He Married A Whore

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Next morning.

"How do i look mum?" Disha asked her step mom.

"You always look nice Disha" Mrs Smith smiled.

She was ready to resume, all she had to do now was just to get into the car Killian sent to her.

She wondered if he'll keep sending cars to pick her every morning.

"I selected the outfit" Lucien boasted.

"There he goes again" Disha rolled her eyes.

"Of course i knew he did" their mum laughed.

Disha was putting on a simple blue shirt tucked into a black pencil skirt, with blue shoes and black


Her hair was packed in her favorite style, a simple ponytail with tendrils framing her face.

She was wearing no make up as usual and all she had in her bag was Summer's rules booklet,her

phone,her diary and some cash.

"I should go now mother" Disha said, kissing her on both cheeks.

"Okay Disha."

"Sis, I'll give you a call".

"Alright and please select the outfit I'll be putting on tomorrow" Disha said.

"With all pleasure" Lucien grinned.

"Bye" Disha said, walking to the door.

"And help me get those cheese please" Lucien called after her..


Disha arrived at Killian mansion and she still marveled at the sight even if she saw it just yesterday.

She was led in by one of the workers and her heart beat nervously as she stepped into the living room.

She met Killian and his daughter's gaze fixed on the wall clock.

"Good morning" She said about to bow but quickly got hold of her head.

"Dad! She's here" Summer smiled, happily sliding her feet into her bunny footwear.

"Ohh ... Good morning" Killian replied.

"We thought you weren't coming anymore" Summer said.

"I'm sorry i delayed the driver" Disha said.

"It's fine" Killian said .

"Have you gone through my rules booklet?" Summer asked.


"And?" She asked eagerly.

"I can cope with your rules" Disha said..

"And that means?" Summer asked expectantly.

"I'm now officially your nanny" Disha said and didn't notice how Killian's face lit up.

"Yay!" Summer giggled and Disha smiled.

She really like the kid.

"Welcome to my world Disha" Summer said excitedly.

"Thank you" Disha smiled.

"So, you've officially resumed as Summer's nanny. You're to stay here on weekdays,you'll be free to go

home on weekends, i know you're not aware of it and that's why you didn't bring anything with you. By

tomorrow,you should move into your room here" Killian said.

"Huh?.. Okay" Disha said, trying to digest the news.

"What I'm about to say is already in Summer's booklet but I'll say it anyways ... You're not allowed to

yell at her,hit her or make her cry. Once you do any of that,just know you're fired" Killian said even

though he knows deeply that she can't do such but he needs to follow the normal routine.

"I won't do that".

"Okay. And please try as much as possible to keep to her rules, she doesn't like her rules being



"And i don't think there'll be problem between you two, you seem to like each other already".

His daughter had never been this excited when a new nanny resumes.

She had been talking about Disha since she left yesterday.

The lady is beautiful plus she dresses nicely and decently too.

"So, I'll leave you guys to do your thing" Killian said, picking his phone.

He got on his feet and was about heading to his room when one of his workers walked in, stopping him.


"Mrs Diane is here" The worker said.

"What the f.." Killian was saying but remembered Summer was there.

"And she's trying to force her way in" The worker said.

"Tell Zack to fucking throw her out!" Killian yelled in anger.

Disha blinked severally in confusion and quickly bent to console Summer when she saw the little girl

had started crying.

Killian cursed at Diane before finally going out to meet her.

Ivory cry grew louder and the confused Irene was about to hold her when she remembered her fourth


*Do not touch me without washing your hands*


Summer's cry grew louder and the confused Disha was about to hold her when she remembered her

fourth rule.

*Do not touch me without washing your hands*


Disha sighed in confusion, looking around.

She doesn't know the way to the kitchen where she can quickly wash her hands.

"Hello" Disha heard and turned go see a woman in a white apron.

The woman had given her Summer's booklet yesterday and she remembered Killian had called her


"Please where can i wa.." Disha was saying..

"Wash your hands" Sophia completed it for her, smiling.

Sophia knew the young lady had just resumed as Summer's nanny.

"Go through that doorway, you'll find the kitchen".

"Thanks" Disha dropped her bag and hurried ahead,disturbed by the fact that Summer is still crying...

She found the kitchen and quickly walked to the sink to wash her hands.

The kitchen looked amazing but she didn't have the time to properly look around.

She wiped her hands on one of the clean napkins before hurrying back to the living room.

She pulled the still crying girl into her arms and rocked her back, wishing she'll quiet down soon.

She doesn't like seeing kids cry, it sometimes want to make her cry too.

Disha gently sat on the couch with Summer in her arms, patting her back and singing quietly to her.

Her cry had quieted down and she was just sniffing now.

"Who's Diane? and why did Summer started crying all of a sudden" Disha thought.

And why did all this had to happen the day she resumed.

Disha glanced at Summer and noticed she had started to doze.

She positioned her neck properly and stared admiringly at the little girl.

She was almost tempted to touch her glossy brown hair but then she remembered her number one


*Do not touch my hair without my permission*

Aaarrgh, so much rules, but she did a good job in memorising them, she had made sure she

memorised the key rules, she'll go for the rest later.

Summer had slept off completely in her arms.

She never knew the smart and talkative Summer could cry that much and Killian also looked pissed

when he walked out of the door.

She hoped something has not gone wrong.

Killian walked back into the living room, still looking quite angry.

He already made Diane go away.

The lady is just a pain in the ass,she pisses him off so much.

His anger melted immediately at the sight in front of him.

Summer is being held so perfectly in Disha's arm that he can boldly say after him, this is the next

person that holds Summer so perfectly.

Even Diane doesn't hold her daughter this way.

Disha is unaware of Killian's presence, she was still staring admiringly at Summer.

Killian smiled,glad he finally has a nanny that loves his daughter genuinely.

He'll make sure he do everything he can to take her family out of the problem they are facing.

IreneDisha glanced up nonchalantly and was startled to see Killian standing before her.


This man is sure creepy.

Killian cleared his throat,lost for words.

"Hmm,did you wash your hands before touching her?" He finally asked.

"Yes i did, Sophia showed me to the kitchen" Disha answered.


"I think i should drop her in her room,so she'll be more comfortable" Disha said after a long moment of

stealing glances at each other.

"That'll be okay. come with me".

Disha who stood up with Summer in her arms staggered back over the weight of the little girl.


Killian quickly took Summer from her.

"I'm so sorry".

"Sorry for what? You did nothing. It's normal for you not to be able to carry Summer, Summer has

weighed a lot since birth" .

"Ohh,no wonder my hands were starting to ache" Disha laughed but quickly got hold of herself.

"You're free to laugh Disha" Killian said and Disha blushed at how smoothly her name moved out of his


"Okay, we should drop her in her room. Your hands must be aching".

"No, I'm used to it but I'm just worried"

"Over what?" Disha asked worriedly, noticing the hint of sadness on Killian's face.

"Summer falls sick whenever she cries to sleep,she starts burning up and all" Killian said,staring

pitifully at his daughter.

"Ohh...I'm so sorry about that. What can we do to prevent it?" Disha asked, blinking severally.

She does that whenever she's confused, worried or surprised.

"Nothing, I'll just call the doctor once she wakes up" Killian said.

"But we can just rub her body with wet cloth or she should

just take a cold bath" Disha thought,not daring to say it out..

Maybe the rich call the doctor for everything.

"Let's take her to her room first for a comfortable sleep".

"Ohh..yeah" Killian said and started leading the way.

Killian placed Summer on her bed and then kissed her forehead.

He pulled her blanket over her and then turned to Disha.

He found her staring all over Summer's room.

He isn't surprised cause he made his daughter room more like a princess's room.

She's his princess.

"Wow!" Disha finally exclaimed.

The girl's room looks like a queen's room.

Purple and white color dominated the whole room.

Summer's shoe rack amazed Disha...the shoes are damn much and they're all beautiful, her wardrobe

size is like an adult's.

There was a giant crystal chandelier hanging from the center of the white painted ceiling.

The room was so wide that it occupied three two seater couch and a sparkling glass table in the


There was a TV plastered on the wall.

The floor was tiled with sparkling white marble tiles and Disha could see her reflection.

She even had a mini freezer in her room.

If Disha had not seen Summer's world boldly written on the wall in white and purple,she would have

asked Harold if it was really Summer's room.

Disha almost cried at the amount of money that would have been used to set up this room alone.

"Disha" Killian called, bringing her back to reality.

"Hu..h?" She stuttered.

"I'm sorry..i was a little bit lost " She said.

"It's fine, what happened earlier...the lady called Diane is Summer's mother" Killian paused.

"Ohh" Disha blinked, now getting everything.

"But we divorced five years ago" Killian continued.

"I'm so sorry about that " Disha said and Killian shrugged.

It has been five years and he got over her already.

"I don't allow her in my house except on her visitation rights which is twice a month for 24 hours. She

comes every second week of the month to check on Summer and please whenever she's around ,do

not hesitate to call me immediately cause i might be at work and i don't leave her alone with my

daughter." Killian said.

"Okay" Disha nodded.

Summer shifted a bit in her sleep and the blanket fell off her shoulder. Both Disha and Killian quickly

made to draw the blanket back at the same time but Disha reached it first.

She pulled it properly over Summer and then realized she had beaten Killian to it.

She smiled to herself but Killian caught her.

"Why are you smiling?" He asked.

"I beat you to it" She suddenly laughed.


What did she just did?" She thought.

She's only this playful whenever she's around her step mom and Killian.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to laugh" She quickly apologized.

"It's fine" Killian smiled.

He had loved the way she laughed playfully.

This will be the first time he'll see her laugh and she looked more beautiful at it.

"You dont have to be sorry cause you laughed, you are free to laugh anytime you please" Killian said

and she nodded.

"I need to get in my room now and start preparing for work tomorrow, you can go meet Sophia so she'll This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

enlighten you more about the happenings around here but please you need to check on Summer every

fifteen minutes"

"Okay,i will do just that".

"Do you care for anything?" Sophia asked Disha as she entered the kitchen.

"No, Summer is asleep and Mr Killian said i can come spend some time with you".

"Ohh,you're welcome" Sophia smiled, motioning her to sit opposite her.

They both sat on the breakfast bar in the kitchen.

"So, you are?" Sophia asked.

"I'm Disha, Summer's nanny"

"Okay, I'm Sophia, the cook. Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too" Disha said.

"I'm gonna introduce you to the other workers later and i'll show you around later" Sophia said.

"Okay" Disha smiled,glad at the woman's friendliness.

"You're welcome here and i know you're really gonna enjoy your stay here. Mr Killian is a very nice

person, he treats every of his worker like his family" Sophia said.

"That's so obvious and Summer is also a nice kid, though her rules are not very nice" Disha said and

Sophia laughed.

"Summer can be eccentric at times. But, once she really likes you, she'll be the one to break the rules

she made for herself" Sophia said.

"Really?" Disha asked.


"You must have been working for Mr Killian for long" Disha said.

"Yes, I've worked here for sixteen years, i was 24 then and i had just given birth,i had no job and my

husband died the day i gave birth to Allysia, my daughter " Sophia said.

"I'm so sorry about that Sophia" Disha said sadly.

"It's fine. So, Killian was just Eleven then and what made me met him was because i found his favourite

lost puppy at my doorstep. I returned it to the address i found on the puppy's chain and Killian who

loved the puppy so much thanked me profusely. We became close and he loved playing with my

daughter. He learned of my condition and begged his parents to take me in with my daughter. Killian

has been benevolent right from time, he really love helping people that are in need. He's the only child

of his parents and they did everything he wanted. His parents took me in with my daughter and they

took care of Allysia like she was theirs,anyone would think she was Killian's younger sister,she

attended the best school in the city and wore the best clothes. Right now Allysia is with Killian's parents

in Spain. She comes here every summer".

"Wow!" Disha exclaimed.

"So then, i do assist their cook in the kitchen and suddenly she left. I volunteered to be the cook and i

clearly told them not to pay me but they didn't heed, they paid me every month and still took care of my

daughter. I watched the tiny Killian grow into the huge man he is today" Sophia smiled.

"That's interesting" Disha smiled too.

"Oh..my, i need to go check on Summer" Disha said glancing at the wall clock.

She stood up and quickly walked out of the kitchen.

Sophia smiled, she like the lady and this is actually the first time she would tell someone this story.

Summer's past nannies were always interested in checking out the whole house,rather than sit and

talk with her.

Most of them do ask her what Killian's likes and dislikes,they concentrate more on Killian than Summer

whom they were here for .

But this lady is different.

Anyone can tell she genuinely cares for Summer even if she just resumed today.

Sophia had watched her from the kitchen while Summer was still in her arms and she had seen how

Disha badly wanted to touch Summer's hair but she didn't. Summer was asleep and wouldn't have

known if anyone touched her hair but Disha didn't use that advantage to disregard her rules. She kept

strictly to the rules.

Sophia had been impressed and happy they finally had a different nanny.

"She's not awake yet" Disha said,

walking back into the kitchen.

"Ohh" Sophia smiled.

Disha took her seat opposite Sophia.

She found the woman interesting,she's sharing so much with her even if she just resumed today.

"Can i ask you something?" Disha asked.


"Does Mr Killian pay his workers close to one million dollars a week?" Disha asked.

"One million dollars a week?" Sophia nearly screamed.

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