Fated Mate


“Lee, Lee!”

She turned to face Jane running down the hall toward her. She wasn’t feeling sociable today, especially to the beauty queen.

“Hi, Jane.” Her cheeks were hurting from all the fake smiles she had on today.

“Hi. I thought we’d have lunch together, since you can’t hide in your car today. Where is it anyway?”

“My sisters are using it,” Lee answered, hiding the annoyance she was feeling. Jane always had to know every single detail. They walked into the cafeteria and lined up to get lunch. She pulled out her wallet to pay for her tray but Jane beat her to it.

“I got it.” She handed the lunch lady her credit card. Lee never understood why she wasn’t at some high-class private school with all the money she flashed around.

“Thanks.” Lee walked to the empty table next to some guys from their class.

“Hi, Lee.” George turned around on his chair.

“Hi.” She placed the tray down on the table and pulled the seat that was back to back with him. Maybe he would get the hint and not ask her out today.

“I heard you broke up with your boyfriend.” He sounded delighted. “You don’t have that excuse to say no to me anymore.” His face lit up and his grin widened.

“Lucky you,” Lee snapped at him. She knew George would hound her all day with this and it annoyed her. No meant maybe to George, it was like an invitation to keep nagging until he gets a yes.

“Why is he lucky?” Jane sat down opposite Lee, her plate full of rabbit food. Lee looked at her plate, it had a burger and fries swimming in ketchup. Jane even ate better than she did. Lee could feel the frustration build up again.

“Lee and I are going out.” George beamed a smile at Jane. She clapped excitedly.

Lee looked at him peeved, she hadn’t agreed to anything. She was about to bite his head off, but she decided against it. If she were going to let her temper get the best of her she wouldn’t make it to the end of the day.

“Maybe we could double date?” Jane looked at her plate, fidgeting with a piece of lettuce in her fingers. “You and George, me and…Ash.”

Lee looked at her bewildered. She knew there was something behind the lunch and kindness. Jane never did anything for anyone unless there was something in it for her. She wanted Lee to hook her up with Ash! Had she lost her mind?

“Could you give me his number?”

She was really out of her mind.

Lee bit her lip down controlling the anger that wanted to snap at her. “I don’t have it.”

She looked up shocked. “How do you get in touch with him?”

The happy spark quenched the anger. For once Lee was glad Ash didn’t want to see her anymore. She didn’t think she could take seeing them together. “I don’t, he finds me.”

Jane nodded slowly. “The next time you see him, tell him we have a date this Saturday.”

“Sure.” Lee picked a fry and put it in her mouth. She was sure as hell wasn’t telling Ash anything.

“It’s you and me next Saturday, alone.” Josh’s cool familiar voice spoke over Lee. She looked up to see his smiling eyes stare down at her. He was gorgeous, she never knew why she was never interested in him, wait, yes she did. She was into the wrong guys, and he was the right guy.

Her mouth was full so she gave him a short wave.

“Hey, you can’t do that. I had dibs first!” George bellowed behind her.

Wow, am I a piece of meat now? Lee put another fry in her mouth, she was going to let them battle it out and not waste her breath because she really hadn’t said yes yet to any of them.

“Some respect, George, and the two of you aren’t exclusive, so she can date the both of us then pick who she wants to be with?” Josh kept his voice level and warm.

Lee was glad he spoke for her. Maybe I should date him.

“See you soon, Lee.” He turned and walked back to his table. Lee watched him, and she wasn’t the only one. There were several girls watching and drooling, which was understandable. The muscle shirt he wore was not at all fair to the females in the school.All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“How is it you have all these guys drooling all over you when you look so…simple?” Jane sounded perplexed. “You dress like a boy.”

There is the bitch I know, crawling its way out of the facade of friendship. Lee thought with a smile.

“Gee, I wonder?” she said sarcastically, but at the same time she was freaking out, she had somehow gotten the next two Saturdays booked. She was going to have to come up with some valid excuses not to go. She was still hopeful that Ash would change his mind, and he couldn’t catch her juggling two guys.

She was relieved when the bell rang. She stood up and headed out of the cafeteria. Jane caught up and walked next to her yapping all the way about the outfit she was going to wear to their double date. She hated the fact they had the next three classes together.

Lee was glad she had detention. The others would have left school by the time she was released from high school prison. She wasn’t worried about work-Ann and Maria were covering her shift for her until she got there, so she did her homework and studied up on her history. Her final exams were coming up and she needed to improve her history grade if she was to graduate.

Lee walked slowly out of detention bothered by the quiet school building. It was too quiet for her liking. When she got to the parking lot, she saw a number of football players and cheerleaders walking to their cars. That meant George, Josh and Jane were still around. She walked faster hoping not to bump into anyone. She didn’t get far before she spotted George. She turned to run in the other direction but she spotted Josh. She was cornered. They reached her at the same time.

“Hi guys.” Lee pressed her lips in a fake smile.

“I didn’t see your jeep, would you like me to give you a ride home?” Josh spoke in his signature cool voice.

“No thanks.” Why am I not attracted to this guy? Lee thought, looking him over. He was not only hot he was sweet too.

“Or you could ride with me. We could get to know each other on the way?” George ran his fingers down her arm. His lips curved in a mischievous grin. His forwardness stunned her.

I know why I’m not attracted to him.

“You could both walk me to the bus stop, just to keep it fair.” Lee didn’t want to ride with either of them. She needed to cook up some excuses into not going out with either of them.


Ash had been watching Lee and the two guys. At first he was watching Lee. He wanted to make sure she got to work okay without letting her know he was around. He saw how uncomfortable she got and thought she was in trouble, only to spot the two stooges walking up to her. He felt jealous watching and listening to them offer Lee rides. He got even more annoyed when he saw the blond guy touch Lee. He walked up to them determined not to let Lee leave with either of them and hoped to leave the blond one’s limbs intact.

“I hope you boys don’t mind, but I’m taking her home.”

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