Mommy’s Hiding Her Quintuplets From Her Charismatic CEO Baby Daddy

I’m A Dead Man

It turned out to be the man who saved her many months ago from Ragnar Marshall’s death sentence. Then, Ragnar Marshall had ordered for her and one other lady to be thrown into the furnace. The first lady had been thrown inside, just when she was about to be thrown inside, this man came to her rescue. He had said he saved her for a reason. He should be in his early forties nonetheless, he was dressed very smartly and was seated nobly.

The man gestured for her to sit and she went slowly to sit before him. Has this man been working here all along and she had no idea.

“Good morning, sir.” She greeted.

“You are welcome, Brigitta. Do you accept the promotion or do you not want it?” He asked as he scribbled some words to a paper.

How could she not want it. But she needs to know what awaits her as a secretary. “Can I see the appointment letter so I can know what I’m getting into.”

“Why not.” The man handed over the letter to her and she began to read her duties as a secretary. One of it was to answer each and every calls of the CEO, Ragnar Marshall. She gets to prepare coffee for him everyday, arrange meetings on his behalf and prepare his schedules for him, that’s amidst many tens of duties she was to do.

Ragnar Marshall was her husband, this may be quiet difficult but the positive side is, being at the top would not make her get bullied by Cassie, who’s at the moment the assistant director.

“I accept, sir.” She said.

“Put your signature here,” the man pointed to where she was to sign. She picked up a pen at once and signed.

“Congratulations,” he congratulated her and then added, “give me a few moments. I need to rap off with this before I lead you to your new office.”

“Okay, sir.”

Took fifteen minutes before the man was done then he stood and lead her outside, as they walked together, she couldn’t help but ask, “sir, you once saved me. I believe you remember?”

“I know you, Brigitta.” The man answered even as they continued walking.

“How sir?”

“I’m your mom’s brother. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you all these years, the oath I swore to Ragnar Marshall would not allow me participate in anything that partains to you. But as you can see, I’m trying hard to give you a better life here.” He said.

“Sir… You are my uncle? Beocca?”

“You have a sharp memory. I am.”

The last time she had heard of her uncle was when she was little, her mom used to talk of her brother, Beocca.

“And this promotion was your doing?”

“It was. At the last board meeting, members of the meeting were asked to donate names of staffs that fit into the position of the permanent secretary and I did nominated you. Because I did, many other people joined and nominated you eventhough they had no idea whom you are.”

“Thank you so much, sir.” She said.

“Brigitta, don’t contact me directly, our meetings must be strictly official. Although I’m your uncle, I can’t act in that capacity but I’ll try to be behind the scenes, helping you in the little way I can.”

“Understood, sir. Well understood, uncle ” she didn’t know why she was suddenly happy. Was it because she suddenly found out that there was someone out there who still care for her apart from her children?

Soon, they got before an office, there was a beautiful tag on top of the door that reads, ‘Permanent Secretary’s office.’

The door was unlocked with his fingerprint then he helped Brigitta to activate her fingerprint on the door, afterall, this was now her office.

“Congratulations once again, miss. Brigitta. If there is anything you need, please write to me.”

“Understood, sir.” She said and watched as Beocca walked away.

She couldn’t help but wonder what sort of oath he swore that made him distance himself from his family. She then walked inside her office with pride. She was glad for this new post, all thanks to her uncle.

“Bitch!” Someone cursed and kicked the door open, “how in the world did you become a secretary, what did you do?” Cassie was extremely angry that a smoky could almost be seen coming out of her forehead.

The position of a permanent secretary is not higher than that of an assistant director neither is that of the assistant director higher than that of a permanent secretary. They are equals and serve in different capabilities. Cassie was not only angry cause she and Brigitta are now equals but because Brigitta, as a permanent secretary to the CEO will have more access to the CEO and will equally get to see him often that she will do. She literally felt like strangling Brigitta to death.

She had paid a few of the board members to bid them to nominate her into the post of a permanent Secretary but not only was she not considered for the post, it was Brigitta who ended up getting the post.

“Assistant director Cassie. How rude of you to barge inside my office without my permission. You know quiet well I can’t do that in your office.” Brigitta said calmly and then went to sit majestically. She poured herself a cup of tea and smiled refreshingly.

Cassie gnashed her teeth in anger, “resign from this office bitch and I’ll give you any amount. Infact, I’ll be paying you equivalent of your salary for not working at all. Just resign.” She was so desperate for her to leave this permanent secretary position.

“If you want me to leave this company then bring me a blank cheque, let me write the amount of money I want there.”

“Good.” She stormed outside and came back a minute later with a blank cheque. “Just state your price.”

Brigitta wrote an uncountable number of money on the blank cheque with endless zeroes following. Then she handed over the cheque to her.

When she saw it, she almost coughed out blood. “How dare you fool me! Who in the world has this type of money?”Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I advise you leave, my dear Cassie. You must accept this new reality. I have a lot to do, ” Brigitta said.

“You are seeking for death by refusing to step down from this position. I am not someone you want to dare cause I don’t mind killing you.”

Brigitta scoffed, “murderer Cassie, get out of my office!”

“You!” She pointed at her in fury and then stormed out. Different evil plans forming on her head and thinking of which to do to Brigitta.

Brigitta felt so happy with this post. She soon went ahead to prepare a coffee for Ragnar Marshall but when she entered his office, she noticed he was seriously writing something on a big book.

“Sir…” She called but got no response. “Mr. Ubba… Mr Ubba…” She called him endlessly but got no response still. Then he stood agitatingly and walked swiftly inside the BDSM room connected to his office.

Wondering what was going on with him, she walked up to his table and saw that he had been writing the same sentence in seven pages of the book.

“I’m a dead man… I’m a dead man… I’m a dead man… I’m a dead man… I’m a dead man…

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