Fated To Love You Forever

Chapter Forty Nine

Damien’s hands on the steering wheel tightened as he stepped harder on the gas. He was driving to Katherine’s house already and he was still quite furious.

What right did she think she had that she would dare divert his letters? He was so pissed off that he forgot about the fact that he had been working for almost twelve hours, straight and he had been tired.

He forgot about the fact that ten minutes ago he was fatigued and hungry due to the lack of sleep and what he needed at the moment was a good rest, but this revelation had made him forget about all of that.

As he made a turn in the road his mind went back to Alvarez’s words. If Alvarez had not made that joke he would never have guessed, and it all made so much sense.

Damien hissed, anger rushing through him. All this time, Madison had been angry with him for something he had no idea about, and he thought her reaction had been unprovoked. For her to reach out to him… it had to mean something.

Finally he reached Katherine’s house.

As he turned off the ignition and stepped out of the car, he only become more angry. The servants did not question him as he walked past them and through the hallway to her room.

“Katherine!” He yelled, checking all the rooms as he passed, but she was nowhere to be found.

“Katherine…?” He tried again. As he walked up the staircase, she emerged from her bedroom in a pink robe which she clutched tightly around herself.

“Babe?” She looked confused when she saw him, “What are you doing here? You didn’t even tell me you were coming,” She laughed, skipping to where he stood, her arms wide to engulf him in a hug, and to her surprise, he stopped her before she could get any closer.Please check at N/ôvel(D)rama.Org.

His jaw set in anger, he cornered her into a wall.

“How dare you?” He asked, his voice dangerously low. “What made you even think you had the right to put your hands on my personal stuff?”

Katherine frowned, her hand coming up to rest on her chest rubbing it gently, “Damien…w-what are you talking about? You’re speaking in ridd-”

“Don’t you dare!” He snapped, cutting her off, “Don’t you try to act dumb right now because it’s really going to piss me off. You have been intercepting my letters. Letters from London… letters from Madison. And you’ve been doing it deliberately. So, answer me! What and who gave you the right to mess with my things?”

Katherine folded her arms over her chest in denial, “You’re clearly having a bad day, babe. Let’s go upstairs and…”

Damien glared at her, his temple throbbing in anger. “If I have to say it one more time, you’d wish I kept my mouth shut. Where are the damn letters? I’ve been charged for home post bills so don’t even think of lying to me.”

Katherine took in sharp breaths as she stared at him, then she rested against the rails of the staircase her face suddenly calm, “Look, I’m not even sure why you’re pointing fingers at me on this. I didn’t do anything wrong. The postman delivered some mail, yes. I asked what it contained because I knew you were really busy that week, but he said he had no idea. it was also labeled as spam letters, so I thought it was all those lottery or disabled children fund mails. So I didn’t even bother you know since it was nothing business related. I didn’t think it was important. That’s why I didn’t tell you about it.”

Damien stared at her in rage, “Stop fucking lying to me!”

It was obvious that she was lying, and he could see it even though she tried to be calm about it all.

Everything was against her. Madison couldn’t have lied about sending letters and Damien could feel it in his gut that the only reason why Katherine was this confident about lying was because she knew he had no proof whatsoever.

“I’m not!” Katherine defended.

Damien raked his fingers through his hair trying to keep calm, “There was an address, a name, and you can’t tell me that you didn’t even try to open it once to see the contents. Oh Katherine stop lying, I know the truth already.”

Katherine scoffed as she stared at him in disbelief, but Damien knew she was lying. He had known her for years and he knew exactly what she was capable of.

Also, she had hated Madison from the start, seeing her as a threat to their relationship, so he didn’t even need to be told the lengths Katherine would go to kick another woman out of the picture.

“Tell me what you did with them then. Where are the letters?” Damien commanded, “What did you do?”

Katherine was also beginning to get irritated with the constant questions, and yelling she clutched at her hair and barked out, “I said I didn’t get to read the letters! What is wrong with you. You want to know what I didn’t with them right? Well, don’t even worry about finding the stupid letters because I already burned them.”

Danish staggered back at her words. “You did what” He asked, his eyes widening in fear and suddenly he felt like his heard was spinning.

No, no, no.

He needed those letters. He needed to know what they contained. What Madison had said to him… what she had requested of him. He needed to know everything, but if Katherine really burned the letters then all hope was lost already.

His heart pumped in anger.

“What did they say? What did the letters say?” He asked slowly.

“I don’t know, I didn’t bother to read them. You just like me repeating statements every time.” Katherine spat back, rolling her eyes as she leaned against the wall.

Damien could no longer contain his anger. He was raving mad, and a deep growl escaping his lips, he grabbed her forward by the neck, gripping on tightly and then pushing her deep into the wall.

He ignored the small scream that escaped her lips as she stared at him in shock.

“I don’t know who the fuck you think you are Katherine, and what makes you think you have the right to interfere in my personal affairs…” He whispered, his hand still gripping on tightly to her neck, “But this… this is the last time I’m going to say this to you. Stay the hell away from anything that doesn’t concern nor involve you. In essence, keep your damn nose out of my fucking business.”

Katherine had begun to gasp for air. “D-damien… you’re hurting me!” She yelled, slapping his hand but to no avail, his grip was strong and tight.

“Good! Maybe it’ll help you remember this clearly. I don’t want you near anything that concerns my personal affairs. Do you get that? I am done with you being a control freak, and acting like you have a right to be involved in my personal issues. Keep your way clear and out of mine. I don’t interfere in your personal business and you can’t do the same to me.”

As he said the last words, he released his hold on her, and Katherine fell back onto the wall, coughing as she glared at him in shock.

“And if you think that diverting those letters was going to help anything, then you are damn wrong. I must find out what those letters contained even if it means flying all the way to London.”

He ignored the shock in her eyes at his words, “I will not warn you again. I’ve said what I came to say and now I expect you to adhere to it. Stay in your fucking lane.”

With those words, he turned away and stormed out of the house. He was still fuming when he got into his car but he had made up his mind already.

His decision clear, the first thing Damien did when he got out of Katherine’s mansion was to text Alvarez, asking him to send Madison’s personal number.

He would need to speak to her before anything else, and honestly he prayed she would listen to him. He was burying his pride and ego even when he had vowed not to let her problems worry him anymore.

Taking a deep breath and pushing the text button, Damien got into his car, turned on the ignition and zoomed off albeit speedily.



Katherine stared at Damien’s retreating figure in shock, both hands placed over her neck as she struggled to breathe. She coughed repeatedly, massaging the sides of her neck.

She stared around in shock, wincing as the sound of him banging the front door reverberated through the room. Damien had never, ever talked to her like that. He had never treated her like that, talked to her like she was some kind of low-life!

For the first time since she had known him, Damien had dared to put his hands on her, threaten her and he had even almost tried to strangle her.

Katherine felt like she was in a dream of some sort, because in the real world, in her real life, Damien would never do something like this. Damien treated her with respect, and he pampered her, he freaking spoiled her…

But since Madison had come back into the picture he had become an entirely different person. Because of her and those stupid letters, he had placed his fingers on her skin and almost tried to kill her.

Her chest heaved in anger.

She was sure that Madison knew very well what she was up to. There was nothing Katherine hated more than manipulative women who always pretended to be the victim, although it was quite clear that they had an agenda and more so Katherine was convinced that Madison’s agenda was to come into their relationship, make Damien dump her and then take her place as his girlfriend.

It was obvious. After all, the bitch was poverty stricken and obviously missed what she had with Damien in the past. Now that he was even rich, he was a better catch and everything thing she had done was a clear manipulative behavior.

From disguising, making herself pitied amongst other things.

But Katherine would never let that happen. That bitch was never coming into this relationship, no matter how hard she tried.

Everything that was happening right now was because of the woman that had somehow pushed herself into her and Damien’s life uninvited, and like a weed, she refused to budge. She stayed there, strangling their relationship, their love life, every single thing and it made Katherine so angry.

Her breath quickening as these thoughts raced through her head, Katherine’s felt her eyes begin to fill with tears of anger and she held onto the rails until her palms began to hurt. Her eyes wide with rage, she walked up the stairs and back to her room.

She had taken more than enough of this shit, and this was the last time she wished to put her relationship on the line because of some idiotic woman that wasn’t even anywhere close to them.

Her face reddened as she remembered Damien talking about flying to London, and her fists shook in anger. Never would she let anyone try to take what was hers. It was either that or she’d die trying. Well one of them just had to die! She swore within herself, as an evil smirk lit up her otherwise sad face.

Her legs taking the lead, Katherine extracted her burner phone from her top drawer and dialed the number on it.

It was time to settle this bullshit.

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