Luna Lola-The Moon Wolf

Chapter 104

Chapter 104

Adrian’s POV

Her last words kept ringing in my head as I barked out orders to the warriors that came with me. I’m sorry and I love you. She was gone when I reached the pack border, the only evidence of her being there was the scrunchie I got for her that was on the ground,

The warriors that were with her at that time were all dead by the time I got there. The only thing that was keeping me from going on at rampage was the fact that I could still feel the mate bond. Even though it was fainter than what I usually feel, it was there.

Nathan came a while later, looking sad and I knew what he was going to say before he said it. “She’s gone man. We couldn’t find her anywhere in the pack”, he said. I howled loudly in sadness and soon the whole pack was filled with howls of sadness. Their Luna had been kidnapped after all.

When we got back to the pack house, everywhere was silent and the whole atmosphere was depressing. The last time the pack was like that was when we lost dad. Even the children must have sensed that something was wrong because they were quiet, very quiet. She was loved by everyone so it doesn’t come as a surprise.

In my head, Daxon was surprisingly quiet which made me worried. He’s always saying something, being silent when his mate was missing

getting me worried.


“Buddy, why are you so silent?” I asked through our mindlink and all I got was a whimper. I was going crazy while maintaining a calm demeanor. “Mate. I need mate”, Daxon was whimpering in my head and I just couldn’t imagine what he was feeling. Usually, the wolf side


connects more than the human side does so he must be feeling worse than I did and I felt like I was being teared up from the inside.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Tomorrow, we will send out a search party to every unclaimed land and every human town across the country. No stone should be left unturned, am I clear?” I barked out my orders to Nathan and the warriors before leaving the silent pack house, Nathan following behind


“Are you okay, man?” He asked me after we walked some distance but I kept mute. I did not know how to respond to that without breaking down so I kept mute and just kept walking. He got the memo because. he did not ask anything after that and we just went to my house.

We met Lyla, Avianca and Mom in the living room when we got there, they were comforting themselves. It was such a sad sight to see because Mom was having it worse than me. Lola had been her support since Dad passed, I never found out what happened when she took her to her room but I knew that it made them impossibly closer. They were so close that she became depressed after Lola almost took her life and she was just recovering from it. What happened now was surely going to make her revert back to being depressed and I didn’t know how to stop that.

Lyla, who was heavily pregnant, was crying out her eyes too. They talked non-stop about how they were going to raise her baby together and I might have been a bit excited when I was told to be the godfather for the baby. Now, we might never see the baby because our only hope at bringing down the evil that was going to wipe us out was now gone.

Nathan went to hug Lyla tightly to his chest when he met her crying and I felt a pang in my chest. I miss my mate. Mom looked up and broke down into tears again when she did not see Lola with us. She held on to Lyla tightly, I couldn’t take it so I left the room and went to my study, signalling to Nathan to follow me.

He knocked once before he entered the study, closing the door behind him. “I need Jace and his mate here”, he nodded and his eyes glazed over. “They’re on their way”, he said after a while and sat in the chair in front of me. I nodded before drifting into my thoughts.

Was she hurt before being kidnapped? How is she feeling right now? Will she be hurt when she finally sees that Damon guy? Does she miss me? Because I miss her so much. I could barely feel anything through our mate bond, it was like our connection was cut off by something. I wondered how she must have felt being betrayed by someone she trusted as a friend.

Just then. Jace walked in followed by his mate Greg, who also happened to be Lotana’s sister. No one in the pack knew who kidnapped their Luna, they just knew that she was kidnapped.

I looked at Greg intently, making him move closer to his mate and hide behind him. Outraged by the presence of Lotana’s relative, Daxon growled and tried to take control of my b*dy but I tried as much as possible to rein him in. Nathan also stared the Greg pup down which added to the intensity in the room.

“You called for us, Alpha”, Jace spoke up, breaking up the deafening. silence in the room. “It’s no news that your Luna got kidnapped today”, I said looking at Greg intently, “it’s also not news to everyone that we have a mole in the pack that works for the rogues”, I added to which Jace nodded.

“We’re well aware of that, Alpha. Tomorrow, we’re also going on at search for her, we promise to bring the Luna back to the pack in good health”, he said, not losing his composure. “Concerning the mole, your mate here should know a thing or two”, I said and watched his reaction closely.

He looked genuinely shocked and I did not know whether I should believe him or not. “Wha-what do y-o-o-ou mean, Alpha? I don’t know


mencocted cope before he entered the study, closing the door behind

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and fun Outraged by the presence of Lotana’s relative. Daxon grimugs and mod to take control of my b*dy but I tried as much as growlithesão paan hun in Nathan also stared the Greg pup down which area 20 lab pritensity in the room.

Ad for us, Alpha”, Jace spoke up. breaking up the deafening Aenean datoom. “It’s no news that your Luna got kidnapped today”. sut doorang at Greg intently, “it’s also not news to everyone that we How the pack that works for the rogues”, I added to which

wipe well aware of that Alpha Tomorrow, we’re also going on a care for her we promise to bring the Luna back to the pack in good tecili sand not losing his composure. “Concerning the mole, your k wa bure should know a thing or two”, I said and watched his reaction

Accord penunck shocked and I did not know whether I should Ask bum or not “Wha-what do y-o-o-ou mean, Alpha? I don’t know

anything about the traitor, I don’t know what you’re talking about”, he was visibly shaking at this point. I couldn’t pinpoint if it was out of fear of being caught or fear of me.

“Your sister, Lotana, is the traitor and I’d like to know how you helped her achieve her goal of kidnapping your Luna”, I said

“Lotana did what? I don’t believe you at all. I’m sure she’s somewhere in the pack crying over Lola being kidnapped. They’re very close friends, my sister would never do anything like that”, he kept rambling.

on and on.

I was about to speak up again when the desk phone in my office rang “Alpha Adrian of Crescent moon pack speaking”, I said into the


“I finally get to speak with you, Alpha”. The condescending tone with which he said the Alpha sent a shudder through my spine and I just knew who it was.

Damon. That b astard.

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