
Chapter 7: Desires

Chapter 7: Desires

I was sitting in my room reading a book when Damon burst into the room. “Anna informed me that you

didn’t eat dinner; why?” He asked, his tone filled with irritation.

I shrugged. “I’m not hungry,” I said without looking in his direction.

“Why the fuck not?” The anger in Damon’s voice was evident as he clenched his teeth together, holding

back how angry he was.

“Because I’m not.” I still didn’t look at him. Damon was the last person I wanted to see right now.

He groaned loudly. “Stop being a fucking child; you need to eat.” He snapped.

I looked up, meeting his gaze and glared daggers at him, then threw my book at him, but of course, he

caught it.

He raised an eyebrow. “Really? Throwing shit at me now? You are a fucking child.” He tossed the book

down on the floor.

I got off the bed and stood to my feet. Then, looking down at the nightstand and I grabbed the lamp. I

knew I was acting slightly childish, but at this moment, I was so furious with Damon that I just didn’t


He narrowed his eyes at me in warning. “Don’t you fucking dare, Amelia.”

I ripped it out from the wall and was about to throw it at him when suddenly he was in front of me.

Damon grabbed the lamp from me and threw it across the room, shattering it to pieces. He stood there,

chest heaving, nostrils flared, and jaw so tense, I thought it would break.

I narrowed my eyes. “Now, who’s the child, Damon,” I said, emphasizing his name.

His lip twitched, and then he did something I honestly didn’t expect. Damon cupped my face with his

hands before smashing his lips with mine and devouring my mouth. I was in complete shock, unable to

move or react. Why the hell is he kissing me?

I didn’t react at first, due to the surprise. But then something happened that I had never experienced

before. Sparks started to flow through me, and I gave in, wrapping my arms around him securely and

kissing him back. My skin felt like it was on fire, yet tingly; it was the oddest sensation. Everything felt

right suddenly, Damon felt right, and I wanted him.

The way his mouth and tongue moved against mine was so alluring and skilled. This man had me in

the palm of his hand at this moment. I had never had a man kiss me this way with such passion and


I wrapped my legs around his torso, and he gripped my ass, firmly holding me up. Damon didn’t waste

any time as he walked over to the bed and threw me down on the mattress. His hands and mouth were

all over my body, feeling and tasting every inch of me hungrily, savagely. A moan escaped my lips, and

his chest vibrated as a growl emanated from him.

He captured my lips again with his, then started to plant soft kisses down my neck, trailing to my

collarbone. His one hand gently caressed my breast, while the other was tightly gripping my hip; he

slowly moved down, continuing to kiss my skin.

Damon gripped the ends of my shirt and lifted it over my head, revealing a pink lacy bra. He stopped

and examined the material. The bra had come from Ruth, and this was the only thing she had that fit


His eyes focused on mine. “Who have you worn this for?” He asked through slightly gritted teeth.

I rolled my eyes at his jealous demeanour. “Shut up and kiss me.” I reached up and wrapped my arms

around his neck, pulling him down to kiss him. He hesitated for a second and tried to pull back,

obviously not liking my answer, but he almost instantly gave in and kissed me back.

I released his neck and reached back to unhook my bra, freeing my aching breasts. I felt self-conscious

about revealing so much to Damon, but I also felt safe doing it. He stared down at my half-naked form,

drinking in the sight of my exposed flesh, then an approving growl slipped from his lips before he

devoured my left breast with his mouth.

He sucked and nipped on my erect bud gently but with a small amount of pressure, creating just the

right amount of pleasure and pain. I began to squirm as the pleasure built between my legs.

“Oh, Damon.” I moaned out as I gripped onto his hair.

His one hand began rubbing my stomach, then slipped under my shorts and went straight to my wet,

throbbing pussy. His fingers glided along my folds, paying extra attention to my clit, as he rubbed

circles around it.

His fingers slipped inside me, causing me to release a loud moan. Then, he began pumping them in

and out, slow and deep, as he continued sucking my breast with his mouth.

Moans continued to spill from my mouth, becoming louder and louder with each thrust of his fingers.

My orgasm was at its peak now and ready to be released. Damon’s fingers curled inside of me, hitting

that magical spot, and I screamed his name as my orgasm erupted from my body, leaving me a weak

and gasping mess underneath of him.

He trailed kisses up my chest and to my lips. Damon kissed me hard before lifting himself off me and

standing to his feet.

Damon stared at his hand before putting his fingers in his mouth and sucking my juices off them.

“Mmm.” He growled out, then winked at me and left the room. Only to leave me lying on the bed,

confused and bewildered at what just happened.

I hadn’t seen Damon at all today, and to be honest, I was kind of happy about that, especially after last

night. I couldn’t stop thinking about it, the way he made me feel, the way he kissed me, the way he

touched me. I was a little embarrassed and ashamed of myself, primarily for being so intimate with

someone that I didn’t fully know.

After I had finished my breakfast, I decided to do some more reading; this time, I chose a book on

Greek mythology.

Damon POV:

After leaving her room, I jumped into the shower and froze myself. Trying my hardest to calm the urge

to go back in there and claim Amelia as mine, sinking my cock deep inside her. I wanted to remind

myself of the consequences if I mated with her, but the urge to do so was becoming more potent by the

minute, and what I just did, doesn’t help.

The morning had come too soon, and I woke up with the most painful erection as she consumed my

dreams. I walked over to the adjoining door and pressed my palm against the cool wooden door,

wanting more than anything to walk in there and make her scream my name again, but I pulled myself

back and once again had another cold shower.

I finished in the shower, then threw on some clothes and opened my door, but I froze before entering

the hallway. I saw Amelia, with her head peeking out of her door, frantically looking around. “Hmm, it

seems as though someone is trying to avoid me.” I chuckled and wondered if she was weakening

around me, just as I was around her.

I was never a fan of humans, and my father raised me to believe that they are monsters. Still, she was

different for so many reasons, and the thought of me going against sacred werewolf law so that I could

be with her was something I was thoroughly considering every waking minute. But, unfortunately, my

father enacted the law when he became Alpha, and since then, the rule has been heavily enforced. But

what if I could change that and prove that not all humans are monsters, that only some are, just like our

kind when it comes to rogues.

I watched her cautiously leave her room and go down the stairs. I quietly followed her, watching her

every move; some of the pack members here seemed to be warming up to her quickly, others not so

much, but they knew she was under my protection and wouldn’t dare to go against me.

Those who resided within the packhouse had quickly found out about Amelia being here and that I was

protecting her. Luca and I assured everyone that she was here for observation purposes to see if she

was a hunter and if she had companions with her. Some seemed to have bought it, and others not so


I slipped into my office and began to catch up on business when Luca barged in and flopped into one of

the chairs.

I raised an eyebrow “Yea, come in, Luca and have a seat.” I said jokingly.

He smiled. “Thanks, man, will do.”

I groaned. “What do you want?”

He tapped his chin with his index finger. “Well, Alpha, how did things go last night?” He questioned with

a knowing smirk.

I glared at him. “None of your business.” My wolf flashed before my eyes, becoming irritated with him


Luca chuckled. “We need to soundproof the house; I didn’t enjoy that as much as she did last night.”

A low, threatening growl slipped from my mouth as my wolf was becoming infuriated with him now.

“Luca, I’m….” Before I could finish my sentence, one of my warriors at the border mind linked with me,

informing me of a breach at the borders and a captured rogue.

Luca and I shot up from our seats and made our way out of the house, heading straight for the


Amelia POV:

I had fallen asleep at some point while reading, only to be woken up by Trevor barging into my


“Get up, lazy girl!” He shouted at me.

I grunted at his enthusiastic and hyper demeanour. “How are you always so cheerful?” I asked with an

annoyed tone.

“Because I get to see you, and I get to annoy you.” He laughed.

I rolled my eyes at him and buried myself back in the bed, trying to ignore him, but he just flopped

himself onto my bed.

“What do you want, Trevor?” My voice muffled through the pillow.

He shook me almost violently. “Well, tonight, one of the clubs in the city is having their annual glitter

party, and we are going.” He shrieked. Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

I perked up at the thought of getting out of the house, being free from these four walls, but then

paused, “I’m not allowed out of the house Trevor, how am I going to go? Damon will never allow me to

leave.” I slumped back down.

He smiled. “Well, a little birdy told me that the Alpha is going to be very busy for the remainder of the

day and a good portion of the night, meaning he will be distracted. So, come evening, you and I can

easily slip out, take one of the cars and go to the city.” He grinned deviously.

I lay there contemplating his words. Would we be able to leave without being caught? Would Damon

find out that we snuck out? How severe would the consequences be for both of us?

Trevor nudged my shoulder, bringing me out of my thoughts.

“Stop overthinking it; we are going!” He declared. I guess I did not have a choice.

“Ok, let’s do it!” I said with excitement. I needed this; I needed to get out, let loose and have some fun.

I gripped his shoulders. “Wait! I need some clothes.” I couldn’t very well go to a club wearing

sweatpants and a baggy sweater.

“Don’t worry, your pretty little head doll; Ruth is giving me something for you to wear.” He winked.

It was now evening, and I had not seen Damon all day. I was sitting in my room, doing my hair and

makeup, I did not want to attract too much attention, so I went with a sexy but subtle look. As I was

finishing up, Trevor barged into my room. He was wearing a black long sleeve, silk shirt, grey pants

and converses. I eyed him up and down, taking in his appearance; he had even done his hair.

I whistled at him. “Well, don’t you look handsome.” I smiled.

He waved me off. “Pshh, of course, I do, and you don’t look so bad yourself.” He winked at me. “But

you will need this to finish the look.” He grinned and handed me a mid-thigh length, strapless, black

dress and red pumps. I stood there, mouth agape, eyeing the dress.

“Are you serious?” I looked between him and the dress. “I can’t wear this! It’s too short and flashy,

Trevor. I don’t want to attract attention tonight; I want to have fun with you.” I sighed, uncomfortable

with the idea of wearing something that didn’t conceal much.

“Oh, come on, don’t be a party pooper. You will look beautiful in this dress, and if anyone bothers you,

I’ll take care of them.” He said while grinning like the devil he is.

I groaned. “Fine!” Finally, I caved in and took the dress from him.

I slipped into the bathroom and changed into the dress, then stood there and examined myself. It was

something I would have never picked out for myself, as it was not my style, but I had to admit, the

dress made me feel good. The soft fabric hugged my curves perfectly and made my body pop. I

honestly did feel like a sexy vixen.

I walked out of the bathroom, and Trevor’s eyes widened.

Trevor whistled, “Damn Amelia if I weren’t gay, I would do you.” He said while pursing his lips.

I shook my head. “You are awful; you know that?”

He smiled. “That’s why you love me.” Then, he walked over and kissed my cheek.

I scoffed. “Not the point. When are we leaving? I don’t want anyone to see me dressed like this.” But, of

course, if anyone caught us and saw me in this dress, especially Damon, we were both screwed.

Trevor looked down at his watch. “In two minutes, the guards will be changing shifts, and that will be

our only chance to make a dash for it without being seen.” He decided to inform me. I was nervous

already, and he just made it worse.

After a couple of minutes, Trevor and I quietly snuck downstairs and out the front door. We ducked

around the side of the house and ran towards the garage. Trevor grabbed a set of keys off the hook,

choosing a black jeep. We hopped into the jeep and drove off.

As we drove off, I began to feel like I was betraying Damon and his trust. He had his moments where

he was a complete asshole and moments where he was good, but I needed this. Besides, he doesn’t

own me; he cannot tell me what to do. Yet, I still felt guilty for leaving and just hoped he would not find


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