I Won't Go Back To My Family Who Abandon Me

Episode 22

Episode 22

It was so easy.'

Leticia smiled bitterly as she looked at the sunny sky.

She felt better now that she had cut off all of her useless ties, but somehow she felt empty inside. It

seemed that these complicated feelings would not leave her for a long time.

But Leticia had no regrets.

It feels rather good.'

It felt like she'd broken free of a shackle around her ankle that was dragging her down.

It wasn't as bad as she thought, and it was time for her to smile again.

"Are you all right?"

Leticia heard a low voice and turned her head to meet Enoch's worried eyes. She then noticed that Elle

and Ian were looking at her with the same expression.

Leticia began to feel emotional from their worry.

The only reason I can stand like this right now...'

It's only because these people are here.

What do I say...'

They look at Leticia like they care about her and want to protect her.

At that moment, something came up from deep in her chest and Leticia squeezed her hands. She just

couldn't think of a way to express this feeling.

She wanted to show her heart, if only a little bit.

"Thank you."

Leticia raised her head slowly to meet his gaze.

All she could do was say thank you.

Enoch smiled and reached out to Leticia as if her feelings had reached him.

"Let's go then."

Hands that look big and warm at a glance.

Leticia was staring down at his hand, then grasped it with a smile.

The four of them were headed for the Achilles' mansion.

There was a home to go back to.'

She felt really happy.

Leticia couldn't control her elation, so she held Enoch's hand and laughed.

She wanted to hold onto these overwhelming feelings for a long time.

And hoped.

I hope we can move forward more today than yesterday.'


"I still don't understand what she's thinking."

As soon as they arrived at the Leroy residence, Diana muttered with a grim expression.

You don't even have an ability, but you're talking big.'

It was really unseemly. It was an indulgence to feel sorry for them.

Emil was watching Diana bite her lip, and said dryly.

"There's nothing our elder sister can do anyway."

Her ability hasn't even awakened, and the only people around her are the pathetic Achilles family.

Leticia may kneel and apologize to Diana, but she will never kneel and apologize to Leticia.

Diana gave a small nod in confirmation.

"How long are you going to keep calling her sister? She's not family anymore."

"It's a minimum courtesy."

"You're so very polite."

Diana turned her head in disapproval.

It was a waste to respect Leticia.

Next to Diana, who was making a wry expression, Emil suddenly asked curiously.

"By the way, who were they?"


"The two who defended our first sister."

"Oh, those brats?"

Diana smiled crookedly recalling the twins in their commoners clothing, strutting around without shame.

Who was the peacock?

She felt pity for them.

"They're children of the Achilles family, famous for their bad luck. The girl is Elle Achilles, the boy is Ian


"I see."

Emil nodded with a strange expression as he looked at Diana, he then told her to be careful not to get

hurt again.

Ian Achilles...'

Eyes that watched him indifferently, without a glimmer of emotion, remained in Emil's mind. Gray eyes

that took everything in, searching and observing at the same time.

He's piqued my interest.'

It was unpleasant to think about it again, but apparently the unlucky head of the Achilles family was a


Emil clicked his tongue briefly and lifted his mouth in a smirk.

I can't believe I'm wasting my time worrying about him.'

The moment he shook his head at his pathetic thoughts, he heard someone approaching from behind.

He turned around and saw Irene standing there looking disheveled.

"Sister, is brother here...?"

"I just got here. What's wrong with your face?"


Irene came up to him, looking as if she was about to cry, and told Emil that she had been at the

Academy of Magic.

"My exam paper is missing. I went straight to the academy, but I don't know where it disappeared to..."

Tears welled up in Irene's blue eyes as she spoke of her frustration and disappointment.

A worried Diana asked cautiously.

"What about the retest? Can't you take the test again?"

"They said no..."

"Why on earth not?"

Unable to understand, Diana grabbed her shoulder and questioned her. Irene shook her head and wept


"Because it's my fault, I have no choice but to disqualify myself..."


Her mouth dropped open in shock.

Irene grabbed Diana's wrist firmly with a trembling hand and asked.

"Oh, sister. What should I do? If Father finds out..."

Marquis Leroy had grown proud of his youngest daughter, who he happily showed off to everyone. He

would be shocked when he found out that such a ridiculous mistake caused a huge setback in her

Imperial wizard exam.

She failed the exam...'

The blood drained from Irene's face at the thought of how angry her father would be at her for

damaging the family's honour.

Diana saw how pale Irene's complexion became. She did her best to calm her, trying to reassure her

that she was okay.

"Don't worry. Father's been so busy with his business lately that he hasn't been able to come home

much these days."


It was hard to even see his face.

Irene, who had been hyperventilating, seems to have calmed down and was taking deep breaths.

Diana's next question caused Irene to tense up again.

"So why didn't you take care of your test paper properly?"


"Then this wouldn't have happened."

With that single sentence, Irene remembered how easily bonds can be severed.

"Sister, I didn't do it on purpose!"

"Look at you. Why are you angry all of a sudden?"

"Do I look angry?"

She shouted loudly at Diana, who was throwing accusations at her, Irene turned away with a

thunderous bang.

"Hey, stop right there!"


"Irene Leroy!"

She yelled ferociously from behind, but Irene went straight to her room.

While watching the scene, Diana threw out a vicious laugh with her arms crossed.

"What's wrong with her when she's the one who lost her test papers in a stupid way."

As she was thinking that next time she would leave her to her own devices, the butler cautiously

approached Diana and Emil.

"Your letter is here, Young Master."

"Yes, thank you."

Upon receiving the correspondence, Emil immediately confirmed the sender.

It's finally here.' NôvelDrama.Org © content.

Emil smiled and opened the envelope immediately.

Emil was pleased to have finally received a reply to his letter from a few days ago. As he read over the

letter, his face slowly stiffened.


"What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing."

Unlike his words, Emil scratched his head in frustration.

He'd asked Professor Russell, a high-ranking Imperial official, to write a letter of recommendation for

the Imperial service. The professor didn't favour Emil, but he believed that it wouldn't be a problem

since he had achieved better grades than anyone else.

However, his prediction was wrong.

You're rejecting my nomination?'

There was no reason to refuse to write the letter, Emil couldn't understand what the professor was


He wanted to visit him right away and argue with him, but Emil calmed himself.


It's not that hard to write a letter.

If a professor wrote a letter of recommendation, he got extra points when he took the Imperial Civil

Service exam. So Emil asked him to write one for him, but what came back was a firm refusal.

I can pass the Imperial civil exam without the extra points.'

He was just trying to have it easier than everyone else.

You'll see.'

Emil bit his lips and clenched his fist. The letter in his hand was crumpled mercilessly, but he didn't



One drowsy afternoon a couple of days later.

Elle had a good conversation with the owner of the Pegasus company and had decided to enter into a

business contract with them to make her jewelry. Today, she finally received several samples of her

wishing bracelets.

"They look prettier in person."

Elle handed one of the bracelets to Leticia, who smiled brightly.

The pink diamonds in the center were in a cute flower pattern. It also came with a light green thread,

which could be woven through two links to adjust the length easily.

"Right? I love it!"

Elle put the bracelet on Leticia, who laughed happily.

The bracelet on her thin wrist was pretty, it looked like small flowers were hanging from it.

When Leticia tried to take off the bracelet, Elle quickly stopped her and shook her head.

"This is for Miss Leticia."

"What? But..."

While Leticia was squirming, Elle said more firmly.

"I want to give this one to you."

Leticia immediately noticed that she would not accept her refusal, she smiled softly and nodded.

"Then I'll thank you and take it."

While smiling brightly at each other, Elle's smile suddenly fell and she poked her lip with a worried


"I hope other people feel the same way..."

"Why don't we go check with what we have now."

"Well... Should we try it out?"

Elle said cautiously, and Letisha gave an excited nod.

Smiling at the sight of her happiness and delight, Elle took the bracelets and prepared to go with Leticia

to the square.

She hoped that the others would respond the same they had.






When they arrived at the square, they showed the wishing bracelets to many people. Unlike their

hopes, they did not receive any interest at all.

Elle's shoulders slumped more and more. Seeing this, Leticia gently wrapped her arm around them.

"Don't be disappointed, it hasn't even been a day yet."

"But no one's even looking."

At this rate, she was really scared that Leticia would have to kneel and apologize to Diana.

Leticia realized Elle's worries and tried to tell her not to worry.

It's only been one day and most businesses need time to build up. Leticia also had a strange

confidence that Elle's bracelet would be loved by people, so she wasn't very worried.

She just didn't want Elle to be discouraged.

That was when she saw something.

"Miss Elle, wait here a minute."

Leticia moved quickly when she spotted a friendly face passing by on the street.

Fortunately, it wasn't long before she caught up to him.

"Count Aster?"


"Don't you remember me?"

"Oh, if it isn't Leticia!"

The old gentleman who had been looking at her curiously approached Leticia quickly with wide eyes.

"I never thought I'd see you in a place like this. It's been a while."

Leticia's lips spread in a welcoming smile.

She was indebted to the Aster couple. During difficult times, they helped her take care of her mother

and siblings.

When she needed money for medicine for her sick mother, the Count and Countess Aster paid Leticia

for work, and sometimes they provided her with food and snacks. They cared for her like a daughter

and Leticia couldn't forget their kindness.

"Are you well?"

"Of course, I'm fine."

Count Aster had a good-natured smile, and Leticia's smile widened at the sight. Leticia couldn't believe

she was meeting the kind person who she always wanted to thank again.

While the bracelets failed to attract attention, it felt it granted her wish to meet Count Aster after such a

long time.

Leticia suddenly wondered about the well-being of the Countess, who she remembered fondly.

"Is the Countess doing well?


The Count sighed and smiled bitterly.

"You know that my wife has always been physically weak."

"Ah... l see."

Leticia nodded with a somber look on her face.

Leticia knew that Countess Aster had been ill for a long time. At some point, she became healthy

again, so she thought the Countess would be fine.

"It is nice to see you again."

Count Aster smiled as if to say it was all right and took his leave, saying that he would see her again


A voice called out to him from behind and he stopped walking.

"Count Aster, wait a minute!"


When the Count turned around, he found Leticia running toward him with an urgent look on her face.

Leticia was out of breath from running. She quickly took the bracelet off of her wrist and handed it over.

There was an earnest look in her eyes.

"Please take this."

"This is..."

"It's a bracelet that makes your wish come true."

It was a cute bracelet that looked simple enough that anyone could copy it, but it also felt neat and

sophisticated. It felt extra special when he thought of it as a gift from such a nice and lovely child.

Wish... a wish...'

Count Aster was muttering to himself with an earnest look.

"My only wish is for my wife to get well soon."

Leticia burst into tears at his words.

She was heartbroken by the news that the Countess, who was more of a mother to her than her own

mother, was sick. She wanted to do something for Count Aster.

She suddenly remembered Enoch and the humble handkerchief she'd given him that became his lucky


Leticia gave Count Aster the wishing bracelet with all her heart and soul.

"I hope your wife gets well as soon as possible. It's a small thing, but please accept my wish for the

Countess' recovery."

"Thank you."

The sight of Leticia saying what he desired most touched Count Aster's heart.

She was still the kind and warm-hearted child he remembered.

Returning to the mansion, Count Aster handed the wishing bracelet, that he had received from Leticia,

to the Countess and told her the story of meeting Leticia.

The Countess, who loved Leticia like her own daughter, said she wanted to meet her as soon as she

became healthy.

A few days later, news spread throughout the mansion that the Countess had recovered.

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