Forced by fate – Destined to be his Wife

The Date

“Stop fidgeting and act natural.” YuZhi hissed at TangShi, lacking patience as he led her into the dark nightclub by the hand, guiding the way and keeping an eye out for their group. He was dressed in faded jeans and a black tee tonight, paired with a black leather biker jacket that made him seem like a different person to TangShi. For the first time she felt unattractive and inferior beside someone who could pull off this look. He was suave, and the casual style made him seem sexier than usual, especially over boots rather than his normal Italian leather shoes.

Rhea had set them up at a table in the centre of the club, for maximum exposure, with various friends from their social circle and guaranteed attention attractors. A few were known public figures while most were famous for being rich kids, or heirs to conglomerate families. Tonight, the aim was for pictures to be leaked of the two of them with their respective dates and seemingly happy about it while hanging out together. That way the fallout over YuZhi getting engaged soon would be minimal and the scandal of marriage averted, leaving them free to proceed and produce an heir in time. This was the start of dropping hints that TangShi and he were dating, and he couldn’t be more unhappy about it. The beginning of having to cuddle up, hold hands, and play lovers whenever they were outside their own home.

“Don’t walk so fast, I’m not used to these shoes.” TangShi tugged at his hand, stumbling behind him, aware of how hot and strong it was when clenching onto hers. To outsiders it looked intimate and sweet as though they needed to touch but to her, it was a vice grip borne of reluctance and he was dragging her in at speed. He didn’t care if his pace was faster than hers, or his hold was making her fingers ache.

“Why did you change your dress from the white one and make us late? You blend in too much. Just about every woman here is wearing black.” He turned and appraised her up and down with a frown. The point was to be seen and she had switched out a somewhat cutesy white lace number for this cocktail dress that was too sultry and sexy. Something Rhea had chosen on a shopping trip for her and not TangShi’s style at all. He preferred the white, as it somehow suited her more than this, brought out her natural beauty but he wasn’t about to admit that was the issue.

“My period came.” She dropped her tone, her cheeks heating with the admittance as she leaned in to whisper it loud enough for him to hear. Her heart sinking at the reminder that she had now failed twice to do what was required. “I didn’t want to be paranoid about leaking.”Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

YuZhi turned to glance at her, this time with a furrowed scowl and calculated the dates in his head. Second month of going to that clinic and the second time her period had shown up like clockwork two weeks later. He sighed, not overly disappointed about not having to start that whole mess towards fatherhood, but it just meant he had to keep visiting that place and jacking his load into a cup twice a month. It wasn’t pleasant and he hated going there. If his grandfather wasn’t so set on their timeline before he became CEO he would never be trying for a baby.

“Over here! YuZhi!!” Rhea’s voice drifted their way, saving TangShi form a response form him, and YuZhi led her on, increasing the pace until she was almost tripping to keep up again. She gritted her teeth and tried to run behind him.

“Hey, all. I am sure Rhea has filled you in on my bringing a girl tonight…… This is the gang we normally hang with, Miss Lei. Gang … TangShi.” YuZhi pulled TangShi level with him as they came to a huge round table that seemed crammed with glamorous people. Nodding to her as he flicked his chin at the assembled group, all giving her little waves and head nods of welcome. TangShi was glad to have a moment to catch her breath and didn’t struggle to let go of YuZhi’s hand as it was obvious he wasn’t about to. Some of the faces she recognised and some she didn’t, so she smiled warmly, out of her depth when in a place like this and nodded respectfully.

“Well, well, who is this little buttercup and why are we only meeting her now?” A tall man to TangShi’s right stood up, suddenly looming over her, and eyed her from head to foot in an invasive manner before extending a hand towards her. Dressed similarly to YuZhi and around the same age, although he was nowhere near as handsome or exuding the same presence.

“My girlfriend.” YuZhi answered blandly and leaned over to take a beer being handed to him by a familiar looking face perched on a stool. One that winked TangShi’s way, a mischievous knowing look and half hitched smile, and she instantly clicked it was ZhengLi Kim. TangShi gave a curt little smile in return and turned away from Mr Kim, to deal with this new intrusion.

“Nice to meet you. What family are you from, TangShi?” The man pressed on, ignoring YuZhi’s disinterest in a proper introduction, pulling her attention to him fully and moved in as close as he dared. Invading her air so that she instinctively stepped back against YuZhi’s arm and her grip in his hand tightened impulsively. She was never really at ease around strange men, especially ones getting in her space like this.

“The Lei family, as in Lei Enterprises.” She nodded respectfully in a semi bow, aware this was another rich heir to probably a more worthy family than hers and accepted his outstretched hand to shake. She knew better than to be rude. He was quick to envelope it in a clammy large palm and yanked her forward out of YuZhi’s grip, forcing his hand to release her on the other side as she tumbled at least three steps forward.

“Well, hello, TangShi Lei. I don’t think he’s the best date you could pick up tonight. How about you and I get better aquant….” He slurred into her ear, making her skin crawl and her heart hammer in rapid anxiety with the sudden assault. Retracting her body as best she could without being obvious and turning her face away to avoid his alcohol stenched breath. She inwardly yelped as she was tugged back with a new grip on her waist, which sent her tumbling into a hard form behind her and meeting a sudden stop as the hand slid around her abdomen and a flat palm held her tight.

“Out of bounds. Hands off, Kai! She’s already my girlfriend, not just a date you can try and poach.” YuZhi pressed a pointer finger into the man’s forehead in a playful manner and pushed him away with a little force, grinning as though they were friends, and this was all in jest but there was an undercurrent of seriousness. TangShi was relieved at being rescued, but uneasy that YuZhi’s aura seemed to be turning a little hostile as she leaned against his chest, holding her breath at the sudden proximity of his body jammed into her spine, while his hand was keeping her against him.

“Hey, you know I’m only kidding, Yoonie! Just playing with your pretty little thing.” The man laughed and swiped up a beer to hold up and clink against YuZhi’s as a sign of apology. Seemingly unbothered by the change in mood and playing it off.

“TangShi, avoid people like Mr. Yang. You never know where he’s been.” YuZhi leaned down so his nose was level with her ear and said it loudly enough so everyone could hear.

“I second that. Come sit, we are waiting to introduce my bestie to everyone properly. YuZhi you are so useless. Come over here you two.” Rhea’s bright and bubbly voice cut through the noise of the busy bumping nightclub and YuZhi lassoed TangShi around the shoulders with a protective arm, releasing his current hold, guiding her to the seats Rhea vacant at the other side of the table with Rhea. It was almost a natural manoeuvre, but it made TangShi’s heart stop for a second as she was nestled in against him and pulled forward this way. She had never had any man hold her like this and she felt small and vulnerable.

TangShi had been well prepped about how tonight would go. That YuZhi would play the part of smitten date and convince everyone present they were falling in love. That meant he would make a point of touching her, cuddling up and making it clear they were already an item. She had to act adoring, play nice with this mix of friends, and be aware of people taking pictures. With the recent YuZhi and Rhea news, many bystanders would be quick to upload candid shots to social media of these well-known faces. This was why Rhea chose this club, and this group of friends to make their relationships public, without actually doing so.

YuZhi pushed her in first so she would be seated next to Rhea, never letting go of her fully as his hand slid from around her to rest on her shoulder and he followed her to sit down, sliding in, moving close, and placing his arm behind her across the back of the seat to cage her in when they were seated. TangShi squirmed a little. Aware her heart rate was haywire; her skin was abnormally warm and she was ultra-sensitive of every single touch and brushing of YuZhi’s arm against her. She was having trouble remaining calm and normal while her insides were a fluttering mess of nerves.

“What do you want to drink?” He leaned in, his nose brushing her cheek as he asked in her ear directly. His voice low and husky, and less tight a tone than when they arrived. Making it seem like he was looking for any opportunity to touch his date and get intimate.

“I don’t really drink so I don’t know. I’ve never been to a club before.” TangShi whispered back, trying not to get in his face as much as he did her and blushed at how pathetic she seemed admitting that to him.

“Really?” He asked wryly, wrinkling up his forehead in disbelief.

“Really! Why would I lie? I Don’t really go out like this, to clubs, or go drinking.” She leaned back to lock him dead in the eye and tried to ignore the doubt in his expression.

“Sex on the beach, then?” He winked at her, testing to see if she knew this cocktail and then broke into a smile when she gawped at him with utter shock. Her change in manner and an expression she couldn’t fake told him she had no idea what it was.

“What?” Is the only thing she could say. Her face reddening with the heat of embarrassment at thinking he was suggesting something crude.

“Maybe you’re not lying then. Okay, allow me.” YuZhi smirked, lifted his hand and clicked his fingers towards a passing waiter to get him over. Leaning back over the chair he issued a drink order before coming back to slide his arm down from the seat and around her shoulder instead, pulling her close against him so his mouth was almost pressed to her ear and her heart exploded at how intimate this seemed. Aware of Rhea right next to him them who was acting like this didn’t bother her at all and feeling weird and uncomfy at this whole thing.

“Don’t worry, it’s soda. I can’t have you getting wasted on the bare minimal and making an idiot out of me. If you don’t drink, I can assume you have zero tolerance, so I am best keeping you sober.”

“Thank You.” She sighed in relief, for once meaning it, and pulled away from him guiltily to get her breathing space back. Turning to her saviour beside her and instead focused on her and not at how much YuZhi was moving into this touchy-feely role that was doing strange things to her emotions.

“You look really pretty tonight.” She nodded at Rhea’s dark red dress, that clung to her like a second skin in all the right places while not actually revealing too much. She really did have great taste and knew what suited her the best. It was classy and yet seductive, while being modest. Rhea turned and threw her arms around her in an exaggerated fashion, giving her a hug that took TangShi by surprise. Almost like she was glad that TangShi separated herself form YuZhi’s cuddle.

Rhea already smelled strongly of alcohol, and she could tell when held like this, the woman was a little drunk and swaying. They had arrived here an hour before her and YuZhi did, and it was clear they wasted no time in drinking. TangShi hugged her back and then tried to relax when Rhea kept one arm around her, shoving YuZhi’s away like an annoyed child and pulled her up tight beside her to stay like that. It felt territorial like she was giving YuZhi a clear message.

TangShi didn’t know if this was a jealous reaction and making YuZhi let go, or if this was all for show of painting them as the closest friends and that she fully supported YuZhi’s relationship but didn’t want him stealing her away. TangShi was not one to play games or act up scenarios like this and she was a little out of her depth when trying to read the meanings.

Soon her drink was brought to her and YuZhi handed it over, amused with the way Rhea was all over her and keeping guard as she stuck to her like glue. He turned away as ZhengLi moved to be beside him and the pair fell into conversation easily. Leaving TangShi to look towards Rhea and listen in as she talked animatedly to the other woman around them. It wasn’t exactly a relaxing and fun place to be, but it wasn’t unbearable either and for once YuZhi was not being his usual nasty jack ass self.

“So you two, really are over and this is all …fine?” One particularly pointed faced woman opposite them was motioning towards TangShi and then YuZhi with a doubtful expression and scrutinised Rhea’s response.

“Mmm Hmmm. We have been playing the couple game so long for fear of hurting each other and neither wanted to admit we no longer loved one another that way. Scared to lose our best friend. It was a huge relief to finally admit it and find we were both on the same page. We are friends, we love and care as friends but there’s no romance anymore. I think we just should have stayed as friends all these years.” Rhea was a very good actress and played the role convincingly. Not a single fault in her prepared answer and TangShi felt sad for her that the lie could be so convincing.

“And so, you introduced him to TangShi, or he met her through the collaboration?” The girl beside pointed face, smaller, prettier, but with a resting bitch face was the one throwing questions now and TangShi realised this was an interrogation thy had to pass. If they couldn’t convince this group of friends, they would never convince the public. TangShi had been well versed in responses to and wade din hoping to help.

“We met first, at the fashion show venue. Rhea saw me looking lost and came over and introduced herself.” TangShi put everything into acting natural.

“That’s right. Her father gave her the job of scoping out the day one of rehearsals. We clicked as soon as we met, and I just had to let YuZhi meet her once we grew closer. She’s my darling, sweet angel. This girl has brought so much joy to my life, and I didn’t want to be greedy and not share her with my favourite person in the world.” Rhea slid an arm around her and gave her a squeeze for added effect, beaming at her like an adoring mother. No hint of malice or jealousy.

“But dating her??? I mean….” The two women exchanged odd glances as though this was all a little suss to them. “You really didn’t care?”

“Why not? He’s single, there’s no regret between us, and she’s awesome. What better thing than to see my two besties hit it off and have an attraction. And they look so good together.” Rhea was laying it on thick with her Oscar worthy performance and TangShi could only sit and smile and hope she didn’t look as forced and uncomfy as she felt. She wanted the ground to open and swallow her whole as the lies just kept pouring out. The heavy weighing pain in her heart at the deception, and the guilt that Rhea was being hurt by all of this. TangShi didn’t feel good at all.

“And you and Lu Jeng? You two came together and seemed cosy, right up until he went to sit with Trey. Are you dating him? Does YuZhi not care?” More doubts, more prodding from pointed face.

TangShi turned to where they nodded and caught sight of a tall and handsome guy sat down nearby, animated in his conversation with another man. She recognised his side profile as being someone in a drama she watched with Xiaosu so figured it must be him. The friend who would play her adoring date. He was wearing a suit jacket in a blue, over a light tee and had similar jeans on to YuZhi. A casual stylish outfit over a fit body. Gorgeous as well, with nice hair.

“Things are blossoming and I’m not unwilling to see where it goes. YuZhi and he are friends and he gave us his full blessing. I swear, we truly are okay with this. It’s a relief to be free.” She played coy and broke into a smile as the two women also mellowed and began grinning too.

“I mean, he’s not YuZhi, but he’s hot too, and I guess I can see why you would go for him. He’s a bit of a mystery guy and I like that.” Pointed face brushed back her hair and made fluttering lashes his way, eyeing him up with a predatory lick of her lips and then back to Rhea to show her approval.

“It’s early days. Much like for TangShi here. Don’t scare her away while YuZhi is only just starting to win her over. She might run. You know how aloof and cold he can seem, and she’s only been seeing him the shortest time.” Rhea jested, trying to play interference but YuZhi picked up on hearing his name. He leaned their way resting his arm back on the rear of TangShi’s seat, so he caged her in and came painfully close. His knee pushed against hers as he slid his hand on her thigh in a way which screamed ‘mine’. TangShi’s stomach lurched over and the butterflies therein all died of shock.

“Did I hear you say you’re trying to make my new girlfriend run away? Can’t have that, I have zero stamina for chasing tonight. It’s been a hard week.” He smiled naturally, charm on the full offensive as he leaned in smoothly and pecked TangShi on the cheek with a chaste kiss. A soft brushing of his lips against her skin that sent tingles electrifying every pore on her body.

She almost jumped with the unexpected touch and managed to keep herself still while clenching her hands together and pasting a smile on her face that seemed real. The two women visibly melted and swooned at his show of affection and Rhea pulled off a convincing grin and patted TangShi on the other knee.

“When you two get married, I want to be the maid of honour and tell the world how I was the one who pushed you together. Your first daughter better be named after me.” She winked, leaned in and kissed TangShi on the other cheek, pressing hard and with less grace, lingering for a moment, before getting up and motioning towards the dancefloor.

TangShi felt trapped and suffocated. Not just by them one either side, hemming her in like she was some weak prey stuck in a weird game, but by all of this. The mirrored touches and the heavy messages shooting between YuZhi and Rhea that only TangShi was picking up. The pretence, the show they were putting on and how easily they did it. She had never been one who could lie or be deceitful and her only way to deal with this was to smile, blush, and say very little. They were born performers who were used to the public eye and twisting the truth for the benefit of their image. TangShi felt sick, her anxiety peaking because this wasn’t her at all and she was aware her own lack of ability could smash this ruse.

“Come, come, I want to dance with you.” Rhea motioned with a grabby hand, offering a way out and some respite from YuZhi’s invasive presence. He was causing havoc to her hormones and her heart rate. Rhea pulled TangShi up without waiting on a reply and away from YuZhi’s clutches with a tug that almost sent her falling forward onto the table. She wasn’t entirely sure it was an accident.

YuZhi was quick to catch her with one hand, his reflexes had always been good. He caught her by the waist and straightened her to upright before letting her go and watching her walk off with Rhea. Once again, the moon eyes of watching women going all gooey at how he was so tuned into his woman that he couldn’t bear to see her fall.

He leaned back and rested his head against the padded seat as he took a long slow swig of his beer and heard ZhengLi chuckle in his ear. Lowering his voice so only the two of them would hear.

“This is going to be an interesting night. Show’s only just staring and already it’s entertaining. I’m impressed your acting skills.”

“Shut up.” YuZhi nudged his knee against ZhengLi’s but got only a laugh in response. That eternal mischievous nature of his best friend was rarely compressed.

“Rhea is jealous, and your wifey looks terrified about being here. I never expected her to be such a pure lily-white virgin type. I feel bad for her, knowing how your mean ass has been treating her these past two months. She looks like a lamb being led to slaughter.”

YuZhi didn’t reply. His eyes fixed on the two of them navigating the crowd, followed closely by the two women they had been chatting to and another girl from the seats beside them. He couldn’t help but see how much, even in a cocktail dress, TangShi didn’t fit into his crowd or this scene. Despite being a rich Lei daughter, she really had no awareness of how to blend into this type of affair. She was nervous, uncomfortable, and seemed like a fish out of water who had no desire to be here. Her acting skills were almost non-existent and for the first time he regretted throwing her into this shark pit full of biters. He had legitimate doubts about her being the manipulative girl he first pegged her as when faced with the reality that she sucked at lying or pretending and if it was pushed, she would probably cave.

Rhea could handle anything thrown at her, especially when it came to this group of people, but TangShi looked like a kitten that had been abandoned on a motorway. The only thing he could do to keep this ruse intact was to cling to her until tonight was over, smother her with attention and stop anyone else getting close or chatty with her before taking her home before someone got her drunk. They only had to do this once, and then it was plain sailing once the news broke that they were a couple and the netziens outraged panned out.

He just had to hold onto that and then get ready for taking her as his date to every public affair he could in the next month or two. Every passing week was a step closer to this ordeal being over and two years coming to a closer end.

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