His Mafia Bride

Late night sex


The only light illuminating the room was the one coming from the broad screen of the television. Other than that, I had turned off the lights and sat by myself, sulking to the fact that Dante had utterly left me since morning and throughout the entire day to myself.

I mean where the hell did that man go to?

I thought he would probably come back by noon but this was eight pm and Dante wasn’t even back.

He didn’t even call me and I couldn’t help but wonder if Dante was planning on abandoning me in Italy.

I know it is a silly thought but Dante was capable of doing it.

If he wasn’t the capo of the Italian mafia, I would have assumed he had been kidnapped or something.

But knowing Dante too well, he could never be in any sort of trouble. I’ve fucking witnessed him kill people.

It’s crazy how weeks ago, I craved for Dante’s absence and now, I’m fussing and sulking all because the same Dante went out to heavens knows where and can’t even be as descent enough to call me.

I called several times but his number wasn’t reachable.

It got me feeling worried and also bittered.

Did Dante block my number?

I shook my head to stop myself thinking about him and tried fixing my full attention on the Romcom being displayed on the television.

Who knew love could give me a roller coaster of emotions?


I couldn’t concentrate on the tv. Where the fuck is Dante? Where is my husband?

I almost let out a sob when the door was pushed open. I spurned around immediately to meet the formidable profile of Dante.

On seeing him, I let out a horrified gasp and stood in a bolt, putting my hands over my mouth.

His shirt was utterly smeared with blood like it had been doused in it. His hairs were so ruffled and a few loose buttons added to his deadly profile.

His sleeves were folded up to elbow length.

Dante gave me a sinful smirk on seeing me and turned on the lights.

“Dante what the hell!? Where have you been? And why are you coming back home looking like death?” I chided him.

Dante stuck his hands into his pockets and sighed. “Aren’t you happy to see me sweetheart?”he questioned.

Ignoring his statement, I walked towards him and folded my arms across my chest. “You killed somebody or some people didn’t you?”

“They were enemies” he replied, running his hands along his hair.

“Fuck Dante you seem so scary at times. Go take a shower please” I urged.

Dante hiked a brow at me and stepped forward, eliminating any distance between us.

He used a hand to snake around my waist, tugging me towards himself.

I let out a shriek as I was being pressed against his bloody shirt.

“I asked you a question baby and you haven’t replied” Dante lowly told me.

“And what’s that?” I asked not understanding him.

“Did you miss me?” He gave a sadistic smile.

I wandered my eyes away from his and downcasted my gaze. “Yes I did” I found myself blushing.

“Dante what the hell are you doing to me?” I hit his shoulders, my cheeks glowing red.

Dante flopped his head back and laughed so hard. “I haven’t even started my love. Let me go freshen up and make it up to you by taking you out on a fancy date. How about that?” He nuzzled my neck giving me shivers.

“S-sure” I stuttered. Whenever Dante held me, it always felt like my mind was in a foggy trance.

Dante slowly let go and I analysed my shirt with a frown morphing onto my face.

“Fuck Dante look now I have to shower again. You’ve hugged me with your bloody shirt” I grumbled.

“Lets shower together then” Dante suggested with a sly smirk.

My face went beetroot red in an instant. “No no. Uhm you shower separately and stop being a pervert” I teased him.

Dante laughed richly and ambled towards his room.

I gazed at him as he walked away with a lopsided smile curving by the corners of my lips.

How did I manage to fall so deeply inlove with this man?

* * * * * *

The bright light beams flooded my vision and almost blinded my sclera. Right before my eyes was a brightly lit restaurant. It was a very fancy and picturesque building.

I peaked a cursory look at Dante and realised how much he had changed these past couple of days.

In the past, I saw him as a cold hearted, selfish, toxic, deadly and rude human who did not give two fucks about how his actions affected other people.

But now he is being anything but how I usually saw him in the past. I never knew Dante could be this loving especially to me but he had totally intrigued me with his character.

With every passing hour, minute, second and nano-second, Dante’s attitude was evolving in a good way.

I can never be more stunned than this.

I and Dante walked towards the entrance of the restaurant. The place was fairly busy.

I quickly took a glance at the restaurant wisteria calligraphic writing of its heading placed at the top.

It was so mesmerising and spell binding to look at.

“You likey?”Dante boyishly chuckled at me..

My gaze moved to him and I gave a sheepish smile, tucking my hair behind my ear.

Dante opened the door for me, letting me step inside first before he did.

A rugged gentle man.

The mild clattering sound of plates and cutleries hit my ears upon entering.

Italian music played in the restaurant, drowning the sound. I watched how various waiters dressed in black trousers and white shirt served the people.

The decor of the restaurant wasn’t overly posh to feel out of place.

It had wooden tables and chairs.

Scented red candles and mini jars of roses were placed on each table, making it look so lovely.

The restaurant was adorned by fairly wisteria lights which created beautiful beams as it hit the marble floors of the restaurant.

Roman statues were also deposited at some corners of the restaurant. It was very scenic.

A young man hastily approached I and Dante. He looked like he was in his mid twenties.

His brown hair was let to fall and sleeked backwards. He was claded in the dress code of all the waiters I had spotted. The only difference was that he had a black bow tie and suit.

In his hand, held two menus.

He gave me a friendly smile which I returned back before turning his attention to Dante.

I watched them both converse in Italian, the man listening to Dante whilst writing down some things in the menu.

I had no clue what they were saying but it seemed like Dante placed a reservation for the both of us.

The man then jutted with his hands for us to follow him. He led us quite a distance from the front of the restaurant and towards the back.

The man left us hastily as he appeared.

“The aroma of food in the air has created such a large appetite within me” I chuckled.

“And yet you never seem to have an appetite to taste me” Dante tilted his head at me.

“Dante stop it…” I blushed which earned me one of his deep laughter.

Why was this man always teasing me?

I faced my attention to the spell binding scenery in front of me.

Glass windows were next to where I and Dante sat giving us an amazing view to the beautiful outside environment.

Glistening lights everywhere almost blinded my vision. The cars, motorcycles, taxis and people moved in such a tranquil state.

Italy was beautiful and the view was needless to say, the same.

“Have I been able to make it up to you my love?”Dante asked which made me look at him.

“Of course. Well you are definitely amazing me with your sweet and charming personality “I replied happily. I had observed Dante’s body language this past couple of days we’ve spent together.

He always wanted me to feel as comfortable as I could.

It was thoughtful of him.

“Wow” I breathed.

“Everything, this trip, this place, you… everything is so lovely”I added, my eyes moving to the scenic view outside the windows.

“Well do you know what is more lovely?”Dante asked me, placing his tattooed hands on the wooden round table that kept a fair distance between us.

I shook my head at him.

“You. You Alina. Your smile is worth more than all the millions in this world. I would kill to always make you happy like this” Dante replied, taking my hands in his.

I blushed fifty shades of pink at his words. Fuck. I didn’t even know how to reply. My heartbeat was unsteady as we gazed at each other.

“Nikolai defintely sent you to steal from me” Dante laughed.Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

My eyes widened. “What? No. My father didn’t”

“You’ve stolen my heart gattina” Dante winked and I realised what he meant.

I felt so silly for thinking it was something else.

“I love you Dante” I said to him, smiles radiating off my face.

“I love you too sweetheart” Dante replied with a charming look.

On cue, the waiter arrived with our food.

I felt starved.

“Shall we?” Dante asked.

I nodded and chortled as we began eating.

* * * * * * *

Today had turned out to be so beautiful. Dante took me out on a very romantic dinner date and I loved every single bit of it.

We talked, teased each other; well the teasing was coming from Dante most especially.

We ate so much, laughed and just enjoyed being with each other.

Honestly, I am head over heels for this man.

Who knew Dante could be so playful, loving, caring… and the likes?

It felt like the Dante I knew in the past was his doppelganger because this Dante I’m inloved with is so different from the one I initially got married to.

Now, understanding Dante and getting to know him better, I’ve realised that people usually misunderstand him alot.

He puts up a cold wall of fierceness and behaves animalistic but on the inside, he is nothing like that.

On the inside, Dante is just a broken man that hates appearing weak. He just needed someone special in his life to bring out the real and loving side of him.

And I’m more than happy to have done that. Currently if my father could reach out to me, I would hug him a thousand times for getting me married to Dante.

“Alina what are you thinking off?” Dante’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I turned to face him and tittered. “You. I’m thinking you. I’ve been thinking of you”

We were in the elevator heading to our penthouse.

Dante was stunned. “I didn’t expect you to be that direct” he said amused.

“Well there’s nothing to be ashamed off. I love you and I’ll eagerly tell you a thousand times” I said lovingly to him, sliding my arms around his neck.

Dante gazed at me.

I wonder what was rummaging through his thoughts.

Didn’t he like what I said?

Was I sounding too desperate? There was nothing wrong in sounding desperate. He is my husband after all.

“Fuck” Dante breathed, closing his eyes for a brief second before flicking them open.

“What?” I quickly asked, my orbs searching his.

“You drive me crazy Alina” Dante replied, tugging me towards himself.

I giggled.

‘I want you” he told me. “I want you so badly”

“You have me already. My heart belongs to you” I replied.

Dante shook his head at me. “I know that but you don’t seem to understand me. I mean I want to have sex with you. I need to have my way with you. I want to fuck you. I want to make love to you. I want to do it with you so badly that I can barely control my urges anymore. Will you let me gattina?” Dante practically pleaded.

Dante seemed so vulnerable and it warmed my heart because he was never vulnerable.

“Yes Dante” I replied without giving it a second thought.

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