''

My father takes my right hand before giving it towards the archbishop in which the archbishop slowly

gives towards Emery. Once my hand meets his, I instantly feel the warmth radiating—soothingly

calming me down in a way it should be.

Then, he turns slightly to face me with a small smile on his face and I do the same; trying to hide the

blush from appearing on my cheeks. Thankfully to the blushers, it won't seem like I'll be red as a

tomato. At least, people will think that it's makeup.

Emery says after the archbishop, ''I, Emery France Arthur, take thee, Emma Faye, to my wedded wife,

to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse: for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in

health; to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law; and thereto I give thee

my troth.'' He looks directly into my eyes as he said those words, giving me shivers.

We loosen the hand before I start to pick his right hand once more and I say after the archbishop, ''I,

Emma Faye, take thee, Emery France Arthur, to my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this

day forward, for better, for worse: for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish,

till death us do part, according to God's holy law; and thereto I give thee my troth.'' I can't help but

notice him looking at me while I stand here awkwardly, shy saying my vows.

After the archbishop has blessed the ring, Emery takes the ring and places it upon the fourth finger of

my left hand—making me look down at the ring, seeing it shining brightly as ever

After the archbishop has blessed the ring, Emery takes the ring and places it upon the fourth finger of

my left hand—making me look down at the ring, seeing it shining brightly as ever. With him, still holding

onto my hand, ''With this ring I thee wed; with my body I thee honour; and all my worldly goods with

thee I share—'' He says but I fail to focus onto his words but only to remain focus on his face.

''Let us pray,'' The archbishop says, leaving Emery and I to kneel, ''O Eternal God, Creator and

Preserver of all mankind, giver of all spiritual grace, the author of everlasting life: Send thy blessing

upon these thy servants, this man and this woman, whom we bless in thy name; that, living faithfully

together, they may surely perform and keep the vow and covenant betwixt them made, whereof this

ring given and received is a token and pledge; and may ever remain in perfect love and peace together,

and live according to thy laws—'' He finishes.

Both Emery and I raise our right hands together to the front, letting the archbishop join our hands

together as he ties, ''Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder.'' He says. Then,

we put our hands down, somehow still attached.

''Forasmuch as Emery and Emma have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the

same before God and this company, and thereto have given and pledged their troth either to other, and

have declared the same by giving and receiving of a ring, and by joining of hands; I pronounce that

they be man and wife together, In the—'' I look down onto the ground, waiting for the archbishop to

finish while we're both still kneeling in front of him.

''—bless, preserve, and keep you; the Lord mercifully with his favour look upon you; and so fill you with

all spiritual benediction and grace, that ye may so live together in this life, that in the world to come ye

may have life everlasting.'' He continues.

Emery and I stand up straight. After everything has been done, the choir starts to sing while Emery and

I move to the High Altar as we hold hands. Once everything is done, we walk down the aisle, heading

towards the exit of the church, followed by both of our families.

As we took our ride back to the castle, we are now standing at the balcony, looking down upon the

people of England as they cheer loudly of our wedding. I am standing right next to Emery, only waving

and smiling back at them, widely.

''Emma,'' Emery calls out.

I turn towards him, ''What?''

Within seconds, he leans in quickly before meeting my lips for a few seconds; leaving me with a smile

on my face afterwards. I manage to catch a glimpse of him smiling but I turn to face the crowd once

more as they cheer louder after the kiss—with one thing on my mind.

Even though it was a public act, I still liked it.

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