His Witchy Mate

Hot Night

~ Alicia ~

As I left the room, I couldn’t help but feel the weight of tension hanging in the air.

The walk to Lucian’s room seemed to stretch on forever. My mind was full of thoughts and questions, but I had no answers. With every step, my apprehension grew.

When I finally arrived at the door, I took a deep breath to calm my racing heart. I hesitantly knocked, waiting for his response.

Lucian’s words echoed in her mind: “Alicia, come to my room after this.”

“I swear I will kill him if he tried forcing me again.” She made a resolution in her mind and tried to be as strong as she could.

“Come in.” She heard his authoritative voice from inside.

Pushing down the gulp forming inside my throat I opened the door and with trembling foots I stepped inside. All my courage long gone once my eyes fell on the dominating figure standing in front of me.

As I entered Lucian’s room, the heavy door closed behind me with an ominous thud, sealing my fate. The space was dimly lit, the curtains drawn tight, casting a shadowy atmosphere that felt suffocating.

His presence dominated the room, and I could feel his intense gaze on me even before I met his eyes. Lucian stood there, an imposing figure, his aura radiating authority and power.

My voice wavered as I spoke, my eyes never quite meeting his. “You wanted to see me.”

His silence hung in the air, creating a thick tension. It was as if he enjoyed making me squirm under his scrutiny. I couldn’t help but wonder what was going through his mind.

Finally, his voice, deep and filled with unspoken promises and threats, broke the silence. “Looks like you are quite in need of a man nowadays?”

My breath caught in my throat, and I struggled to form a coherent response. “I… I was just. It was all a coincidence. How could you say something like that?”

Lucian’s laughter, dark and foreboding, reverberated through the room, sending a shiver down my spine. “What a coincidence, out of all the people in the world, you stumbled into another man’s arms. Tell me, Alicia, how often does that happen?”

Confusion and fear knotted in my chest. What was he insinuating? I had nearly fallen, and that stranger had helped me. It was nothing more than an accidental encounter.

As I tried to explain, his grip on my arms tightened, causing me pain. “Lucian, please, you’re hurting me.”

But my plea only seemed to amuse him. “Hurting you? Alicia, I haven’t even begun to punish you for your daring act before and now you are trying to seduce other man?”

With a sudden, purposeful move, he took a step toward me, and I instinctively moved backward. The room was closing in on me, and the wall was right behind me.

Before I could retreat any further, Lucian’s large hands landed on the wall, caging me in between his powerful body and the unyielding surface. Panic surged through me, and my heart raced as I felt his breath on my face.

“Wh-what are you doing, Lucian?” I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper.

Lucian’s intense gaze bore into mine as he leaned closer, our faces mere inches apart. The room seemed to shrink, and his presence overwhelmed me.

His voice, low and filled with an unsettling mix of anger and desire, brushed against my ear. “Alicia, I am tired of all this shit you do everyday to annoy me. Once you tried running from the palace and then you went to look for some other man. Are you that desperate to find someone?”

I struggled to find my voice, caught in the whirlwind of emotions and his imposing presence. “I told you, it was an accident. I nearly fell, and he helped me. There’s nothing more to it. And besides I have no relation with you. You have no right to ask me or put any kind of blames on me.”

Lucian’s lips curled into a sardonic smile, and his fingers gently traced my cheek. It was a stark contrast to his earlier aggression. “Oh? I don’t have any right? Then who have? That man you are trying to seduce?”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“I will show you what right I have on you.” With those words he said he pushed me on the bed.

“You think you can simply walk away from your punishment?” His words made me shiver and I couldn’t help but try to push him away.

My heart raced as his touch sent a shiver down my spine. I knew I had to be strong, to stand my ground, but it was increasingly difficult in the face of his overwhelming presence. “Lucian, please, I didn’t do anything wrong.”

He chuckled softly, his warm breath against my skin sending a shudder through me. “You have no idea how wrong you are.”

Before I could respond, his lips captured mine in a fierce and possessive kiss, a storm of conflicting sensations surging through me. His grip on my arms loosened slightly, and I was torn between pushing him away and surrendering to the intensity of the moment.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

As his lips moved against mine, I felt a surge of desire mingling with fear. Lucian was unpredictable, and I had no idea where this encounter was leading. But in that moment, I couldn’t deny the intoxicating pull between us.

Despite my better judgment, my hands found their way to his chest, gripping the fabric of his shirt, as if seeking an anchor in the tempest of emotions. The kiss deepened, and I couldn’t help but respond, my body betraying my uncertainty.

As the minutes ticked by, the intensity of our connection seemed to grow, and my doubts and fears were temporarily forgotten. But beneath it all, there was a nagging thought: what did Lucian truly want from me?

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