Married To My Sister's Husband

Chapter 24 Would It Be Ok If I Said I Love You?

Chapter 24 Would It Be Ok If I Said I Love You?


The car stopped and I looked out of the window to see where we were.

We were at an abandoned factory sitting on a parcel of land I had purchased few years ago, hoping to

put in work and turn it into one of Luthel Inc's pharmaceutical someday.

But for today, it would be serving a whole different purpose. I opened the door of my Mercedes S600

guard and the smell of wet decayed grass and messy puddles here and there hit me, making my

nostrils tingle.

I quickly walked into the factory building as I was shown the way in by 2 of my security personnel-that

escorted me here in a Range rover sentinel just for extra protection.

The risk of being here was very high, given my high profile in the society and all, so it's best not to get

killed out here, or even worse- get caught.

But I had urgent business to attend to and it'll go without saying that the risk would be worth it.

We took the stairs to the 3rd floor of the building were we met with other of my men- Baron, Pope and

Jack, who were guarding a raggedy looking man, beaten and tied up in a wooden chair.

His eyes were blindfolded and his mouth was gagged with a piece of dirty looking cloth.

"Has he said anything relevant yet?" I asked one of the men watching him.

"Nothing yet ma'am. But he was insistent on meeting you in person." Baron replied.

Yes, I had this man kidnapped and will do worse if he doesn't tell me what I wanted to know. He

requested I be here, so I took the risk of coming here. But if he's trying to trick me by lying, I'll have his

head and that of his entire family.

"Wake him up." I ordered, and Jack slapped the man a few times into consciousness.

He winced in pain from the sensitive parts of his body that has sustained bruises from my men's


"Take off his blindfold and gag, I want to be able to hear what he has to tell me." I ordered, and his eyes

and mouth were free in an instant.

The moment his eyes fell on me, it was as though he felt a bit of relief and that bothered me all little.

"Mrs Luthel" he greeted.

"Do you know why you are here, Frank?" I asked him, not wanting to be here any longer than I should


"Your men kidnapped me on my way home from work, and they've been accusing me of something

absurd that I can't even understand, let alone believe." He replied frightened.

Since he doesn't understand what was going on, I'll just have to properly explain everything to him.

"About 3months ago, there was an accident and my daughter died in that accident. You were the

detective i paid a huge sum of money to cover up every and anything that would pin my other daughter

the case, I'm i right?" I asked him sternly.

"Yes ma'am, you are." he answered trembling.

"You were ordered to destroy every evidence of my daughter's involvement to that case and in return, I

established you and your household in the most gratifying way possible, is that right?" I asked again,

making sure he is completely on board and I'm not amiss here.

"Yes ma'am." He replied.

"But about a week ago, series of pictures resurfaced and they landed in the hands of my precious

daughter- the same daughter I had paid big money for, so she would never to find out. Now, only you

and I knew what happened that day, so if I didn't send those pictures to her, I figured the next person

would be you. And boy- did you make it difficult to find you." I told him clearly.

He knew this was time for re-evaluation because, anything he says now would either end his life and

that of his family or set him free.

"Ma'am, I'm telling the truth, I didn't..."

"You thought you could use those pictures to blackmail my daughter into giving you more money,

right?" I asked in a haste, catching him by surprise.

"But that's not true, I swear on my daughters lives. I did no such thing." He confessed nervously.

If he didn't send it to Livy, who did? He and I were the only ones with the memories of what happened

that day.

"Mrs Luthel, we made a deal because you trusted me, and I'ld be a fool to break the trust of such a

powerful woman for just a few more bucks. So, just give me sometime and I'll find out who exactly did

this." he stated assuredly.

Well, he was a detective and up until now I've had no issues working with him. If he really wants to find

out who did these, then he can be my guest.

But, if it turns out that he just swore falsely with his daughters lives, then they are better off without a

father like him.

"Fine. You find out exactly who gave my Livy those pictures- and...who is trying to blackmail her with it.

You have 72hours and of which...your family will be in my special custody, just for your motivation" I

replied, sending terror all through his face with the mention of his family.

I don't plan on harming them in anyway. To them it would be like a vacation in one of Luthel Inc's

luxurious 7star hotels for the next 3days, unless of course he fails to find out who is behind all of these.

Then I'll be responsible for making his wife a widow and his daughters- fatherless.

"Please ma'am- I'll do anything, just don't hurt my family" he pleaded with sorrowful eyes.

"Then I suggest you start searching. Let him go." I ordered my men, and they hurriedly let him lose.

I headed out the same way we came with my security in front. It wasn't until I got in the car was I able

to breath properly, even my cheffur noticed the color leaving my face.

Alex has been in the family even before I got married to Julian- my daughters father, so he was trusted

until he's found unworthy of that trust.

"Should we head to the hospital, ma'am? You look faint," Alex asked me as he looked through the rare

mirror, but I shook my head in protest.

"I need to be at the office, I've got some investors coming over for lunch by 2, so I can't afford to be

absent." I replied, while putting a call through to Baron.

"Make sure you keep close eyes on him, Baron. And do not let him communicate with his family in

anyway, have I made myself clear?" I asked intensely.

"Very clear ma'am." Baron replied through the phone before I ended the call.

I opened my purse and brought out a pill container. I opened it and took out one pill from it and

swallowed. I opened the armrest by my side and brought out a bottle of spring water and took a sip

from it.

Lately, with the anxiety and sleepless nights I've been having, my health has deteriorated even further.

The headaches had intensified and it's slowly beginning to after my daily performance.

This is the reason why I can't leave anything to chance anymore. Livy has to step up, unless Luthel Inc

would go under, but that would be over my dead body.

I already spoke with a judge who said Markian and Livy's marriage have to be at least a year old in

other for them to be able to file for a divorce. I couldn't express my relief at the news, but I wondered

how Livy would react to it.

She's been acting like her memories were coming back which would be impossible because they were

taken away from her by hypnosis.

Few days ago she had confronted me about the same issue as last time. She pleaded that she wants

her memory back, but I refused.

Of course she must have found out that she and Markian couldn't get divorced since they've barely

been married for up to 3months.

"You won mother- you always do. No matter how hard I try to fight or stand up to you, I never win. I

can't get rid of Markian, so until I find out if it's really me in those pictures, I'll have to suffer every time I

see him because I can't tell him anything." She sobbed.

"You were never meant to see those pictures, but you did. So, you'll just have to pretend like you didn't

and go on with your life." I said to her casually.

I didn't want her to drag this issue further, and it's best if she just keeps shut about because, if the

wrong people hear about this matter, it won't be easy getting her out of it this time around.

"I killed my sister! Your daughter! Don't you hate me? At least look me in the eyes and tell me you are

disappointed in me! You...can't be so unfeeling to the point that you don't care about what I do, or the

person I turn out to be." She replied sadly.

Her eyes were swollen prior to coming her, and I knew just how much the truth must be hunting her

now, which was what I was avoiding.

But letting her have those memories back would only cause her more pain- so much pain her poor

heart won't be able to contain it.

Oh, forgive me Livy but I can't fulfill your one desire this time, not after weighting all the risk at hand.

"Your sister is dead! And she died because she was weak but you are strong. You made a sacrifice for

the greater good, so why would I hate you for doing that? You don't have those hurtful memories

anymore, so why would you want to remember? Trust me, your life would be easier this way." I

reassured her, hoping- no praying, she would concede.

"Just like 8yrs ago, when I had to spend the night at the police station? I asked you why you didn't

come to get me the next day and all you could say was, 'the bitter truth should not be told, your life

would be easier that way'. But it never was. Turned out you had to save your precious daughter's life

while I was at the station all night". She scoffed with tears in her eyes.

"C'mon mom- Sophy was your favorite after all, so you must have held a grudge against me. Why don't

you stop lying and just tell me the goddamn truth for once!" She requested loudly, shocking me.

That was another memory that I asked to be taken away. On their senior year, Livy bashed another kid

in her class pretty badly and her father happened to be a lawyer, so they filed a report against Livy.

The police got to her before I did, but before I could go to the station to see her, I met Sophy who was

bitterly crying.

She held a small bottle with a greenish acid inside of it, and she threatened to consume it if I went to

the station that day.

So, even when Livy had called directly from the station, I lied and told her I was held up at work and

couldn't come to get her.

Ild give anything to make her forget what I did that day, and I did- I made her forget, but now she

seems to have remembered.

"Your sister would have killed herself if I had come to you that night. She had always been weak, and a

weakling can not seat on the throne I had prepared for you both. So, I'm not angry with you... in fact,

I'm proud of you." I told her encouragingly, but she wasn't buying it.

" with you. I am a murderer with no knowledge of what I've done! I need my memories,

I'm going insane here! Please." She pleaded redundantly.

"I can't do that. Now if you have nothing else to do or say than to wallow in your self pity, then you'll

have to excuse me- I have work to do." I said, dismissing her sternly.

Could there really be a way for her to regain her suppressed memories without help? I wondered as the

pounding headache in my head suddenly rendered me unconscious- barely mobile enough to even

reach for my phone again.


"Alex, how is she?" I asked anxiously with Livy behind me.

We arrived at the hospital just 15mins after Alex had called me to inform me that Judy collapsed few

minutes ago.

"The doctors are with her now, but they've not been able to tell me anything yet" Alex answered.

I could see the light lift from Livy's face, and for the first time in almost a month, I could read her face

and it's emotions. She looked pale almost as if she was nauseous and would throw up at anytime.

"Did anyone see you come in here? The press, paparazzi- maybe?" I asked being cautious.

Judy would hate it if she regains consciousnesses but finds the press outside the hospital doors. She

hates looking or being painted as weak by this gossip news channels, so for her to be hospitalized

would be seen as a risk she wasn't willing to face even though unconscious.

"No. I rushed her here from a meeting downtown, after I noticed she wasn't responding to my calls." He

answered truthfully and a bit anxious.

It was as though Livy's legs failed her as she slumped on the bench close to us. I rushed and held her

in place, steadying her while she recollected her senses.

I could feel her trying to resist my touch and holding back her tears. My heart boiled with anger at her

attempts of resistance but I guess I deserved it for everything I had put her through.

I wanted to release her from my hold, but the feeling of regret and disappointment lingering around my

for the past few weeks vanished with my next line of action.

So involuntarily, I pulled her into a comforting hug, and surprisingly it brought me peace and genuine


I missed her terribly- her voice, her sweetness, the way she trembles when I'm mad at her, her

innocence like the way her face turns red each time I was close to her.

It's been almost a month since I held her this close and honestly, I could stay like this forever. With her

in my arms, I was feeling like a freaking superhuman with the world in my grasp.

I don't fully understand what I was feeling for this woman, but I want to fight to keep her close to me

and safe from every form of danger.

She didn't repulse me anymore, in fact I didn't want to let go of her at this point- until I heard soft sobs

escaping from her lips. They were so soft, it could easily be missed.

"You can cry all you want Livy, I'll hold you so you won't have to feel like you're alone. I promise I won't

leave you." I proclaimed unconsciously, unaware of how those words could escape my lips.

Those were almost the same comforting words I had said to Sophia when we were both lost in the

woods 16yrs ago, but somehow, it felt right repeating them to Livy.

I held her even tighter as I felt her give up on her resistance and held on to me, like she wanted me to

be with her just as much as I wanted to be with her.

Slowly her sobs became louder and she began to cry, while my heart was breaking into tiny little


Would it be so wrong if I fall in love again?

Because I want to- I really, really want to love this woman that fits perfectly in my arms right now.

I want to learn how to be selfless and courageous as to sacrifice my life for someone who might never

be mine. I want to have faith that things will get better even if there's no ray of sunshine in the sky.

I want to be with Livy- I want to be like Livy.

I pulled her away from my chest so I can look at her face. It was all wet and red, and so were her eyes.

I took her chin in my hand and raised her face to mine.

"Would it be ok if I said I love you?" I asked like those word were threatening to choke me to death if I

didn't say them to her.

She seemed to have frozen for a moment at my question and so was I.

We stared at each other for few seconds that felt like a lifetime because, it seemed like time for us


I felt tears roll down my cheek. Wait... was I really crying? I guess I couldn't help myself seeing those

sad and sorrowful eyes of hers.

I was ashamed of myself for not being able to protect her from her pains, so I just buried my head at

the crook of her neck this time and I patted her back gently to pacify her as she continued to cry even


Few moments passed, then a doctor came out to meet us.

"Are you Mrs Luthel's family?" he asked.

Livy had stopped crying a while ago and just sat on the bench very quiet and still, while I stood up and

paced about.

I was nervous of what news the doctors might have of Judy.

"Yes. I'm her son-in-law and she is her daughter. Doctor, is she alright?" I asked anxiously.

"She's fine, she just fainted as a result of extreme fatigue and lack of sufficient rest and sleep that's all.

We had to do lots of tests to see if there were other causes, that's why it took longer. She's conscious

now so you all can go in and see her." the doctor revealed and that gladdened my heart.

I shook his hand - thanking him before he left.

I turned to Livy excitedly, expecting a cheerful smile from her but I got nothing.

Her face had gone blank again, totally unreadable and emotionless.

"The doctor said we can now go in to see her. C'mon, let's go in and see her." I suggested.

"I know what the doctor said- I heard him. If you want to see her, you can go by yourself. I think I'll head

back to the office now, I've got work to do." She replied plainly.

This is mental. How can she possibly say all these after the way she had cried for 30mins.

"What do you mean by 'work'? Your mother is being hospitalized and you want to work?" I asked very

upset now.

"It's good she has you and I'm glad it wasn't anything serious, but...I rushed here misguidedly thinking

she was critical, isn't that enough? I'm glad she is ok, but I don't see any point in wasting more time

here. I have work to attend to, and I'm pretty sure even she would understand that" she replied


This is just too much and I wasn't going to stand for it. Something about the way she just said that

made me snap.

"She is your mother, and someday when she is no more you'll regret your decision today. I don't know

what has come over you, but this is not the Livy that I married. The lady I married was brave,

compassionate and lovely, but now you're just an emotionless weakling." I blurted in anger as I left her

to go see Judy by myself.

I never truly got over my mother's death, so it provokes me whenever I see someone else acting

horribly towards their mother- I just snap.

Maybe it's because I know I'd give anything to still have mine with me today.

I knew I had hurt Livy's feelings with my words, but I was becoming frustrated with her attitude lately.

Few days ago, she badged into my office and requested I fire the old Accountant Manager, as she

would very much like to be Castlehill's new Accountant Manager.

Well, since it very well corresponded with one of the clauses in our contract, I had no other option but

to cede to her request.

She has been working at Castlehill ever since then but no one knows about our relationship, although

rumors have been flying around the company.

I don't hate it so much, since seeing her at the office has been a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day for

me, despite how forceful she was in gaining that position. And no matter how late it may seem for me, I

still want to make amends. NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

But this behavior of hers right now was beyond heartless.

As I entered the VIP ward, I was quickly met with an almost fully dressed Judy.

"What do you think you are doing?" I asked, surprised to even see her standing.

"I need to get to the office, I've got a meeting with some investors by 2 and it's almost time." Judy

replied casually.

I was amazed how alike a mother and daughter could be, I mean their stubbornness is just above my


"No! you don't need to be anywhere. You'll lie back down on that bed and rest. You fainted Judy, so you

are in no position to handle any meeting, at least not today. Reschedule." I proposed as I tried to put

her back in bed.

"You don't understand, they came from France and will be leaving tomorrow. I need to meet with them,

it's today or never." she responded in protest.

"But you can't do anything today Judy, you need to rest. You can only strain your body this far for it to

give up on you. I can't allow you to do this." I said, not willing to hear anymore of her excused.

Judy is a very stubborn woman, and I might be risking a lot here by telling her what to do and what not.

But right now, I wasn't seeing her as the Nation's most influential business woman, but as a mother

who needs attention and rest.

Despite out differences in the past, today wasn't a day for bad blood, so I was determined to get her

back to bed by any means possible.

"But Markian, this is very important. Who would handle the damages?" she asked worried.

I could refrain her from leaving, but that won't stop her from worrying which is just as bad as she

leaving. So, I was about to answer and say she should not think about that now, but was interrupted.

"I'll do it. I'll meet the investors in your stead and have lunch with them" Livy answered from behind the


I watched as she walked in and I was beyond proud to see that she didn't leave after all. My sweet

Olivia was still in there somewhere, and that gave me courage.

Since I'm the reason why she is now in such a dark, colorless and emotionless void, I'll try my best to

bring her out of it.

"Honey? You don't ha..." Judy started but was interrupted before she could finish,

"I've already said I'll meet with them, so don't worry and just get some rest. I'll head out now," she

replied before she turned to leave.

"I'll go with you. Judy, Alex is just outside your room incase you need him for anything. Livy and I will

handle the French investors, don't worry." I told her comfortingly with a smile, before I followed Livy out

of the room.

I can't say just how proud I was of Livy, because of her decision to help Judy, and I could tell Judy was

also proud of her daughter, so I wanted to assist her.

As we got outside the hospital, I opened the door to the passengers seat for her as she entered, then I

shut it before heading to the driver's side.


We drove in silence to Luthel Inc where the meeting was scheduled to hold. Judy's assistant filled us in

on what the meeting was about and we requested she joined us for the lunch.

Everything worked out as planned and the investors were pleased to have heard fresh ideas from

Livy's fresh mind and occasionally from me. The meeting was a complete success and the investors

left happy.

"Well, that was fun. Turns out we work perfectly well together as a team" I said, referring to the just

concluded meeting.

"Thank you for your help Markian, but you really didn't have to." she replied in an attempt to sound

grateful but ended up sounding conceited to me.

"I wanted to, Livy. I know that it might be too late for me to say that I'm sorry for how I treated you, but i

promise I'll do everything in my power to show you just how sorry I am." I said honestly.

I was suddenly disheartened when I heard a mocking laugh escape her lips in soul crushing manner.

"You're sorry? What next?...Don't tell me you're about to say how much you miss me and that you love

me, please don't. That would be so unfortunate." She blurted in between laughs.

"But I've already said I love you- I mean, I want to say it..." I started,

"But you can't. I told you never to say those words to me ever, remember? And you promised, does

your promises mean nothing to you anymore?" She asked mockingly.

"My word is my bond, it means everything to me and I never use them carelessly. But I never promised

not to say does words to you, you just assumed I did. So, literally I have nothing stopping me from

saying them especially if that's how I feel." I told her plainly.

This was starting to hurt my ego, because I've never made confessions like these before in my life, not

even to Sophia.

But with Livy, I wanted to be open and honest with everything I was feeling for her, because...honestly,

these feelings were starting to drive me crazy.

"You can never say those words to me, ever. You have no right to do that anymore. I don't...feel the

same way about you, and- and I'm everything you've always hated in a woman, remember? Because I

still remember your words, telling me that you'll never see me as anything other than a traitor. And you

were right. Ever since we came back, all I've done have been everything you'd suspected I would do,

so please...let's just go back to you being unfeeling and rude towards me." She said calmly, almost too

calm like she was hurting.

"But I don't want to go back to when I hurt you, and called you names, and hated you. Now, I want to

hold you properly and not hurt you in an attempt to break your spirit. I want to kiss you not just because

you make my senses go ballistic, but because I truly want to be close to you now. I want to share in

your pain because I hate seeing you sad." I confessed, completely at her mercy.

But she kept shaking her head in protest, as though I was say things that meant nothing to her at all.

"Livy, whatever it is that you are going through, let me in so I can help you." I proposed, right here right

now in front of her I bared my heart completely open.

My heart, my head, my entire being was calling for her, so I took a step towards her and held her face

with both my hands staring deep into those hazel brown eyes that now held very strong mixed


"You can't! your problem, always about what you want! How about what I want! You just don't

listen, no matter how much I try to tell you, you won't hear me. I want a divorce or a separation,

anything. I just don't want be with you- I don't want to be in love with you!" she yelled in tears as she

pushed my hands away from her face.

But I'm trying to listen here, she is the one not making sense at all. I've finally accepted her but now

she is the one chasing me away?

Why? I grabbed her by the shoulders gently and crouched so we could be at same eye level.

"I'm listening. Maybe I didn't before but now I do, so tell me what you want me to do. I'll do anything-

anything in my power" I eagerly said, requesting that she confide in me.

"Then let me go! If you'll do anything I tell you to do, then lets get a separation since clearly divorce

won't do. You can go back to hating me and all, but quit making these harder than it already is." She


How can she say such hurtful things while looking me straight in the eye. She was hurting and I know I

caused it, but I couldn't shake off the feeling like there was something she is trying to tell me.

"Well, I did said anything within my powers, Livy. Letting you go is beyond my powers, I can't do that. I'll

never let you go, never again" I told her as I released her from my grasp and walked away.

"Daniel is the only one that understands me! He listens to me and he is the one I want to be with!" She

yelled after me as I walked away, destroying every bit of courage I had left.

I listened- I'm still trying to but she's just saying absolute rubbish.

'If she wants to be with Daniel then she should go be with him and see if I care,' I soliloquized as I got

into the car.

I was irritated and agitated at the same time, so much so I felt like punching something. My blood was

boiling and the pain in my chest was as though a boulder was placed right on top of it.

This feeling is so strange to me, so I was finding it very difficult to control myself.

"I finally told her how I felt and all she could say was that I don't listen? She's the one that doesn't

listen. I said I'm sorry, I said I loved her and it's very evident how much I miss her, but what did she say

to me in return? She wants to be with that loser Daniel? We'll be my guest, and see if I care..." I

continued angrily while waiting for her to come out of the building.


I waited at the cafe where Olivia and I used to hang out. My anger was starting to eat me up and I

needed to let her know exactly how I was feeling.

Ok- fine. Maybe I'm bored and just needed someone to talk to, plus- no one gets me better than she


I'll have to return to Shanghai soon to pack up my stuff and relocate back here to Minnesota, but not

before I know why Livy would do such a bitchy thing to me.

I heard she now works at Castlehill and as Accountant Manager, making me wonder what her deal

was, exactly?

I saw her walk into the cafe all high and mighty. What a striking resemblance she had with her mother

in this her new demeanor. Well, I guess it's true what they say that the Apple does not fall far from its


She spotted me and walked straight to where I was, took off her shades then sat down across from me.

"I have a lot of work to do, so if you would please hurry up and say what you have to say to me." she

requested rudely.

Ehmm, ok?

"I wasn't close to your sister, Livy- but I can see no clear difference between you 2 now. She was

always an arrogant selfish bitch, and at first I thought you were different but turns out you are both birds

of one feather." I stated, trying to calm my aching nerves that wanted me to stretch out my arms and

pull out all her extensions.

"So, you called me out here to find a comparison between me and my dead sister? Wow, Heather,

What a waste of time. So, because you have nothing else to do, you think everyone else is as jobless

as you are, right?" She asked mockingly, but I didn't respond to that.

She was being very petty right now, and even though I wasn't really a violent person, but right now all

my senses are telling me that my anger would subside only if she and I were to fight it out and see who


"I'm leaving now, since you clearly have nothing better to say." she stated and was about to stand up

but I pulled her back down.

"Why did you do that to me? I trusted you Livy, because I thought you were my friend..." I lamented just

to be cut off,

"then you are a bigger fool than I thought. Friends? Was that what we were? When did you ever

consider me a friend, unless maybe you mean friends with benefit? (Scoff) You are Heather Winfrey,

you don't make friends you can't control. You keep friends for when you really want something from

them in return. Denise, Claire, Jessica, Gina, Asterid? They were all your friends, weren't they? But

where are they now? I guess they've fulfilled their purpose so you just threw them away. I refuse to be

a friend you'll just use and throw away, Heather, so I just gave you a taste of your own medicine and

you're mad about it?" She confessed spitefully.

Those girls were all stuck up and backstabbing bitches- who got catch plotting against me behind my


"I won't deny anything you've just said, no. You did your homework well, and I really only liked you

because you were Judy Luthel's daughter. But than, I started hanging out with you, and you were

purely honest and down to earth. You were the only person who didn't judge me for being me, so I

started liking you for real. If you had known about me all these while then why didn't you just tell me?" I

asked sadly, eager to know the whole truth.

"Because it's better that thing should end this way" she responded, and that was all she said.

It's better that things should end this way? Who the hell does she think she is to decide how thing

should end?

"Fine, if that's how you want it. But note that this makes us enemies now, will you be ok with that?" I

asked her, hoping for a response that won't certify our hatred and enmity towards each other.

"Well then, I guess it does. I'll take my leave now, I hope you see well and also be treated well in the

future." She prayed.

Wow, what a strange young lady she was. I wondered what her deal was as I sat there for another


How could she casually declare us enemies but still wish me well at the same time? Something was




I got an urgent call from Markian to meet for lunch at his office, or so I thought.

I arrived there looking even more depressed than I was yesterday after speaking with Livy, but Markian

didn't even notice.

I saw him pacing about in a frantic behavior, so I hoped nothing was wrong. He didn't even notice me

walk into the office until I called his attention.

As he rushed over to me to, he held my hands and made me sit on a couch close by. Something was

bothering him and I wanted to find out what was wrong.

"Markian, are you ok?" I asked concerned.

"Heather, I know you are still upset with me about Daniel and the whole S.Group saga, but I need your

help." He spoke politely.

"Emm, Markian? An apology usually comes before asking for a favor, that's how things work." I told

him, suddenly abash by his lack of ethics.

"Fine, I'm so sorry for everything and I accept whatever punishment you want to give me." He said with

more pride than I've ever seen in a narcissist when apologizing.

Markian never says sorry to anyone, but he was apologizing to me- even though it's half-hearted, it

must have taken a lot out of him. He must really need my help for him to be this desperate.

"I'll think about the punishment later, but for now you can tell me what has gotten you so rattled up." I

said to him.

I could see how nervous he was, but why? Lately I've been seeing new sides of people. First it was

Daniel, then Livy and now Markian?

"I am in love with Olivia. I didn't think it was possible to find love more than once in a lifetime, but it

happened and now I don't know what to do about it." He said sadly.

What? He's in love with Livy? Well, it's about time.

"Really, Markian? this is the best news I've received since like forever. Finally you are being true to

yourself and choosing to be happy. I'm very happy for you." I told him, while giving him a hug.

"No, you don't understand. I've fallen in love with her but I don't think I should" he revealed, surprising


"What do you mean you shouldn't?" I asked upset.

"Well, for one, she hates me now and just few days ago she told me Daniel was the one she wanted to

be with. And there's also the promise I made to Sophia that I'll love only her until the day I die..." he

stated but I interrupted angrily.

"You dimwit." I insulted,


"Just keep quiet. What promise are you talking about? Are you trying to be an incredible saint of no

love or what? So because you were scared of falling in love and getting hurt again, you made a

promise to a corpse? Now listen to me! The dead have no impact at all in the lives of the living. So if

you want to honor the memories of a loved one, do so by doing the things that would make you happy,

because if they really loved you, they would want you to always be happy with or without them." I told

him as I looked him in the eyes.

He was finding it hard to understand what I just said and had a confused frown on his brows, but he

wasn't saying anything or arguing with me.

Markian had always been smart and innovative- some what of a genius when it comes to business, but

knew little or nothing when it comes to matters of the heart.

From an early age he had had to conceal what he was truly feeling and sometimes he just pretends not

to feel at all. Concealing all those emotions often ticks off which results in violence- both verbal and


He understands matters of the heart incredibly slow, which is why even though I'm quite irritated by the

fact that I just plainly explained what he was doing wrong but he still doesn't understand, I would have

to explain even better and calmly.

"Aunt Sabrina would have wanted you to keep playing the piano even after her death, but you stopped

because you felt she would be sad each time you played it without her. She would have hated the fact

that you believe true love could only be found once in a lifetime. And if Sophy had truly loved you, she

would be sad seeing you give up on love, especially on her account. Markian, most times when you are

scared, you make bad decisions based on that fear just to protect yourself from the future, and that's

wrong. You don't owe anything to the dead except be happy. And if Livy brings you that happiness- you

have to go for it." I encouraged calmly as I smiled at him.

He smiled back and gave me a warm hug. My cousin was becoming a changed man because of Livy

and I was grateful for that.

Maybe I shouldn't be comparing but, I've never seen him this happy even when he was with Sophia

and now I know why.

But since he's had enough truth told to him today, I didn't want to add another that might send him into

a love-life re-evaluation.

"Thank you so much Heather...but next time you call me a dimwit, I'll have you pay" he threatened

jokingly, or was he serious?

Whatever, I don't care. I'm just happy for him.

"Whatever. But have you told Livy yet?" I asked curiously.

"I think I did, but I'm not sure she understood me. Which brings me to the 2nd reason I called you here.

Since you are friends with her, you must know what she likes and would appreciate. I want to take her

out on a date and tell her how I truly feel." He said excitedly.

See? That's what I'm talking about. Markian only used to get this excited when he wants to signs a

multi-million dollar deal, or he just bought off an old rival- not when he's planning to go on a date.

"No...can't do. Livy and I decided yesterday that we were now enemies. I can't go around her back

helping you help her, that's not how it works" I told Markian plainly.

Being happy for him and Livy was one thing, but helping him woo the girl that caused me my company

was another.

And the b*tch haven't even apologize yet, so I'm not going to put my hands into what have no business

to do with me.

"C'mon a Heather, don't be so petty, please. I can't do this without you. Ok, how about we make a deal,

huh? Tell me what you want and I'll do it." Markian asked desperately.

Ok, now this was one chance I wasn't going to miss.

"Anything?" I asked and he affirmed,


"Ok, since you were the reason why I'll be coming back here to Minnesota, I'ld like it if I don't stay at the

hotel anymore. And I God forbid i go back to my father's house nor the Winfrey's mansion..." I stated

but was interrupted.

"Please, don't tell me you want to come live at my house." Markian insinuates.

"Hell no. What do you take me for? I want my own place, and you'll be paying for it. I saw a $9million

mansion up at Lake Vermilion and I loved it. It's far from everyone and everything, so I want it." I told

him sincerely.

"Is that all you want? Don't you want to come work at Castlehill with me?" He asked curiously.

I know he was also wondering why I haven't brought up that matter for weeks now, but I'm think of

something else.

"I should come work at Castlehill so I can be fully humiliated by the press? No, thank you. And you

were right, maybe all these happened for a reason- and I think I should really get a life, so I want to

work on it. After all, I've got enough money to keep me till I'm old and grey, how much more do I need?

So, I'm officially retiring today with you as my witness." I said acting causal and confident, but Markian

knew I still wasn't ok with everything that had happened.

"It's ok if you want to take sometime off to find out what other things you might be good at. But if you

eventually want to come back to work, i have a pretty sweet position waiting for you at Castlehill." He

said comfortingly as he held both my hands in his.

Oh man, I wanted to hug him right now and tell him how proud I was that he's finally becoming a man,

but we've gotten too emotional for one day, so no need of making things even weirder.

"C'mon, lets go plan the most amazing date ever for you and Livy over lunch. I can't believe you called

me to your office to have office lunch with you, never do that ever again." I reprimanded sternly and he

nodded apologetically.

"One more thing, Heather. How do I tell Livy that her mother is dying and she could be her mother's

only hope?" Markian asked, knocking the breath right out of me.

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