Forced by fate – Destined to be his Wife

Living Again Prt 2

TangShi padded through to her bedroom to change into comfortable clothes before setting the dining table. Sighing at the familiar space that had once been where she slept every night before she moved into YuZhi’s room when their relationship changed. Now it seemed cold and empty and her gaze wandered around the untouched shelving, baby pink bed linens, and white dresser as her eye landed on a familiar red velvet box placed there. Her heart flipping over as she caught sight of it and her stomach churned with a flutter of emotion.

She swallowed hard, recognizing the ring box right away and wandered to it like a moth to a flame. Unable to stop herself as she picked it up and clicked it open without hesitation. Her bright sparkling princess cut engagement ring twinkled back at her, dazzling in its perfection, causing both a sense of warm sentimentality and yet slicing heartache at the same time. A memory of happiness before mayhem and she closed it again fast before the tears began to fall. She didn’t know why it was so hard to rewind and let YuZhi bring her back to him, but it was and something was holding her back. This ring brought home her reluctance and yet she couldn’t fathom why.

A feeling deep inside that this wasn’t an easy fix and slotting back into life with him was never going to be the same again. He hurt her and it cut a little deep and she needed time. A sixth sense that this was the calm before the storm and somehow worse was yet to come. Her gut kept telling her not to get too comfortable as her roller coaster ride was far from over.

Her cell phone began to ring, distracting her form her thoughts and she spun around expecting to see Linlin’s name on the screen as she checked in. Instead it was Detective Kim and her hand trembled with apprehension when she reached for it. She picked it up, took a deep calming breath and answered him with a bright hello.

“How can I help you detective Kim?” She tried to sound more upbeat than the last time they met, when she had sobbed through an hour of questioning and statement writing. Embarrassed that he saw her at such a low point.

“Miss. Lei, sorry to call you at this hour. Mr Leng said you would be moving back to his residence this afternoon so I hope you settled in well. I was glad to hear you two were trying to reconcile.” The detective knew about the breakup and her living situation because YuZhi had explained everything that happened.

“Yes. YuZhi has gone to collect food for us while I unpack.” TangShi ignored his hints that were getting back together.

“That’s good. Okay, so the thing is, Mr. Cai will appear before the judge tomorrow to set bail. There’s a very high probability he will be let out as his family are not exactly financially struggling. We’ve taken his statements and formally charged him so I wanted to give you a head’s up that he will be allowed home and that if he tries to contact you then you should let me know right away.” The Detective had seen scum like him over the years and could see the hints of obsessive behavior, worried that Rong might try and come after her while free. He had been angry as hell to find out TangShi accused him of so many things and that kind of mindset usually led to stalking.

“Did he confess to everything? Did he admit to what he did while I was unconscious?” TangShi’s throat closed, her voice cracking and it became hard to swallow as fear consumed her. She had dreaded the moment she found out for sure what he did in that room. No longer able to hide from it.

“He’s denying everything. He claims you two had a drunken one-night stand of which he can barely remember a thing. He doesn’t care about CCTV or lab results and deemed them false.” Rong Cai’s story hadn’t change one bit, he was clinging to his so-called innocence, and TangShi’s heart sunk, feeling like this was Rong’s way of admitting he had sex with her. She didn’t want it to be true but she couldn’t deny it was highly probable.

“Do I need to be there tomorrow?” TangShi had to sit down as her legs turned to mush and her head woozy. Overcome by a low heat spreading up form her toes and brining her nausea back.

“No. Your lawyer assigned by Mr. Leng will be there on your behalf. You should stay home and take it easy. The Lawyer will call you and let you know the outcome after he’s been up before the judge. We’re hoping he’s detained but I really can’t see refusal of bail to be honest. He’s known as a normally upstanding contributor to society and this is seen as a first offense despite the testimony Miss. Rhea Cheng gave us about previous behaviors. None of that can be used without contact from his previous victim and the specifics.” Detective Kim had been unable to track down his last victim at all.

“Okay, thank you for letting me know. I don’t plan on going out anytime soon anyway.”

Detective Kim stayed on the line for a minute more, making polite goodbyes and such and TangShi hung up the phone with a heavy heart and a new sense of dread. The last couple of days had somehow felt surreal and lighter after reporting everything to the police but she knew that the moment would come when reality hit and the repercussions of it would come back to haunt her.

Rong was probably mad as hell and gunning for her now that she was ruining his life. She was no longer going to be safe wandering around Shanghai like before because he knew where she lived. His reputation and freedom would be damaged and she knew he would seek some kind of payback.

“Tang, I’m back.” YuZhi called out as he let himself back into he apartment with bags in hand. Whistling to himself and in a merrier mood as he walked back up here knowing she was home with him. The food hot and ready to eat and was surprised to see the empty room and table devoid of settings. He laid them on the counter and went in search of her, impulsively needing to check she was still here.

“I’m here.” TangShi walked out to meet him, waving her phone at him as they met at her door. “Detective Kim called me. I’ll set the table now.” TangShi brushed past him unaware of how pale she looked and how red rimmed her eyes were and YuZhi caught her with an arm across her abdomen. Stopping her with a gentleness and leaning back to lock eyes on her. His concern growing with hos she seemed.

“What did he say? Are you okay? Are you upset? Talk to me.” YuZhi’s protective instinct kicked in and he turned her towards him, sliding his hands up to her shoulders and cupping them gently as he scrutinized her face for hints of tears or sadness.This content © Nôv/elDr(a)m/a.Org.

“Rong Cai will probably get bailed tomorrow. He told me to take precautions. I don’t need to be there but he said I should stay home and safe.” TangShi sighed heavily, suddenly tired and slow with the weight of this. Life felt undeniably slow lately.

“I’m not going to work anyway, so we can spend the day here sorting out your luggage and doing whatever you want.” YuZhi’s inner temper notched up a little at the knowing Rong Cai would probably eb out again but he hid it form her and smiled instead.

“What? Why aren’t you going to work? I thought you were busy?” TangShi blanched at him blinking at him like he had two heads. Knowing his workload was always insane and he usually couldn’t randomly take a whole day off.

“Because I want to be here with you and take your mind off it. I told you, I’ll make everything up to you and I’m not going to waste time. You need me here, so here I’ll be.”

“I don’t need you to skip work. I can have Linlin here tomorrow…” TangShi started to refuse him, guilt rising up about messing with his work schedule but YuZhi cut her off.

“I’m your husband, even if you don’t like that fact anymore. And I love you. Even if you don’t believe me about that either. Let me take care of you and be the person you lean on again, prove my worth. I’m not going anywhere and no matter how long it takes, I won’t stop trying to get you to forgive me. We were happy together and I know we can be again. I’m holding onto that and I plan on reminding you of it.” YuZhi slid his hands up and cupped her face, trapping her hair against her ears and pulling her towards him so she could only obey and step forward. Inches apart and staring eye to eye from differing heights. “I lost you because I’m an idiot, but I don’t plan on losing you twice. Humor me and let me stay home with you. It’s all I can do to stay sane and stop myself from going to that courtroom tomorrow and ending that bastard’s life.” The tiny snarl in his tone hinted at his seriousness and TangShi relented. Her heartw arming with his very real threat and she swallowed down a rise of gushing emotion and softness towards him.

TangShi stared at him, taking in his tired face, and shadow of stubble. The slight dark circles under his eyes, his more pronounced dimples than normal, and the ruffled appearance even though his hair was styled like always. She couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was that made him seem like he hadn’t slept in days but she was sure it was mirrored in her face too. An aura of life being ripped apart and trying to get through without falling over.

“Fine. But you’re cooking all day and I’m unpacking alone. Don’t get under my feet. Now where’s my food, I’m hungry.” TangShi shrugged out of his gentle hold, her tone bold but only half serious. Uncomfortable with his close proximity that seemed too intimate and pulled back to give him a wide berth in search of what she could smell. Knowing touch and close interaction would be her undoing so she would avoid it as best she could form now on.

Her stomach rumbled with insane hunger now the scent of fresh food was drifting her way and making her forget everything else. That undeniable chicken broth scent and yet there was also a beef hint as though he had bought more than just plain soup and wantons after all. She also smelled the sweetness of rice cakes and honey and her mouth began to water. Her sense of smell sensitized due to being famished.

YuZhi watched her walking into the kitchen and reminded himself to back off and calm down. He knew he would only scare her away if he kept pushing and he was going nowhere without her ever again. His lawyer would update him on that asshole tomorrow and they would take it from there. He had to go slow, take baby steps and prove to her he was worth giving a second chance to.

YuZhi hadn’t broached a specific topic in all of this but the Detective had when she left the room to wash her face the day of the statements. Ever since he pulled him aside to talk it out it had been plaguing him but he couldn’t bring it up with her. TangShi hadn’t mentioned it, and Linlin hadn’t either. A dark swirling fog lingering in front of him but he was scared to ask because he didn’t know if he could handle the answer.

No one had mentioned birth control after she had gone to the hospital for the toxicology tests, or any kind of morning after pill. No one had screened her for STD’s either and he knew that was a conversation they needed to have. He didn’t want to broach the subject and he knew it wasn’t something Rong Cai would openly answer either, about whether he used protection that night. TangShi and YuZhi hadn’t used any together because TangShi was trying to conceive, and now he hoped to god that her period came like normal and it would push aside any other complicated mess from this incident so they could get back on track with their lives.

Seeing her pale, knowing she had been sick on and off this past few days and now craving foods while her appetite had been awful, he hoped it was all just a coincidence. He didn’t know how he would feel if it wasn’t.

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