It Comes In Three's

Chapter 92

Chapter 92

Chapter 92

Alex’s POV

“Alex! Dude! 1-1 need you! Please come over here! I’ve done something really bad! Del suddenly cries through the

he phone causing m

me to tense.




My assistant had informed me of an important call that was on hold in my office, as I quickly finished up my call with Lottie – leaving her to go grab lunch at school.

I wasn’t aware that I would find Del on the other end of that call though, so I was caught off guard with his plea….

“Calm down! What is it? What’s happened?!” I demand d more knowledge, suddenly growing Dustered by his erratic state.

This wasn’t like him at all….

is when hearing

“Please just come over to my place? I need you man! I lost my shit, I just need help!” Del sobs, as my mouth opens and closes for words how frantic and upset he sounds.

“Ok, just breathe man! I’m on my way, I’ll be there as fast as I can!” I tell him, before hanging up my work phone – placing it back down on the desk. Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

I grab my car keys, before wasting no time on heading to the elevator…

Has Del seriously cracked this time? Maybe he’s totally lost it with Clara?

I inform the desk staff that I will be back in tomorrow, as they take note and pass my d

duties on to the next man in charge when I’m not here.

I exit the building, heading towards my private parking space, before climbing in and starting up the engine – nervous for what I would be walking into.

Maybe he’s killed her… that would explain his panic… ll have to fucking help him take care of the body!

I press down on the egas, cutting the twenty minute journey down to ten, as I approach the familiar street–seeing Dels own car parked out front

I pull up and climb out, patting myself down for my iPhone, before cursing loudly when realising that I had left it back at the office charging!


I groan loudly, infuriated with myself whenever I make a mistake, before I storm my way towards Dels front door- allowing myself inside.

“Yo Del?!” I yell out loudly, before hearing a thundering crash coming from upstairs

I still slightly, before screams are heard, which causes me to spring into action as I run up the steps–skipping them two at a time for quickness.

“DEL?!” I call out for him again, more aggressively, before moving down the hallway towards the noise.

I soon discover myself standing in front of his bedroom door, pausing slightly to listen in, before hearing another smash – as I immediately barge my way inside.

The scene before me is murderous… causing me to still at the door.

Clara stands at one end of the room, with Del at the other, as they both breathe heavily–looking insane!

“THIS IS HIS FAULT!” Clara holds her reddened cheek, a hand print indicating that Del had slapped her and hard by the looks of it!

When I turn to face Dell, it is his appearance which startles me most, as for once in my life, I am left speechless….

“MY FAULT?! YOU SMASHED ME IN THE FACE WITH A DAMN HAMMER YOU FUCKING STUPID WHORE!” Del thunders, deciding to grab a nearby lamp from his dresser – tossing it in the direction of Clara who shrieks when it smashed against the wall behind her….

Dels face

was covered in blood, his nose and lip both burst open and gushing everywhere – even down his shirt.

The room had been completely trashed, as I also take note of Claras torn shirt and bruising neck.

+109 Bonus

What the fuck is going on here?!


YOU LITTLE LYING RAT: TELL HIM! Del continues to fume, pointing an accusing finger at Clara as she cries.


My eyes then land on the hammer in question, laying between them in the centre of the room– rightfully so, covered in blood – Del’s blood!

“TELL HIM!” Del roars, growing impatient, as I stand there horrified at the scene before me he looked like a true mad man!

“What the fuck is this?! Tell me what?!” I begin to lose my shit, feeling flustered by the state of them both as they argue and fight before my very eyes.

“Al–Alex! He… He slapped me and choked m–me! Clara points a finger at Del with a sob, holding her sore cheek as I try my upmost hardest not to roll

my eyes at her.

After what she’s done to Del? I’m surprised it was only a slap she got!

“YEAH DAMN RIGHT I DID! AFTER YOU JUMPED OUT ON ME WITH A HAMMER BECAUSE SHIT DIDN’T GO TO PLAN FOR YOU! TWISTED LITTLE BITCH!” Del Lands a hard kick against his chest of drawers, successfully cracking them with the force.

I’m guessing the only reason he hasn’t killed her yet is because he has trashed the fucking room around him instead to relieve his temptations…

She’s lucky that I got here before he ran out of things to smash up.

top of that!” I express

“Why the fuck did you hit him with a hammer then?! Don’t think that I don’t know about all the other shit you’ve done to him on top my opinion, as Clara’s eyes widen – realising that I did in fact know much more than she thought I did.

“I want you to tell him what you’ve done! Tell him before I wind up fucking killing you! TELL HIM!” Del rages, as I look to Clara for answers, needing to understand what had sent Del so far off the edge

I’ve never seen him this angry in my life… and that’s saying something!

“I… bed… about thee uhhh… about the pregnancy…” Clara’s voice is barely above a whisper, as my brows pull together in reaction to her words.

She lied? About being pregnant? With Dels child?


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loudly in appreciation of my words.

“Thank you Alex! So I’m not the only one who thinks that’s fucking terrible?! Sneaky fucking whore! I’m done, you’re done!” Del throws his hands up and rants, as Clara covers her face and cries into her hands next.

“Seriously why the fuck would you do that to him Clara?! ANSWER ME? I boom, feeling my own temper rise, as she shrugs and cries.

She didn’t need to be with Del! She’s been sleeping around with other guys besides him anyhow! So whats the fascination?!

“I didn’t want… him to leave me… Clara admits through a cry, as I scoff loudly at her admission.

“Leave you?! He didn’t want to be with you in the first place! I don’t blame him either! Do you honestly think you can get away with slapping him and burning him with cigarettes?! Fuck that! It’s a good thing you aren’t pregnant, you’d be a fucking dangerous Mother!” I scold harshly, as Clara wipes at her eyes furiously.

“You don’t know the half of it! He hits me all the time Alex!” Clara points a finger at Del now, evidently pissed off, as I watch him throw his head back releasing a loud laugh.

“Really?! Youre pulling that card? Bullshit! Actually, I wish I did beat the shit out of you to begin with- maybe that way you wouldn’t have turned into some psychotic stalker! Del argues, his words harsh, as Clara shakes her head at him in disgust.

I groan at the situation, stunned at what Clara had done to him with the pregnancy lie.……..

“How did you find out she was talking shit about this? I question, as Del laughs insanely again.

“I picked her up today, before she begged me not to come to the hospital appointment. Obviously, I refused, which is when she started to get angry- hitting me on the side of the face and head when I was driving. I lost my fucking shit and dragged her in here, almost punched some sense into her. before she broke down crying–only to admit that there was no hospital appointment because there was no fucking PREGNANCY!” Del rants, as I shake

Chapter 92

my head in utter disbelief of what he had gone through with her today.

There it is again…she thinks she can just throw a fit and hit him whenever she wants? She’s lost her mind!




“Clara, I would use your common sense here, and get fucking out of this house! Don’t ever come back and don’t ever fucking speak to Del again! Think yourself lucky that all you got today was a slap, because what you’ve done to him is fucking despicable!” I begin, my tone lowering as I speak directly to


“What was your plan with this shit anyway, huh? We would have found out eventually that you weren’t actually pregnant? Or did you plan on trying to make him sleep with you again to make it a reality? How fucking dumb! You and I both know Clara, no decent man would ever want to sleep with you sober!” 1 remark, as she gasps at my words – faking hurt as she holds her chest.

She was a disgusting female…

“If you tell anybody about this, then you can expect hell from us babe. I’ll run you and your family out of this town. Do I make myself clear?!” I grit, as she eyes me warily for a silent moment, before nodding slowly.

“LEAVE!” I suddenly shout, causing her to scramble towards the door–grabbing her handbag on the way past

I move aside for her, before listening to her feet as she rushes down the hallway, down the steps, leaving Dels property..

I close my eyes to regain my composure when hearing the front door slam shut, before opening them again to find Del bending down–knuckles on the floor in front of him as he breathes heavily-

“I can’t believe her!” I break the silence, glancing around at the room again – studying the aftermath,

“To think that I felt fucking bad after dragging her in here too! That’s when I called you! I knew that I wanted to kill her after she hit me again. That was before she admitted the pregnancy was fake!” Del stands up again, seeming to calm down ever so slightly now that she was gone.

“I just fucking lost it after she told me! I tried to lock myself in the bathroom to calm down too because I knew you would get here soon… but when I opened the door, that’s when I was greeted by a fucking hammer!” Del explains how things had played out, as I grumble at the thought of her.

If anyone deserved to be struck with a hammer – it’s her!

“After she almost bashed my Lace in, I slapped her so fucking hard! Leven knocked her on her ass! That’s when I grabbed her and dragged her across the room. I slammed her against that wall and nearly choked her out! I wanted to kill her Alex!” He huffs at his own actions, as I shake my head.

“Well at least she isn’t pregnant right?” I state, smirking slightly, as he laughs dryly and nods– groaning in pain as he touches his nose…

“Let me drive you to the hospital, get your face sorted out!‘ I announce next, watching Del as he stares at himself in the smashed up mirror.

He sucks in a breath, before nodding

Thanks Alex for coming. He tells me, as I hold a hand up to hush him.

I’ll always come… even if he had killed her… I would still be here to help him… he’s my family.

Through thick and thin…

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