Love At Last


Chapter 91

Cheers to freedom


The cab slowly rolls away and for a short while all I could do was just stand there and breath, a long deserved one. For a while her mere mention of her name obstructed my breathing but now there she went, into the sunset and out of my life for good. I could finally think properly and one of the first things that dived into my head was to call Steve and let him know that things were now over between me and her. Everyone who knew about her and was instrumental in me being in a relationship with her needed to know that we were no longer together and of course, he also needed to inform Steve that the deal for the contract had scaled through.

I immediately snapped out from my hibernation state and began my brisk stroll back to my apartment with a leap. I soon arrived in my apartment and headed for my phone that had been on my working for a while now. I always kept it there as it was easier to find whenever I needed it. I scroll through my contact list and dial Steve’s secretary’s number. I could’ve called Steve myself but he was one to not pick private calls whenever it was office hours so I opted for the latter option.

It rang for a few seconds and then his secretary said “Hello, this is Mr Steve’s office. How may I help you?”

“Hello Margaret, this is Cayden speaking” I immediately responded with enthusiasm quilled in my voice.

“Oh good afternoon Mr Cayden, how are you enjoying your time outside the company’s walls” she goes for pleasantries. If it were anyone else, Margerat would immediately ask the purpose of the call and what she could do for the caller with formality written all over her response. But I was a familiar person to her, she knew how close Steve and I were and so she could comfortably lower the formalities for me just a little.

“Well Maggie, it just keeps getting better”

“That’s lovely Sir, I presume you want to speak with Mr Steve or do you need anything?”

“Yes please, put me through to him immediately please”

“Unfortunately Mr Steve cannot take any calls now as he is currently in a meeting in his office, do you want me to pass a message to him for you when he is through?”

“No Maggie, I’d rather tell him myself. Please let him know this is very urgent and cannot wait” I need to tell Steve this news right now, while the high of this excitement filled me.

“Alright, do hold on please” she then dials Steve’s office and he picks “Hello Sir, you have Mr Cayden on line three, he says he needs to speak with you”

“Did you tell him I’m in a meeting?” Steve replies in a mildly pricked tone.

“Yes I did Sir, but he says it is very urgent and cannot wait” Steve wondered what could be so urgent that I so desperately needed to tell him.

“Alright, put him through” my line beeps once and I hear Steve on the receiving end of the call “Hello Cayden, how are you my boy?”

“Very well Sir, thank you”NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

“Alright, what’s so important that you needed to tell me that couldn’t wait a few hours? He inquires in curiosity.

“Well Sir it’s great news”

“Oh really? Hit me then”

“Well first off, the conclusions for modalities on signing the deal with the investors was successful, we’ve signed all papers and the contract has been finalized”

“Wonderful! Now that’s my boy, I always knew you could do it” Steve screams in delight and satisfaction “this calls for a toast, come over to my villa as soon as you’re back”

“Thank you so much sir, I’m glad you believed in me” I respond blissfully

“You said first off initially, what’s the other thing?” He further makes inquiries

“Yes yes, I also wanted to let you know that Janet and I have also broken up, we ended things because she got sick during the meeting and blamed me for her sickness, can you just imagine that?” I asked in hopes that Steve would be happy about this too.

“No Cayden, what I can imagine is why you would think your break up nonsense was going to be worth an extra few minutes of my time” he joy now slowly fades into exasperation.

“Well I thought it…” he cuts my sentence short

“That’s the problem my boy, you didn’t think. Your break up with whoever is of no relevance to me, what’s important is if the deal went through or not, now did it?”

“Yes it did sir” I respond in a morbid

“Good, see you when you get back” Steve cuts the call.

But Steve’s response was not enough to kill my joy. I immediately called Lily to share the wonderful news with her.

“Hey Lily! How are you my dear”

“Cayden! I am fine thank you. Why do you sound so excited, did you win the lottery?”

“Even better my dear but how about I tell you about it over a drink at mine, are you free?”

“Well sure, but it had better be worth it Cayden”

“It will trust me”

It was a few minutes to 7pm, Lily and I were sharing a bottle of bailey milky wine and the laughter could be heard from the windows as I told her about my breakup with Janet. We continue chatting for a little while and sexual tension begins to rise. I lean over slowly as she stares down on my lips. Our lips interlock and so do our bodies as our hands begin to roam the shores of our behinds. We make out for a few minutes and then Lily pulls away

“I… we… I don’t think we should be doing this Cayden, I should be smarter than this” I am shocked as she pulls away and says those words, what did she mean by she should be smarter than this?

“What’s wrong Lily, I thought you wanted this?”

“I would be lying if I said this wasn’t a good feeling but I think we should slow things down a little”

“Well I don’t think we’re moving too fast, we’re going just at the right place Lily” I try to convince her and myself too

“Look Cayden, I don’t want to be like every other lady you’ve been with. You were just telling me about your break up with Janet and though she may have been an awful person, I don’t want to be in her shoes. I want something real and genuine Cayden, I want it to be intention” Lily elaborates and as hurtful as it made me feel, she was right.

“I guess you’re right, I understand…”

“I should be on my way now, it’s getting late” she sets down her glass of wine and picks her bag up.

“Yes you should, let me drop you off please”

She refuses at first instance but eventually yields after I persist.

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