Hell Hounds

Chapter 49: Into the Dream Dragon Back Up

Chapter 49: Into the Dream Dragon Back Up

Yolanda stalked through the bushes. Her pack mates spread out behind her. Movement was different

within the Dream Realm. There was no sound, wind, or small animal movement to mask theirs. This

was the reason not everyone worked in the Dream Realm. Danger lurked behind every corner and

bush. Sounds betrayed you to those harmful things.

They stalked through the dark mirror realm after one of the worst things in existence. Death here meant

true death. They followed a Barguest through the bush hoping it didn’t catch their scent and chomping

down on their bones. Their mission was to find where the Fae holed up. So, they could attack them first

and catch them unprepared. They wanted to catch the Fae unaware before they revealed the

supernatural population to the humans and save lives of the Fae’s human victims.

Yolanda and Catherine were in their wolf-form, tracking the beast as. David and Farah followed a

distance away, still on two feet. Their weapons at the ready. A person could fall asleep wearing

something or carrying something. It would appear in the realm with them. After so long, mages who

studied this realm couldn’t explain. Why or what were the rules. The rules appeared to be complex and


They’d been stalking for close to an hour. How loud was the horn this creature responded to? It must

be one of those twisted rules again. They were nearing a local picnic area. Of course, they set up here.

This season people wouldn’t encounter them here. There’s a town close to here. But no snow mobile or

ski trails.

The barguest stopped and let loose the most mournful howl; it sent shivers through everyone who

heard it. Everyone held their breath and stopped dead in their tracks. The barguest acted like a dog.

Here, within the Dream Realm, it looked like a nightmare dog. It possessed ragged black confusion of

fur, glowing, glassy red eyes, and a slobbering mouth. Three times the size of a wolf shifter. A shifter in

wolf form couldn’t pass as a normal wolf. This monster wouldn’t pass for anything but a nightmare.

Yolanda struggled not to let her heart to beat out of her chest. What summoned the creature? Where

was the creature’s master?

‘I don’t like this. Keep your eyes open. We don’t know where they’ll come from.’ Yolanda heard this

voice in her head. It was David, the eldest of them, and the main fighting instructor with the Black River

Pack. ‘Remember. They come and go at will.’ She could hear the notes of caution in David’s voice.

No one believed for a minute they’d find themselves fighting the Fae. Wild magic, and ancient battle

tactics. Evil indifference to the wellbeing of others. Icy and emotionless one minute. Selfish and blood

thirsty the next. Generous when it benefits them. Murderous when they imagine someone has slighted


Yolanda knew everyone else struggled with the fear. They were in an unknown situation. With enough

facts to know fear was a sensible reaction. But not enough to feel confident they’d survive the


Within the perpetual twilight’s grey hues, several forms materialized from the bushes around the

barguest. Two beings glowed with an inner light. Beauty dripped for their every move. Taller than a

human, these creatures would dwarf any shifter. These must be Shining Ones. Now Yolanda

understood why they’re believed to be aliens or extra dimensional creatures. There was nothing natural

about their beauty. No one could mistake them for humans.

Seeing these creatures and what they’re capable of. Yolanda couldn’t accept them in the same realm

as Ian. Her mate wouldn’t be a toy for these creatures. She felt a rush of protectiveness that shocked

her. The urge to do something stupid. Was overwhelming.

They had what they needed now. Here is where the monsters’ setup shop. But they wouldn’t open for This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

business. ‘We know the area now. Let’s get out of here. We’ll report back to the others.’ Yolanda turned

from the scene of laughter and frolicking.

‘Wait. We need to know how many there. More appear with every passing minute. They need to know

how many are there. I know I taught you better than that. Know thy enemy.’ David was correct. Yolanda

returned to her crouch and tried to remember the names of all the smaller creatures and nightmares

rampaging through the open space.

Minutes ticked by and it appeared all that would appear was visible within the field. She huffed for just a

moment. The Fae made so much noise, Yolanda believed it wouldn’t be a problem. The Fae played

music, laughed, and sang. Dancing around the field like it was New Year’s Eve of the last year of all


‘I think we have enough for now. Let’s get out of here., Before one trips over us.’ This time Yolanda

heard the grunt of agreement from David. Catherine bobbed her snout up and down in consent. Farah

followed their mentor as they left the space.

One of the odd things about travel within the Dream Realm. Many could learn to do traveling. Traveling

was an odd thing. If one knew where they’re going. One could travel at greater distances than one

could within reality. One step by someone skilled in this could move them miles from their body. This

caused problems, as you must be close to your body or risk leaving the realm and not finding your

body to return to. No one’s sure what happened to those souls. On their way back. They received a

message from another shifter guard.

‘Dragons have appeared within the Dream realm. Warning. Dragons are here, but in human form.’

‘Crap, they shouldn’t be here. They’re our secret back up.’ Dragons were a thing, all their own. No

one’s sure whether they’re a creature as old as the Fae. Or their first creation. But Dragons could cast

a form of wild magic. Which made them perfect as a secret weapon. If any Fae asked a human about

dragons, they’d learn humans didn’t believe they existed. Fae would assume this belief was because

they were extinct.

There, by the building where their bodies lay, were five dragons surrounded by other shifters. “What’s

going on here? Sir?”

“We’re here to assist should any need it.”

“Very good. We’re about to return to the other realm and pass on the information we’ve gained while it’s

still fresh in our minds. Please be careful near the town of Ashton. The Fae are crawling through a

picnic area there. It’s a small hunt with two shining ones hosting the hunt.” A hunt was a group of Fae.

Out to amuse themselves by hunting anything that amuses them. The smarter the creature is, higher

the chances of being their next victim. The numbers within a hunt could be as little as a hand full to

thousands. A host or the leader of the hunt. Here, there’re two leaders and as any army knows.

Nothing gets done with too many leaders.

“Two, are you sure?” The spokesperson for the Dragons inquired.

“Yes, why?”

“Two of them? They’ll work each other into open war. Once one does something, the second dislikes.

They’ll split up and start a war. Each will look for people and creatures. To enlarge their hunt. Then turn

it on the other.” He spoke without emotion, as if he were reading it off a menu in a restaurant.

Yolanda stepped back, turned away, and ran her hand through her long, dark hair. “Seriously? I just

want to kill them. Get it over with. Fine, if you wish to replace us while we report in and get some proper

rest.” This dragon was a cold one. Know wonder people thought they were lizards. “That’s it. I thank

you for doing this. But I caution you to be careful, please. We’ll head out now.”

“The three of you go and do what needs to be done. I’ll stay here and assist the Dragons on finding

their footing.” David stopped by the door to the barracks. “I’ll stay long enough to show them where not

to go and the locations that must be watched.”

“Good. We’ll see you later then.” Once in the building it was a matter of closing one’s eyes and willing

yourself to awaken.

Yolanda opened her eyes and looked around. Catherine and Farah were both awakening too. Bleary

eyed, they’d sat up and looked around. Going into the Dream Realm for an extended time wasn’t restful

at all. It sapped the energy from your body. Like it needed that energy to keep you within the Dream

Realm. Therefore, one never spends long within the Dream Realm. It could kill you if you weren’t


“Okay, guys you head in and get some rest. I’ll report to the Alpha with this news. Don’t show your

faces until after you’ve had some sleep.” Yolanda dragged herself from her bunk and headed for the


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