Madness: A Dark Revenge Romance


I gently turn the doorknob to my room and step out into the hall so I don’t wake Charlotte. Turning to walk down the hall, I pause when I see Saint and Kashton doing the same thing. It makes me wonder where Kash went after Adam’s service and when he returned.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

We look at one another and then down at our phones.

“I got a text,” Saint states.

“Me too,” Kash adds, and when they both look at me, I nod.

“Come on. Let’s see what the fuck is going on.” Saint begins to walk toward the elevator. Taking it down to the garage, we decide to take the bikes. It’s been a while since we’ve all gone for a ride, and tonight seems like as good a night as any. Thankfully, it stopped raining at some point.

We choose to wear our helmets. That way, we can speak to one another if need be. We ride out of the gates of Carnage and down the curvy road. My eyes catch sight of the driveway that I saw my wife’s SUV sitting, and it’s crazy to think of the events that led us to where we are now.

Arriving at the airfield where we were instructed to meet, we come to a stop at a black private jet to see a matching SUV parked next to it. “Who the fuck could it be?” Kash inquires as we climb the stairs onto the jet.

“What the fuck?” Saint barks out when we see two familiar faces sitting on one of the leather couches.

They were in the middle of speaking and came to a stop when they heard Saint. Bill picks up his scotch and takes a sip while he holds his cell in the other.

My eyes look at the man sitting next to him and frown. He has a manila folder in his hand and is wearing an all-black suit with a matching tie. Just like the last time we saw him—four years ago.

“How the fuck do you two know one another?” Kash demands.

“Have a seat, gentleman.” Bill gestures to both couches on either side of the aisle facing one another and purposely avoiding the question.

“What do you want?” I ask, looking at the one we haven’t seen in years. Why now?

“Brothers.” He acknowledges us.

I sit down on the one on the right while Kash and Saint pick the one across from me.

A cell ringing breaks through the silence, and I look down to see a phone light up with a picture of the detective and a girl. She’s dressed in a black graduation hat and gown; his arm is over her shoulders pulling her into his side and they’re both smiling. He declines the call, turns off his cell and flips it over.

I look up as he clears his throat nervously and Bill looks from the phone to the detective with narrowed eyes. “Why is…?”

“Later.” The detective cuts him off.

What the fuck is that about?

A woman walks out from the back, fixing her blouse as if she just picked it up off the floor and stumbles to button it up. She comes up next to them.

“Tell my pilot we’re ready.” Bill gestures to the air. “And get these men whatever they want to drink.”

“Of course.” She smiles at him and then drops her eyes to her shoes as she makes her way to the cockpit.

“What the fuck are we doing here, and where are we going?” Saint demands, looking at his watch. Kash doesn’t have anyone back at home in his bed as far as I know, but Saint and I do. And I’d much rather be balls deep in my wife than here with these two men.

“I’ll let you know once we’re up in the air.” He sits back in his seat as the engines start.

We get comfortable knowing they’ve got something to tell us that we obviously need to hear. What else could Bill have to say that he hasn’t already filled us in on?

The flight attendant takes our drink orders, which is just Kash. He wanted vodka. Pretty sure he’s been drinking all night since we buried our brother. Saint and I opted out. The last thing I want is to be drugged. We’re still Lords, so anything is possible. Plus, in a one-on-one fight, I’m not sure how well I’d be able to perform right now. I’m still not a hundred percent myself yet, and all the energy I do have, I use on my wife.

The plane levels out, and Saint begins. “Okay. What the fuck are we…”

The back door opens—the same one the woman came from—and we all jump to our feet.

“No fucking way!” Kashton gasps.

“What the fuck?” Saint demands.

I just stare at the man who has a smile on his face. “Brothers.” He spreads his arms out wide.

Kash is the first to embrace him in a tight hug, slapping his back. “What in the fuck, Adam?” He laughs, shoving him. “How many lives do you have?”

“I’m like a cat,” Adam jokes.

I chuckle and embrace him next. When he pulls away, he turns to face Saint, and he crosses his arms over his chest.

Adam sighs. “Sit, please. We have a lot to fill you in on, and I don’t want to have to keep you all night.”

“We buried you,” Kash states the obvious. “Your body…It was cold.” He points at me. “It wasn’t like Haidyn’s fake death where he sat in a morgue. You fucking shot yourself…you had no face.”

Adam runs a hand over his dark hair. “Yeah.” His green eyes meet mine. “Although it wasn’t my body. We had to pull some strings.”

“We?” I ask, and my eyes shoot to the two men also on the plane with us. They say nothing.

“So, what…you’re a detective or a cop?” Kash wonders, looking at Adam. “CIA?” Then jokes. “Hitman?”

“Not necessarily.” He shakes his head, chuckling.

“Then what the fuck are you?” Saint growls, tired of fake deaths and games.

He slaps the detective on the back. “He’s my boss. For the past four years, I’ve been undercover working in a top-secret division that specializes in human trafficking,” Adam announces, and the plane falls silent. He licks his lips and continues. “After we had our meeting senior year at the house of Lords, I began to investigate the disappearance of the girl I was accused of killing.” His eyes drop to his hands in his lap. “At first, it was to prove my innocence, but then it became more than that, and this has been my life ever since.”

“This whole time?” Kash smiles at him as if a proud dad. “You’ve kept this a secret? Why not just tell us?”

Adam sighs and ignores that. “The Lords want me dead.”

“No shit.” Saint snaps, “But why?”


“The Lords are part of the problem.” Bill finally speaks and I was wondering why he’s even here. We all look at him. “They want Adam dead because he knows too much. To them, he’s turned on the society and betrayed his oath.”

“And you?” Saint arches a brow. “I’m confused…are you part of the Lords right now or have you too betrayed them?”

“I’m whoever I need to be,” Bill answers vaguely.

Saint snorts, not liking his answer.

“So what does that mean exactly?” Kash asks, looking back at Adam.

Adam drops his head once again, and Saint gets to his feet. “Goddammit, Adam,” he growls. “Your sister thinks you’re dead.”

“I’m protecting her.” Adam’s green eyes snap up to glare at him.

“Bullshit!” Saint argues. “She’s a fucking wreck…”

“They will come after her!” He jumps to his feet. “I’m trying to do something here! I’m trying to fix a problem that we’ve helped create!” He shouts and adds, “Your wife was raped. Again.” His words make Saint flinch. “My sister…” He pokes his own chest. “Raped…again. And she’s carrying that fucking bastard’s child! AGAIN! I’m trying to prevent another mother, sister, or someone’s daughter from having to go through that.”

I get to my feet and touch his arm. “Adam,” I say softly, trying to defuse the situation. He doesn’t need to bring up what we all know. It’s not going to change the past. Plus, I haven’t asked or heard if it’s been confirmed whether Benny is the father to one of Ashtyn’s babies. I’m just guessing Adam assumes the worst.

Adam steps back and falls into the seat between his boss and Bill. He opens up a briefcase and pulls out another manila envelope and slaps it down on Saint’s lap that reads TOP SECRET across the front.

“What is this?” he asks, opening it.

“It’s not just here,” Adam states.

“What’s not?” Kash questions.

Adam’s boss goes to speak, but Adam beats him to it. “The girls…the disappearances.”

“Tyler Cason Crawford.” Saint reads the name out loud.

I look at Adam. “Any relation to Tyson?”

“Not that we’ve found,” his boss answers.

“Is this Tyler guy a Lord?” Saint goes on, and his brows crease as his eyes skim the report.

“Not that we can tell.” Adam shakes his head.

“Eight cases—car abandoned on the side of the road…wallet and purse left behind.” Saint closes the folder and hands it over to me. “Why are you showing us this?”

I open it up and read over it myself as Adam speaks. “These are strikingly similar to the case that I was accused of being a part of. But those eight in Indiana were not made as public as those that took place here in Pennsylvania. Certain things were kept hush-hush.”

“They have to be connected.” Kashton nods in understanding.

“But those took place first,” Bill adds, gesturing to the folder in my hands.

“Indiana is about seven and half hours from here,” I state.

“It’s only three and a half hours from Chicago,” Bill announces.

I look up at him and frown. “LeAnne’s been in Chicago.” Lived there with her husband until Ryat killed him and she moved to Texas. Now she’s supposedly moving here, according to my wife.

“It would make sense that she’s involved in these young women disappearing. She’s Isabella’s twin,” Saint agrees.

“So you think they’ve been involved since the beginning?” Kash asks.

“I found it odd how Isabella had Sierra tied to the fence that night,” I admit.

“I thought it was some twisted joke referencing Adam.” Kash refers to his chosen and leans back in his seat. “The use of barbed wire…knowing Adam was on the run for the girls that were found brutally murdered. I thought she was just being a sick bitch.”

I toss the folder onto the table and run a hand down my face. It all makes more sense the more I think about it. And how Charlotte’s SUV was left on the side of the road for me to see. Isabella knew it’d catch my attention, and I’d be unable to ignore it. And she also knew that I’d call Adam, wanting him to freshen my memory on the cases from four years ago because it involved him.


“I’ve got to do this, Saint.” He interrupts whatever he was about to say. “It doesn’t end because Ashtyn is back at Carnage with you.” Saint’s jaw sharpens, and he looks away. “I know you can take care of her, but who is going to take care of the others?” Adam points at the open folder on the table. Hanging his head, he runs his hands through his hair aggressively. “It won’t always be this way,” he says softly. “One day I won’t have to play dead.”

“And if it is?”

He looks up to meet Kashton’s stare, answering his question. “I’ll keep in touch. I’ll message you but only those present here. Ashtyn will remain thinking I’m dead until I say so.” He looks at Saint, who gives him a nod, dropping his eyes to the black-and-white carpet.

“And if something happens to you, then what?” I ask.

“Then I’ll be calling you,” his boss answers, and I get a chill down my spine. Our brother will be dead.

“So this is what…?” Saint asks, hands out wide and sitting back in his chair. “A final goodbye?”

“This is me not wanting any more lies,” Adam responds softly.

His boss leans forward, placing his elbows on his slacks. His eyes land on mine. “You and your wife opened up a new door when you discovered Dollhouse.”

I snort.

“We’ve been looking for their operation for years.”

“Whoa?” Saint points at the open folder on the table. “Are you saying that Dollhouse was a stash house or some shit for sex trafficking?”

I look at Bill, and his eyes are already on mine. I look away, getting a sickening feeling in my gut.

“Benny was holding Ash there at the house.” Adam growls and Saint gets to his feet and starts to pace as Adam adds. “It makes sense they’re all linked.”

Adam’s boss nods and answers Saint’s previous question. “They run women and men through Dollhouse like it’s a revolving door. They have auctions and parties all the time.”

Saint comes to a stop and sits back down in his seat.

The plane falls silent, and Adam looks at me. Then I notice his boss is also glaring at me. Another look at Bill and I huff. “What?” I ask feeling awkward at their stares.

Adam sighs, glancing at his boss and then back to me. “We think Isabella was going to use you.”

I give a rough laugh. “Use me how?” Of course she was going to make me her toy. An experiment for her to play with. That’s what she did when she was running Carnage.

“As a sex slave.” Bill is the one who answers.

My laughter grows. “You’re joking, right?”

“Think about it, Haidyn.” Adam starts. “She gave you a vasectomy. That way you couldn’t knock anyone up. She was going to sell you out to the highest bidder as long as you were alive.”

My laughter dies, and that silence returns.

“But he’s a Spade brother,” Saint argues. “Why give him a vasectomy when he could give her children that will be just as powerful as she wanted Charlotte to be.”

“You just answered your own question,” Bill states.

Saint runs a hand down his face. “Explain it because it’s been a long week, and I’m really fucking tired.”

“Because of Charlotte.” It’s Adam who speaks. “She was willing to give Haidyn a vasectomy to make sure Charlotte couldn’t have his children. And that makes him perfect for Dollhouse.”

“Goddammit.” Kash sighs, and I look over at him. “It does make sense.”

“I’ve seen some shit over the last four years and believe me when I say you guys have no idea what kind of evil is out there. The Lords are involved, but it also goes way beyond that. And the women can be just as sick as the men. And Charlotte⁠—?”

“What about my wife?” I interrupt him.

At the mention of Charlotte, Bill throws back what’s left of his drink, and I wonder just how much he knows that he’s never going to tell us.

Adam is the one who answers. “I think she had more plans for her daughter than she wanted you to know about.”

“Meaning what?” Kash questions.

“For one…a breeder…”

“No.” I slam my fist down on the small table and stand.

“What do you mean by breeder?” Saint asks, reminding me that I haven’t filled them in on that yet. Bill frowns at me as if I’ve had plenty of time to tell them everything. I ignore him.

“Anything is possible. They bring in big money.” Adam goes on and my teeth clench, knowing he’s not wrong. “Children are not only being given to the Lords, but they’re being sold.”

Saint puts up his hand. “Are you saying children within the society are being sold outside of the society?”

“It’s been happening since the beginning,” Bill states. “But they were able to keep it under wraps for a while.”

Adam nods to Saint’s question and adds to Bill’s statement. “You have to be born into the Lords, but people are getting desperate. Word has gotten out, and they want an opportunity to join. When they realize they have no chance at being a member themselves, they try to buy their way in. Thinking their ‘adopted’ children will then reproduce in the future.”

“Wait…” Saint gives a humorless laugh. “So they what…‘adopt’ children from the Lords and then force them to breed with their biological children later on down the road so their bloodline is crossed with a Lord?”

“Pretty much,” Adam agrees.

I sit back in my seat and let out a deep breath.

Adam’s boss hands him the manila folder that he and Bill had when he came on board, and he holds it out to me. I look at him skeptically before I take it and open it up. There’s a picture of a woman. She’s tied to a chair, hood-covered head down, blood covering her naked body and floor. “Who is this?” I ask.

“Next page,” he says.

I turn to the next one, and Kashton speaks before I can. “What the fuck, man. That’s your chosen.”

“Yeah.” Adam sighs, and I look up at him.

“I don’t understand.” I hand the folder to Saint, so he can look at it.

“When I was searching through Charlotte’s laptop, I came across some information that I looked into a little more.”

“Meaning?” I growl because, as far as I’m concerned, he never found anything.

“She was Charlotte’s initiation.”

I shake my head. “No. Charlotte would never⁠—”

“She didn’t know.” Adam interrupts me. “It’s not Charlotte’s fault what happened. Hell, every single one of us have done what the Lords wanted with no questions asked.”

“What happened to her?” Saint asks. I haven’t filled them in on what all Charlotte did. They know of an initiation and an assignment but I left out the details. “What was cut from her upper back?”

“Lords brand,” Adam answers.

“What’s on her inner thigh? What does it say?” Saint lifts it closer to his face to read it.

“It’s a barcode. All slaves at Dollhouse have them,” Bill answers.

“Did you brand her when she was your chosen?” Kashton asks.

Adam shakes his head. “Wasn’t me.”

“Why would she have the Lords crest?” Kash inquires.

“I don’t know the story. I can only guess. You and Haidyn were forced to kill your chosens, I was already gone. Ash was on the run, but technically, she was already Saint’s Lady by that time. So I think they had our chosens taken out.”

“Have anything you want to tell us?” I bark at Bill. “What do you know about the brand and barcode?” My wife was branded for initiation. Maybe Adam’s chosen was from a founder? No. That can’t be because they would have made her a breeder, not killed her at such a young age.

Bill shakes his head, and I fist my hands. “I told you; my wife kept me in the dark.”

“Forgive me that I don’t believe you,” I snap.

“When was the last time you saw her?” Kash continues, staring at Adam’s chosen in the photo.

“It’s been a while,” Adam answers vaguely.

I let out a long breath. “So you’re saying that my wife killed an innocent woman.” I thought that it was weird that Charlotte even had an initiation to begin with. And that it didn’t make sense that she removed her brand and then had Charlotte kill her. I thought it had more to do with Charlotte than the mystery woman.


“I shot her,” she says softly. “And every time I close my eyes, I see her.”

“Charlotte can never know about this,” I tell him, and they all nod. This will destroy her. She did what she thought needed to be done.

Bill looks at me. “You had a deal with Isabella.”

“You had a deal with her?” Saint barks.

“What the fuck, Haidyn?” Kashton snaps. “For how long?”

Bill raises his hands to both of them.

I keep my attention on him. “I did.” My eyes slide to Adam for a brief second, and he sighs heavily.

It was right after we finished training, and she showed up unannounced at my house and gave me the ultimatum—me or Adam. I gave her me. It only lasted for a couple of years. She’d come over, and I’d fuck her. It took everything in me not to kill her. But the Lords already thought I killed our fathers, so if I killed her, I was afraid they would send someone new to Carnage to put my brothers through hell, and I wouldn’t do that to them. Not again. Now I realize she came up with a better plan—Charlotte. “What about it?”

“Her ‘death’ means that deal is now void. She kept her word.” I snort at that because that’s the only one she’s ever kept. “That’s why Adam had to fake his death. It didn’t need to be a big show. Just one that was believable.”

“I’ll make a new one,” I say. “I’ll talk to the Lords.”

“No.” Adam shakes his head. “You’ve done enough for everyone else, Haidyn. I’ve made my own deal this time.”

The plane falls silent. No one dares to ask what he’s done, but we all know the answer is sitting right in front of us. He went to Bill and offered up something he couldn’t refuse.

I run a hand through my hair.

“What’s Dollhouse have to do with you?” Kash asks Adam. “If you guys didn’t know where it was, then how can the Lords connect it to you?”

“They can’t necessarily. But the Lords got wind that I’m not ‘missing’ like I’ve been pretending to be for the past four years. So we had to do something…” Adam adds, gesturing to shoot himself in the head.

“How do we know that you weren’t the one to rat him out?” Saint asks Bill.

“You don’t,” he answers.

Adam shakes his head. “He didn’t.” He assures us.

“And Sin?” Kash asks. “What about his assignment?”

Adam nods. “That’s another reason we have to keep quiet about my existence. Sin knows I’m not dead…”

“Now I feel bad for beating the shit out of him,” Kash mumbles. “FUCK!”

“It was for show.” Saint gives a humorless laugh. He sounds as tired as I feel. “You guys set us up.”

“We had very little time and very limited options.” Adam doesn’t agree or disagree. Or elaborate on how he managed to get a body and make it look like him. “I’m trying to do the right thing. The one thing I couldn’t do for Ash…” Adam trails off. “I just…wanted you guys to know that I’m still here.”

Kashton gets to his feet and walks over to Adam who also stands. He slaps his back, hugging him again. “You’re still my brother, no matter what you do or where you live. And you’ll always have a room ready at Carnage if you ever want to come home.”

“Thanks, man.” Adam smiles, pulling away. “You can’t get rid of me that easy,” he jokes.

I stand and dig into my pocket, removing my keys. I pull the one off the ring and hold it out to him. “Here.”


“Take it. I bought that house for you. It’s always been yours.”

He takes it and pulls me in for a hug. I hate that we’ve ended up where we are, but I’m proud of Adam standing up for what he believes in. A lot of men we know would never do that. Especially against the Lords. Once you have a target on your back, it’s hard to avoid it. This could be the last time we ever see him.

“Thank you.” He places it in his pocket.

Saint stands and turns to face him. “Don’t get yourself killed,” he says.

Adam laughs. “That’s the only plan I have.” Saint pulls him in for a hug.

“Here. This is for you.” Bill hands me another manila envelope, and I take a second before I open it. What else could he possibly have for me tonight? Removing the contents inside, I look over the picture of the man and then back at Bill arching a brow.

“What happened to him?” he asks, and I have a feeling he already knows.

“I killed him.”

Bill looks over at the detective, who snorts and mumbles, “Fucking Lords.”

“Why does it matter?” I inquire.

“We think he was working with my wife,” Bill answers. “Isabella owns the spa that she had Charlotte going to.”

“Son of a bitch,” I hiss. The fucking bitch was running everything in Charlotte’s life. But it makes sense. That’s how Isabella was able to control the contents that went into her daughter’s IVs. It also explains how Bill was able to change one out to counteract the birth control.

“Who is this and why did you kill him?” Kash asks, taking the envelope from me.

“He was a massage therapist who rubbed on my wife,” I growl. “I made it quick.” If that makes it any better.

“We think she was using the spa to pick women for Dollhouse.” The detective states, nodding to the envelope Kash hands to Saint. “We had surveillance on the place, trying to get answers, and you killed one of our main suspects.”

I sit back crossing my arms over my chest. He’s not going to get an apology from me. I wanted the bastard dead because he had his hands on my wife. I know it was a little over the top, but I sure as fuck don’t regret it. Now I wish I had made it slow and painful.

The detective sighs at my silence before Adam speaks. “Okay, let’s talk business.”

“Business?” I ask, arching a brow. “What kind of business?”

His boss leans back in the seat, placing his left ankle on his right knee, and speaks. “We’re going to need your help.” Then he looks over at Bill, who nods.

Saint beats Kash and me to it. “Name it.”

On the way home, there is nothing but awkward silence. We all wore our helmets so we could communicate, but none had anything to say. It was all said on the jet that we flew around on for over an hour.

Saint and I exit the highway, and Saint’s voice fills my ears when we both see Kashton isn’t following us.


“I’ve got somewhere to be.” He interrupts Saint, pulling his front tire up off the pavement and riding off in a wheelie.

“Fuck.” Saint sighs, his helmet shaking.

I understand we all have a lot to think about, and he needs some time alone.

Pulling into Carnage, Saint and I park the bikes in the garage and make our way to the birdcage. As we step off the elevator, he speaks. “Are you leaving in the morning?”

I turn to look at him, my hand on the door. “I’ll see you in the office. Seven o’clock.”

“Seven o’clock.” He agrees and goes to enter his room but pauses. Taking in a deep breath, his eyes meet mine. “They were going to force you to marry Ashtyn.” It wasn’t a question, so I don’t say anything. “Were they going to use her or me?”

It doesn’t matter. “Saint⁠—”

“Me.” He nods to himself, answering his own question. “Of course. If they knew how much she loved me, they would have used that against her to make her comply. Just like Isabella was going to use Charlotte’s love for you against her at Dollhouse.”

It makes sense. Isabella knew our fathers’ plan—whatever it was—so she decided to use some form of it. She had four years to come up with hers, though. “I would have never let it get that far,” I assure him. “I would have done something…anything…before I would have let them force Ashtyn to be my wife.”

“Good night, brother,” he says, and before I can say the same, he’s entered his room.

I enter mine just as quietly as when I left. I’m removing my shirt when the bedside light turns on. I spin around to see my wife sitting up, arms crossed over her naked chest and narrowed eyes on mine.

“Where have you been?” she demands as if she just caught me cheating on her.

I take a minute to try to come up with an answer. I hadn’t thought this was what I would come home to.

“I saw the text earlier while you were in the shower, Haidyn.” Her eyes lower to the comforter, and she uncrosses her arms. “Are you in trouble?”

“No,” I say, dropping my T-shirt to the floor and crawling onto the bed still dressed in my jeans. I prop myself up next to her on my side.

She lies down and turns her head so her pretty blue eyes meet mine. “Would you tell me the truth?”

“Of course, doll face.”

“Are we in trouble?” Her hand goes to her flat stomach, and I hate how worried she is. How everything that we love could so easily be taken from us.

“No.” I place my hand on her stomach over hers. She sighs, placing her other hand under her neck, and she stares at the ceiling. “Everything is okay,” I assure her. “You’re okay. Our babies are okay, and we’re okay.”

Her watery eyes come back to mine, and I give her a reassuring smile. For once, I’m not lying to her. My brothers and I are going to keep Adam and Sin’s secret. None of us will jeopardize what we have, what we’ve built here. Adam is doing good, and we’ll take any chance we can to help him finish what he started. No matter how long that takes.

“Promise me no more secrets. No more lies.”

“I promise.” Immediately breaking it. I can never tell her about the woman she killed. I’ll take that to my grave. It was for nothing. None other than her mom putting her through some sick joke or trying to send Adam a message.

“I love you,” she whispers.

I get up, and she spreads her legs, allowing me to kneel between them. I’m still half dressed, but my wife is naked. Just how I left her. Placing both of my forearms on either side of her head, I slide my fingers into her dark hair, and I pull her head back so I can lower my lips to her delicate neck. “I love you, Charlotte.”

She groans, her nails running up and down my sides. My lips trail up to her jawline and to hers. She opens up for me, letting me dominate her mouth as her hips rise, begging me for more.

Pulling away she smiles up at me. “You still owe me that honeymoon.”

I return it and say. “Next…”

She slaps her hand over my mouth and shakes her head. “I don’t want to know next week, next month, or next year. I want it to be a surprise.” Removing her hand from my mouth, she wraps her arms around my neck.

“Whatever my Lady wants,” I tell her, already having a plan.

Things are going to change around here. Babies are on the way—not only my wife but Ashtyn as well—and soon this place we call hell will be filled with laughter and little feet running up and down the hallways. We’ve always said Carnage is no place for kids, but it will prove us wrong.

It’s not what I thought my life would be. It’s way more than I could have ever dreamed.

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