Forced by fate – Destined to be his Wife

Relax Prt 2

Linlin giggled hysterically at that, to the point it drew tears of laughter, wiping her cheek on her sleeve. Amused by the fierce biting tone of her feeble friend as her mama bear side kicked in a sit was such a rare sight. TangShi was normally such a cool and calm person when it came to her own troubles, but when it came to Linlin she too had a fiery side.

“Ughhh look at my make up now.” Linlin flashed a quick glance in her rearview as she leaned forward to stare at her panda eyes and noticed the black car was still driving up her ass. Riling her temper so she muttered a curse word under her breath and hoped it would be left behind at the turning.

Sitting back to signal and put her foot to the gas to leave them in her dirt, hating drivers who didn’t respect the rules of the road and giving any kind of space.

“I don’t know what to do. I love him and I never thought I would find myself in this place with any guy. I didn’t think I would ever fall for someone and want exclusivity. It just kills me that I fell for someone just like me and maybe he isn’t there with me and ready to commit. That maybe he’s already looking elsewhere.” This recent lack of confidence and spike in insecurity was a hundred percent worse since they broke up for that few weeks that YuZhi and TangShi had, and it had her doubting everything.

“You have to communicate with him and talk it out properly. ZhengLi isn’t the type to lie. He’s very blunt and if he was dating someone else he would just tell you. Maybe she is family? Maybe it really is something he had to sort out with her.” TangShi stroked Linlin’s shoulder and gave it a little squeeze. Wanting to believe in their love and not take it at face value. Linlin pushed her sat nav screen and prodded it a few times, seemingly intent on acting unbothered but TangShi knew this was how Linlin dealt with her problems. Always with that outward ‘I don’t really care’ approach.

“That’s what I’m scared of. My sat nav is trying to reroute us because of traffic….. It’s adding fifteen minutes to our route time when I am already as ravenous as a starved stray.” She frowned at it, turning left and then right quickly down an unknown road and following the onscreen instructions for this food place that seemed an eternity away. The sky turning grey overhead and adding to the muted mood.

TangShi settled back into her seat, her stomach growling now it had been a while since she last threw up and the hunger pang starting to hit. Staring out the window at the passing scenery and chewing on her lip as she thought about Linlin’s predicament. Knowing Linlin was probably feeling far worse inside than she was making out.

“You’re driving yourself crazy not knowing the truth. And you said you’re fighting? So, let me guess…. you’re picking at him for stupid things, being dramatic, and finding reasons to sulk at him instead of asking him right out. Causing drama because you’re scared of the truth?”

“Hmmmmm.” Linlin concentrated on navigating a few winding streets before getting them back onto a larger road that cut some of the traffic works out. Eyes on the road and seemingly disengaged from the conversation as she thought.

“You will make him break up with you if you keep doing that, regardless of another woman. He might think you two aren’t working anymore and bail before it gets messier.” TangShi turned back to her, prodding her in the cheek to shake her out of her aloof behavior and smiling adoringly at the cute and sulky face as she absorbed her words. Linlin was absorbing the advice even if she didn’t like it.

“I know. I know I’m being an idiot but…. What is with this car?” Linlin was distracted again by the same black car showing up in her rearview despite several weird turnings and glanced back over her shoulder to peer at it. Suspicion rising and then losing interest as it fell back two cars behind in traffic. Not able to really see the car well but sure it was the same make as the one which kept tailgating her on the main road. Now the driver had angered her, she was overly aware of its presence and prone to bouts of road rage.

TangShi glanced back, seeing nothing and knowing how impatient a driver Linlin could be she thought nothing of it and sat back around.

“Why don’t the four of us have a double date again, like we used to. Maybe I can talk to him or something. He’s being ever so considerate and nice to me since this whole mess. I’m sure I can pull some truths out of him. Or get a feel for how things are between you both.”

“Maybe. God dammit, this traffic today is crazy. Are we coming up to a festival or something?” Linlin slapped her satnav as it started barking a new set of directions out and detour as they come upon another wall of traffic with lights ahead for construction. This quick breakfast trip was turning into a road trip of stupid length.

“Roadworks.” TangShi pointed out, craning her neck to look up the side of the cars in front and sighed. Her hunger getting insistent and making awful internal noises that made her uncomfortable. Her phone pinged, bringing a smile back to her face as she guessed YuZhi had picked up her text finally. Brightening as she slid it out of her pocket and swiped the screen.

Did you guys eat yet? I hope you wore warm clothes to go out, the rain is coming. Are you feeling any better?This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

TangShi beamed at his message, knowing he was busy today and yet still finding time to keep in touch and began composing a response. They were startled as rain slashed at the windscreen out of nowhere with its sudden appearance. Thick and heavy like a waterfall opened up over their car and began lashing down. They were getting into rainy season when it was normal to be this heavy and Linlin stuck on her wipers and turned the car off onto the opposite lane, U turning to keep them moving. Not wanting to be out here when the roads were flooded.

“Screw it. Let’s go wherever is open and the first one we see. My stomach think’s I cut my own throat, I’m that starved.” Linlin ignored the blasts and beeps of cars as she made a completely illegal turn and almost caused a bump in the process. Sliding between two vehicles and putting the pedal to the floor to get out fast. Driving past the black car that she was sure had been behind them earlier and she peered in as they passed it, seeing nothing because of the heaviness of the water pouring down her side window.

“If I don’t eat soon, I might eat your steering wheel cover.” TangShi nodded at the orange fluffy circle and got a raised brow from Linlin in response.

“Don’t you dare! ZhengLi bought me this because I kept complaining I got cold hands when driving.” She pointed out and TangShi smiled at her.

“How can you say he doesn’t love you when he buys you such hideous things for your own comfort knowing fine well they’re totally your style. YuZhi would buy me gloves. ZhengLi clearly knows your fake talons don’t mesh well with being covered and bought you something better that won’t end up with holes in the tips.” TangShi laughed at Linlin’s paused expression as she too thought about this and then exhaled heavily.

“Why is he such a bad jerk?” Linlin blew so her lips vibrated in a cute manner and turned the car off onto a new road that headed back the way they came. So done with searching for pancakes, and ready to settle for any kind of food now.

“We haven’t proven that he’s done anything yet…. Maybe have a little faith in him. You’re Linlin Choi…. Bold, blunt, and direct were totally your thing before he came along.”

“I know, right. I’ve become such a coward over a mere man.” Linlin flashed another glance in her rearview, catching a glimpse of black car and screwed her face up and peered harder. Something in her gut telling her that it was the same car but it was so far behind in the back of multiple vehicles she couldn’t tell and realized how stupid she was being. Black was a popular color this year and China’s roads had thousands of them. In this rain she couldn’t even make out the model through the drenched back window and sat back to focus on where she was going.

She had been overly suspicious lately when out and about. Sensitive to everything since TangShi’s assault and had began imagining stupid stuff, like cars following them. She knew it was because she was in overprotective mama mode and pushed it aside.

“One thing you will never be is a coward. My fierce and crazy bestie.” TangShi tucked a strand of Linlin’s hair behind her ear and gave her an air kiss, blowing it at her face with a grin and relaxed back to check her phone to see if YuZhi had responded again.

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