

I sat on the broad king sized sofa with my mum sitting next to me as we tittered together.

I needed some rest and also something entertaining to find doing. Jerome was fast asleep right now and I was more than relieved.

The boy was just a handful of work. I barely went out any more. I seldomly had time to actually go out and just have a good time with my friends.

Eyebags coated my optics and my bones ached from the lack of sleep I had been getting as a result of Jerome.

He was two years now and his energy increased everyday. He was too agile and playful, always giving me a hell lot of work but still I couldn’t help but admire my baby boy.

I badly wished his father was by his side. It hurts my heart everytime I think of the fact that the uber driver was denied access to his son all because of our financial difference.

I couldn’t bring myself to tell Stravis or anyone the truth about the real identity of Jerome’s father.

He wasn’t the type of man I would normally sleep with or have as little as a fling with.

But I was too blinded by my desire to have him that I threw all cautiousness to the wind and laid down with him.

Now the poor man had been deprived of seeing his baby.

Maybe some day we might meet again and if we do meet, I’ll make sure I get him well dressed and tushed up. I will give him fancy tuxedos and even a well paying job so that at least his status in the society could be raised.

Then finally he would be able to have his son and nobody will look down on him ever again.

“Janis” my mother’s hands eagerly shook me, drawing me out of my reverie.

I blinked severally and gasped, turning to look at her.

“Janis I’ve been talking to you. Where has your mind been?” she queried with raised brows.

I chuckled faintly and shook my head at her. “No where mum. I’ve just been thinking of Jerome you know. My boy is growing up so fast” I smiled at my mum.

She returned back the smile with an even warmer smile. “Yes dearie. He is so strong just like you”

I laughed and was about speaking when the soft clicking of heels cut me short. We both veered our eyes towards the door and saw Stravis making her way in.

She seemed so delighted. A broad smile played on her lips and in her hands held an envelope.

She strode elegantly towards us, the smile ever beaming on her face.

“Stravis you came back early today. It’s barely noon” mother said to her.

“And you look way too happy. What’s the catch?” I teased her.

Stravis chuckled and sighed. “Ok so you all know Lester corporations right?”

“Who doesn’t?” I sarcastically asked with a nod.

“Well mum and Janis, our company recieved an invitation letter from Lester corporations. They are cordially inviting us to partake in a shareholders event!” Stravis dropped the bomb. My jaws dropped and I bolted up immediately, likewise mum.

“Are you fucking serious!?” I exclaimed with a beam on my face.

Stravis nodded eagerly and outstretched her hand towards me.

“Of course sis. Read the letter for yourself” she cajoled shaking the envelope.

I quickly grabbed it from her and my eyes scanned through the contents.

They were literally inviting the CEO over for the event.

Me–they wanted me to show up.

“Wow. They are inviting the CEO” I smiled. Stravis hummed and nodded her head.

“Fuck it starts soon. I have to get ready” I grinned, handing my mum the letter when Stravis stopped me by her words.

“What do you mean by you have to get ready?” She scoffed.

I rolled my eyes at her.

“Stravis don’t start up with your annoying character please” I practically pleaded with her.

“Are you being serious right now? You aren’t attending that function. I’m the one meant to attend it. Don’t use the fact that you are the eldest daughter to trample over me” Stravis scowled, taking steps towards me.

I stared dumbfounded at her. Was she being serious?

I am the CEO and I’m meant to attend that occasion not even her.

Besides I needed it.

Looking after Jerome had robbed me of my personal time. I barely even had time to go out and socialise any more.

Jerome took a big portion of my everyday activities. I just needed a break and some personal time away from him playful gimmicks.

I seized Stravis’ appearance with an angry glare. “And who says I won’t attend it? When did you become my boss?” I rheotorically asked her.

“I need to attend that function because we need more business partners. It’s a good avenue to get more partners into our company. Men and women of high calibre and status would be present. This is a chance for our company to grow more!” Stravis yelled at me.

“And I will attend that function not you! I need to socialise with people. I’ve been off the camera for too long because of my baby boy, Jerome.  I’ll look for partners at the same time socialise and meet new people!” I retorted back.

“Oh please. Which is more important? Your fucking desire of meeting new friends or this company’s growth?!” Stravis acrimonious voice spat at me.

“Don’t you dare speak to me in that tone!” I threateningly warned her, raising my forefinger at her.

Stravis huffed and folded her arms across her chest.

“The only reason you want to go to this event is because you want to sit and make new friends.  I want to go for the sake of our company. Which is more important!?”

“I am the fucking CEO of the company and you are just a temporary head!” I shot at her.

Stravis pulled back in a gasp and her eyes widened.

She hated whenever I reminded her of her place beneath me.

I needed to. She was getting too controlling and obnoxious for my liking. Who does she think she is to stop me from attending the function?

“Well you might be the CEO but you fucking don’t deserve that spot. I’ve been the one running this company for two goddamn years and you haven’t contributed a single thing. This company has grown tremendously under me and I believe I deserve the tittle not you!” Stravis scowled.

Quickly my mother stepped in between both of us as we both had dagger eyes for each other.

“Girls lets not get too harsh on each other” she softly said.

“Mother can you believe how controlling stravis has become all because I made her the acting CEO? She is being a pain in the ass. How dare she try stop me from attending this event!” I yelled.

“You don’t need to attend!” Stravis yelled back.

“Calm down you both and don’t start cursing each other. You both can attend the function” Mother quickly said.

Silence interluded and we both gazed at each other, thinking of mother’s suggestion.

“But the letter said the CEO should attend…” Stravis said in a more calmer tone.

Mother nodded.  “Yes and you both are important individuals in the company. Surely they won’t dare send the Walter sister’s away for both coming” mother gave a lopsided  smile.

It really made a lot of sense. I heaved a satisfied smile and nodded my head. “Very well then. Mother has solved the issue. We will both attend the function Stravis”

Stravis shrugged her shoulders defiantly and opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out.

Thankfully she didn’t make a fuss over mother’s idea.

“Suit yourselves” Stravis abruptly said before dashing upstairs.

I watched her go and drifted my eyes back to my mum.

“Thank you mum for your suggestion” I sighed in relief and hugged her.

“Stravis might be over bearing at times but you know she loves you and wants the best for us. Now Go and prepare sweetheart” mother pecked me softly before walking away.

Excitement was webbed over my face at the thought of finally going to a formal gathering.

Finally. I would have my personal time.

I honestly needed it.

* * * * * * * *

Stravis stood next to me, our orbs scrutinizing our appearance before I pushed open the double huge mettalic doors of the hall.

Classical music flooded into my eardrums immedately.

It was just like I imagined it. Women and men of high class were littered all around as they spoke with one another.

The hall was huge with various chandeliers hanging off the ceiling, feeling the hall with their bright and brilliant colours.

A live band played in the centre, it sounded like Italian music.

The windows of this hall were so huge with velvet curtains draping down from them.

The walls of the hall sparkled as the light from the chandeliers fell on them. Everything was oozing pure riches.

Waiters moved around like a tide, serving people various mouth watering appetizers.

Immediately, Stravis left my side and dashed off into the crowd, not even sparing a second glance back at me.

I didn’t even want her by my side. Let her go find whatever she is looking for while I sort out myself.

In an instant, different men and women rushed towards me like I was some sort of queen.

I missed socialising greatly.

“Janis where have you been?”

“You’ve been off the headlines for so long. What have you been up to?”

“I heard Stravis is the new acting CEO. Have you been into any partnership deals lately?”

Questions of those sort resounded in my ears as I sought to address everyone who came across me.

I loved this feeling. I felt needed and important. It was glad knowing that the people still valued my presence in the business world.Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

I ambled my way through the crowd, occasionally greeting the different individuals in my midst.

A glass of wine was held by my slender fingers as I walked with a beaming smile.

Suddenly, I bumped into some thing hard.

No someome.

I bumped into someone and my drink spilled all over his expensive tuxedo.

The young man was backed against me.

Fuck. I gasped and hissed in annoyance. Just great. I was becoming as clumsy as Jerome.

“I’m really sorry” I quickly apologised noticing the awful shade of red that appeared on his white tuxedo.

“I can definitely get you a new one if that will make you feel better” I quickly added.

Immediately, the man spurn around and my jaws dropped on finally seeing his face.

My breathing seized in an instant, clogging around my chest the moment our gazes locked.

Fuck shit! It was the same uber driver I had slept with–Jerome’s father.

What the hell was he doing here?!

And why does he fucking look rich?!

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