It Comes In Three's

Chapter 94

Chapter 94

Chapter 94

Alex’s POV




“I told you already and I won’t say it again! He was hit on the face with a hammer – we didn’t see who it was you don’t have to in cops!” I retaliate, my temper rising with the small desk lady at the hospital sitting before me.

to involve the damın

I don’t have time for this!

contact the police.” She informs me again, her attitude stale and stubborn.

“Sir, please calm down! Due to the nature of the wound, it is our duty to co

“Whatever!” I wave my hand in dismissal of her, as I walk back to sit beside Del

el who was now becoming a groaning mess.

“Dude this shit hurts real bad now! It didn’t hurt this much earlier!” Del complains, wiggling his face in discomfort.

“Probably because your adrenaline was so high! I’ve never seen you that pissed off before!” I mock, as he laughs in agreement.

He was like a loose canon…

I even had to call Jace to help sort out Dels room incase there was a small chance that the cops would get involved… I didn’t want them turning up and treating it as a crime scene!

Who knows what Clara is capable of… but she would be foolish to take this to the cops….

“Remember stick to the story, you called me because you were out and someone attacked you from behind! Hit you with the hammer and ran off! You managed to drive home to call me because you weren’t far, and that’s when I came over and brought you here!” I recite our story, the one in which we would use with the сорт.

“I know, I know!” Del groans, as I sigh–leaning back in the chair.

My brain felt swarmed with the events of what had just happened, as I hadn’t taken a break from it all until now…

With that thought, two male officers enter the hospital moments later, their eyes scanning around the room before landing directly on the pair of us.

They make their

ir presence known to the desk woman, before I watch as she points over at us, completely giving us over to them.


They nod and thank her, before approaching us, as I eye them warily – waiting for them to begin.

“We understand that someone attacked you earlier son? With a hammer? Due to the nature of the incident, we will have to conduct some questioning and take a report of this.” The taller one speaks

up first, as I stare at them, bored and unamused that this was how I had wound up spending my afternoon.

“Sure! But at least take me first and let this one get patched up with the doctors!” I humour them, as they both chuckle and nod in agreement of my plan

Shortly after, the small nurse calls out Dels name, as he walks with his swollen face towards her – following her

“Ok son, follow us!” The shorter cop asks next, as I grumble and plod along behind them, as they take me towards a small meeting room.

oned and pen

I get comfortable, not knowing how long I would be in here for, before the shorter one pulls out a notepad

This isn’t the first time I’ve been in this situation and it probably won’t be the last….

“Your name son?” The taller one takes charge of the questions, as 1 cough to clear my throat.

“Alex Colt.” 1 announce, as the short one scribble’s it down in the book.

“Tell us a bit about yourself then Alex?” The taller one asks next, as I straighten up slightly, intrigued by the question.


Chapter 94 Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

He must think that I’m just some dumb kid… or perhaps he thinks that I’m a wannabe gangster with my tattoos and cold nature?



“Well, I run my own business, Colt Estates, my office space was recently renovated in the south side of town, perhaps you have drove by it? It’s a 107:1 building, hard to miss actually. I own a few properties here and there around town, maybe you’ve seen my signs too? But most of my work lies in hotels and gyms which I also own in some other states.” I ramble, using my hands as I talk, ravishing in the surprised looks that cross their features.

“Don’t toy with us son… The shorter cop tests me, as I cock my head at him in amusement.

“Toy with you? Are you deliberately trying to insult me officer? Just because I am young, does not mean I am a fool! If you don’t believe me, google it and check for yourself – it should come up with a picture of me and everything!” My tone is dry, as the guy opens and closes his mouth for words,

“Apologies Mr Colt, it isn’t often that we meet a huge businessman like yourself, never–mind one so young. Congratulations! I have, in fact, passed by your office space it is an incredible building!” The taller one attempts to right his partners wrong, as I nod and lean back in my chair.

That’s more like it….

I watch as they eye one a another briefly, before the taller cop breathes in steadily before continuing-

“So what happened today with your friend? How did you wind up involved?” He cuts to the chase now, wanting to avoid upsetting me further, as t scratch the back of my neck in thought.

“I was at my office, when he called me, told me that some guy had attacked him whilst he was out. He was really panicked and asked me to meet him back at his place. I got in my car, drove over

there, seen how messed up his face was and so I brought him here. There isn’t much else to say besides that.” I shrug, as the smaller cop scribbles down my statement.


moment of silence falls amongst us, as we allow for the cup to catch up on his writing

story, a technique in

“Why didn’t he make his own way to the hospital right after the incident?” He questions next, beginning to poke holes in my stor which they are trained in, however I am unfazed by il

“Probably because he was panicked? He wasn’t far from his home when it happened, and so it must’ve made sense for him to head back there – to get to safety. The hospital is quite a drive for someone gushing of blood too… at least fifteen minutes… so I think he done the right thing by choosing the two minute drive back to his home don’t you?” I return the question, as more scribbling is done.

The interview drags on longer than necessary, as I find myself repeating the same details over and over again. I grow bored, which leads to me becoming agitated, which they finally pick up on and decide to wrap things up…

“Ok the interview is concluding a… The taller man hums, checking his wrist watch.

“Four thirty…” He announces, gaining my upmost attention in that moment.

“Sorry?!” I snap, harsher than intended, as they eye me weirdly as though I had gone mad in the space of ten seconds.

I was about to..

“The time… we have to take note of when the interview starts and ends along with the date…” He explains, his brow raising in concern.

“Did you say… that it’s now four thirty?” I ask again, disbelief Bonding through me.

How has it been that long already… it feels like only an hour ago I had shown up to Dels… and you’re telling me that it’s been over three hours since all of that shit had kicked off!

“Excuse me, but I have to go. I was supposed to contact my girlfriend earlier and with everything going on- I have completely lost track of time!” I stand, as the officers follow my leadoffering me a slight chuckle.

“Ah I know how that feels! She won’t be happy with you coming h

their hands brielly.

I was supposed to pick Lottie up at three…

late eh? The shorter one announces, as I nod and force a smile–shaking both of

We exit the room, as I head back to the front desk, meeting the same bored looking woman from before.

Chapter 94

I sigh at the sight of her, as she pulls her glasses down her nose expectantly already growing impatient with whatever I was about to ask

“Which room is my friend in? Del? With the bloody face? I rush, needing to get to his phone in order to call Lottie and explain why I didn’t sh


“I cannot give you a patients details sir.” The lady responds, as I use every ounce of strength in me to refrain from smashing my hands down on her


“We actually need to see the young man too… he can come with us…” The taller, more decent cop speaks up from behind me, as the woman’s mouth falls open in horror.

“O–Oh… certainly officer… room 2021” She announces shortly after finding Dels details on her computer.

Now was that so damn hard?!

I smirk at her briefly, watching the agitation wash over her features, before I walk off behind the police officers in search of room 202.

We wind up having to take the elevator, reaching floor five, before we soon manage to locate the room in question.



I enter, only to find Del on a hospital bed, looking somewhat out of it. His face was patched up slightly, his nose now set in a small cast – making him look as though he had just had a nose job.

“Del bro, where’s your phone? I have to call Lottle! I announce, forgetting for a moment that the cops where in here too

He grumbles inaudibly, before pointing in the direction of his bag – his eyes Buttering shut from what I’m guessing is the medication they had given


“Well, it looks like we will have to question this one tomorrow!” The officer chuckles, as I join in, wanting them to leave already.

“We will be in touch lads!” The shorter one states, before I nod briefly, watching them exit the room.

I waste no time on scrambling to find Dels phone, grateful that he had brought it with him unlike myself who had left it behind at the office!

I’m such a fucking idiot!

I just hope that Lottie went home with Anna…

The thought makes me feel nauseous, as I tap Dels phone, finding no response.

FUCKING PERFECT! It needs charged! Of course it does! I groan loudly, noticing that Del had completely fallen asleep now, as I rummage through his

bag for a charger.

I sigh in relief when finding one, pluzzing it in to the nearest socket, before taking a seat beside it – waiting.

This is driving me mad!

I tap my foot impatiently, glancing around the silent room, before the phone lights up after what feels

feels like forest


Once it is on, numerous text and call notifications Blood into the phone, as an unsettling feeling lands itself in the pit of my stomach… something isn’t right… I won’t forgive myself if something happened to her…

I swipe open the phone, noticing some missed calls from Zack first, before seeing some from Anna and one from Lottie..

I click to call Lottie first, hearing it ring out, before I try again, and again, and again… no answer!

I then move to call Zack, growing furiously anxious now

“Alex! Where are you man?! I’ve been trying to find you for hours! It’s Lottie…” Zack begins, causing a dark chill to rush through me.

“What about her?! What’s happened?!” I rush the words out, needing to know more, before I listen on for an update….

I’ve fucked up!

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