Twenty Nine


I couldn’t stop my mind from drifting back to the moments I saw my son; Jerome. His smile was beaming and his giggles were soft.

All features about him were perfect, he was as handsome as I pictured him to be. I’ll be back for him someday but for now I just have to focus on my father’s health.

I lost mum but I can’t loose him too, he just came into my life I can’t let him leave after few years. We still have so much to do together.

Last year my father; Leo was diagnosed for Diabetes, I was frightened and devasted to hear the doctor’s reports about him, how on earth did he get diabetes? Ever since I saw the reports I promised to always stand by him and help him get through it. This wasn’t how I pictured loosing my father the second time. It’s way too sudden and unexpected.

Asides Jerome, he is my only family right now and I’ll do everything in my power to see that he is healthy again.

“Come in” the doctor obliged from behind the door of his office. I held my father by the hand and walked into his office.

On seeing my father and I, satisfaction saturated all over the doctor’s face. His lips curved out a wide smile. He seemed very pleased to see us again.

“I’ve been expecting you sirs” he stood up and took a respectful bow.

“Good morning doctor” I shook hands with him and assisted my dad in taking his sit. Leo offloaded his weight on the chair opposite the doctors table and exhaled loudly.

“Mr Leo how are you feeling? I hope you’re feeling better now” the doctor turned to Leo.

“I feel better than before” he replied.

“Alright let’s find out if you’re better than before” the doctor picked up some medical equipments and began to run series of tests on Leo. I sat and watched the doctor scribble some notes on a notepad he continued running tests on my father.

My mind wondered back to Jerome, so I picked up my phone and began to ransack Janis social media handles, I wanted to see my handsome son again, I just hope she has pictures of him on the web.

I stumbled on a picture of his, the last time I checked Janis profiles and pictures on the web I wasn’t able to see a picture of my son. But unfortunately Jerome’s face was quite blurred, I couldn’t see his face clearly.

I’m so glad I finally met him, I don’t want history to repeat itself in our lives. I grew up without a father and my son almost followed my trail but I won’t let that happen.

Now that I finally found my father, my mother left. Her death shattered me into a million pieces, she did everything in her power to make sure I have a good life. I have a good life now but she isn’t here to witness or enjoy it. Jerome will never go through what I did, I’ll make sure he gets the best of everything. I’ll always be by his side.

Anytime I think about my mum, tears threaten to leave my eyes and roll down my cheeks, when mum was there dad wasn’t but now it’s the other way round. Having two parents together, was it too much to ask for? I just needed both of them by my side.

“Alright that’s all for now, he is making progress. His health has improved, just make sure he avoids excess intake of sugar, it’ll set him back to the main stage of diabetes. It was severe then but now I can say he is getting better” the doctor’s calm voice drew me out of my thoughts.

“Thank you so much doctor” I said.

“Just make sure you avoid sugar for now and alcohols too. Have you had any alcohols lately?” the doctor glanced at the notes he scribbled before returning his gaze back at Leo.

The atmosphere was grave quiet, I sat still staring intently at both of them, I couldn’t utter a word because my dad actually had alcohol last night. I can’t possibly lie to the doctor can I?

I wasn’t aware that alcohol was something my dad needed to avoid in order for his health to improve. The doctor must have made mention of it to him before.

My dad’s eyes were stationed on the doctor before he directed it towards me, we both stared eachother for a while before he finally attempted to speak.

“No, I haven’t had any alcohol”

“Alright that’s good, please continue to abstain from it” the doctor suggested before walking back to his seat.

I can’t believe dad just confidently lied to the doctor, I knew we shouldn’t have had alcohol yesterday but dad insisted.

The vibration from my phone stole my attention, I dug my hands into my pocket and pulled out the phone.

The caller appeared to be my secretary, I picked it up and placed the phone over my ear.

“I’m sorry to bother you sir” my secretary apologized.

“It’s fine, what’s the update?”

“I’m outside sir”

“Alright, do you have the documents? The ones I spoke about earlier on”

“Yes sir I have them with me in the car”

“Ok I’ll be down shortly” I ended the call and focused my gaze on the doctor.

“And also make sure you take the medications I prescribed for you, please take them on time” the doctor said.

“I will” Leo replied.

“I think that would be all for now Mr Jax and Mr Leo”

“Thank you so much doctor” Once again I shook hands with the doctor and left the office with my father.

We both plodded down the stairs and ambled our ways out of the hospital building.

“So that settles it dad, no more alcohol” I uttered.

“Oh c’mon Jax, that won’t be necessary. Don’t you want me to enjoy myself? We have to live while we can, remember that we only have one life so we have to enjoy it to the fullest” Dad replied.

“You can enjoy yourself any other way but not this way, no more alcohol dad. I won’t go back on my word, I already lost mum I can’t loose you too. If the doctor says alcohol isn’t good for you then I think it’s best if you stop taking it

“It’s too early to loose you dad, I can’t loose you twice. Not to a sickness or any disease, I’ll do everything in my power to see you improve till you’re finally free from Diabetes. If it means restraining from alcohol then that’s what we’ll do….” I continued to express myself to my father outside the hospital.

Leo stared at me, bewilderment was written all over him, I could clearly see that my words touched him so deeply.

“Ok, for your sake I promise to quit alcohol” he gave a warm embrace and a glittering smile.

I escorted my dad to the parking lot where his driver was waiting for him. We got to his car and Leo stepped in “Jax. aren’t you coming? where are you going to?” dad questioned.

“No dad, I have some things to take care of at the office, I’ll be working late today” I replied and sauntered back to my car where my secretary was waiting.

There was still so much work that needed to be done in the office, I haven’t gotten there yet but I already feel exhausted. I could easily go home and forsake every other thing but I can’t because the work was urgent. It needs to be attended to as soon as possible or else we’ll experience some setbacks in the company. I can’t let that happen on my watch.

“Welcome sir” my secretary said as I stepped into the white Mercedes Benz waiting for me at the parking lot.

“Where are the document?” I asked.

He opened up his briefcase, pulled out some neatly packaged paper and handed it over to me. After collecting the documents I read through it word by word to see if there were any mistakes on the document.

The driver ignited the car’s engine and drove out of the hospital.

To my surprise I met alot of mistakes and typos, why wasn’t this edited before submission? Why are there so many errors on this paperwork? Damnit! Now I have to edit all this myself before getting to the office.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“May I know why you didn’t edit this?” I questioned my secretary.

He kept mute for a minute and threw his gaze at the floor.

“I’m sorry sir” he uttered in remorse.

“Just get me a correction pen” I ordered. He ransacked the briefcase once more and pulled out a correction pen. I searched the paperwork thoroughly for the errors I saw initially, after finding them I began to erase them carefully until we got to the office.

The documents were mainly for the meeting I initiated based on business deal between LC corporations and Lester corporation. I needed to set grounds and bring to the knowledge of my business associates what is at hand and how we needed to go about it.

I handed the paperwork back to my secretary and stepped out of the car elegantly. It was almost time for the meeting.

After sending a warm wave to some staffs of mine as a reply to their greetings, I trudged up the stairs and into the meeting room.

As usual, greetings were thrown at me from everyone in the hall, I responded and ambled to my seat in the meeting table.

“I believe we all know why we are here, Incase we don’t let me give us a brief summary on the agenda of this meeting. We have finalized a business deal with Lester corporation. I’m sure you’re aware of the Lester corporation; one of the biggest firms in the country, if not the biggest.

There are data analysis of how Lester corporation operates on weekly basis. I’ll need us to study them so we can work hand in hand with them, we can’t be partnered with them and still be lagging behind. I need us to speak up on how we can meetup with their weekly analysis” I briefly explained what would be needed for the partnership deal to workout.

Different suggestions were thrown by different associates and I was pleased to hear them. They all seemed very promising, if we could work together and follow each suggestion cautiously I’m sure we would meetup with the requirements at hand.

“Make 20 copies of this and distribute it” I whispered into my secretary’s ear. Hurriedly he rushed out of the meeting room and came back with photocopies of Lester’s corporation analysis and our main purpose for the business deal. He began to distribute them to everyone before walking back to me.

“Please let’s ensure we go through this documents, we’ll have another brief meeting next week to discuss our progress. That’ll be all for now” I stood up and walked out of the meeting room.

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