Forced by fate – Destined to be his Wife

Setting the date prt 1

“You’re late!!” Aunt RuiZi snapped at TangShi as she wandered into the wedding dress boutique. TangShi distracted by gazing around the walls which were lined with gorgeous designer gowns and her face flushed at the haughty tone.

“She’s late because of me. My meeting ran over, and I had her wait for me.” YuZhi strolled in behind her, catching her hand as he caught up and led the way to the center seating area where couches sat in a sunken circle. Aunt RuiZi scowling at his instant defense of her least favorite person and getting his cheeky smile in response. As if that covered all misdemeanors.

“We’re sorry.” TangShi cut in, bowing her head, trying to smooth it out before it escalated and tugged YuZhi towards the couch facing Aunt, by the hand and sat down. Sometimes YuZhi reverted to naughty teen and got a kick out of winding up his aunt.

They were here to pick outfits for the obligatory bridal photos which would also be the engagement outfits and then go collect rings to be worn at their party. The date of their engagement had been set and preparations were underway for the event where they would be introduced officially as betrothed. In typical Shanghai fashion, they were holding their ceremony in a five-star function hall where the entire associate list of Leng and Lei would attend. TangShi knew one more step after this would see them as married and she would no longer have to watch what she said or how she referred to him in future or keep jumping through hoops for the PR department. Life could then tick on with some semblance of normalcy.

“I have chosen three dresses for you to look over. Based on your height and body shape I believe they will be the best style for you. Here.” Aunt handed over a booklet with fabric samples and photographs of wedding dresses that could pass as ball gowns and she obediently flicked through, YuZhi sitting beside her leaned over to look. They were all pretty and even though it should be a special day for her, this felt like another preparation for a public outing and not meaningful at all. She didn’t really have a strong opinion.

“Your coffees.” A young girl appeared with a tray and deposited white mugs on the table in front of them, before bowing and leaving and YuZhi pointed at the second dress on the page.

“This one seems like something you would wear.” He tapped on the simplest of the three. It was a princess style, not too dissimilar to what she wore to the charity event, only it was white all over with a spattering of tiny diamonds on both bodice and skirt. Longer mid length lace sleeves in a very classic shape of dress with a boat neck. It was pretty but also modest.

“I like it. Let’s go with that one.” TangShi smiled with genuine agreement, enamored with how pretty it was and really happy with any of the three dresses. Aunt may be a mean and cold person, but her job was fashion, and she had a great eye for it. She wouldn’t want TangShi to embarrass the Leng family so had chosen something to compliment TangShi’s small frame and natural looks. It was a fairytale dress that no girl could hate.

“That was easy. And quick. We will get you measured today, and they can begin prepping the dress. YuZhi I picked out a black tux for you. Classic, in a modern cut with a red sash and bow tie. TangShi’s corsage flowers will be red to keep the traditional Chinese wedding color. You can choose shoes yourself.”

“Fine by me.” YuZhi was in an agreeable mood and had no opinion on this either, it’s not like it was real. He was used to red carpet events and functions and to him this was another one of those. A big show to convince the public of something happy and glamorous and fool them into believing whatever they wanted. It made no difference what he wore as he looked good in anything anyway.

Work was slowing down again and affording him some leisure time lately and life seemed to be going smoothly at home which was a relief. Rhea had left on a trip to the UK that was work related for five weeks which meant she would miss the engagement party and he could relax knowing no drama would ensue. It also gave them an alibi for the public raising questions about her lack of attending what was supposed to be an important day for him. They needed time to cool off apart if they were ever to be able to greet one another amicably in the future.

“The rings…” Aunt started but YuZhi cut her off, being the one detail he did have an opinion on.This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

“We’ll pick them. I have to wear it every day, so I at least want something I like. I’m sure Tang feels the same.” He felt TangShi glancing his way seemingly surprised with that fact.

“Fine. The appointment for the jeweler’s is at two pm, don’t miss it. Custom bands for the wedding, but you will need to choose stock pieces for the engagement, with it being so soon.” Aunt pulled out a card from her bag with the business address and slid it towards him. It was a notable design company in China with a name for making exquisite jewelry for celebrities. “The party is two weeks from Saturday. Don’t miss any fittings as we’re on a tight schedule and I am fast tracking it all on Dad’s insistence. He’s getting impatient and the lack of happy news is frustrating.” Aunt eyeballed TangShi with open accusation, glaring at her as though not announcing a pregnancy yet was entirely down to her alone and she was somehow a failure. YuZhi caught the look and fixed his undaunted gaze on his aunt.

“You can blame me for that too. Working all the hours I have been, not coming home, I’ve been neglecting my wife and my husbandly duties.” He lied to appease her, winking in his naughty way, hating that still she had such prejudice against TangShi despite him asking her to back off and give her a chance. TangShi silently sipped her coffee, eyes down so as not to turn crimson with the shame of their conversation. She would never be a girl who openly talked about these things with anyone except Linlin.

“I suggest you make more time then. If needs be, go for a weekend somewhere and lock yourselves in a hotel room.” She snorted, blunt and not shy to discuss these things with a boy she considered her son. She was only looking forward to a child from this union and nothing else about it. If she couldn’t have that then all of this was pointless.

TangShi wanted the ground to open up and swallow her as her cheeks reddened with heat and she tucked her chin down further to hide her embarrassment. Hearing YuZhi chuckle under his breath at his Aunts blatant rudeness.

“Sounds fun. I might just do that.” YuZhi mocked with a mischievous smile, sliding his arm around TangShi’s shoulders and gave her a squeeze to loosen her up, before planking a quick kiss on her temple. Aunt RuiZi balked at the obvious affection, tutted loudly and turned away. Hating that her nephew who had been so against this girl at the start, was now publicly adoring her. It turned her stomach to think of poor Rhea’s loss.

“Rhea is so easily forgotten I see.” She bitched, knowing fine well there was no more Rhea in the picture. YuZhi had never been one to share important details like that with his family, but Rhea had run crying to Auntie the day after the party. Sobbing about the unfairness of it all and how she was a brokenhearted victim for trying to fight for him. YuZhi had received his fair share of scolding telephone calls from aunt before she gave up, accusing him of being cruel and stubborn and forgetting his heart. He had pandered to her temper tantrum, tolerating her with kind words and let it go over his head. Knowing in time she would get over it.

“Not forgotten, just not relevant anymore. TangShi is my bride, maybe from now on you should focus on making friends with the future mother of my child.” YuZhi reminded her with a friendly tone and got another scowl in response which only made him smile. For all her cold and harsh ways, he did have genuine affection for her. She had raised him after his parents died and despite her outward heartless appearance, aunt could be loving in her own way. She was loyal to a fault and for now, Rhea was her focus.

“Why? She won’t be relevant once she gives birth either.” She reminded him and got up, hauling her bag with her, a cold expression pasted on and stuck her nose in the air. Her words wounded TangShi, who tried to never think of the future in that way and tried not to openly react while YuZhi shook his head and stood up too.

“About that….. I don’t see a reason for TangShi to be cut out of our kid’s life. Whether we stay married or not, I want my kid to be raised by its mother. If grandad wants that to be in the Leng family home, then TangShi stays too. Beyond the contract. Which…. might not end in two years, we just have to see how things go.” YuZhi stated it a little sterner in attitude and Aunt RuiZi’s eyes widened in disbelief. TangShi choked on her coffee and snapped her head up to stare at YuZhi too. Silence growing heavy with the shocked atmosphere at his statement.

YuZhi had given this a lot of thought these past weeks and even though he knew that divorce stipulated the Leng family would raise his child and set TangShi free, he didn’t want to do that to her. He had seen other families exercise their right to take a child from a mother and raise them without her and he hated the thought of hurting Tang that way. His own mother had been important to him, close, and he loved her with his whole heart. He knew that no matter what gender they had, TangShi would be a beneficial and loving mother and raise them in the best way. He didn’t need to divorce her for her to have a free and full life.

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