Forced by fate – Destined to be his Wife

Let’s Move On Prt 2

“My grandfather will have a fit. Rhea did us no favors.” YuZhi slumped his head back on the top edge of the couch and relaxed into a casual pose, wanting it all to seep away and yet glad he had her here beside him. ZhengLi would deal with Rhea, get her home in one piece, and call him in the morning to report, but having TangShi safe at home was already calming him down.

“I need to go change; this is awkward.” TangShi admitted defeat while perched on the couch unable to get comfy because of twenty layers of net and voiles which were like sitting on a pile of slidey clothes and too bulky to sit back. YuZhi looked her over and smiled, gestured to her room for her to go.

“You were beautiful tonight, even after she did that. I’m sad to see it come off.”

“Beautiful it may be, but practical it’s not. I’ll be a few minutes.” TangShi wandered off as YuZhi drunk his coffee and got up to stretch out his tense body. It was almost one am already, and he knew they should both get some sleep. As much as he wanted to stay and talk to her all night, until his head stopped buzzing and his mood fully simmered, she looked beat, and he felt guilty for keeping her up.

TangShi returned in cotton pajamas quickly. Her hair taken down and brushed and her face fresh and free from makeup. Looking like the girl she normally was and stopped when she caught YuZhi staring at her. He seemed lost in thought, standing in the middle of the room and then walked towards her with an odd look on his face. Seemingly intent on something.

“What’s wrong?” TangShi hesitated and flickered down in question as he slid her hand into his, leaning in close so their heads almost touched.

“Sleep with me tonight.” He uttered the words so softly, so smoothly, that TangShi thought she misheard him and blinked up in shock, meeting his eyes on hers with perfect focus. His handsome face showing no hints of joking with her. Taken back with the one request she didn’t expect she was unable to formulate words. “I miss sharing a bed with you, and I want you beside me.” His voice was low, and husky, and his exhaustion was evident.

“I…… um…” TangShi swallowed hard, flustered, not knowing how to take that request. She was unsure if this might be a rebound thing that men do, but it might also be a need for comfort. She didn’t understand or want to jump to conclusions. His expression was telling her nothing. “I don’t know if we …” She faltered, her voice dying mid-sentence, suddenly overly nervous that he might want something physical, and she wasn’t ready. He only just broke up properly with his girlfriend.

YuZhi reached up with his other hand and traced the shape of her jawline with his thumb. Sending her skin into overdrive as it goosebumped all over, her body clenched up inside, aware how intimate this was and instantly scared that this might be too loaded and a mistake. He wasn’t thinking clearly.

“You’re legally my wife. Surely it’s not a big deal seeing as we slept in one bed for months already. I’m not asking you to have sex, just be there. I got used to you and I don’t like the fact my bed feels too big now. I miss the tiny person who stole half my mattress.” YuZhi knew he was drunker than he thought, and this was probably a bad idea given how not himself he was tonight, but he didn’t want to go in there alone to sleep. She made him feel better and kept his thoughts calm. He wanted her beside him like she used to be, where he could wake up at anytime and the sound of her gentle breathing would lull him back to sleep. He had become dependent on sensing her presence. TangShi felt like security while the rest of his life was a total mess.

“Okay.” TangShi answered without looking at him, too shy to do so, hesitating but unable to refuse him. Her face getting hot while it spread to her hairline. Her heart wanted more, even if her brain was telling her it was dumb.

YuZhi didn’t wait on her changing her mind, smiling softly at her before turning and pulling her with him to his room. Fingers interlaced as he walked on in a suave confident swagger that made her tremble. He didn’t bother with lights, just guided her in and then let go before pushing her to the bed by the waist as he walked off to change. No words, no hints at what was to come.

TangShi hurried over to it, yanked back the duvet and dived in before he could see how crazy anxious she was, how many doubts and conflicting things were going off in her head. She quickly shifted over to the side she used to sleep on and turned her back to the center in a bid to pass out as fast as possible. Hoping if she was out cold they wouldn’t have any weird or awkward encounters and he could sleep it off.Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

After a few tense minutes of staring at a dark wall, she bristled when she sensed and heard his soft footsteps coming back from the bathroom, where he didn’t shut the door or turn on a light. Aware of his every movement and then held her breath when the bed dipped, scrunching her eyes closed.

His weight shifted, moved in, and the covers were tightened as he got under them. TangShi focused on breathing normally but her breath and heart rate were erratic. It felt like the first time again that they shared a room only this time instead of repulsion and fear of her mean husband, there was nerves and anticipation. She was close to an all-out nervous breakdown.

YuZhi scooted over right up behind her, which was something he never did. Smoothing her hair to the pillow and down to one side out of his way and then pulled her back against him so he could spoon her. Sliding his hand around her waist and getting comfortable with her in his arms. Nestling into her and kicking his leg over hers under the sheets so she was completely held.

“YuZhi?” She gasped impulsively. Feeling trapped even though it also felt really good. Safe and secure as his warm body heat was comforting but her mind was grabbing at reasons not to do this, while flashing her images of Rhea.

“Shhhhh, sleep. Trust me. I won’t do anything.” He whispered it softly into her ear, so close it tickled her neck and cheek and she shivered. YuZhi then seemed to relax behind her and go limp. She was hyperaware of him the entire time, too tense to do anything except stay still as a statue. She waited pensively to see if he would do anything else for what seemed like the longest time until his unmistakable deep breathing pulled her out of her own head. Blinking as her eyes adjusted and tuned into his complete lack of movement.

YuZhi was asleep already. Out cold, breathing like he did when he was far off in dreamland, and she glanced over her shoulder to make sure. Amazed he could pass out in under five minutes but then again he had drunk a lot tonight. His face so near she almost bumped noses and could about making out his flawless features in a serene expression. Holding her tight, cuddling like this was the most normal thing in the world to be doing and yet she didn’t think she would sleep at all now.

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