It Comes In Three's

Chapter 97

Chapter 97

Chapter 97 Lottie’s POV As we arrive at the hospital, my heart races with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. I wonder what state Del is actually in if they had to keep him in here overnight… Clara had most definitely crossed the line this time. The line was now nonexistent at this point. We make our way inside, following Alex since he seems to know his way around – before finding the right department amongst the large hospital. He groans suddenly, slowing in his steps, as myself and Anna eye one another curiously. What has gotten into him all of a sudden? “You again?!” I hear a woman snap, causing me to move out from behind Alex’ large back to get a better view. It was a small woman, seated behind the reception desk, glasses falling down her nose as she seems to glare directly at Alex… The one and only… here to visit my friend.” Alex informs her bluntly, as she very obviously rolls her eyes, wanting him to see her do it. What is this lady’s problem? “Same room. Visiting ends at four- no later!” She shoos us off, as Anna scoffs at her rudeness, choosing to bite her tongue as we move away following Alex again. “What crawled up her a** and died?!” Anna complains loudly, as Alex marches ahead. “She was the same receptionist here yesterday… clearly didn’t have the time or patience for us… she called the cops too to report Dels injury.” Alex explains over his shoulder, as I sigh that makes sense. We make our way to Del’s room, taking the elevator, and as soon as we see him, my heart sinks. He was currently perked up on the bed, forcing a smile and a wave at us as we enter. We clammer into the private room, looking at his face which was badly bruised and scarred. I can’t help but gasp in shock, feeling tears well up in my eyes at the sight of him. I can’t begin to imagineThis is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

how painful that would have been… “Oh my g**d, Del,” I whisper, unable to find the right words to express my emotions as he shrugs briefly. Anna’s face mirrors my own horror, as her mouth opens and closes brows pulling together in frustration. 1/5 Chapter 97 Alex, however, seems less affected by Del’s appearance, which surprises me. Before he comments – “Del you’re looking much better than yesterday!” “Are you kidding? I say instantly, my voice shaking. “He looks terrible! Look at his face, Alex.” I deadpan. Alex releases a soft laugh, as Del attempts to laugh too groaning afterwards in pain. “I know it looks bad, but trust me, it’s a significant improvement from last night. You’ll heal soon enough, Del! If you’re lucky, maybe the way that they reset your nose will do you some justice!” Alex continues to make light of the situation, as I can’t help but feel overwhelmed by the sight of him. This is clearly something I am not used to seeing… unlike Alex who is totally unfazed. Del manages a weak smile, grateful for our presence. “Thanks, man, and there ain’t nothing wrong my original nose either you d**k! He mumbles in response, causing Alex to grin mischievously. with “I’m sorry you both had to see me like this.” Del then looks towards myself and Anna, as we both stand there horrified. “Don’t apologize,” Anna says firmly. “We’re here for you, and we’re going to help you get through this. Clara is a f**g whack job! She needs locked up!” She eventually finds her voice, expressing her feelings. Del’s eyes shift to his phone briefly, which lies beside him on the bedside table. “Speaking of which, Clara has been trying to contact me non-stop. She’s been texting and calling all day today.” He

announces, as I look to Alex for a reaction. Alex’s jaw tightens, and he takes Del’s phone in his hands. “I’ll take care of that,” he says boldly, scrolling through the messages – taking his time to read over some of them as his face contorts in disgust. “I don’t want her stressing you out anymore, especially in this state!” He rages, as we remain silent awaiting his next move. Alex dials Clara’s number and puts the phone on speaker so that we can all hear the conversation. Clara picks up after a couple of rings, and her desperate voice fills the room as she says, “Del? I’m so glad you called me back, please, I need to talk to you! Just give me a chance to explain what happened…” “You’ve had enough chances, Clara, Alex responds firmly instead of Del, earning a silent pause in return. “Who is this? Put Del on?!” She snaps suddenly, presenting her usual temper, as I look to Anna who is almost ready to explode. 2/5 Chapter 97 “You’ve caused enough damage for Del already Clara, and you’re not going to manipulate him anymore. He’s done with you, and so are we.” Alex’s tone sounds bored and unimpressed as he speaks. “Alex is that you? Look, I didn’t mean for things to go this far,” Clara pleads, her voice cracking slightly now. “I messed up bad, I know that, but I still love him. Can’t you just let me talk to him?” Her scratchy tone continues, causing me to cringe. – Del shakes his head weakly confirming that he was done with her as I offer him a proud smile. “It’s f**g over, Clara. You need to move on and leave him alone. He doesn’t want to be with someone who’s capable of doing what you did. You’re abusive, you’re obsessive and you lied!” Alex grits out, his jaw clenching as he attempts to control his emotions. We listen in as Clara takes a moment to breathe, as we eye one another expectantly…

Clara’s desperation suddenly turns into anger as she snaps, “This will be the worst mistake he has ever made Alex! We are good together, Del and I, but nobody ever sees it! We are made for each other! He will take me back eventually!” Clara rants, as Alex scoffs at her words next. “Made for each other? Then why have you been f**g around with half of the football team too then? Listen, the gig is up Clara, drop it! He’s not interested in dating a w**e!” Alex retorts, as Del closes his eyes briefly to compose himself. Clara continues to beg and plead after that, but Alex doesn’t budge. He remains stern and unwavering, shutting down her attempts to manipulate Del once more. “Don’t make me take matters into my own hands Clara… remember what I told you… I’ll f** ruin you and your family!” Alex’s voice comes out next like ice, slicing through her in the most threatening way – causing even me to tense. Eventually, with nothing better or smarter to say, Clara hangs up, defeated and angry with the outcome of the call. Smart choice… “I can’t believe she still thinks she has a chance,” Anna mutters, shaking her head. “People like her don’t know how to let go,’ Alex says, his voice tinged with annoyance. “But we won’t let her bother you anymore, Del.” As we sit there with Del, trying to lighten the mood and distract him from the pain, there’s a knock on the door before Jace enters with a worried expression. “Hey, man,” Jace says, his eyes filled with concern as he looks at Del’s bruised, torn up face. “How are you holding up?” 3/5 Chapter 97 I’ve been better,” Del replies, attempting a smile. “But I’m glad you guys are here. It helps.”. Jace walks over to Del’s bedside, giving him a pat on the shoulder. “We’re all here for you. If you

need anything, just let us know.” “Thanks, man,” Del says gratefully, his voice filled with emotion. Despite the difficult situation, there’s a sense of unity and support amongst us all every time we are all together. We were like an unstoppable force. “Enough about me… Lottie how are you? After, you know, what happened yesterday?” Del redirects the attention to me now, as my eyes widen with the sudden involvement. I take a deep breath, feeling a bit uneasy talking about my own situation after seeing Del’s injuries. But I know that they genuinely care, and I can’t keep what happened to myself forever… “I… I’m okay,” I reply hesitantly, glancing at Alex and Anna-for reassurance. “Yesterday, while all of this was happening with Del and Clara, I was followed and chased by someone after school.” “What the **k?” Jace’s eyes widen in shock. “Why didn’t I know about this until now?” “I tried to call you all separately, because I couldn’t reach Alex, but everyone was busy. I know now, after what happened to Del, that I wasn’t the only one in trouble so I can understand why!” I ramble, not wanting them to feel guilty for it. Alex’s expression darkens as he processes the information. “We need to find out who’s behind this,” he says firmly. “I won’t let anyone ruin the progress we have all made over the past year… after what happened with the other three b**ds.” “Do we have a team on this yet? We will catch them on a camera somewhere… maybe trace it back.” Jace adds, determination now filling his eyes, as I appreciate them wanting to help. “I sent out a text today when I got my phone, we have a team working on it already. We will sniff them out eventually!” Alex announces, putting me on edge again at the thought of my life potentially being in danger. Anna wraps her arm around me, pulling me close. “We’re all here for you, Lottie. You don’t have to face this alone remember. We won’t ever leave you anywhere alone now.” Anna comforts as I sigh. I feel a wave of gratitude wash over me, knowing that I have such amazing friends who care about me. As I share more details about what happened, we all agree to stay vigilant and keep an eye out for anything suspicious moving forward.

The mood in the room shifts, and Del insists that we try to focus on something more positive for the time being seeing my growing upset. 4/5 Chapter 97 Instead, we share stories, laugh, and reminisce about better times, trying to create some moments of lightness amidst the darkness of yesterday. I push back the feelings of dread and fear for the time being, however know that there was still something brewing… Somebody was out to get me… and we don’t know who this time! Chapter Comments 6

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