MEILIN’S REBORN (Battle Of The Heart And Throne)

Chapter 48


Gianna ran into the boys hostel without caring about the amount of guys that were looking at her.

“What is this short girl doing here”… There were murmurs she could hear from some of them but she didn’t mind.

She kept running till she got to Angie’s room.

“Angie” she knocked on the door and it opened revealing Rick.

“Is Angie in?” She asked and he nodded.

“Can I come in?” She asked again.

“Sure, he’s done dressing anyway” Rick shrugged and Gianna stepped in.

She met Angie facing the mirror and styling his hair.

He looked like he’s dressed up for class already.

“Angie” she called and he looked at her from the mirror without turning back.

“There’s something I need to tell you, I just found out about another supernatural being that’s trying to kill me,” she said.

Angie stopped arranging his hair and turned to face her.

“Another supernatural?” He asked and she nodded.

“How do you know that there’s another supernatural?” He asked.

Gianna walked up to sit on his bed.

“Remember when I told you my friend does see visions?” She asked and Elvis’ eyes widened from afar.

“Miss hooligan do you see vision?” He asked and Angie glared at him.Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

He immediately shut his mouth and went to stand beside Rick.

“Nevaeh, the girl that I had to erase her memory twice, yeah I remember her” he nodded.

Gianna stared at him confusedly.

“What do you mean?” She asked and he sat beside her.

“I told you Zachary was your enemy right?, But I forgot to tell you that he mistook your friend as you and was about to kill her” he said.

“Really?” Gianna asked with widened eyes.

“Hmm, look” he held her shoulders and made her face him.

“I’m not telling you this because I want you to hate him but I’m just trying to tell you that, that guy won’t waste a second before killing you.. he was about to kill Nevaeh, it remained very small if I didn’t show up” he explained.

“When … When did this happen?” Gianna stuttered as she asked and he sighed.

“Remember that day I bought that book for you, that’s when it happened.. plus I also erased her memories when she saw you with the dragon” he added.

“What dragon?” She asked confusedly.

“You’ve forgotten??, Well never mind but tell me about the supernatural” he replied.

Gianna pressed her lips together and stared at him.

“She’s staying in the room next to me, her name is Harmony, my friend told me that she saw a vision of her, she looked like a monster.. I’m not really sure but I feel like she’s supernatural, maybe the evil one” she said.

“Alright, I’ll find out about her, now let’s get to class” Angie replied and stood up.

He stretched his hands out for her and she stood up too then they both left with Rick and Elvis following them from behind.


Nevaeh was also on her way to class when someone suddenly covered her mouth and dragged her.

She kept struggling but the person didn’t let her go till they got to the school backyard.

The person released her and she turned to see that blue guy again.

“It’s you” she seethed but he ignored her, he closed his eyes and began doing some finger formations.

His eyes turned blue and an electric blue ball began generating from his hands.

Nevaeh’s eyes widened and she began moving back slowly.

“Your.. your eyes… Your … Hands” she stuttered but he ignored and threw the ball at her.

She shut her eyes tight and instead of the ball to hit her, it backfired back to him.

He threw another one and it still backfired back to him.

“You’re alive” he said with a wide smile and before she could reply or react he immediately hugged her tight.

She gasped and her eyes widened.

“You’re alive sis” he smiled.

Nevaeh immediately pulled away and pushed him off.

“What are you talking about, why are you hugging me and what did you do with your hands just now, who are you?” She asked all at once.

Rennie just smiled and looked at her.

“Have you ever heard of the peacock palace… Let me first start with, have you heard of supernaturals?” He asked.

Nevaeh stared at him with an unbelievable look on her face.

“You’re supernatural?” She asked and he nodded.

She used her palms to cover her mouth then released a gasp before laughing.

“This is not a joke,” he said.

Nevaeh stopped laughing and crossed her arms.

“If it’s not a joke then what is it, listen Mr blue.. stop whatever effect you’re using to scare me, I’m not a 3 years old, I’m 19 years old” she warned and scoffed before facing her front and leaving.

Rennie smirked and teleported at her front, making her freeze.

“Now does this look like an effect to you?” He asked.

Nevaeh turned her back on him and made to leave from the other side but he teleported to her front again.

“Stop doing this!!” She yelled.

“I’m just trying to prove to you that I’m not joking, I’m supernatural and so are you” he said.

Nevaeh shook her head and turned around then began running away.

“You do see visions right!!” He shouted and she frozed.

“If I’m not wrong you do see what will happen in the future” he added.

She slowly turned to look at him and blinked but he continued.

“I bet you’re also wondering about how that is possible but have you ever heard of the peacock palace, have you heard of the peacock princess too?” he asked.

“What exactly are you talking about, you’re driving me nuts!!” She screamed and he smiled.

“I’ll explain all these to you if you decide to sit down and listen to me” he replied, pointing at the long chair.

Nevaeh slowly walked to sit on the chair and he sat beside her.

“Thousand of years ago, it was a tough labor for the peacock queen which is mom, the moment she gave birth to you, she died and when we all thought that we could still have you, your body suddenly disappeared”

“We asked the gods about you and your whereabouts but they said that they used you to help a baby that almost died and the baby will also be of help to you, later in the future. What we don’t know is where or how the baby looked but we know the signs to recognize her..”

“Anyone from the peacock palace won’t be able to hurt her, any attempt to do that, it’ll backfire… Two, you’ll start to see visions then before you know it, your powers will start growing then your face… You won’t look like this anymore, your face will change back to your original face” he narrated.

Nevaeh creased her brows.

She still couldn’t get all that she had just heard.

“There’s nothing to be confused about, even if I didn’t tell you about yourself now, you’ll still find out sooner or later” he shrugged.

“I don’t know what to say, how will I even explain this to my friend” Nevaeh muttered.

“You mean my mistress” he replied and Nevaeh stared at him.

“She just got to become one of us,” he added.

“Huh?” She asked.

“Not long ago, she was chosen to be the recanalization of a dead princess who was supposed to be my wife,” he replied.

“I don’t understand” Nevaeh creased her brows and Rennie sighed.

He began explaining everything to her from the beginning to the ending.


The gate harshly went open and he slowly game in.

He looked really angry, he was no longer dressed as the Zachary they used to know.

He was now dressed as the general Kia he was popularly known as.

The breeze kept blowing his long hair behind him, his sword as on his right arm.

It was covered with blood, not just his sword but his face and clothes too.

This only means one thing… This means that he had killed a lot of people outside before coming in.

Behind him were the security men, they were all dead but he didn’t care, he kept walking in.

He is going to kill everyone, especially Xia Meilin, since her spirit is inside the short human girl then…

He is going to kill her too.

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