Fated To The Alpha

Chapter 196

Chapter 196

Fated To The Alpha by Jessica Hall Chapter 196


Andrei left early once again, I wished Derrick was back, I would felt more at ease knowing his father

was with him and would have his back. Derrick rang earlier and said he would be over tomorrow before

Dominic gets here with Kat and the kids.

Andrei was excited when I told him when he rang around lunch time, he rang to tell me he was still with

the rogue camp and they had a run in with another camp, which turned out to be one of the rogue

camps Jackson worked with when they had the pack wars. They weren’t happy that Andrei was

wanting to initiate the rogue camp.

Staking some claim to them, saying the women were their workers which sickened me knowing this

rogue camp was whoring out the woman in return for safety from the very rogue pack that was selling

them. The last time I heard from them was just after dinner time when I was getting Jonah ready for his

bath. Clay, one of Andrei’s warriors, mindlinked me and said they were fine and that Andrei attacked

the leader of the all male rogue camp, but was fine and that only one of the warriors got injured but

was already healing.

They had plans to move the camp and bring them here during the week once they organised

transportation to get everyone here and we also had to sort out where to put them, we had 11 vacant

places which today, Malik and Zane spent most of the day with me and Nora setting up bunk beds in all

the rooms to place everyone until they could order more kit homes to be built. From my understanding

Andrei’s pack was one of the biggest ones next to Jackson’s old pack before the war and Andrei was

shocked to learn that a few of those in the rogue camp were from Jackson pack originally, but fled

before the war with Kat’s pack.

Malik and Zane told me that Andrie had been sending supply trucks out to the rogue camp since he

found it when they went looking for information about Jonah. I was a little shocked he was able to hide

it so well because I had no idea about it. I wasn’t sure if it was his guilty conscience mixed with Jonah’s

arrival but I was glad to see the changes and he seemed happier within himself. I just wished he told

me but I also understood why he kept it between his father, Zane, and Malik. He didn’t want to get the

pack’s hopes up if he couldn’t handle it and ended up killing them.

I had just hopped out of the shower and was getting ready for bed but once again that restless feeling

rushed over me. Walking into the hall with just my towel on I listen for noise. I don’t understand what

it was, I just couldn’t shake it. Checking on Jonah he was still fast asleep in his bed. I quickly checked

the security cameras but also nothing. Going back to the room I chuck on my Pajamas, the unsettling

feeling easing off and I was anxious for Andrei to return home.

“Now I am bored” I mutter while digging through the pile of books on the nightstand I had read

repeatedly since being here.

“You could always talk to me,” Sierra says. “It’s not the same, I want my mate”

“Yeah, but better then nothing” She says, while yawning. She wanted to shift, we hadn’t in so

long and it was quite a nice night, the sky clear and the breeze warm.

“I know, I can ask Malik to come watch Jonah, or Casen” I tell her feeling her itching to go for a run

despite being exhausted.

“Please” She groans and I chuckle. With everything going on, shifting was far from my mind. Sierra

was not willing to ask, thinking she was adding to my stress levels. Opening the mindlink I search for

Malik and Casen’s tether.

Both of them answered at the same time. “Everything alright”

“Yes, I am fine. Can one you come and watch Jonah for me while I go for a run? ” I ask them.

“I will, Malik can go for a run with you” Casen says.

“No, I will be fine by myself. I will stay within the borders” I tell them.

“Luna, Andrei won’t like you running through the forest on your own, ” Malik says.

“I know, but no need for everyone to get up, I have the mindlink and I will remain close”

“I don’t mind coming with you” Malik says. “It isn’t necessary, I will see you soon, Casen.

Jonah is asleep so you can do what you want, I just don’t want him to wake up while I am gone and

no one be here, he has been having night terrors”

“On my way” He replies and I cut the link. Walking into the closet, I grab a thin dress and remove my

clothes, slipping it on before heading back downstairs and opening the door. Casen was walking across

the grass toward me as I stepped out.

“Luna” He says, pecking my cheek on his way past.

“The TV remote is on the mantle” I tell him.

“Have fun and yes I will lock the door” He says smiling at me as he closes it. I start walking to the side

of the house when I notice Malik sitting on the front steps. I roll my eyes knowing he wouldn’t be

going back in until I returned, walking around the side I also found Zane laying on the grass on his


“Really?” I ask him.

“You are our Luna, if you think we will let you roam the forest without anyone out here you are


“The border patrols are on, I don’t need babysitting” I tell him.

“Yes, they are but we have still been getting rogue scouts along the borders. It isn’t safe by

yourself, since you won’t let any of us come with you, we will remain close enough in case we need to

get to you” Zane says.

“I feel bad though, I will just wait and make Andrei take me tomorrow” I tell him and Sierra whines


“Sage go, but I am not going inside until to you are safely tucked back in side the house, border

patrol know you are heading out and are keeping watch, you aren’t a burden to us, we just care about

you Sage, so get used to it” He says.

“Fine, well where are border patrol”

“On the borders, I won’t peek you know that and Andrei would tear out anyones eyes that did, you are

safe Sage, this your pack, your family. So if you want to go, go! ”

“I will be quick” I tell him, heading to the treeline.

“Take as long as you want, ” He says, closing his eyes. I step into the dark forest and duck behind a

tree. I knew they wouldn’t watch me but being out in the open still freaked me out.

Shifting was harder, the tension in my body making the process take a little longer. The moment I do,

Sierra takes off. Zipping in and out of trees and pushing herself as hard as she could. We ran for

about an hour when she started to slow, lazily walking back toward the clearing and training grounds.

When we reach the long grass she lays down hiding amongst it on her back.

“I love this place,” Sierra tells me.

“I do too,” I tell her.

“We should head back” I tell her, knowing we had been gone awhile.

“We will head back” I mindlink Malik, “Not necessary, just tell me where you are. I can’t pick up your

scent” He says.

“Are you following me?”

“Guilty, Zane went home to kill a spider for Nora. I was becoming uneasy with just sitting on the steps”

I chuckled to myself that Nora needed to be rescued from a spider when she is a werewolf.

“I am in the clearing, where are you?”

“By the waterfall, I will head to you” He replies. “Ok, Casen?”

“With Jonah still, he ate Andrei’s cookies that he likes,” Malik says and I chuckle. Andrei loved

Montecarlos but whenever he got them they mysteriously vanished if Casen was in the house. “Oh and

Andrei is a few minutes out, he should be here soon” Malik tells me.

Excitement bubbles in me at our mate coming home and I feel Sierra get all giddy.

Closing the link, Sierra rolls over on her tummy, before spotting a rabbit. She crawls on her belly, eyes

trained on her target. “Ew no, please”

“I just want play with it”

“Your idea of play and mine are two different things, I don’t play with my teeth” I tell her.

“Just let me catch it, I will let it go” She says licking her furry chops, there was no way she was going

to let it go, she likes the chase. She would let it go of course then hunt it back down until the poor

thing was exhausted and practically crawled in her mouth to get some rest and die.

“Shh” She says as she snuck closer, her tail wagging behind her.

“It can’t hear me”

“But it’s distracting, just like Andrei turning the radio down when he is looking for a parking spot, it helps

you see better” She says.

“We don’t look with our ears” I tell her and shushes me again. I roll my eyes at her as she bounces on

it. She pins it between her paws and

starts licking it. The rabbit thrashes as she mauls it with her tongue.

“Why do you do that?” I ask her.

“Soften it up, tenderising with my tongue” she answers before letting it go. She lets it run a few feet

away before pouncing on it again.

“And that?”

“I like its fear, kind of like how you like salt and pepper makes it taste better” She answers picking it up

like it was pup. It thrashes as she plays with it when it shrieks.

“Please Sierra, you know I hate when you hurt them, just eat it or let it go” I snap at her.

“Fine” She says, about to kill it when I hear the grass rustle. Sierra’s head whips up and she looks

around but hears nothing.

“Malik was quick, ” I tell her.

“Too quick” She says standing up and the rabbit darts away. Sierra sniffed the air when we heard

another rustle of grass. She spins quickly but nothing is there.

“Malik, where are you?” I ask through the link when it is suddenly overwhelmed with Andrei’s voice.

“Rogues! ” He bellows through the link. “Malik! ”

“Get home Sage now!” He screams and Sierra goes to take off when the grass directly behind us

makes noise. We were so close to the border here and the grass so overgrown, we still had a good ten

minutes run to the training grounds.

“Sage, where are you, are you safe?” Andrei asks.

“The clearing, I don’t think I am alone out here” I tell him, scanning the area. Sierra’s fur hackles up,

like a sense when you know you are being cornered and watched. I could hear fighting in the forest,

yet every noise had us turning and I got the feeling there was more than one rogue in this grass.

When a warm gust of wind flattened the grass, I see the reflection of two sets of eyes looking back

at us, hunched low to the ground when I hear savage growls just as teeth sink into our side. Sierra

whimpers trying to get the wolf off as it perches on our back. Its teeth ripping into our side when the

other two jump us, teeth and claws ripping us to pieces. We never stood a chance.

“Sierra get us out” I scream as she tries to defend herself, but no matter how we move, teeth and claws

sink in ripping off chunks of flesh and fur. Sierra whimpers but we were pinned underneath three

wolves hell bent on trying to kill us.

“Shift back” I scream, feeling her trying to hold off, but a smaller body is harder to target. I could hear

Andrei screaming in my head but I couldn’t pay attention or even reply. I hear Malik and the warriors

screaming out to me when I feel Sierra’s back leg snap, her ribs breaking and she is given no choice

but to shift to heal quicker.

I scream as I feel teeth sink into my thigh and then my shoulder. Pain, all I feel is pain, but one had to

back off because three were now getting each other’s way. I kicked one in the head only for him to bite

my foot before flinging me like I weighed nothing.

My pulse was beating in my ears and my head as I smack the ground, clawing at the dirt. All that

training was for nothing, I was no match against one let alone three. We should have been paying

better attention to our surroundings.

Claws sink into my back before I feel it breathe on my neck. Another was ripping at my broken leg and

I closed my eyes waiting for it to snap my neck. My breathing wheezing as its weight

crushed my broken ribs. Sierra is screaming in my head to get up. My mind is going to Jonah, going to

Andrei. I let out a breath and my leg felt like it was nearly torn off just below the knee.

I resigned myself to death when the weight was gone suddenly. I hear fighting, hear horrendous

sounds of flesh tearing and shrieking cries, the gurgling and gasping noises all I could focus on other

than the pain. I used my hands trying to crawl away but even my upper body strength was gone. I

hear grass rustling all around me, hear so much fighting I was worried someone would fall on me.

I tense when I feel fur brush me but instead of teeth, I feel tingles and a wet tongue on my leg. I could

still hear rustling but no more fighting.

“You’ re okay, Love” Andrei says, while Donnie uses his nose to roll me over. I scream when only part

of my leg moves with me.

“Hold her leg” I hear boom through the link.

“Hate me later” Andrei says when Malik suddenly shifts next to me. He kneels next to me, grabbing my


“Sorry Luna, ” He says, trying not to look at my naked busted up body.

“Do it?” Andrei snaps at him before my scream rings out through the night as Malik forces it back

into position. Donnie tongue worked frantically over my injuries trying to heal them.

“Hold her skin together” Andrei tells him and Malik’s eyes dart to mine, but I couldn’t care less right now

about being naked in front of him. I knew I was bleeding to death.

“Please don’t hate me” He says following Andrei’s instructions. Donnie growls at him when he hesitates

about touching me. I felt dazed and I couldn’t even feel pain anymore, I just wanted to sleep. My DNA

tried to heal me and Donnie but time slowed, I became very aware of my muted surroundings as I

stared up at the sky, the breeze making the grass sway.

“You can go check the others, ” Andrei says, shifting back.

“They are fine, looks like they went after”

“Don’t fucking say it” Andrei snaps, at Malik.

I couldn’t figure out what they were talking about. Right now I couldn’t care less either. I just wanted to

check Jonah.

“They never should have got across the borders, we can’t cover every access point, we move them

tomorrow after the Dominic leaves, we are stronger with numbers, we will figure out where to put

them, ” Andrei says.

“This is retaliation, Andrei. We can’t afford another war right now” Malik says.

“Yes but I won’t lose anymore of my people, tomorrow be ready we are bringing them home” Andrei

tells him. I try to remember what day it is, tomorrow was Tuesday wasn’t it. Malik runs off and Andrei

grips my face.

“Why didn’t you tell me you wanted to run, I would have come home and taken you?” He asks.

Andrie helps me sit up, and I see the huge jagged scar along my shin to my knee. Another one, I

swear I was 8o percent scar tissue.

“It looks bad now, it will heal neater” Andrei says and I hiss as he tries to grab me, my body was

drenched in blood, looking at Andrei’s, so was he. Though by the stench it wasn’t his.

“Argh” I cry out as he puts pressure on my ribs.

“Shit ok, we wait or I try to heal you more ” He says, but I know he was forced to shift back after Donnie

tried to heal the worst parts of me.

Andrei grabs me under the arms pulling me between his legs. Rest, I will keep watch until you tell me I

can pick you up.

“Why?” I manage to murmur. Andrei sighs.

“It’s my fault, when I went to the rogue camp I got into a fight with one of the leaders of the male camp”

“The rogue camp attacked us?” I ask.

“No, it’s mostly women and children, but today I went there to try and convince them to join the pack.

They refused because the other camp visited them last night and threatened them. Plus they are still


“Because of you killing rogues” I answer for him and he nods.

“No, I think it is more to do with fear of the other camp. I was thinking of asking Dominic and Kat

tomorrow for their opinions on how to deal with it, but now they have attacked me. I think I am going to

need to ask for more than opinions” Andrei says.

“What do you mean?”

“I am going to ask them to help me take out the other camp, they are a danger to all neighbouring

packs but the fact they are preying on other rogue camps won’t be taken lightly. I doubt even Dominic

would agree to let that go on, they may be rogue but they are a community as far as werewolf law

goes” Andrei explains. Andrei lifted my arm up looking at my ribs, the bruises were still there but the

bones healed and I could breathe easier.

“I am going to try to move you now” Andrei says and I nod letting him grab me. I bite my tongue when

my leg throbs as he picks me up.

I notice Andrei has claw marks down his pack but he doesn’t seem to notice or doesn’t care as he

starts walking toward the training grounds. He walks for 1o minutes before I see the packhouse

surrounded by multiple warriors.

Casen rushes over with a towel when he spots us draping it over me in Andrei’s arms.

“How many and any alive?” Andrei asks him while walking. “Eleven rogues and No, three tried to attack

the packhouse, Jonah slept through it and is still asleep. Then three attacked Sage, the other five I

think we’re supposed to be a distraction, one got away over the river”

“You and Jonah don’t go anywhere without warriors or Zane and Malik” Andrei tells me before looking

at Casen. “Go tell Nora and her siblings the same thing, they are not to leave her house unless

someone is with them” Casen nods darting off toward Nora’s place.

“Where did they get through?” Andrei asks as we approach a group of warriors. Vince was injured and

Zane handed him a bottle of amber liquid that looked like whiskey or bourbon. Vince guzzles it down

and Zane pats his shoulder.

“Ready” Vince nods and Malik grips his bicep and I watched with avid fascination and disgust as Zane

broke his arm back into place after it healed wrong. Vince screamed a colourful array of curses while

Andrei discussed with Clay how the rogues got in but it made me wonder if the unsettled feeling I got

earlier was the rogues because now I no longer had it.

I tried to get out of Andrei’s arms but he refused to put me down until we were inside and I rushed up

the steps instantly to check Jonah and exactly as Casen said he was still asleep. Andrei took a shower

before telling me to go to bed while he made some phone calls and once again nerves about Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

tomorrow kicked in. Dominic scared me, I know he helped Andrei in the city but I just had this sickening

feeling about tomorrow.

I got it every time I thought of this alleged playdate. What if it was a set up? What if tomorrow Andrei

gets carted away to prison for initiating Jonah illegally or for killing Clive. I had no idea what to expect

and I didn’t trust this apparently changed version of Dominic, something always felt off with him since I

met him. Then Also Jonah’s words about his son Kyan, about some dark

magic. I didn’t know whether it was a trick of his imagination or if he really did witness dark magic being


“We should sleep, we will heal faster and we will need our strength tomorrow just in case ” Sierra tells


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