Mafia’s Curves

Chapter 27


We left the restaurant soon, on our way out Hayden got a text and since then he has been smiling crazy.

“Why are you grinning like pennywise? It’s fucking creepy!” I snapped at him when the grin wouldn’t leave his face. Only I should be the one to make him smile like that.. no one but me!

We are at the boat to the island right now and his grin has only stretched more.

He looked at me with a smirk, “Oh you know… This chick sent me her nudes and damn she is slippery” he said wonderstruck.

Bitch what?

“My dick might as well slip inside her pussy” he said smirking. I held a monotonous face, “you’re awfully quite, something’s wrong?” He mocked.

I gave him a shrug, “well there is. When you’re going to that chicks place, can you please tell me?” I looked at him expectantly. He furrowed his brow, “uh- yeah? But why?” He asked in confusion.

“Oh shit! I didn’t tell you? Jeremy has been texting me all day.” I said checking my phone. He stopped the boat at looked accusingly, “Who the fuck is Jeremy?” He asked enraged.

“He is one of my regular lay, I kinda miss him too. We used to date you know, we didn’t work out.. well other than in bed” I said in a bored tone, I looked around to see us stopped in the middle of nowhere.

“Dandelion! tsk tsk tsk. You know very well, nobody can satisfy you nearly as much as I can!” he chuckled with a smirk. I huffed in annoyance, I was seething in possessiveness. He chuckled looking at my face one more time untill he stopped the boat and sat by me.

He poked my side, “Are you jealous?” he said in a baby tone, mocking me. I looked at him dead in the eye and straddled him, I clutched his neck, “Baby boy, I you ever think about any another woman… I am going to skin you alive!” I sneered at him and smacked my lips on his.

After 20 mins of heavy makeout we pulled apart. Our forehead touching each other’s as my arms were wrapped around his waist, so was his. He chuckled lightly, I looked at him suspiciously, “Did I tell you how arousing you look when you’re possessive?” He looked at me with a new set of emotions.

“Whatever, now that I think about it.. I have no right to be jealous or possessive, I am not your girlfriend” I say with a sad pout, my heart felt heavy thinking about that chick and Hayden.

“Babbbbyyy there is no girl. It was Mathew, he—”

“Matthew send you nudes??” I asked in astonishment. He just rolled his eyes, “No woman! Would you let me finish? I have a surprise for you. It’s waiting with Matthew” he said and went to start the boat.

“Is it a puppy?? Please tell me it’s a puppy!” The through of puppies excited me to much, they’re so cute, soft, cuddly and LOYAL.

“Your obsession with puppies did not change!” He commented.





Hayden just took me to the basement, the one that I hate, the prison cell. The hallway was echoing with pained screams. The cells were just as I remembered, all the cells had a see through glass door, “are those see through?” I asked Hayden. He shook his head, “No they are one sided bullet/bomb proof mirror” he said and wrapped his arms around my waist and went straight to the metal door, from where the screams were coming.

The door opened and reveal my boss, Mr. Fredd, naked.

***Warning, contains graphics scene***

Shock and terror seized me. There was my boss lying on a steel table with his hands and legs chained. The fetid smell of copper hug heavy in the air. There were splashes of blood everywhere.

Deep gashes of wound were spread across his while upper body but smartly avoided lungs and heart. Blood was gushing from the wounds and spreading on the table. The blood was dripping from the edges of the table on the floor forming a puddle. When I took a closer look at him, he was missing some fingers, toes and even some ribs. The lower body was more damaged, the kind of damage that could give the most emotionless doctor a sacre for their life.

His left foot was handing loose from the edge of the table, detached from the leg. Only the veins were keeping it intact or else there is a solid 5 cm distance between the foot and the leg that was dangling in mid air. My eyes moving up his left leg to see that his knee has crushed and there is a disgusting clot forming all over it. I scrunch my face in disgust. His thighs only held gashes, when my eyes moved to his crotch.. well now crotchless area there was a huge chunk of flesh ripped off the body and neatly placed a few centimetres away from the body. The right leg was no different, only his foot and knee were still safe.

I looked up to see who did this. Matthew stood at the end of the room in front of a wall of knives and other sharp and scary looking objects that I couldn’t identify.

His hands looked like it has been dipped in a bucket of blood. His face and shirt was covered in splashes of blood. I heard a moaning noise, “P-ple-ase lea-ve me. H-e thr-eat-en t-o kil-l me” Mr. Fedd’s weak voice cried and he spit out blood from his mouth.

“SURPRISE!!” Hayden yelled with a sadistic smile. I looked at him perplexed, “H-how is this a surprise to you, Hayden?” I asked in confusion.

“And what the hell is he doing here??” I ask turning to Hayden with a raised eyebrow. He grinned at me, “well, he did something unforgivable and now he is paying a price!! But did you like my work?” He asked in excitement like a 5 year old.

“How is this your work? You were with me the whole day” I know I should have asked something else now but still.

“I got him here last night! I was fucking.. not literally.. him. Mathew here was finishing up what I started!” He said as if he has done the most illustrious thing in the world.

I looked at him in disbelief and shook my head. He opened his jacket and went to the table. He smacked my boss’s face making him cry in pain, “P-ple-as-e, fo-rgi-ve m-e” he said in a broken voice and started crying. My heart broke at the sight of him but I knew better than to stop the savage breast inside Hayden.

“Tell her what you told me, yesterday!” Hayden said menacingly bring out a knife and stabbed him in the thigh. I turned my head away from the gruesome scene, not wanting to look at my boss being tortured by my boyfriend.

“The-y p-aid me to se-t a new-bie wit-h th-e p-ati-ent. So w-hen the pa-tie-nt di-es, the de-ath wi-ll be pinn-ed on the d-oc-tor. I a-m so sor-ry Fall-on b-ut th-ey thr-eat-ene-d me an-d my f-amil-y. I di-dn’t hav-e an-y s-ay in it!” He said in between his coughs, stuttering.

I looked at him with pity, “Hayden, you should let him go. It not his fault” I said not being able to actually understand what the fuck is happening. He looked at me in shock, “He is trying to take your sympathy, baby. He did this because he was offered money not threaten his family!” He yelled out in rage.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about Hayden!! What the hell is going on??” I asked not daring to raise my voice when Hayden was looking a murderous psychopath.

He took my arm and yanked me out of the room. When we were outside he began packing back and forth. He seems to be in distress, contemplating something.

“We found who is behind all of this..” began, “And when were you going to tell me this??” I asked in annoyance.

“Um- now?” It seemed more of a question than a statement. I folded my arms and looked at him with a poker face, “the person you attended was the leader of the Mexican mafia” he finally said.

I panicked but before I could open my mouth Hayden stepped in front of me and gathered me in his arms, “don’t worry baby, you’ve been framed. His own brother killed him and we have proof of that. I am gonna expose him and soon he’ll get what he deserves.” He said kissing my head.

“But what if they don’t believe you?” I had to ask.

“Baby, I am the Mafia king. Nobody is above me. If they want to fight, they’ll all die. I’ll slaughter them all before they can even touch you. I promise” he said sincerely looking at my eyes.





I went up to take a shower and clear up my head. I wore Hayden’s clothes and sat on my side of bed with a Agatha Christie’s Endless Night.

I was in the middle of the story when the door of the room opened. I looked up from the book and saw a goofy Hayden covered in blood. There are splashes of blood all over him and his face, “what did you do now?” I asked him in annoyance and looked back down at the book.

“He’s dead” that’s all he said, I could hear his footsteps coming towards the bed.

“Don’t you fucking dare to come to bed. Take a shower first, you smell gross” I said without looking up. I heard a hearty chuckle, “So you ain’t bothered by me killing people?” He asked almost nervously.

“I am.. I really am bother about you killing people. But it will take time for you to realise that even the worst one’s deserve a second chance.” I said in a wise tone. I didn’t hear anything just the door to the bathroom being shut and few seconds later the shower turning on.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

I closer the book and kept it in the night stand. I closed my eyes and started thinking of this practically.

I know Hayden loves me and as he says I am ‘his queen’. Taking a deep breath.

That also makes me the Mafia queen. I have to changes certain ways. Going on a killing speer or having a war will only do more harm than good. But this is the fucking underworld. This is what has been happening here since a very long time and will continue to happen.

I don’t know if I want this life. I want Hayden, I need Hayden. But I don’t want us or even our kids, if we have any to grow up in this world. It’s too dark.

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