It Comes In Three's

Chapter 75

Chapter 75

Chapter 75

-4 Months Later-

Lottie’s POV

1 take a deep breath, summoning all my strength as I begin to recount the painful memories that have haunted me for far too long, saying them today for one final time…

The room falls silent as I share the details of the relentless bullying, the physical and emotional abuse, and the years of torment endured at the hands of Tommy, Jason, and Holden. I also tell them how badly my Mother treated me from a young age, as she sobs before me on the stand……..

The judge and jurors listen intently, their expressions growing increasingly grave as the extent of the cruelty inflicted upon me becomes clear. My voice shakes at times. but I push through, determined to ensure that justice is served.

Everything that I no doubt say, there will be proof of on that phone…..

The trial stretches on for what feels like an eternity. Witnesses are called to the stand, including Anna, who bravely testifies about her own experiences with the perpetrators. My mother, too, must face her own negligence and the consequences of her inaction…

The courtroom is filled with tension as the evidence against Tommy, Jason, and Holden mounts. Their defense lawyers try to discredit the testimony and evidence, but our legal team remains steadfast, presenting a compelling case built on truth and undeniable proof

Finally, the day arrives when the jury reaches a verdict. The tension in the courtroom is palpable as the judge asks the defendants to rise. Tommy, Jason, and Holden stand before us, their

expressions a mix of arrogance and terror.

We wait with bated breath, seeing g their families (the ones who turned up) devastated by the news in the stands.

The judge delivers the verdict, pronouncing them guilty on multiple counts of salt, hassment, and emotional abuse

The room erupts in a mix of relief and triumph, the weight of justice finally tipping the scales in our favor.

Tommy’s face contorts with anger, while Jason’s, revealing a hint of fear. Holden, appears stunned, as if unable to comprehend the consequences of his actions which only earns an eye roll from me.

As the judge announces the sentences, I feel a surge of empowerment. Tony receives a lengthy prison term, while Jason and Holden are also handed substantial penalties. It’s a small victory in the grand scheme of things, but it’s a victory nonetheless.

I glance over at Alex, his eyes shining with pride and love. He has been my unwavering support throughout this entire ordeal, and I’m grateful for his presence by my side.

Together, we have overcome immense obstacles, and now we can begin to heal

In the aftermath of the trial, we celebrate back home with Anna, Jace, and Del. The weight of the past slowly lifting from our shoulders, replaced by a newfound sense of freedom and hope.

Amidst the joyous atmosphere, I turn to Alex, a smile spreading across my face. “Remember when you told me you loved me, Alex? I say, my voice filled with genuine affection.

He nods one, confirming it with “I do love you… I know that for certain now” which causes me to grin Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Well I really need you to know, that I love you too.” I admit, my feelings crashing down on my like a wave.


Alex and this group is the best thing that ever happened to me….

His eyes light up with joy, and he pulls me into a tight embrace before kissing me passionately…

In that moment, surrounded by the people who care for me and with the knowledge that justice has been served, I feel an overwhelming sense of love and belonging.

This is the beginning of a new chapter, one filled with healing, growth, and a love that knows no bounds.


Chapter 75

Together, we will navigate the challenges that lie ahead, secure in the knowledge that we are stronger than ever before…

“Alex… I think I might be ready…” I whisper into his ear, earning a laugh.

“Ready for what doll?” He ponders, as 1 hide my face shyly….

“You know? Ready to try sex… I admit, stunned by my own words but meaning them nonetheless…

Alex‘ e

eyes widen like saucers, bring t

the only one to have heard my whisper, before he scoops me up in his strong arms and carries me upstairs.

This is my time for a new beginning..

They say bad luck comes in three’s, and my three are once and truly over.

To be continued…

Chapter Comments

EJ Kincaid

write a second book picking up after this one and going on into there life’s. I’m mad that it ended.

Debra H.

great job author. I really appreciate your book and it made me happy


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