Lustful Affairs (Erotica)

Lucky Josh

It was late in the morning when Josh woke to the sounds of workmen plying their trade.

Still sore from the 16 hour flight despite travelling first class, he yawned and stretched trying to get some more sleep. The noise was too loud to ignore and after a few moments he gave up and got up. He navigated his way through all the boxes and unpacked furniture to the bathroom.

One of the few good things to come out of this Trans Atlantic move, he thought, that and the huge house his father had bought.

Relaxing a bit under the steaming shower he glanced around, taking in his new surroundings in daylight. They did a good job on his room and bathroom, almost exactly like the 3d models he was shown. The opaque window looked out onto the pool area and terrace and bathed the room in a warm sunlight. Grabbing a towel he went to stand in front of the wall sized mirror and grinned at his mirror image. The last few months in the gym had taken care of the last of his baby fat and with pride he flexed his well toned body. Not too muscular, just right he smirked and went back into the mess of his room to find something to wear.

He found his father with his latest girlfriend Angela enjoying breakfast near the pool.

She was wearing a bathing suit that revealed nothing but showed all and Josh had to admit his father’s taste in women matched his. Josh didn’t know her too well yet but from what he had gathered she seemed nice and not too young, around 40 tops.

For a moment he regretted leaving his old home again, he missed Tamara, his former step mom. She was his favorite step mom and he had an affair with her for three years. Tamara was his first and only lover so far but he had a hard time imagining something better.

Perhaps Angela in a while he thought as a sly grin formed on his face.

“So, did you get a good night’s sleep Josh?” his father Jonas asked as he threw him a bottle of sun block.

“Not really but enough for now” Josh said as he caught the bottle.

“We still need to finalize the sale of your holdings and get some decent costumes for tonight”

“So if you are up for it we can make the paperwork in order after breakfast and plunder a nearby mall for costumes” Jonas proposed.

“Sure dad, sounds like a plan” Josh answered and started on his breakfast.

Around noon they had finished the paperwork and Josh was quite a bit richer.

Together with his father he had started several internet ventures and because of his age, 14 at the time he had to have an adult partner. Jonas agreed to be his silent partner and investor and after 2 start ups he just became a silent partner as Josh made enough money to start another.

Josh was grinning when he saw the total amount on his bank account, not bad for a 17 year old kid he thought. Jonas smiled with pride at his son, he was becoming a self made man just like him.

“Any idea what you’ll do next?” Jonas asked interested in his son’s next step.

“Let me get settled in for a few weeks and we’ll see, I have a few ideas, nothing solid yet.”

“Okay then, let’s get shopping and spend some of that newly earned money” Jonas suggested.

Angela was already in the car as her car was the only one delivered yet.

It was a medium sized sports car with open roof in a soft grey tone.

Josh would have to wait another two weeks before his car would arrive, another perk from moving to the States, driving a year early. As he approached the sports car he admired the curves of the car and its driver. He let out a wolf whistle, startling Angela and getting a grin from his dad.

“Nice car Angela” Josh said as she was trying to figure out for who or what his whistle was meant.

Jonas just laughed as he knew his son liked his new girlfriend in more than one way.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

The ride to the mall was uneventful and thanks to the build in navigator no wrong turns.

They agreed to meet back at the car in three hours, giving them enough time to explore and shop. Jonas wrote the store name and party address down for Josh as there was some kind of dress code. The party itself was given by one of Jonas’s business partners and apparently it was one of those party’s people really made an effort for to get invited to. Josh had forgotten the who and what when his Dad told him a few weeks ago, still being in a rut over having to move. Now, being there it didn’t seem to be so bad after all.

First things first Josh thought as he passed a phone store. He went in and got himself the latest iPhone and a provider with national coverage.

Texting his dad his new number, he knew he’d get one shortly as well.

Happy with his new toy he set out to look for the store he needed to get his costume from.

Looking around he saw few people, a lot less then he had expected for a mall this size.

When he arrived at the store he was amazed, it was huge.

It took him a second to gather his cool and he went in, looking for a salesperson.

A few moments later, a lovely woman dressed as a girly pirate introduced herself as Megan and asked Josh if she could be of assistance. She was too old for a girly costume, Josh guessed her age at 30 something but it did wonders for her figure. She had firm breasts, a nice round ass and still a good tight waist. Her shoulder length red hair made her face look a bit pale despite her tan and her lips were big and luscious.

Josh pulled his eyes away from her ample breasts so on display and flushed red when she grinned at him.

“Don’t worry dear” Megan said “it’s the costume and I am glad you approve.”

“Now, what is it you are looking for?”

“I need a costume for … “he paused and got the note from his dad out of his pocket.

“The Santino RF party tonight” Josh finished, focusing on Megan’s eyes.

Apparently this meant something to Megan because her demeanor changed instantly.

“Follow me” she said as she started to walk further into the store “and I’ll get you a senior sales person.”

Josh followed her, admiring her figure from behind saying “Why would I need a senior when I have you?”

Megan stopped, turned and smiled at Josh. “This party you are going to is one of the hottest parties in town and the costumes match the exclusive guests so the higher sales price gets you a senior sales person.”

“Will they give me better service?” Josh asked a bit confused.

“No dear, it’s just that they get a higher commission on any sale they make and because they have worked longer here, they get all the big customers.”

“I see, well I am a junior myself so I’ll stick with you if you don’t mind” Josh responded.

“That is sweet of you but I have to take you to the store manager, it’s the rules.”

She flashed a smile at him and continued her walk towards the store manager.

They approached an area that looked more like a lounge then a sales place.

Megan walked up to a stern looking man and whispered to him.

He turned to look at Josh, frowned and whispered something back.

Megan smiled and walked back to Josh.

“My boss figured you wouldn’t be a huge spender so he allowed me to be your sales girl for today.”

“Not a big spender? Why would he say that?” Josh asked Megan, a confused look on his face.

“I think it’s your age and the way you dress dear but I am fine with it if you prove him wrong” Megan grinned at him.

“Lets” Josh smiled back at her.

Megan took him to a separate dressing area and closed it off.

There was a luxury chair with table, a bar and coffee maker and several mirrors.

A curtain on a rail could divide the area to allow for privacy whilst changing.

“Okay dear, first I am going to have to take your sizes” Megan said and she produced a measuring tape.

“You obviously are in shape” she smiled when she took his chest and arm measurements.

“I’d like to think so” Josh grinned back at her, getting a good stare at her breasts.

Her friendly demeanor and good looks had made Josh a bit excited so when she took his waste measurements she noticed the effect she had on him. Looking up she saw him trying to look anywhere but down, his face flushed. Smiling, she continued to take his size and when she stood up, his face was less red than before.

“Done, now I know what size we need, what theme would you like to dress in?”

“You have the choice of Sci-Fi, Classic Horror or Fantasy film.”

“I am not going as a knight so scratch that, hmmm, can you show me a few examples of the other two?” Josh asked, wondering what kind of a party it would be later tonight.

“Sure can do dear” Megan answered and took off.

Glad for the time he could recompose himself, he was happy he was assisted by Megan, she didn’t take offense to his arousal at her figure and this way he could enjoy the view a bit longer.

The curtains moved aside and Megan entered with a mobile rack full of clothing.

Nearly everything on the rack was dark in color with a few white and red exceptions.

“That’s a few?” Josh exclaimed, figuring there where at least 12 outfits.

“Yeah, I wanted a few more but this will do for starters” Megan replied cheerfully.

“You have more experience with this, what would look good on me?”

“Depends on what you are going for dear, brooding and dark, shallow and easy or masculine and attractive.” Megan replied whilst going through the outfits.

“Show me dark and brooding” Josh answered after a moment.

“Neo? Anakin? Something like that?”

“Do you have Morpheus, as in the second movie?” Josh asked.

Megan looked at him for a moment and seemed to think something over before nodding and taking the mobile rack with her back in the store.

A little later Megan returned with the rack less filled, only three costumes this time.

“These are costumes that I wouldn’t mind seeing you in if I was at that party.” Megan smiled at Josh.

She held the first one up saying “Morpheus in Matrix 2” and pointed at the other two saying “Colonel Jenkins from starship troopers and Han Solo from Empire.”

“Why these three?” Josh asked, not missing the naughty sparkle in Megan’s eyes.

“Classy and heroic for Morpheus, dark and dangerous for the Colonel and the lovable rogue in Star wars” Megan replied “I think these will get you the attention you want and are not often taken so you’ll be original instead of Anakin #7.”

“Let’s start with classy then” Josh said and started to remove his shoes.

“I’ll just wait outside” Megan said and walked past the curtain.

It took Josh a few minutes to get into the costume, unaccustomed to the many buttons but Megan had taken his size very well, the suit fitted like it was made for him.

“You can come in now” Josh said looking at him in the mirror and liking what he saw.

“You choose well dear, it looks good on you” Megan said walking around him to get a good view.

She stopped in front of him and kneeled down to adjust his pants a bit.

Josh was treated again to an excellent view of her breasts and started to wonder if Megan was coming on to him. If not, he was enjoying the show but if she was he needed to figure out his next move.

“Okay, I’ll take this costume for sure, now let’s try the others” Josh said a bit rapidly.

“Can you hold this for a second?” he asked Megan while he gave her the coat.

She was about to say something when he handed her the next piece and she remained silent.

With practiced hands he quickly undressed giving her his clothing each time until he was standing in his boxers with his back to her. In one of the side mirrors he tried to spy her expression and saw that she was definitely looking him over.

“Which one next?” Josh asked as casually as he could.

“Go for the uniform” Megan said in a slight husky voice “I always liked men in uniform.”

While Josh was changing into the black, stern uniform, Megan was hanging back the Morpheus outfit and peeking at his body when she could. He might be young she thought but he’s sweet and packing so let’s see where this leads to.

When Josh finished putting the costume on, Megan adjusted his pants so they flowed better into the high black boots and when she started on his shirt she turned him towards a mirror and stood behind him, making final adjustments.

“I love men in boots, so dominating” she whispered from behind him.

Taking his cue, Josh grabbed on her hands and pulled her into his back, her breasts pushing into his back and her hands he forced gently down on his hard cock.


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