My Bad Boy's Gang

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

"Babe, Babe" A voice repeated and I opened my eyes making them flutter because of the light.

I yawned and asked "What time is it?" "6 o'clock" Ryker answered, tucking a piece of hair behind my e

ar "Come on, we're gonna stop a grab something to eat."

I nodded, then unbuckling the seat belt and getting out of the car. I looked around the pretty empty

parking lot that had countable cars parked in it. I looked over to the restaurant and saw it was a beaten

up old diner that had a flashing sign in Italian letters that said "Open", and it was making a weird

buzzing sound.

"Where are we?" I asked tiredly as I rubbed my eyes to wake myself up."West side" Ryker answered

"We had to avoid cops on the turnpike."

I nodded and we walked into the restaurant, where it was cold and had a broken shattered window,

with old worn out wooden tables and with ripped leather chairs.

The only noise was the flat screen hanging from the wall. Dawson and Felix then went up to start

talking to the guy who reminded me of Bob Marley in a way, and looked High as ever.

"Uh Ryk..I'll be right back. I have to call someone." I said hestiantly, then starting to walk away when his

hand grabbed mine and he whirled me around to him..

"Yeah? And you want to explain why I just talk to your dad and he said that he told you to get back

home or he'd shoot you" Ryker gritted and his eyes were dark and bored into me.

"H-How did you-" I started and he cut me off "He called you and sent you texts while you were asleep."

"You went through my phone?!" I whispered yelled trying not to cause a scene and attention towards

us. "That doesn't matter. I'm more concerned about your dad! He's abusive Rain, why don't you go to

the police?!"

"Because he is the police!" I exclaimed "And you still had not right to go through my phone!" He rolled

his eyes at me "Because you've never went through mine."

"No, I haven't-" I started but Ryker cut me off "Don't even try to lie to me, Rain. I know you have, like

when Chloe was around you went through my phone one night when you thought I was asleep."

My eyes widened and flickered down to the ground as I pursed my lips and guilt came over me. "Rain"

Ryker sighed as he titled my chin up with his index finger to make me look at him "I don't want you to

get to hurt."

"I'm not going to-" I started but he cut me off "No. Rain, you don't understand. I have no idea what I

would do if something happened to you." NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

"Nothing is going to happen" I reassured as I grabbed hold of his hands in mine and laced our fingers

together "I'm 18, Ryk. Not 8, I'm not some innocent teenager that caught up in gangs, and I think

sometimes you forget that."

"Rain" He sighed as he looked away for a sec then back at me "You are young. You're the youngest

here, and haven't had as much experience as all of us, and when other gangs find that out; they target

that person."

"So this is about my age?" I asked annoyed as I tore my hands away from his and crossed my arms

"Because you're only 2 two years older then me, and I'm a legal adult-"

"No" Ryker cut me off "It's not about your age. I just want you to stay safe. Because it's a game for

other gangs; but with an undefeated record. Hurting someone is is a reward, Killing someone is a win.

And if they loose...well hell breaks loose."

I stared at Ryker and swallowed a lump in my throat as I blinked slowly. I then stood up straight and

pecked his lips before he pulled me into a actual kiss, and put a hand to my lower back as he pushed

me closer to him.

* * * * * * *

"Val, you should just let me drive" I said, an he scoffed "Heck no! This car is my child and is worth more

then anything you own."

I cocked an eyebrow at him, and Ryker laughed "Dude, her mom is a fashion designer, her dad was

lawyer and is now the sheriff, and she's a model..she could buy you."

Val's eyes widened "What?!" "Wait, what's your mom's brand?" Alessandra asked curiously.

"Crosslines" I answered. Crosslines is my mom's clothing line and it's called that because when her

and my dad divorced they "crossed lines" is what she always said.

"Oh my Gosh!" Alessandra gasped "I love that line! The designs are amazing." I smiled slightly and

nodded "Yeah, when I was little I use to sit and watch her sketch an outfit then make it while sewing."

"You Miss her?" Tate bluntly asked and Ryker sent him a look "A bit blunt Tate, don't you think?"

"It's fine" I said to Ryker and turned back to Tate "Yeah, I do." "Why does your dad have custody if

he..well you know?" Val asked as he kept his eyes in the road.

"Because the judge ruled favoring over to my dad because he was a lawyer at the time, and at that

point of time my mom was very emotionally unstable with everything that was going on. So they

granted full time custody to my dad, and my mom fought for it but never won. After antlways arguing

with my dad she moved to California to focus on her career. I haven't seen her since I was 13" I


"Oh my God" Alessandra whispered "I'm so sorry Rain. You shouldn't have had to be put through that, I

couldn't even imagine if my parents split up."

I shrugged "It's fine. I've grown to realize my family's not perfect and never will be. If I spent all my time

being depressed about what's happened, I never would know what happiness is and I'd be a huge

thing of anxiety."

She nodded sympatheticly "Well Ryker knows the feeling too." He looked back from the passenger

seat at Tate, Alessandra, and me. "Yeah" He clenched his jaw and sent them a look "I know the


I furrowed my eyebrows together, and Ryker turned back around as Val changed the subject

"So..Someone want to call Craig?"

"Everything will be alright, so baby get some sleep tonight" Alessandra and I sang just to annoy the


"I-I-I WANT TO LOVE YOU BUT IT'S NOT RIGHT, WHAT CAN I DO?" We continued and the guys

were officially annoyed.

"Guys" Tate groaned and through his head back, as the rap part came out "You're so annoying."

Alessandra and I laughed as Tate said "Ok. Ryker, I can't take this anymore. We're switching seats."

"Fuck no" He scoffed, rolling his eyes "I'm not an idiot." "That's debatable" I added, and everyone

bursted out laughing beside Ryker.

"You know, I like Rain. She's the best girlfriend you've had" Val laughed, and Alessandra laughed


I chuckled, then Ryker and Tate switched seats while the car was moving and Val was speeding

through the highway.

Ryker sat down next to me and Tate got into the passenger seat. "Hey" I smiled and he rolled his eyes


I kissed his cheek and he looked at me, and pecked my lips. "How long have you guys been together?"

"2..3..months" I shrugged, and Val cut in "Hey! That's a new record for Ryker."

"No" Ryker muttered slumping down in his seat and taking out his phone "Chloe last two years." I

tensed up and fidgeted with my fingers.

Ryker rolled his eyes at me "Don't get like that. You know that I don't like her?" "Well the fact that you

two slept together on the first day she came back sets me a bit on edge."

"You what?!" Alessandra exclaimed "Ryker Xavier Anderson! You slept with your ex girlfriend the day

she came back?! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

I pressed my lips in a thin line and Alessandra shook her head is disgrace "I'm surprised Rain even

liked you after that or that you even have a girlfriend."

"Oh please" Tate rolled his eyes "They're perfect for each other." Ryker's phone then started to ring and

answered "What?"

There was a few momentsof silence, and Ryker threw his head back and clenched his jaw as he

rubbed his face "Ok. I'll take her....Yeah, fine."

He then hung up and ordered Val "Pull off this exit, and stop at the gas station." "What's wrong?" I

asked as I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Melanie.." He sighed as Val pulled off the exit "She's hysteric I guess. Leah and Reece can't calm her

down, so now I have to take her."

I nodded and Val parked at the gas station where everyone was. Ryker then got out of the car and

walked over to Reece. He took Melanie from him and carried her back to the car, and got in.

"Hey Mel" Alessandra and I said softly, and her eyes were filled with tears as she looked at Ryker "I

wanna go home."

Ryker sighed and kissed the top if her head as she sat in his lap. Ryker said Leah was Faith and

Melanie's legal guardian, but they both gravitated towards Ryker more.

Also no one knows about the pregnancy yet, and Leah was planning on telling them when we got back

to New York, but she's going to start showing soon.

Val got got gas, and paid for it before everyone got back in the cars and drove back to the highway

because we couldn't waste any time.

Melanie continued to cry, and I pressed my lips in a thin line. She was only 5..and it was a lot to handle

for a 5 year old, because she doesn't even know what's going on. "Ryk, let me see her" I said softly,

and he looked at me then handing Melanie to me.

She immediately clung to me as she wrapped her arms around my neck and buried her head into my

shoulder. I sighed "It's okay, Mel." She sniffled, and wouldn't let go of me like her life depended on it.

"She takes so well to you" Alessandra said surprised, and Ryker nodded "She always has. Ever since

the day she met, Rain."

I tucked a piece of Melanie's long caramel colored hair behind her ear, and rubbed circles on her back

to try and calm her down. She stopped crying which was good but wouldn't pull away from me.

Melanie reminded me so much of Ryker. They had the same colored eyes, but we're both stubborn and

when had the most beautiful smiles. And when they would laugh it was one of the most amazing things

in the world. She defenitely did take after Ryker personality wise and Leah told me she looked just like

her mom.

Ryker placed a hand on my thigh and I laid my head on his shoulder as Melanie kept her head nuzzled

into my shoulder and kept her arms wrapped tightly around me.

"Thank you" Ryker whispered and kissed the top of my head and let his lips linger there for a couple of

seconds "I don't know what I'd do without you."

* * * * * * *

Ryker Anderson

"Hey" Vince greeted as him, Aaron, Felix, and Levi walked up with beers in their hands and handed me


I cracked it open and took a sip, then turning my attention back in front of me towards Rain and

Melanie on the beach. We were on the west side of the border of Italy by the ocean, and we stopped at

a hotel.

Rain had been playing with Melanie for hours, and Melanie's smile didn't leave her face once. They

were on the wet sand as Melanie was running around.

"She'd be an awesome mom" Vince stated, as he took a sip of his drink. "Yeah, she seems amazing

with kids" Levi added, and I nodded "She is. She's just good with people in general."

Rain then took Melanie's hand as they danced on the beach, and Melanie grinned. Rain then looked

back at all of us and waved as she smiled, before turning her attention back towards Melanie.

"God, I love her." I said aloud in an almost whisper.

"You what?" Felix asked, and Vince nodded "Yep. He admitted a while ago."

" The Ryker Anderson is in love, with some girl?" Aaron asked. I rolled my eyes "She's not just

some girl."

"Dude, your whipped" Levi laughed and all the guys nodded in agreement. "I can't believe this....Ryker

Anderson is in love. Oh my God, you're actually settling down." Levi teased.

I rolled my eyes "It's not like I'm marrying her. You make it sound like I'm going to be with her forever."

"Well...are you?" Vince asked. I clenched my jaw and looked back at the beach where Melanie and her

were. They were looking for sea-shells right now, and Rain looked up from the ground and her beautiful

blue piercing eyes caught mine. She grinned and blew a kiss jokingly before laughing.

I pretended to catch it and smirked back at her. She turned her attention back to Melanie again, and I

answered Vince as they were all waiting for an answer "Yeah. Hopefully."

I loved Rain Thompson, from her down moments when she was sobbing her eyes out to when she was

smiling with her pearly white teeth and laughing. She was the girl you'd want to have but only one guy

got her; and I was lucky and was that guy.

I just wasn't going to tell her..well for now.

* * * * * * *

Rain Thompson

"Come on Mel" I took her hand and led her back to the hotel. We headed towards the hotel, and into

the lobby.

I picked up Melanie and set her on my hip "Let's go find your brothers" I said and accidentally bumped

into someone. I looked up to see a guy with brown hair and gentle brown eyes and was tan with a built


"Ciao bello" He smiled widely at me, and I blinked slowly a few times as I registered what he said which

was 'Hello Beautiful'.

"Oh , scusate ho un fidanzato" I said with a small smile as I told him 'Oh, Sorry I have a boyfriend'. He

asked "You from America?"

"Yes, I am" I answered with a nod "New York to be exact." "Ahaha, the big city" He smiled and stuck a

hand out to me "I'm Anthony. And you are?"

"Rain" I introduced hestiantly as I shook his hand. "What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl" He

smiled, and I shifted in my spot uncomfortably. "Is this your little sister?" He asked.

"Uh, no. It's my boyfriend's little sister" I corrected. "Hey Princess" A voice that I knew greeted and I

turned around to see Ryker walk up.

"Hey Babe" I chirped and he gave me a confused look because I never called Ryker any 'pet names',

but I want this Anthony guy off my back.

I pressed my lips to his and he seemed taken off guard for a second before I pulled back away. "Who is

this?" Ryker asked as he nodded towards Anthony and clenched his jaw while sliding an arm

protectively around my waist.

"Anthony this is Ryker my boyfriend. Ryker this Anthony" I introduced them. "And why are you here?"

Ryker asked bluntly as he cocked an eyebrow at the guy.

He seemed a little taken off guard "See, I was just-." "You know" Ryker cut him off "I really don't care.

Just stay away from my girlfriend" then glaring at the guy and pulling me into the elevator.

"That was rude" I accused as the elevator doors shut. "It's rude for some other guy to be hitting on my

girlfriend." He took Melanie from me, and I threw my head back against the wall as the elevator went

up the floors.

The doors opened and I went down towards Leahs and Faith's room. I opened door quickly and

everyone was in there. "Hey. Where's Ryker?" Andre and Augustus asked.

The door then opened again when Ryker walked in then putting Melanie down on the ground "Right

there." "We're going to a bar tonight" Luca and Will informed.

"And it's our last night before we have a bunch of driving to take down the Veins" Memphis said.

The's the gang that has us mist wanted. They have a huge team, and want us all dead. I've

seen news on them and they've killed so many people, especially if you get in there way.

I plopped down next to Liz and Faith on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. A phone started to ring

and Neil picked it up "Rain it's yours."

"Great..." I muttered, as I sat up and he threw my my phone, and I caught it before seeing the contact

and sighing. "Who is it?" Craig asked.

"My dad" I answered and Ryker came over to me "Give me the phone." "What? No" I shook my head.

"RAIN! Give me the phone" He demanded. "No, it'll piss him off even more" I bit my lip.

"Then put it on speaker" Ryker said, and I stared at my phone nervously "Ok" I sighed "But none of you

can talk."

Everyone nodded in agreement, and I answered as I put it on speaker. "Hello?" I answered.

"Where the fuck are you?! I told you to come!" My dad immediately started shouting into the phone,

and I flinched.

"Dad-" I started but he cut me off "When you get home, I'm fucking shooting you in the head. You're like

you're mother: a bitch! You worthless piece of shit!" He yelled.

Everyone's eyes widened, and Ryker was restraining himself from taking the phone and screaming at

my dad. "Maybe if you were like your brothers, you'd actual be worth something and not be useless!

You were never even suppose to be born, you were just an accident, that happened. I told your mother

to get am abortion, but she didn't listen" He yelled which turned into gritting.

Tears pricked my eyes and Ryker took my phone and hung up. "Oh my God" Juilet, Cecilia, Elisa,

Celeste, and Alessandra whispered shock.

"Rain" Ryker whispered softly, and I looked up to him. Tears escaped my eyes, and he pulled me into

his arms and hugged me tightly "Oh My God."

"Rain, you can't live there anymore" Liz spoke shocked as well "It's completely abusive; emotionally

and physically. You should just move into my place."

I gripped Ryker's shirt in my hand, and kept my head buried into chest as I tried not to cry audibly,

because when I was younger my dad always said crying was a weakness, and that you shouldn't cry

because I never have a reason to.

When my mom left and I cried for days, my dad would yell at me the lock me in my room and told me of

I wanted to cry to save it for my pillow.

* * * * * * *

"Tell them, tell them all I know now. Shout it from the rooftops. Write it on the skyline, all my heart is

gone now. Tell them I was happy and my heart is broken. All my stars are open. Tell them what I hoped

would be impossibblleee" I walked into the room to see Faith laying on the bed her and Leah shared

with headphones in.

"You know" I said and her head snapped towards me as she jumped "You're not that bad, Faith."

"Uh thanks...."She trailed off, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. I went over to Leah's dresser and

looked for my leather jacket.

"Rain.." Faith trailed off "Can I ask you something?" "Yeah. What Is it?" I asked, it ting down on the

edge of the bed.

"Is Leah pregnant?" She asked as she fidgeted with the loose strings of the blankets. I stared at her

schocked, and didn't answer.

"Let me rephrase that, who's the baby daddy?" She asked. "Faith.."I sighed and ran a hand through my


"Well?" She asked, and I shook my head "You're to young to be involved in this." "Rain!" She exclaimed

"I'm 15, and considering its my sister that were talking about, I should know."

"Ok.." I gave in but sent her a look "But if you tell anyone I'll kill you myself." She nodded slightly and

waited for me to tell her.

"It's Craig" I stated with a sigh, and her eyes went wide "What?! How did that happen?!"

"I'm not having that conversation" I said, and she blinked slowly "Leah's pregnant with Craig's baby?"

She asked. I nodded slowly "Yep" I said popping the 'p'.

Faith shook her head "For anything it should have been you pregnant with Ryker's baby!" "What?!" My

eyes widened "Why me?"

"Because you two are actually together" Faith said, and I shook my head "No. No. No, that's not gonna

happen before you get an ideas."

"Surrrreeee Rain" She rolled her eyes. "Faith! I'm 18!" I exclaimed. "And Leah's 26" Faith said with a

smirk "It's just a number."

"I can't believe I'm having this conversation with a 15 year old" I muttered, and stood up from the bed.

The door opened and Ryker walked in with Melanie.

"What are you doing in here?" Ryker asked, and I grabbed my leather jacket "Just looking for my


Ryker turned to Melanie "Are you sure you can watch her?" "Yes, Ryker. I think I'm capable of watching

my little sister" Faith narrowed her eyes at him.

"Not in Italy-" Ryker started, but Melanie ran right over to Faith "Ok. Fine, Don't leave this hotel;


Faith nodded, and I waved "Bye Guys" then walking out to the hallway. "Hey Thompson" Seb and Luca

smirked as they approached me in the hall.

I pulled on my leather jacket and raised an eyebrow at them. "So we have this bet going on about when

you and Ryker are going to..what do you call it?...Sleep together" Seb trailed off.

"And we need that to happen soon because there's money on the line" Luca stated. I scoffed then

pushing past them to walk to the elevator.

"So is that a No?!" They yelled after me, and I ignored them as I walked into the elevator and hit a

button to go to the lobby.

I looked down at the ground, waiting for the doors to close. Right when they were about to they

stopped. I looked up to see Ryker grabbed the doors and hold them open, then he quickly got in so the

doors could close again.

He cornered me and smirked down at me "Hey beautiful" then pressing his lips to mine. The kiss was

very gentle yet hungry. It was very....seductive. His arms slid around my waist, and pushed me back up

against the elevator wall.

His tongue found nine after getting entry. I placed my hands on his chest and the elevator doors

opened on one of the floors. I pulled away to see an old couple get in. They both forced smiles as they

walked in.

Ryker moved to next to me and rested his hands back on the bar attached to the wall in the elevator.

"Aha, you love" The old women smiled at us and she took her husbands hand in hers "I remeber when

we were like that."

I shot my eyebrows up, and she nodded with a smile "In my day, I found a man who I hated

passionately who was part of a gang, but years later and he's right next to me and married for 50 years

with 6 kids."

My eyes widened, and Ryker blinked shocked. Her husband kissed her cheek as she chuckled

wholeheartedly, and the doors opened. "Have a nice day, love birds" She grinned then walking out of

the elevator with her husband leading her.

"Well..." I trailed off. "6 kids?!" Ryker exclaimed then muttering "Jesus Christ.."

"6..." I whispered shocked and the elevator doors opened again to the lobby.

* * * * * * *

All the girls pulled me out of the bar, and Cecilia handed me a shot glass. I bit my lip, and Liz assured

"You'll be fine."

I wasn't huge on drinking, considering my dad's an alcoholic. Plus I've never seen the point in getting

yourself to the point eere you can't even see straight. I sighed then putting the glass up to my lips and

titling my head back to down the raseberry flavored vodka.

It burned my throat and gave a very sweet taste. I handed to glass to Juilet, and tried not to gag as I

broke into a coughing fit.

"Trust me. When you're out of High School this will be your best friend" Alessandra sad and I rolled my

eyes at her.

I looked over to see the guys all by the otherside of the bar, smoking...I pressed my lips in a thin line

and Juilet asked "You okay?"

"Uh.." I trailed off as I looked back at her "Yeah, I'm fine." "Rain..just go tell him" Leah sighed.

Juilet, Cecilia, Elisa, Celeste, and Alessandra all raised eyebrows at me. "Rain doesn't like when Ryker

smokes.." Liz expalined.

"Aha. You want to know what to do?" Celeste asked and I gave her a confused looks. "Go up and take

the cigarette then start to smoke it, he'll go bilistc and you'll be able to make your point."

I looked back at the guys then back the girls and nodded "I'll be right back." I walked right up to the

guys, and smiled "Hey."

"Hey" They all responded, and I put a hand out to Peter "Can I see that?" As I reffered to the pocket

lighter in his hand. Peter raised an eyebrow at me then handing it to me, I then took a cigarette out of

the box Andre had.

I pressed down the button of the lighter and the flam popped up. I lit the cigarette end and put it

between my index and muddle finger as I started to put it up to my lips.

Right when I was about to put the cigarette between my lips, Ryker grabbed my wrist and took the

cigarette from "What the hell do you think your doing?!" He asked angrily.

"What? I'm the legal age for it" I stated. "I don't care if you're the legal age, that does make it healthy for

you" Ryker snapped and threw the cigarette on the ground then stepping on it to put it out.

"And?" I pushed. "And it could kill you" He stated. I narrowed my eyes at him "Then what's that in your

hand?" I tested as reffered to the cigarette he currently had.

He glanced at it then back to me, and sighed "Fine" then dropping it to the ground and stepping on it

"Just don't start yourself, got it?" He narrowed his eyes.

I nodded in agreement, and Luca said "Well...Craig you tried to get Ryker to stop smoking since he

started when he was 13, and Rain ask; and he's done." "So whipped" Abe and Seb laughed.

Craig rolled his eyes "Just watch it Thompson, don't do anything stupid while we're here"

I danced with Alessandra in the dance floor and we sang a long to the lyrics of the songs. It turns out

Alessandra is really sweet, and very free-spirited.

"I don't care where you've been. How many miles, I still love you" We screamed the lyrics to Sloppy


I took a sip of the drink of soda that I had in my hand, and Reece came up and started dancing the try

and embarrass us. I laughed, and he took my hand then spinning me under his arm.

The "rap" part came up and Alessandra and I said the lyrics really fast as we tried not to laugh

everytime one of us messed up.

"Cold pizza, tie-dye shirts, broken hearts. Give'm here Give'm here. Hand met downs" Reece joined in

with obnoxiously singing.

I looked over to the bar to see a group of girls that were dressed in minimum clothes, and I squinted my

eyes then to see Ryker in the center of them as he was sitting on a bar stool talking to them.

A girl with blue long hair batted her eyelashes at him and slipped him a paper then gripping his bicep

as she giggled.

I became tense and wanted to strangely the girl. "Uh oh" Reece said as him and Alessandra realized

what I was staring at.

The girl then leaned over and kissed cheek then putting her lips to his. I saw Ryker's lips react back

and move with hers. Before I could even see anything else, I grabbed my keys from Will and walked up

to them.

I pulled the blue bambo off Ryker and slapped Ryker on the cheek "What the hell?!" "Rain-" He started

"Listen to me please-" and I shook my head

"Maybe your new fuck buddy will listen to you, because I don't want here it" I stated then turning to the

girl "FYI, I think a smurf threw up on your head."

Her jaw dropped and I pushed past her as I headed out of the bar and Ryker yelled after me "Rain!


I ignored him and ran out, then grabbing Seb's car, and speeding off, not knowing where I was


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