It Comes In Three's

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

The adrenaline from the fight still courses through my veins as I speed–dial Jace’s number on my phone. Each ring feels like an eternity, but finally, his voice crackles through the speaker.

“Alex? What’s going on?” Jace asks, his voice tinged with concern.

“It’s bad, lace,” I reply, my voice urgent. “Holden and Tommy have Anna. They took her instead of Lottle when everything kicked off. Meet us at the car. My voice is stem and informative, as he curses loudly and hangs up.

After he ends the call, I dial Del’s number, my heart pounding.

“Del?” I say as soon as he picks up Holden and Tommy have Anna. They took her instead of Lottle. We’re at the car. I inform him next.

Del’s voice is filled with a mix of shock and anger. “Tl be right there, Alex. We will fucking kill them.”

As I end the call with Del, Lottie clings to my hand, tears streaming down her face. I can see the guilt weighing heavily on her, but I squeeze her hand reassuringly

“It’s not your fault, Lottie, I say firmly, my voice filled with determination “We’re going to find Anna and bring her back. We won’t let them get away with this believe me.”

“But how Alex? What if we can’t find her? They came here looking for me and now they have her! She shouldn’t be involved! It’s all my fault!” Lottie sobs again, hugging her knees up to her chest on the seat as she cries

“We will fix this! You didn’t ask for this shit to happen Lottier I rage, annoyed by the outcome of the fight.

I should’ve known things seemed too easy everything fell into place perfectly… I should’ve known this organised fight was too good to be true!

With that, the back doors of the car open–before grunting and groans are heard. I tum over my shoulder instantly, before seeing a bruised and bloody man being shoved into the middle seat – before Del and Jace both climb in at either side maintaining a firm grip on him.


They might have Anna… but does Anna mean more to them than their friends life? We will soon fucking find out!

Lottie continues to cry with her face buried into her knees, as I glare back at Jason – who sits staggering between them, falling in and out of


He was unrecognisable with his swollen jaw, nose and black eyes… but I still didn’t need Lottie to freak the fuck out right now…

I lean over to her, covering the space between us, as I whisper into her car

*Doll listen to me ok? I need you to listen? I want you to keep your head down, eyes shut for the rest of the drive is that clear? I don’t want you to look behind us.” I whisper, praying she would submit to the request, for her own good.

Her hair moves as she nods, shifting slightly to lean against the car door head still tucked away and hidden as she softly cries…

Ok we are good to leave…

“You know where to take him face fumes, as 1 waste no time on putting the car into drive

Let’s make a little trade shall we? I wonder how they will react to videos of one of their own being tortured? Would they even care?

“Call Greg?” I snap back as I speed off heading towards our cabin in the woods.

“Greg? Are you sure Alex? Dels voice sounds wary, as I grit my teeth in a rage, hating the fact that we even had to call that bastard and ask for help.

Greg was my cousin, Who I hadn’t spoken to much since my parents died. He was great at two things… tracking and hacking however his loyalty was


Chapter 65

another question. He was a rat!

He stitched my father up at the gun deal years ago which ultimately lead to his death so as you can imagine we haven’t exactly been close.

Never did I think for a minute I would resort to calling him for help… but I knew with his skills, we could no doubt have their location in under an


“Call him and tell him to meet us at the cabin! Tell him it’s urgent and he fucking owes me it!” I fume, caving to asking for his help, as Del nods slowly and scrolls to find his number. This content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .

We will find Tommy and Holden…and I’ll get Anna back… they won’t get away with this stunt! Mark my words!

I press hard on the gas pedal, the tires screeching as we speed down the road towards our secluded cabin, I glance over to Lottie, face still hidden, and my heart aches for her as I watch her shake…

Del’s voice fills the car as he connects with Greg on the phone, relaying our desperate situation. I can hear the frustration and urgency in Del’s tone as he explains the gravity of the situation and demands Greg’s assistance.

stop fucking around and just be there! Twenty minutes tops Greg Don’t make Alex come drag you there himself he’s already pissed off!” Del snaps, as I imagine Greg to be his sarcastic self down the line


Shortly after, the conversation concludes, as Del hangs up and announces

“He’s on his way.” The rage evident in his tone from having to speak with him

As we approach the cabin, with Jason completely passed out in the back–head hanging forward – I can feel the weight of responsibility settle on my shoulders

I pull the car to a stop, the engine idling, and turn to face face and Del, their eyes filled with despair.

“Get him inside and into the cellar… Il be right behind you.” I instruct the pair, as they make a move to drag lason’s limp body from the car.

I place a hand on the crown of Lottie’s head – ensuring she remains down as I don’t want her having to see his face….

“Doll come here…” I tell her, pulling her small body towants me so that she is on my knee.

She looks up, her face flushed and sweaty with worry as 1 swape my thumb across her wet cheeks.

“I have a guy coming who has the ability to track their location… we will find her in no time… we have the upper hand here doll please don’t worry.” I soothe her, hiding my own panic in order to comfort her.

“He was in here wasn’t he? She looks into my eyes with a sob, as I only nod to confirm her suspicions.

I was just thankful that Jason had been unconscious for most of the journey…

“He can’t hurt you… we need him right now doll…” I explain, as she sniffles and nods in understanding

“I don’t want to see… Lattle begins quietly as I hush her gently.

“I know, you don’t have to see… we own this cabin doll… we only use it in situations like these… I inform her, as her eyebrows furrow together next.

“Situations like these? You’ve done this before?” Her quiet voice whimpers, seeming confused

“Not this exactly… but yes we’ve had to bring people here before for answers… just trust me ok? There’s a nice room that you can wait in. I state, earning a sigh – as another tear trickles down her face.

I catch it with my thumb, kiss her gently on the head, before I shift to exit the car- certain that lace and Del would have him down in the cellar by now

as I carry Lottie inside.

I show her to the bedroom, turning on the electric fire along with the TV for background noise – a feeble attempt to help soothe her anxiety.


Chapter 65

Tl only be downstairs doll, see this here on the wall?” I point to a noise control by the bedroom door – before switching it on.

“This allows us to hear you from downstairs, if you shout I’ll know ok? If the door goes just ignore it – I’ll hear that too. Stay here and let me handle this!” I state firmly, as she nods weakly and sniffles in silence – curling into a ball on the bed.

I sigh at the sight of her, my heart aching with how the night had played out… and with that thought alone, I trudge my way downstairs in a fury…

“We need to handle this carefully. We have Jason, and they have Anna. We need him as leverage. We need to make them believe we’re willing to do whatever it takes to get Anna back. I announce as 1 enter the concrete cellar, turning on the noise control by the door to allow us to hear any noise from upstairs.

“Give him a shot!” I state, as lace moves to the cabinet, retrieving an adrenaline TV.

This fucker will know what sh happening soon enough….

I stare down at his limp figure tied to the metal chair.

They’ve took this game too fucking far now and it’s time to finish it….

Chapter Comments

EJ Kincaid

They have screwed up now with taking Anna now that’s the 2 girls that these 3 guys love and hell is about to rain down on tommy and holden for it.

Debra H

should never have touched her


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