Mummy & Daddy’s Naughty Diary (Erotica)


He remembered how upset Marilyn and Rachel had been when they decided it was time to shave Rachel’s head. He told them to hold off until he got back. He drove until he found the first available barbershop. He went in and requested that they shave his head.

He felt weird coming out of the barbershop, the tingly sensation of the air breezing on his bald scalp, the curious looks of people seeing the pale white scalp clashing against his tanned face. When Marilyn and Rachel saw him, they were in shock and the amazement morphed into laughter as first Rachel and then Marilyn insisted on feeling his head.

He relished the soft caresses of Rachel as she asked if it hurt to have his head shaved. He told her it didn’t hurt a bit and that eased some of the concern from Rachel. Then he saw the pure look of gratitude on Marilyn’s face at his sacrifice.

The vehicle stopped at a redlight and Ray’s musings were interrupted. It had been a long time since he had seen a similar look on Marilyn’s face.

By coincidence, Marilyn at that same moment was recalling Ray’s haircut. He had done that to help her baby. But then, Ray had always been there for Rachel… and for her as well… It had only been his quiet courage that embolden her to do what she did.

She made an emergency appointment at her hair salon and walked in and told Antoine what she wanted done. For close to twenty minutes Antoine begged her to reconsider, but, her mind was made up. She finally explained why she wanted it done and with tears in his eyes, Antoine agreed and soon she was startled at the large mirror showing her bald face.

The other stylists and their customers were also crying since the story had been relayed from station to station. Antoine gave her a hug as she left to go pay for his services. She was stopped at every station as the other stylists insisted on hugging her as well. Even some of the other customers insisted on hugging her.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

When she finally got to the counter to pay, she was informed that Antoine had told them not to accept payment from Marilyn. Marilyn was insistent on paying, but, Antoine was adamant that Marilyn did not owe for the service. Marilyn felt humbled by the act of sympathy from Antoine and the others as she walked out of the salon. As she walked through the parking lot, she heard some loud guffaws coming from a group of teenagers pointing toward her. She just braced herself from their ignorant ridicule and reminded herself what was important. The show of solidarity with her husband and her daughter.

Her husband’s act had brought laughter; hers had brought tears as Rachel realized she wouldn’t be going through the ordeal alone. As Ray hugged her, he whispered, “Oh baby!” as his hands explored his wife’s shaved scalp. She whispered back, “It’s okay. It will grow back.”

Then she smiled and told him, “It just means you are going to have to buy me and Rachel all the Hermes’ scarves we want as our hair grows back.”

And bless his heart, he did exactly that. Each day, he would bring home two boxes. A scarf for both of the women he cherished and Marilyn and Rachel would model and trade scarves on a daily basis. The times that Rachel felt well enough, they would go out in public, not heeding the looks, they drew. They were united in their love.

At least, that was how they started.

Ray and Marilyn knew from the outset that Rachel’s disease had increased the level of stress in their lives. Every night, in bed they talked on how to deal with the daily situation as they held each other. Sometimes, they would end the conversations making love into the night. Sometimes, they would just hold each other silently until sleep overtook them.

Each day, they would go to work and the first order of business was to relate the news of Rachel to their co-workers. Marilyn was employed as a graphic artist in a mid size business firm that employed about fifty people. Every morning after she finished relating the events of Rachel, her co-workers would always remind her to call them if she needed anything. She always responded that she would, but, she never figured she would do so. She had a strong support group of co- workers, family, friends, and neighbors she relied on. While, she appreciated the offers, she never quite let people know what she was really feeling. She would allow herself to be the center of attention and allow people to fawn over her, but no one grasped her really. How could they, unless they were in the same situation? She quietly did her job and went home and relieved her mother or mother-in-law from babysitting duty.

Ray was the youngest associate in a law firm. While the partners were sympathetic to his plight, the bottom line was Ray was expected to produce for the firm. As long as he produced billable hours, the partners would be happy. Ray, relied on his secretary, Karen to keep him on the straight and narrow. So every morning, she would bring him a cup of coffee and asked him how he was doing. He would spend a few minutes with her sharing personal time, until, his calls and appointments came in.

And that, in a nutshell was how the Thompsons managed to get through from day to day on the emotional roller coaster of their lives. Often, the daily routine was interrupted by a particular procedure that Rachel would undergo and both would drop everything to tend to their daughter. Then, they would go back to their employment to frantically mend fences and play catch up.

Time has a way of eroding everything. And unknowingly, minute by minute, time was eroding away at Ray and Marilyn’s marriage. It was so minute that neither was aware there was a problem as they began to drift away from one another. They continued to be there for Rachel every minute they could. They delegated errands and chores between them in whatever fashion would be to Rachel’s benefit. Getting Rachel well was the main priority in their lives.

The strain of stress subtly began to throw grains of irritation into their relationship as they silently continued to strive to get Rachel healthy. Still, they labored from day to day; the priority was Rachel. As long as, Rachel was on the mend and happy; then Ray and Marilyn were likewise.

The good days brought false hopes; the bad days were minimized in significance. Still stress and time grew the grains of irritation into resentments. First there was a procedure that Ray could not attend due to a conflict with an appointment. Marilyn fumed at him as she waited at the hospital alone in the bland reception room. Then he came rushing in with an anxious look on his face asking her how Rachel was doing. She brusquely responded that she hadn’t been given any news, yet.

The harshness of her tone made Ray step back from anymore questions as he meekly sat by her and waited together. When they got home, she apologized and they made up for the argument in a mutually satisfying manner in bed.

But little by little, there were other little slip ups which brought out one or the other to lash out. And soon the make up sex was slowly dwindling away. Ray found himself every morning venting to his secretary, Karen Ferguson.

“I swear Karen, it is like I can’t do anything without her finding fault in whatever I do.”

Karen gave an encouraging emphatic gesture for Ray to continue.

“Marilyn got upset that we made the doctor’s appointment with only ten minutes to spare. When the hell have you’ve ever gone to a doctor’s appointment and got taken at the appointed time? Never! Am I right?” Ray continued to pace around his office as Karen continued to track her attention on him.

“So, of course, we wait half an hour before we even get taken back to the exam room. Then as soon as Rachel gets out of earshot she unloads on me! I mean, I got enough on my plate, I don’t need to have this crap going on!”

Karen soothingly interjected, “Mr. Thompson, you just need to sit down and talk to your wife. You have too much invested to let things get away from you. Just take some time and explain that you are doing the best you can and that you know she is doing the best she can,” Karen interjected.

“I hear you Karen and I’m trying, I’m trying really hard, but some days it just gets the best of me, you know?” Ray sighed, “Well thanks for letting me blow off some steam and vent. I guess we better get prepped on the Jones’ contract now.”

“You’re welcome, Mr. Thompson. Anytime, you feel the need to talk, just buzz for me.”

Ray watched the attractive secretary walk out of his office. I’m lucky to have such a sensible secretary working for me, he thought. Lord, I dread the day she comes in and tells me she is going to quit to get married. As good looking as she is, she’s got to have plenty of offers. Maybe, I need to give her a big raise to keep her from leaving.

Across town, an obvious upset Marilyn furiously worked on her latest project. Her supervisor, John Tullos, quietly walked over to her cubicle and studied her computer screen. Marilyn felt discombobulated by the close scrutiny as she continued to work through her problem. After a minute of studying Marilyn’s monitor, John Tullos reached over and deleted her project.

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