His Sexual Addiction

Chapter 62: Kiro's B-day

Chapter 62: Kiro's B-day

Since we're already aware of my pregnancy, Joday decided it was best to pick out decorations for Kiro's surprise confession party. As for me, I'm still grappling with my morning sickness, while Miss Linda seems to be in the kitchen. Ugh, is this what pregnancy entails? It's proving to be quite a challenge. I admire all the mothers out there for going through this! Feeling a bit more composed, I headed to the bathroom to freshen up. Once I finished, I changed into something other than my usual maid's uniform. Today, I opted for a casual and comfortable outfit. I glanced at myself in the mirror and noticed a newfound radiance in my skin. I recall hearing that pregnant women tend to glow, and I guess this is the result of my pregnancy. Slipping into a charming floral dress that compliments my figure, I made my way to the kitchen. I was taken aback to find that Kiro's breakfast was already prepared, all thanks to Miss Linda. She's truly considerate. "Lyka, you're up!" she exclaimed, offering a cheerful good morning. Her gaze lingered on me, conveying unspoken admiration. "Whoa, Lyka, you look absolutely stunning!" Miss Linda exclaimed with genuine excitement, pulling me into an affectionate hug. A soft giggle escaped my lips as she hugged me. In a hushed tone, she asked, "Are those nerves I sense? Are you feeling alright?" She must be referring to my planned pregnancy confession to Kiro later this afternoon. Nervous? Undoubtedly. My emotions were a mix of excitement and anxiety, but I decided to embrace the unknown. With a nod, I replied, "Yes, Miss, I am. But I'm just going to let things unfold as they should, following the course that fate has set." Approaching the kitchen counter where the tray of food awaited, I meticulously rearranged the items on the tray. I glanced back at Miss Linda and she said, "Off to see Kiro now? I wish you luck!" Her encouraging words bolstered my spirits. However, a hint of doubt crept in. "M-Miss Linda... What about Madam?" I hesitated, my concern for Kiro's mother weighing on me. She gave me a quizzical look, her brows furrowing slightly. "What do you mean, 'What aboutFrom NôvelDrama.Org.

Madam'?" Struggling to voice my apprehensions, I took a deep breath. "What if Madam gets upset about this? What if she—" "You're diving into 'what ifs' again," a voice chimed in from behind. It was Joday, his tone both teasing and reassuring. Carrying an abundance of plastic bags, it was clear that she had gone all out with the decorations. Yet, one bag bore a prominent brand logo, hinting at something different amid the festivity preparations. Her attire appeared unusually layered, as if she were shielding herself from prying eyes, yet her elegance remained unaffected. Joday's ability to exude charm and grace was truly remarkable. "Good morning, Lyka, Lady Linda," she greeted with her signature buoyant tone. Her gaze locked onto me. "So, off to meet Kiro as planned, huh?" I affirmed with a nod, silently appreciating her interest. "Best of luck with that. But seriously, I won't be able to stick around for too long when things get overly cringey with couples," she quipped, letting out a hearty laugh. Summoning a smile that hid the complexity of my emotions, I responded to her jest. Ah, Joday, your perspective remains an enigma to me these days. "Alright, Lyka," Joday's voice chimed, her concern evident. "I can tell you're wrestling with doubts again. But remember, we've talked about this, haven't we?" Yes, she's absolutely right. Her guidance means a lot, and I'm grateful for it. Still, despite her reassurances, that nagging doubt continues to linger. It's like a shadow I can't shake off. "Just let the day unfold naturally, Lyka. Keep in mind, there's always another day ahead of us. Who knows what twists tomorrow might bring? Life is full of surprises," she added, her words surprisingly poetic. I took a deep breath, trying to absorb her wisdom and find some solace in it. Turning my gaze to the wall clock, I was startled to find it was almost nine o'clock. "Alright, Joday, I'll carry your words with me. Thank you," I replied earnestly, acknowledging her support.

"Miss Linda, thank you too!" I added, not forgetting her encouragement. With newfound determination, I headed for the staircase. Each step I took was careful, a protective instinct for my unborn child guiding my movements. Once I reached Kiro's door, I knocked three times, just as I always do, anticipation tingling in every beat of my heart. Pushing the unlocked door open, I stepped into the room and was met with an empty bed. Kiro's absence didn't surprise me, though. Mornings were his domain, and he must be in the shower, true to his early-bird habits. With a quick sweep of my fingers, I tidied my hair and smoothed my floral dress. Today's morning surprise wasn't grand, but I recalled Kiro's words about my presence being a gift in itself. A simple, content smile crossed my lips at the thought. Minutes ticked away, yet there was no sign of Kiro. Curiosity got the better of me, and I headed to the bathroom door. Silence greeted me, and a slight worry crept in. Where could he be? As I pondered this, a thought struck me, and I made my way towards the room's veranda. My guess was right; there he stood, overlooking the expansive garden beyond. Lost in thought or simply savoring the fresh air, I couldn't be sure. Sneaking up to him, I moved with silent steps, even tiptoeing to remain undetected. My mission was a success; I got close to him without him noticing. Wrapping my arms around him, I hugged him tightly, his initial startle turning into a chuckle as I revealed myself. He turned to me, a smile gracing his features. "You scared me half to death!" he exclaimed, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Are you half dead now?" I teased, my playful words earning me a mock pout. "Tsk." Oh my gosh, what's gotten into him today? He's being adorably cute. Could it be his birthday that's prompting this endearing behavior? Haha! "Hey," I called out, but there was no response. He seemed deep in thought. "Hey, happy birthday! I love you!" I blurted out, my heart racing. Wait, did I really just say that last part? He turned towards me, his eyes wide with surprise. "Uh, Kiro... you know, I mean... Ha ha!"

A moment of awkwardness lingered before he broke into a smile. "I love you too, Lyka," he finally replied, and then leaned in for a gentle morning kiss on the lips. "Thanks for my birthday gift. You are prettily wrapped," he added, his smile warm and sincere. His words landed like a gentle melody, soothing my nerves and making my heart beat loudly in my chest. It was as if his simple words had the power to light up the entire room, filling it with warmth and affection. I blushed slightly at his compliment, feeling a mixture of shyness and delight. My heart raced, the rhythm almost drowning out the rest of the world. I never imagined that such a simple sentence could make me feel so alive and cherished. In that moment, I realized that love was about these small, intimate moments. It was about the way he looked at me, the way he spoke, and the way his presence made me feel. It was about the unspoken connection that existed between us, stronger than any words could convey. With a renewed sense of happiness, I looked into his eyes, my own smile matching his. "You're welcome. I'm glad I could be a part of your special day," I replied, my voice filled with genuine affection. Yes, we've finally exchanged those three little words. I used to think they were cringy back in elementary school, but now? They sound incredibly sweet and genuine. "Of course, happy, happy birthday! I've got a surprise planned for you this afternoon!" I excitedly exclaimed, unable to contain my enthusiasm. He raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "What kind of surprise?" I grinned mischievously, enjoying his anticipation. "Ah, ah, ah! It's still morning, you impatient birthday boy! Patience is a virtue, you know. For now, why not savor the breakfast I brought?" My tone was playful, matching the banter between us. He chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Alright, alright, I'll be patient. But just so you know, I'm really looking forward to this surprise of yours." I leaned in, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "I promise it'll be worth the wait." As I pulled away, he reached for my hand, his fingers intertwined with mine. "I have no doubt about that," he said with a tender smile, his touch sending a rush of warmth through me.

With a final squeeze of his hand, my heart fluttered with happiness. I couldn't wait to see the look on his face when the surprise unfolded later in the day. Until then, we had the morning to enjoy, and I was determined to make it as special as possible.

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