Mated To Alpha Kessler

Chapter 76

I can tell that he’s someone Annie’s been trying to avoid. They sure have a history, and it makes me wonder why I didn’t carry out my investigation on Annie.

Annie’s silence speaks volumes, her eyes darting away, avoiding my gaze.

Taking a deep breath, I try to steady my racing thoughts. It’s clear there’s more to Annie’s past than meets the eye, and I can’t ignore the nagging feeling that I’ve been blind to it all along.

First with the possibility of the pregnancy not being mine, and now this guy giving Annie a creepy look.

The man slowly bows his head, perhaps out of respect for my status as an Alpha. “Good day, Alpha King.”

I give him a nod to acknowledge his greeting, my mind racing with questions about his intentions and his connection to Annie.

But I notice Annie tugging my hand, her touch lacking any warmth. Instead of feeling sparks flying and emotions running high, I’m met with a sense of detachment.

It’s as if she’s urging me to move away from this stranger, her actions confirming my suspicion.

My instincts go on high alert, and I narrow my eyes, studying the stranger’s face.

But there’s something about the way he looks at Annie. I can’t quite place it, but it’s as if he’s ready to worship the ground she walks on, as he adores her.

Despite his apparent admiration for Annie, I feel nothing but a cold indifference towards him. If it were Lyra being looked at like that, I would have been consumed by a fiery rage, ready to break his jaw without a second thought.

I’m not well-versed in matters of the heart, but it’s clear that this guy’s in love with Annie. “Who are you? And what business does he have with her?

He has a conflicting look, as if torn between revealing himself. Finally, he shakes himself, as if putting aside his doubts, and delivers a cryptic message.

“You have something that belongs to me, and it’s high time you let go of it,” he says.

The words send a chill down my spine, triggering a sense of deja vu. I’ve heard that statement before, but I can’t quite place where exactly. I rack my brain, searching for any semblance of memory that could shed light.

Before I can’t grasp the meaning of his words, he turns and walks away, leaving me standing there confused.

I glance between Annie and the retreating figure, my mind racing with unanswered questions.

“Who is he?”

Annie’s response is dismissive as if brushing off the encounter as trivial. “Kessler, it’s nothing, just one of my dad’s business partners.”

But her words only fuel my frustration, and I grip her hand tightly, my teeth gritted in frustration. “You don’t tell me it’s nothing, why were you shaken by his presence if it’s nothing?”

“Whatever secrets you’re keeping, it’s time for you to come clean and face the truth,” My frustration bubbled over.

“Oh please, Kessler, you are hurting me,” Annie pleads, I reluctantly release her hand and storm out of the restaurant, my heart heavy with unresolved emotions.

Already, I’ve mind-linked one of my bodyguards, instructing them to discreetly take the guy’s picture. It’s a small step, but it might provide valuable insight into the suspicions we have about Annie.

The guards open the door for us, but I barely register their presence. Anger simmer, directed inward at every decision I’ve made, and every sacrifice I’ve endured. I cursed myself for going soft, for allowing Annie to toy with me while I stood idly by.

Silence hangs heavy between us as we make our way to the pack house. I don’t make any attempt at conversation, and I’m grateful that Annie doesn’t either.

What is she hiding? What was her agenda in coming into my life? The uncertainty glares at me, leaving me restless and unsettled.

“She was chosen for me by the council because she is of royal blood. Is she a spy in my pack, here to uncover our weaknesses and strengths?”

I immediately mindlink Zach to meet me in my office. I need his counsel.

As I pace back and forth in my office, my anger reaches a boiling point. It’s an explosive mix of frustration, and betrayal swirling inside me like a hurricane.

When Zach finally walks in, I don’t even stop pacing.

“Okay, Kessler,” he begins, his voice tinged with concern. “I’m guessing the lunch date didn’t go well.” His words cut through the tension, and I pause for a moment, meeting his gaze with a steely resolve.

Then I continue pacing without giving him a reply, lost in thoughts.

Zach interjects, his voice betraying a hint of unease. “Can you just stop pacing, you are making me nervous.”

I stop abruptly and look at Zach, concern is evident in his eyes, and I realize that I’ve let my emotions spiral out of control.

“I have completely gone soft, I don’t know when this happened, but I’ve been too lenient, too forgiving. And now I can’t shake off this anger.”

Zach watches me carefully, waiting for me to continue.

“Okay, I don’t get where this is coming from,” he says, his tone more composed now. “Can you please be plain?”

“Okay, firstly, I was gullible to have accepted Annie as my Luna without a thorough background check on her, blinded by the fact that she is of royal blood.”

Zach nods in understanding, urging me to continue.

“Secondly, I didn’t stand up for my mate, all because of Annie and the things we stand to gain from the union.”

“I would say that is true,” Zach admits, his voice barely above a whisper. “I wanted you to stick up for Lyra, but you never did.”

The truth of Zach’s words stings, a reminder of my failure to protect Lyra. Guilt gnaws at me, knowing that I’ve let my desires and ambitions cloud my judgment.

And now, a stranger is leaving a cryptic message at the restaurant.

“That seems to pique his interest,” I note Zach’s sudden curiosity. “Wait, wait, what happened exactly at lunch?”© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

I take a deep breath and explain everything that transpired, from the stranger’s cryptic message to Annie’s shaken demeanor. Zach listens intently, his expression growing more serious with each detail I recount.

“And thank goodness I was smart enough to inform one of the guards to take his picture,” A sense of relief at the thought of having some tangible evidence.

“Okay, good to know that you have the guy’s picture, add it to the list of things we need to find out about Annie.”

Whatever secrets Annie is hiding, we’ll uncover them, no matter the cost.

As my phone dinged with a message notification, I instinctively reached for it, my curiosity piqued. Opening the picture, my heart clenched at the sight before me.

There was Lyra, surrounded by three men. One held an umbrella over her, another stood close beside her, and the third positioned himself behind her, vigilant and protective.

My jaw clenched. She was surrounded by men, none of whom were me. The image struck a nerve, as I struggled to process what I was seeing.

Lyra must be a formidable force, how she managed to pull not just one man, but three, to her side all at once.

Zach notices my clenched jaw and furrowed brow. “What’s wrong? What’s got you all worked up?”

Without a word, I swiftly show him the picture, watching as a smile crosses his face. I can almost sense his pride in Lyra for giving me a run for my money.

“Kessler, you have a long way to go,” Zach chuckles, his tone teasing. “You have not only one man to contend with but three hot-looking men. Damn, good luck with that.”

I zoomed in on the picture, scrutinizing Lyra’s face closely. Despite the smile, there’s a distant look in her eyes, as if something is missing. My heart clenches at the sight of not being there for her.

Then, I notice her stomach, gradually showing beneath her clothing. I motion to Zach, pointing to Lyra’s stomach, and he confirms my suspicion with a solemn nod.

Before I can process the implications of what I’ve just seen, my phone starts ringing. Without checking the caller ID, I put the phone to my ear.

“Hello, my dear cousins,” the familiar voice greets me, sending a surge of anger through me. My blood boils and I clench my fists, fighting the urge to lash out.

“Do you like my little surprise?”

I recognize his voice instantly, and the desire to see him and confront him fills me with rage.

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