My Bad Boy's Gang

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

I woke up to an annoying beeping sound, and Ryker reached over and shut off his alarm on his phone.

He rubbed his eyes and shifted in his spot "Come on" He yawned "Get up, you have school".

I buried my face into his chest, and mumbled "I'll just skip today". Ryker rolled his eyes at me "No.

You've already missed way to much".

"I hate High School" I muttered and he chuckled, then kissing my forehead "You'll be out in a month".

I sighed, and my door opened "Rain, you-" Ryan's voice then stopped and he froze.

I rolled my eyes and turned on my side to face him. "You two slept in the same bed"?! He exclaimed

with wide eyes.

"Yeah...we have a million times.." I trailed off, and Ryan yelled "Rain! You're 18 and not married"!

I rolled my eyes again, and Ryker draped his arm over my waist "Calm. We haven't done anything".

Ryan sent him a glare "Watch what you do with my little sister, and if you break her; I'll break you".

"Fine" Ryker shrugged, and I pointed to the door "Ryan. Out. Now".

He glared at Ryker one more time, then walking out. I stood up and ran a hand through my hair and

headed to the bathroom to get ready.

* * * * * * *

"You're going to be late" Ryker whispered breathlessly, and I whispered back "I don't care".

I pressed my lips back to Ryker's, and placed my hands flat on his chest. We may or may not have

been in a make out session for the past 5 minutes on the side of Ryker's truck, from when he came to

drop me off.

"Rain". "You're". "Stalling". Ryker said between kissing, and he unwrapped his arms from my waist,

then grabbing my wrist in his hands and pulled back.

I frowned, and he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear "I'll see you later, okay? You have to get to


I sent him a glare in response. He was right though, I was trying to stall and avoid going to class.

He kissed my forehead and chuckled at me being annoyed "Bye Rain", then starting to walk away.

"Ryk" I spoke up, and grabbed his hand. He turned around to face me and I bit my lip "One more kiss"?

His lips tugged up into a smirk as he walked back over to me, and pressed lips softly to mine and I

smiled against his lips.

I heard the bell go off, and Ryker pulled back again and teased "Bye Rain".

I huffed then grabbing my backpack and slinging it over my shoulder and walking away.

* * * * * *

I was sitting in Mrs. Doyle's classroom and Blake kept staring at me throughout the whole class.

I looked back a bit and saw Blake's eyes still fixated on me and boring into my back. I turned back

around to face the board as Mrs. Doyle was talking about something.

Then I flicked my pencil up and down on my notebook, and stared at the clock.

It was only 3rd period and I was already so done with school today. My phone buzzed, and I looked

down to see it was Neil.

Neil: Be ready.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, and whispered to myself "Be ready"?

Me: Huh?

Then the door opened, and I saw Vince and Ryker walk in. All the girls straightened up and went into

flirting mode.

Vince pointed at me and snapped his fingers "You. Let's go".

Everyone looked at me, and Ryker whispered something to Mrs. Doyle. Her eyes then widened, and

she nodded "Rain. Pack up your things, you're excused".

I quickly shut my books and picked them up, then walking up to the front of the class.

Ryker grabbed my hand and said "Thanks, Mrs. Doyle". She nodded, and they pulled me out of the


Then rushing down the hall "Go to your locker and put your stuff away" Vince said "I'm going to go sign

you out" then jogging away.

"Ryk? What's going on"? I asked nervously, as I bit my lip.

"I'll explain later, but we have to go" He said and I unlocked my locker then putting all my things in


"You need your passport" Ryker said, and my eyes widened "What?! Why do I need my passport"?!

We pulled up to my house, and Ryker and Vince got put of the car then heading up to my house.

I blinked slowly a few times, then getting out and running up with them. I went up the spiral staircase,

and ran to my room.

Vince and Ryker were searching through my bedroom, and I asked "Would someone just tell me what's

going on"?!

"Found it"! Vince called, and pulled out a file full of all my contact information that had my passport in it.

Ryker sighed as he came up to me "Rhett framed us for a faulty drug deal from some of the top gangs This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

I'm the U.S., and we have to go out of country or they'll block us and do-God-knows-what."

My eyes grew wide to the point where I thought they'd pop out of their sockets "What?! I can't leave! I

have my brothers and-"

"Rain" Ryker stopped me and pulled me into a hug "We have to go, and we're not leaving you behind".

Tears pricked my eyes, and Ryker rested his chin on top of my head. Vince was grabbing a bunch of

clothes and stuffing them into a bag for me, and I fought against the tears in my eyes.

"I'll be in the car" Vince said, then grabbing the bag he stuffed everything in and walking out of my


I pulled back, and Ryker wiped the tears that escaped my eyes. "Don't cry, princess. I hate seeing you


I bit my lip, and he kissed my forehead "It'll be okay".

* * * * * * *

"Alright, you get Melanie and Faith" Ryker instructed as we came up to there schools to pull them out.

We had to be at the airport by 12:30 and it was already 11:34 and the airport is still 30 minutes away.

I sprinted down the halls that were filled with little kids being guided by their teachers, as they were

constantly being "Hushed".

I ran to Melanie's classroom, and opened the door as all the kids looked at me.

"Um..May I please pull Melanie out? It's It's a family emergency" I said to the teacher who looked at me

like I had 2 heads.

She turned to Melanie and asked "Melanie, do you know her"?

Melanie nodded and smiled at me "Hi Rain".

The teacher waved me over to her desk and asked "Name"?

"Rain Th-Anderson" I stated as I quickly remembered that they only let family take out kids.

She gave me a suspicious look "How are you related to her"?

I Don't have time for this lady!

"I'm...Ryker's wife..." I trailed off and hope she bought it. "Really? Because you're in a High School

uniform..and looked affuly young".

"That's because I married young" I said trying not to snap at her and her annoying accusations.

She sighed "Alright Melanie, pack your things and you may go".

Melanie grabbed her folder and walked out of class, and turned around to me as she gave a confused

look "Why are you here, Rain"?

"I'll explain later, Kiddo" I said and picked her up "But now we have to go get Faith".

I then began to run to the other building which was on the other side of the parking lot, and a bunch of

High Schoolers looked at me weirdly.

I knew where Faith's class was because of that one time when we came to pick her up. I opened the

door and walked in, as all heads once again snapped up to me.

Faith's eyes widened, as she looked up at me "Rain"?!

Her teacher looked at me weirdly and I shifted Melanie onto my hip "I'd like to pull out Faith".

Faith blinked slowly a few times then closing her textbooks, and putting them in her backpack as she

put them away. "Name"? The teacher asked.

Not this process again....

"Rain Anderson" I lied, and Faith's lips tugged into a small smirk as she stood up and walked up to me.

She had the hood of her black sweatshirt up and shielding her face from everyone.

"Relationship to child"? The teacher asked me and Faith perked in "She's my brothers wife"

I nudged her in the ribs with my elbow and rolled my eyes. She let out a small chuckle, and I sent her a

small smile.

I've noticed that when something bad happens, Faith always puts on a smile and laughs, and ignores

what has happened as she just moves on.

"Alright. You're dissmissed" Her teacher said.

"Vince! GO!" Ryker yelled, and Vince yelled back "Stop backseat driving"!

"I'm in the passenger seat, idiot" Ryker snapped at Vince. We had to board the plane in 20 minutes,

and still had to go through security, and we're still driving to the airport.

Vince and Ryker have been fighting the whole way hear, and I was stuck between them as Melanie and

Faith were in the back.

"I can't go any faster or will get pulled over"! Vince defended, and I rolled my eyes "Alright! Just let me

drive"! I snapped over their bickering.

"Fine" Vince muttered "Ryker won't yell at you" then unbuckling and we did an awkward climb over as

we switched seats.

I buckled my seatbelt, and said "First rule of driving in New York: Don't go on the highways".

I quickly did a 'U' turn and sped down the street, as I clutched the steering wheel in my hand, as I

swerved in and out of cars.

"She drives better then you" Ryker muttered and smacked Vince upside the head.

I sent Ryker a warning look, and grabbed my phone and scrolled through my contacts.

I clicked on a number, and handed the phone to Vince, and he put it on speaker.

It rang a couple times before a voice picked up "Hey Rain, I haven't heard from you in awhile".

"Hey Kent" I said, and Ryker asked "Kent"?

Kent is a cop who always works the highway we were trying to get off right now, but there was traffic.

He use to be my dad's partner, and actually was nice to me.

"Can I ask you for a favor"? I asked curiously as I bit my lip and kept my eyes on the road.

"Of course" He said cheerfully and I saw Ryker tensing up and becoming jealous.

"I'm on 33, and I need to be at the airport by 12:00. But we're stuck in traffic, can you escort"? I


"I don't know Rain...That's illegal..." He trailed off.

"Please" I begged, and he gave "Oh Alright, where are you"?

I explained what car I was in and where I was on the highway, then hanging up.

"KENT"?! Ryker yelled with anger filling in his voice, as jealous took over him.

"Yes, Kent" I rolled my eyes. "Who is this dude?! Because last time I checked, you had a boyfriend..that

is unless you want a new one"! Ryker yelled.

"Oh Hush" I waved him off as I rolled my eyes again; which I seemed to do a lot around Ryker. Vince

watched with a smirk on his face as Faith and Melanie were trying not to laugh in the back.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, when you're flirting with some other guy"! Ryker exclaimed.

I looked at him and narrowed my eyes "You think that's flirting? Oh I'll shown you flirting."

I took my hands of the wheel since we were in traffic, and looked at Vince.

I bit my lip seductively, and took his hand as I laced my fingers through his "You could smile,

I'm here" then winking.

Vince's jaw dropped as he stared at me dumbstruck.

"Rain Eliza Thompson"! Ryker yelled, and Faith added "Correction: Rain Eliza Anderson".

Ryker tensed up, and I saw a cop car with flashing lights come to us. Then pulling ahead, and I

stepped on the gas and sped out as I followed Kent.

We passed the cars, and I changed gears, as I kept right behind Kent.

We finally pulled up to the airport, and I parked then everyone got out, and I walked up to Kent's car as

Ryker followed.

He put down the window and I smiled "Thanks for the escort, I owe you".

Ryker's eyes widened as he realized it was 48 year old man, and I sent him an I-told-You-So-Look. "No

problems Rain, now I got to get back to the station. Stay safe".

He drove away, and I turned to Ryker "See. Now could you stop being such an jealous overprotective


"No" He muttered then turning around to get Melanie and help Vince get everything out of the car.

"Melanie" Ryker groaned in annoyance, as she was crying and staring at the window as she begged to

get off the plane and go home. Ryker has been trying to calm her down for the past hour, since she's

been freaking out.

We were luckily in a separate part of the plane where there was only a few seats, and it was coach;

which I've never rode in, but it was just us as everyone else was in 2nd or 1st class, so no one could

complain about Melanie...I mean beside Ryker..

Reece stood up from his seat, and walked over to take Melanie from Ryker to quote 'take his shift',

because that's what they were calling taking care of Melanie now. I was between Neil in Liz, and Neil

was on his phone as Liz was flipping through some magazines.

Craig, Vince, Will, and Peter were all figuring out a plan on this whole chaos. I took out my phone and

bit my lip as it's only been 2 hours, and we had 6 more to go. They all refused to tell me where we were

going though, which made me anxious.

I sighed and stood up, then walking over to the other aisle and sitting down in the empty seat next to

Ryker. "Hey" I said softly, and he muttered "Hey" as he scrolled through his phone.

"Wanna tell me where we're going"? I asked, and he rolled his eyes "No". I pouted and frowned at him,

as he leaned into to kiss my lips, and right when he did I turned my head, making him kiss my cheek.

"I'm not kissing you, till you tell me where we're going" I stated, and he rolled his eyes "Fine. Suit

yourself". "I will" I stated, then standing up and walking back to my seat, but Liz and I switched so that I

was on the end.

"Rain!" Will called back, and I raised an eyebrow at him. "Do you speak Italian"? He asked, and I

furrowed my eyebrows in confusion "Si. lo voglio".

They all gave me confused looks and Peter asked "What did you just say"? "Yes. I do" I translated "But


My mom is Italian, as so is my dad but my mom always use to speak Italian around the house, so I just

caught on to it.

They looked at Ryker, and he sent them a warning look with a glare. "No reason" Craig shrugged and

they turned back to talking about the gang methods.

I looked over at Ryker and sent him a glare. Ryker stood up, and walked down the aisle, but stopped at

me and put an index finger on my chest, and leaned over to me "You have something on your shirt-" He

said, and I looked down at my shirt.

He pushed my chin up and pressed my lips into his, and he pulled on my bottom lip teasingly, before

pulling back from me.

"I hate you" I muttered, and he smirked then pulling back and standing up straight.

He sent me wink before walking to the back.

* * * * * * *

"Italy"?! I exclaimed with my eyes widening and we walked out of the airport.

"We flew to Italy, and you didn't tell me"! I exclaimed and punched Ryker in the arm. "Ow"! He said and

rubbed his arm "It was suppose to be a surprise".

"So much for a surprise..We're only hear because we got blamed for a faulty drug deal" Will said as he

loaded the rental Lamborghini.

"Ryker"! Melanie dragged on as she ran up to him and put her hands up. Ryker sighed, and picked her

up, as he went to go help the guys.

"I have to go find a bathroom. I'm gonna puke" Leah whispered to me and Liz, then handing Liz her


Leah walked off to the bathroom, and I asked Liz "Did she tell the guys yet"?

Liz shook her head "No..She hasn't". "Why not"? I asked, and Liz sighed "Rain...she doesn't know if

she's keeping the baby or not".

My eyes widened, and I grabbed Liz's wrist to pull her away from everyone "What"?!

"Rain, she's 26 and Craig and her aren't even dating. It was a druken mistake, and she's not financially

or mentally stable to raise a kid" Liz explained.

"That doesn't matter"! I exclaimed "No child is a mistake! She can't have an abortion!"

"Think about this; What if you got pregnant with Ryker's baby? You're only 18, you're still in

still have college and I are only dating Ryker. Would you keep the baby"? Liz tested.

I crossed my arms and nodded "Yeah...I would. It'd be hard, but I would keep the baby. Because a

baby is a baby, and it has a life that you can't just kill"!

"Rain! Liz! Let's go"! Peter yelled, and Liz turned back to me. "Don't intervene with Leah, it's her

decision. She already feels bad enough".

Liz walked away, and I stood there with my arms crossed, lips pressed together as my mind ran

through thoughts.

* * * * * * * * *

"Rain!" Reece yelled as he ran into my room as I was looking through some maps so I wouldn't get lost


"You got to come see this" He said breathlessly, and I cocked an eyebrow as he just beckoned me

over. I grabbed my leather jacket and slipped it on as I followed Reece out.

He jogged down the hall and I followed. We came to the lobby of the hotel that we Checked into.

"Them" Reece said with his voice cold and hard as pointed at a group of built men.

They were all in leather jackets with the words "Fierce Fire". I knew the name, from when I my dad

would watch documentaries on gangs incase he came across them.

Fierce Fire is a top gang and one of the most wanted. They're the biggest gang in Italy, and they're

terrifying. I then saw they had something in their hand.

I squinted my eyes to see what it was. "Oh God" I said as my eyes went wide "Reece that's a fucking


I then ran out and Reece yelled after me "Rain! Rain! Rain"! I pushed the door opened, and yelled

"Hey! You!"

Their heads all snapped at me as smirks appeared on all their faces "Well hey bella" They said in their

Italian accents.

Reece came out, and I glared at them "Drop the bomb".

One gave me a shocked look "You got a good eye, bella", as a smirk tugged at his lips "I'm guessing

your one of those American Crusaders".

I heard Reece muttering things into his phone behind me, and I looked at the small bomb that was

formed into a small stick that was the width of his hand.

"See, we don't like other gangs treading on our territory. And that's exactly what you're doing" The man

which I'm guessing is the leader said.

The guy smirked then dropping it and counting down "5...4....3...." as he pulled out a remote control

with a red button in the center.

I did the only thing and I tackled him to the ground for the remote. I was then grabbed by a bunch of

other guys and Reece immediately jumped in.

I got out of the one guys grip by elbowing him in the gut, and a guy that came up to me took a punch to

a jaw from me.

The next one that came up threw a punch but I quickly ducked and kicked him in the gut to send him

flying back. I quickly picked up the small bomb and Reece was being held back by some guy "Rain!

Throw it"!

I took my arm back and threw up into the air and made it Go as far away as possible so that they

couldn't get to it. "Oh that was a bad idea" The man said to me.

A bunch of guys that were holding onto Reece let go of him. The man came up to me and gave me a

cold glare "I'd leave before you do anything else stupid like that again".

They walked away, and Reece and I looked at each other as both our breathing was heavy.

"Don't tell the gang about this"? He questioned, and I nodded in agreement "Don't tell them".

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